Snowed In | Short Story

By heatherlovespizza

186 4 15

Alex accompanies her closest friend Chris on a trip up North to celebrate her uncle Joe's birthday with his f... More

Snowed In

186 4 15
By heatherlovespizza

"It's no use," Sal declares, slamming the phone down onto the small table beside the door. The glass vase wiggles along with the table at the force of his fist hitting the wooden frame. "They can't get anyone up here until late tomorrow morning or even after."

Everyone groans when the words come out of Sal's mouth. It's not his fault, it's no ones fault specifically, no one knew this would happen. The snow just happened to pick up heavily as we stayed in-doors. We (Sal, Joe, James, Chris, Brian, and I) came up North to a small cabin Chris' father owns to celebrate her uncle Joe's birthday. We were supposed to go back home today, but a snow storm picked up, which was why we were going to leave so we could get out of here before it hit, and the snow has unfortunately blocked most roadways and has blocked our entire door. We were snowed in, and there's no way for us to get out until the ranger can come help us, which will be tomorrow.

Brian looks down at me and smiles. "Think you can make it another night?"

I smile back and laugh. "Yeah, I think I can."

He shoots me a small wink and walks over to the fireplace.

Joe and James take a seat on the burgundy colored couch and stare at the fireplace. "Turn it on," James mutters to Joe, and Joe silently stands and grabs lighter fluid and the box of matches, and after a few seconds of tampering with the objects, the room lights up in an orange glow. I attempt to look out the visible portion of the window, which was the upper corner, and stand on my tip-toes trying to see through. The sun was just now going down and it was beginning to get dark. Luckily, we won't have to wait so long for tomorrow to come around so we can get out of here, but even then, it's still another night in this frozen getaway.

The air is cold as we all sit down somewhere in the small area that is the living room. I pull my sweater sleeves over my frozen fingertips and sit at the base of the couch on the patterned carpet. My feet are stretched in front of me near the open flame to heat my body up. I glance around the room at everyone; no one was talking. The room is so quiet, the only sound is the sound of the wood cracking and crunching. I see Chris sitting on the other couch near Sal, and Brian sits just a few inches away from me on the carpet as well. He has one leg brought up near his chest and the other stretched in front of him. I look him over for a few mere seconds, taking in his features. 'He looks so handsome', I think to myself, but then I focus on the orange flames and push the thought aside.

The quietness is rather awkward, and I can see the anxious look on Sal's face. Sal was always anxious when activities didn't go as planned, especially since Sal doesn't like going to places he doesn't think are all too clean or hasn't been before. This cabin is one of those places.

"Fart noise," Joe's voice ignites the room the same way the orange glow did earlier. And it's those two simple words that erupt the entire room into laughter. My stomach aches by the time I stop laughing and Sal is on the ground when the laughing stops. Joe broke the silence so easily, and suddenly we were all talking. We told jokes and stories for a few hours until eventually Chris fell asleep on the couch wrapped in her oversized sweater. James fell asleep sitting upright with pillows in his hands.

There are two other bedrooms in this cabin, and I'm going to take one of them. I can hear small snores coming from behind me, and I see Joe asleep on the ground with a large pillow underneath his head. Sal, Brian, and I are all still awake, but I just want to sleep at this point. The room has gotten even colder, and the fireplace has done nothing to heat up the room.

"I'm getting that other bedroom, sorry Brian," Sal laughs and Brian chuckles.

"Take my bedroom," I offer to him. "I'll sleep out here, you need a comfy bed." I smile genuinely. Although I wanted the room, my kindness seeps out to offer it to Brian instead.

Brian shakes his head. "No, it's fine, really."

"Just take mine, it's okay. I have an extra blanket, I'll be fine out here." I persist.

Sal stands and chuckles. "While you two argue, I'm going to go sleep." He steps over my legs and walks down the dark hallway, and a small 'bang' echoes through the cabin when he shuts the door.

Brian stares at me from where he sat. "Just take the bedroom. I insist."

I bite my lip and stand up, with an idea in mind. My feet quietly make their way towards Brian and my hand reaches out for him, hinting him towards something. His brown eyes stare at mine with confusion until he finally smirks and grabs my hand, standing as I help him to his feet. He anxiously turns around as to be sure no one is awake to watch us go into the room together, but I look at him and assure him that they're all asleep.

"I didn't want you to sleep out there by yourself," I whisper as I take off my giant coat and toss it to the floor beside the bed. Without the coat, the room suddenly feels nearly ten or fifteen degrees cooler, if that's even possible. I feel my body shivering and I quickly hop into bed underneath the thick blankets and Brian joins me. I have my back facing him and I whisper "goodnight," but before I could even finish the word, his hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer into his warm body.

I turn my head around and stare at him, I could see him with the blue light coming in through the small visibility on the window that wasn't covered with snow. There is this glow around his face that is making him appear almost angelic. I feel his hands rub up and down my waist softly and I feel the cold metal of the silver ring he wore on his middle finger as his hand slides up my shirt slowly. I stare into his eyes as he does this but then find myself getting lost in them as seconds tick away, and I feel a sudden urge grow in the pit of my stomach that I can't fight it. I reach my head up and kiss his warm lips.

"Alex-" he whispers in between kisses, but I interrupt him.

"Don't tell me this isn't a good idea because I don't care if it is or not," I remark quickly.

But he shakes his head, and shushes me. "That's not what I was going to say."

I raise my eyebrow. "What was it you were going to say then?"

He leans down and kisses my lips and whispers "I want this, too".

Since the day I met Brian, there's been this thing about him that gives me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The problem is, he's my bestfriends' uncle's friend. Chris' uncle is Joe who she invites me to go with to see when she visits family. I'm very close to hers just as she's close to mine. The first day I met Brian was about a year and a half ago. I was seventeen when I first met him, and in complete honesty, I thought he was so incredibly handsome; too handsome to not have a wife. So it surprised me to find out he's been single (and still is). Since Chris is so close with her uncle Joe, he takes her with him all the time to visit his friends, and Chris has asked me to accompany them just about two years ago. I've never been in the scenario I'm in now, where I'm in bed with who I think is nearly perfect, but I've been around Brian so much that I can say I wish this has happened sooner.

Brian stares at me, unsure what to say, but then his hands do the talking. His warm hands pick me up and he sets me on top of him. I lean down and kiss him, and he kisses back with force but I like it. Fingers trail down the front of my shirt until he finds the hems and then pulls it above my head. My fingers inch their way to his belt and I undo the buckle quickly, revealing his plaid boxer shorts. In just a matter of seconds, we had managed to successfully get ourselves naked, but the cold air made my body ache. Brian kisses me again, our lips crash together but I feel a sense of longing to be with him. I want this; I need this.

Brian flips us so I'm on my back, and I stare into his eyes from underneath him. My heart starts to race as we progress; I'm nervous. I've never had sex so I don't exactly know what to expect from all of this. He shifts himself in between my legs and I wrap them around his waist just as he slips himself inside of me. I wince as he pushes himself inside inch by inch, and then he starts thrusting. My nails practically dig into his back as a pain in my lower abdomen develops and I try not to pinch his skin as it worsens.

He leans in near my face and kisses my lips, and then his lips venture down to my neck where he leaves small vampire footprints all over, and even plants some on my collar bone. As he kisses, I run my fingers through his dark hair as a distraction from the pain, which wasn't all too bad now. But as he finishes his hickeys, I arch my back and lay my head back as this intense feeling begins to grow in the pit of my stomach.

My mouth hangs open as his thrusting becomes faster and I bite my lip hard as the feeling intensifies. I lean my head down into the crook of Brian's neck and stifle down a moan, but suddenly this feeling of adrenaline and absolute pleasure pierces through my body and I can't hold back the moan that passes my lips. Even though my head was tucked into Brian's neck, it was rather loud. He quickly places his two fingers over my lips to hush me; but there was no hushing our heavy breathing. I push past his fingers and kiss his lips, and he continues. My eyes wander over him; there's a small tuft of hair hanging over his eyes as he pushes into me that moves as he does. I can hear small groans over my heavy breathing but it's barely audible, however, it's slightly arousing.

It lasts about another fifteen minutes before he stops after we both come and he places his head on my chest, and we both take in deep breaths to relax our bodies. My fingers instinctively run through his hair as our heart race slows down, and then he looks up at me and whispers anxiously, "do you think they should know?" His chocolate eyes fixate on mine as he blinks slow, waiting for an answer.

I shrug my shoulders lightly. "That's up to you."

He stares blankly at me for a few moments before he begins to kiss my chest, and then he sits up and covers us both with the thick blankets. My body was freezing now that I was naked, but Brian's warm body beside mine made me feel much better. "I don't think they heard us because they're all asleep. If they know, we tell them. If not, we wait. It's that simple." He kisses my neck and I nod in agreement. It was pretty simple, and Brian was right; they're all asleep, there's no way they heard us.

So, we say "goodnight" to one another, but our recent activity left us wide awake, so we stay awake in the comfort of each others embrace throughout the night, whispering back and forth to keep us entertained. We share plenty of laughs and eventually I have to shush Brian after he laughs loudly, but finding some sort of amusement in that, we both continue to laugh even more.

It takes some time to fall asleep but we do; my head finds a comfortable spot on Brian's chest and his arms squeeze me close to his warmth. Brian wakes up first; I feel the bed shift slightly and see light coming in through the window. There's a muffled sound of talking coming from the living room.

With a good morning kiss, we lay together in the bed for just a few more moments. After placing a small kiss on his neck and cheek, we both quickly dress ourselves in the thick and warm clothes we wore the previous night. I open the door to exit the room, and suddenly all goes silent. All eyes are on Brian and I, and I feel his hand touch my back anxiously as the quietness fills the room.

"So," Sal starts off and grins at the both of us, "what'd you two do last night?"

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