Akari's Time: The bodyguard a...

By whiteraven95

5.2K 156 151

This is an AU: Korosensei has sent his agent, Akari as a spy to get more intel from Ayakawa, the Yakuza clan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

1K 35 72
By whiteraven95


Something sweet gushes into my nostrils. It feels like home.

It smells like Karma.

So sweet, so tempting, so warm, so comforting...











It's no surprise. Karma has expected the girl will drink herself to senseless.

The weight on his back isn't light. But he silently endures it because it's Akari. As he walks down the busy streets with her on his back, people barely looked at them. It seems to be something usual in downtown, where people would get drunk and eventually got carried away by others. Whether if the drunkard is carried by someone he knows or bad people, onlookers would find no interest to interfere. The same case goes for Karma. Though, his flaming red crown is drawing attention from the delinquents nearby. He could hear them whispering in hushed voices. Karma hopes they don't recognize him.

It is a long way back to headquarters. He ran all the way here without the patience of waiting for his driver to pick him up because Akari means too much to him. Another long way home. But her still heartbeat against his back washes his trepidations away. He was relieved that the idiotic brunette survived. Being drunk is a hazardous vulnerability to girls. He did not dare to imagine what would happen to her if bad people decided that she looks good enough to eat.

No matter how long the journey, he'll continue carry her on his back as long as she is safe.

Idiot Akari. What were you thinking?


What am I going to do with you?

Will you listen to me?

Will you talk to me?

Will you... stay with me?

"I HATE YOOOOOOU!" Another shriek from the girl. She hammers his back, giving him a rough massage. His hands almost slipped from holding her. Then she yanks his hair, causing him to yelp.

"Akari!" He shouts. He has no free hands to caress his poor scalp.

"I haaaaaaaaaaaaate Kaaaarma. Bwahahahahaha!"

Intentionally or not, the words sting.

She hates me. Wonderful.


"I waaaant chocolaaaaaate!"

"Maaaaaake me chocolate!" She yanks his hair. He refrains from dropping her to the pavement.

He sighs and lets her drunken state vents her frustrations on him. He will gladly accept all her attacks and her yelling if it can ease her anger.


Finally. Home.

Karma lets go of Akari and she plops onto her bed, eyes closed as she drifts in dreamland. She has fallen asleep halfway back here, which eases his job. Panting from exhaustion, he lies down next to her. He turns, watches silently as she inhales and exhales steadily. He touches her hair which, although reeks with alcohol, carries a sweet smell of peaches. Then she turns her body and inches herself closer to him, snuggling into his warmth.

If only everything was a nightmare and she'd wake up in the morning as if nothing has happened.

A tiny, fragile voice makes its way to his ear. "I... hate you..."

"I'm sorry..." is all the courage he has mustered to tell her when she is asleep. When she won't give him a detested glare.

"Why... why did you lie?"

"I'm sorry." He presses his lips onto her forehead. He looks down at her face and notices a tiny streak of silver glinting in the dark. It is as if a shooting star has dusted a path over her face. As he scrutinizes further, he realizes the streak isn't as dreamy as he thought it would be.

She is crying.

A tear streak, looks fragile and harmless, shows how painful she has been suffering. Because of his lies.

The tear streak has now torn open a crevice in Karma's heart. Nothing can mend it unless by Akari's hands.

"I'm sorry." It sounds more painful to whisper the words, where Karma realizes no matter how many times he repeats himself, Akari will continue to dwell in pain. Karma, to protect her from the pain, he has to do something. He has to protect her and endure the pain for her. But it sounds like an impossible mission if Akari refuses to talk to him.

I would do anything to mend my mistake.

Karma's new conviction, just so he can keep her.

No. Just so she will never be in pain anymore. If she still wants to leave me after that, then so be it. Her happiness matters more.


Can Karma really let her go just like that without even trying?

At least I have to try. I'll do something to make her hate me less. Something that will touch her. Something that will make the chances of her forgiving me higher. Though he doubts it would be just that easy for her to forgive him......

...he has to try.

He can't just give up that easily. Not without trying.

I won't give up that easily. But what should I do to appease her?

He looks at Akari and an idea pops up into his brain like a light bulb. Immediately he rises from the bed and starts on it.



My head hurts. I think I have a hangover. Must be from the booze last night. Yeah. Booze.

Then I dreamt of Irina. Why Irina? Maybe she has the good curves I'll never have?

There's also Karma. I saw him in my dreams, holding me tight in his arms as we lied on the bed. I wanted to push him away but he was irresistible. He was so warm and comforting. He washed away the fears I had.

But as I return to reality, the fears came back to haunt me. I remember Leena. I remember him being engaged. I remember my stupidity and innocence for falling for my target — a completely wrong person who could foil my mission.

I remember that we could never be together, no matter how the circumstances are.

I hate reality. Can't everything just work as how I dreamt it would be?

Though, I don't quite remember walking back to my room in Ayakawa building after being drunk. But that's not the point anymore. How am I supposed to face Karma now? I'm still his bodyguard, plus I still have a mission to carry out.

I reach out for my phone on the lamp table next to my bed. There is a tiny plate on the table, with a tiny brown object, looking to tempt me with its beautiful smooth texture.

It is chocolate.

Poison or not, it's still chocolate. I pop it into my mouth, letting my heat melt it and my tongue feels its richness satiate my taste buds. The dark chocolatey taste? Heaven. Poison? Who cares.

After a minute, I assume it is not poison because I'm still breathing. It could have been slow poison which kills you after a few days but I don't see why anyone would do that so boldly in the headquarters of a Yakuza clan.

A tiny red note stands obviously next to the tiny plate. Golden words imprinted on it read 'there's more'. My heart jumps.

There's more chocolate?!

It's so obviously a trap.

But my alcohol-infected brain has been too dull to register any logical thoughts. Plus I couldn't resist chocolate. As the words tempted me, I search high and low for more chocolate but I couldn't find any. I open the door and find another tiny plate right at my doorstep, lying patiently for me. I pick up the chocolate and eat it right away. Another red note tells me the same two words 'there's more'.

I look left and right at the corridor. On the right lies another plate of chocolate on the marble floor, right before Karma's room. I eat the chocolate while looking at Karma's door, wondering what should I do with him and what would I do if his door suddenly swings open. Would Leena be in there with him? Would I catch her kissing him again?

The thoughts that invaded my brain awaken my ire. If not for the chocolate soothing my jittery nerves, I'd probably break the door with my fists and punch Leena in the face if she is in there.

I click my tongue, trying to push away those mood-spoiling thoughts when I notice another plate laying a few steps before me. Hastily I eat the chocolate in that plate. The red note reads different now.

Follow the stairs down.

I do what it tells me to so that I can get my thoughts off Karma and his stupid fiancée. By every few steps of the flights of stairs, a tiny plate of chocolate is located, like a tiny piece of treasure waiting for me to discover. I wonder what luck has hit me today to have enjoyed so many delicious chocolate on my own. No one else seems to have noticed these chocolates instead of me because I didn't detect any empty plates. I need to discover the treasure grove of chocolates before anyone else does.

I realize I am in the first floor when I finished the umpteenth plate of chocolate. I begin to wonder who has been the secret Chocolate Fairy until the last note reads:


Only one person who I can associate with that agonizing word.


My ire returns as a flame. Remembering him irks me. I wish to not have eaten those chocolates. What is he trying to do now? Fool me?

Or is he trying to beg for forgiveness with these touching actions?

Pfft. Maybe he bought them.

Or he could have made them.

Who cares? I would confront him with my impassive mask, thank him for the chocolates then ignore him. Yes. Ignore him.

But my heart nags at my rational brain, telling me to at least listen to what he has to say before sentencing him to death.

Maybe I should listen to him.

No. Don't. He'll only hurt you more.

But he just gave me chocolates! In a... well... kinda' sweet way?

Damn it! My heart flutters the moment I think how sweet he is.

I walk to the kitchen, making my resolve to stay mad at him while wearing an impassive mask, not revealing any emotions that will tell him he still stands a chance. As I step in, wondering with my wild imaginations that Karma would be holding a mountain of chocolates in his hands, giving me puppy-eyes while begging me to forgive him......

......out of my expectations, I find him sleeping on a chair while planting his face onto the counter.

A very good way to spoil the mood and burn up my ire once more, Akabane.

Yanking his hair is a good idea to wake him roughly until I notice the mess on the counter. Chocolate splotches dirty the counter's every inch. The mixer is still plugged in with its engine humming silently like a lullaby. Pile of ingredients spilled over the counter next to where the finished chocolates are. I notice Karma is still wearing a checkered apron, and his fingers are caked with chocolate as they sprawl on the counter.

I don't know what did he do to be that tired but I assume he is going to give me a surprise with that huge plate of finished chocolates when I made it to the kitchen. Though, somehow, in the process of waiting, he fell asleep either due to boredom or due to exhaustion. I'm putting all my bets on the latter because it promises better hope.

Should I wake him?

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I fish it out. It is Nagisa.

'Please forgive Karma-kun. He has been doing it for the whole night without any sleep. Rio and I can be witnesses to his hard work. Trust me. He really likes you.'

It's either a coincidental message with the perfect timing or these two has been watching my every move.

I approach sleeping Karma. I hear him snore silently. It suddenly pains me to see him that exhausted over me. I don't know the validity of Nagisa and Rio's claims but Karma looks pretty tired to me. It hurts me to see him like this, trying to win back my affection and gain my forgiveness for his stupid mistake with every effort he can do.

Gently I comb his hair and kiss his head.

His head shifts under my touch and I jolt. As I step back, his mercuric gold eyes meet mine. Startled, he almost topples over his chair. "Akari!" he gasps as he opens his eyes wide to stay conscious. "Shit, I fell asleep," he mutters under his breath. Then he yawns but tries to cover it.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to mask my previous emotions.

Dark circles dwell around his eyes. "I'm making chocolates. Do you like them? I still got plenty." He glances at the huge plate of chocolates. "I..."

"I'm not talking to you," I huff, even though I was the one who initiated the conversation.

He blinks. As if he has expected that, he takes out a huge draw pad from the drawer. Then he writes something on it with a marker and shows it to me.

'I'm sorry.'

I pretend not to care.

He continues writing and shows me page by page.

'I'm sorry for Leena.'

'I should have told you before we dated.'

'But I couldn't. Because I was afraid that I might lose you.'

'Yes, me, the Yakuza head, is a scaredy cat.'

'I couldn't face my own fears so I lied.'

'I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry.'

'I don't know if you would believe me anymore.'

'But I need to tell you everything.'

'I don't like Leena. She was just someone my parents arranged to secure Ayakawa's foundation.'

'So that other clans could not break Ayakawa apart.'

'I'll never like her. I won't marry her.'

'Because you're the only one I love. And you'll be the only one I marry someday.'

Marriage is not a joking matter. My heart almost explodes when I see that 'm' word. Did he actually mean it? That he'll only marry me? I stare at him. I see a glint of pure conviction in his eyes. It is unyielding as he stares back at me. No deception. No jokes. Not an empty promise just to make me stay.

Karma is serious.

Holy crap.

I don't know how to respond to that kind of confession.

He continues on.

'I'm sorry. Please forgive me.'

'I really love you.'

'I know it won't be this easy to forgive me so...'

'I'll volunteer myself to be your personal servant.'

'You can do whatever you want to me. You can ask me to do anything. I won't fight back.'

'I'll be your servant no matter how long as long as you forgive me.'

I can do whatever I want to you?

At that thought, I stretch my hand outwards and slap him in the face. The echo rebounds in the huge yet silent kitchen. Karma's face has a red welt, as red as his hair.

"Why?" I cry. "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?!" It is an outburst, of rage and pain, of grief and fear, that I had least expected. I have failed in remaining collected. I scream. "Do you know hurt I was? I hate you! I hate you!" I punch his chest but he barely budges. He continues to endure my attacks silently. "I never thought you, of all people, would be such a conniving bastard!"

I shouldn't be blaming him for his lies when practically my whole life here is created as a lie for the sake of my mission. But I couldn't care much anymore. I just want to vent my frustrations at him. I just want him to know how hurt I am. I want him to feel my pain even though those hammering on his chest could never be as painful as the tear in my heart.

When I doubt myself by thinking that if he could be this hurt too when he finds out I am a total lie to him as well, I stop. My arms dangle by my flank lifelessly.

I hate you. But I hate myself as well.

As his name suggests, karma could very well fall upon me someday. He'll be this hurt to find out the truth, or even more hurt than I did. I make a mental note to prepare myself for this very day to bring forth its wrath upon my entire life, where I would risk losing him forever.

It pierces me that I would end up losing him one day.

Maybe... maybe I should give up my mission because I don't know if my heart can endure it.

Karma's warm hands pull me into his embrace and caress my hair. He doesn't say anything as I realize my tears has begun to flood down my cheeks — of the pain that struck my heart and of the horror of losing him in the future.


In the end, I had binge eating all the chocolates to divert my attention from my haunting fears.

Karma watches me silently as I pop the last piece into my mouth. He remains silent as I too do the same. I refuse to look at him because his face would remind me of my fears.

Then I contemplate. After what Karma did, should I forgive him? Should I give a chance to redeem himself? After all, it was his fears — the fear of losing me — that brought him down the path of lies. And besides, Leena means nothing to him, he claimed.

I'm the only important figure to his life.


I should forgive him.

Because my entire existence is a lie to him.

Let's just call us even.

I don't know if in the end he'll find out the truth. No. He definitely will. It's just the matter of time. I can't bear to hurt him but I can't keep him on the blind side forever. One day, Korosensei will withdraw me from the mission and I'll leave and he'll know everything.

I'm mixing up his faults with mine since they are so similar in ways. The only difference — I cannot make any promises that everything will be the same after the truth is discovered.

And besides...

... I really like him. Maybe I should enjoy the little time left with him. Before I leave.

Karma grips his draw pad in his hand until its cover crumples with his sweaty hands. I can tell he is nervous of the answer I'll give him. After a deep breath to steel my guts, I turn to him. "Karma."

His hand immediately stretches to the marker pen on the floor.

"I'll... forgive you."

His mercuric gold eyes sparkle with anticipation and hope.


I want to make his punishment as harsh as it can be. But when I remember the karmic effect of his name that the same thing would happen to me in the future, I can't do it.

"But... you'll have to make me breakfast every morning. And make me desserts once a week."

He blinks. His mouth opens to say something but closes a while later as if to protest. Does he think this as harsh?

He glimpses the look of dissatisfaction on my face. Quickly he writes down on his draw pad.

'I thought you would punish me harder... like using me as a punching bag?'

What are you? A masochist as well?!

Harsher punishment huh?

"You can't touch me for the entire week. Or hug me. Or kiss me."

The proper emotion of shock finally shows itself on his face. "What?!" he gapes. I glare. He gulps and writes on his draw pad.

'I mean... what?!'

He actually writes it down. How cute. I try not to giggle to maintain composure.

'No kissing?!'

"No you perv."

'Not even skinship?'


Inadvertently he pouts with a sour face. If only I can pinch his puffy cheeks now but since I have set up the rule, I can't be breaking it on my own.


He drops his draw pad to the floor and walks to the refrigerator. It is smaller than I expected since this is a huge kitchen to cook for the entire clan. I notice a few magnetic alphabets forming a bold red sentence.

-- 'Karma's food.'

And also a silent, unwritten rule the fridge emanates, saying 'do not touch the boss' food or you'll be punished with wasabi'.

Karma begins to take out lots of ingredients that I wonder if the fridge is something magic lamp that pops up any food he wants. There's no way there'd be so much food in that tiny fridge.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He opens his mouth and almost croaks a word. He stops his work and picks up the draw pad and writes. 'I'm making breakfast.' 'What do you want?' 'Eggs, ham, pancakes?'

"Aren't you sleepy?"

He shrugs. 'I'm your servant for now.'

I sigh. "Just go to sleep, idiot. And... you can talk to me now."

He smiles. "No. I'll make you breakfast." His voice is sweet and gentle and I abruptly realize I actually missed it.

I shut the refrigerator door before he can grab anymore food. "No. SLEEP."

I admit Karma's health is more precious than my own stomach. Sorry, stomach. It grumbles in protest.

Plus it's mean to let my boyfriend overwork himself. Even though I think I'm still mad at him, my love for him far exceeds that anger. The flames of ire have been dowsed by floods of love.

I grab his hand and drag him out of the kitchen. But it feels like I'm dragging a stubborn bull back to its barn. I glare at the redheaded bull, who only stares at me with bewilderment. His gaze moves to our interconnected hands.

I just broke my rule after a minute it was erected.

I immediately let go his hand. Love really rots my brain as it eats away any rationality.

No skinship, Okumura/Ayano. But his warmth lingering on my hand feels comfortable.

Suddenly something grabs my hand and pulls me backward. When I apprehend what is going on, I am already in his arms. Karma hugs me tight as his arms snake around my waist. I just gave him the chance to break my rule.

I struggle to uphold my rule but his warmth is so nice. I just want to stay there forever and forget about reality.


He mutters silently against my skull.

"Just let me hug you for a while before you implement that rule."

It would mean I'm an easy pushover if I give in. "Kar — "

His lips are already on mine to cut me off.

Oh good. Now I can't push you away anymore. The greatness of Karma's lips, I awe.

My arms simultaneously pull his head closer as I sink deeper into the kiss. His tongue, granted permission, dances with mine in my mouth. My hands slide down his back and tug on the sash of his apron until it unravels. It doesn't take long before his hands slip into my shirt and touch the skin of my waist. It also doesn't take long for my hormone-infected brain to decide that we should do a heated make-out session in the kitchen, where anyone could stumble upon us.

Karma has already shoved me to a wall before I knew it. He breaks away from the kiss, panting, and works his lips on the nape of my neck. My hands futilely try to stop him from removing my shirt as they now pry his shirt off his skin. The heat between us is the side product of our chemistry as it sears my skin.

The sound of glass clattering onto the solid floor interjects our 'bonding' time. My eyes jolt open to see a woman standing behind Karma, a face I've never seen before. She has beautiful jade eyes with matching pinkish hair. Her face flushes while her mouth gapes with amazement.

Karma concedes from my neck and turns around. As usual, nonchalantly, he says "Oh. Hayami" as if her presence isn't of much importance as making out with me.

I immediately push Karma off me, making a mental note that I have jinxed myself and that this is the third time someone interjected our make-out. Maybe we should find somewhere more secluded.

"Sorry for interrupting," says the woman with an impassive mask, though it doesn't work well with the blush on her face. She turns around and exits the kitchen, leaving the awkwardness hanging in the air.

"Hmm... oh well." Karma's mood is barely affected as he presses his lips on my neck until I push him away. He blinks.

I readjust my clothes. "No more. That's the end."

"Ehhhh?" Karma groans. "But we barely started..."

"I thought you were tired."

"But you turned me on..."


He sighs. "Maybe we should find a better place next time so that no one interferes us again."

"The rule has now been implemented. You cannot touch me. FOR A WEEK."

He clicks his tongue. "Can't we start tomorrow?"


He pouts. Then he chuckles. "I bet you can't resist me."

"Oh we'll see."


Apparently Karma has fallen asleep for the entire day. Rio isn't pleased that he left plenty of deskwork behind. However, she found a method to alleviate her anger.

She teases me for the sake of gossip.

"So so... did you guys actually make out in the kitchen?" Her eyebrows cock curiously.

Of course I'm not admitting that. It's so embarrassing. "No."


Nagisa takes a sip of his coffee leisurely. "Privacy, Rio, privacy."

The blonde clicks her tongue and frowns. "I'm curious! That redhead jerk is as innocent as an elementary school kid but he sure knows how to heat things up with Aka-chan wherever they are!"

I almost spit my mouthful of water into her face. "We do not heat things up everywhere!"

Rio chuckles. "The kitchen? Really?"

I grit my teeth and accept my mistake. "It was a mistake."

"Yeah yeah. Karma's lips must be your weakness."

On second thought, Rio is right. I always give in to his tender lips. There's no way I'll win as long as his lips are on my skin. They are just so tempting and irresistible. Lust often drives me to do unbelievable stuff.

"So Karma-kun can't touch you for a week? Poor him," Nagisa sighs.

"I bet he's itching to touch you," Rio eats a cookie served on the table. "You're definitely his nourishment for survival."

"Maybe he wanted to eat you alive."

"Or maybe your skin tastes like candy..." Rio spits out her tongue and approaches me. "Let me try." I flinch.

Abruptly her head is pulled backwards. She shrieks in pain and slaps away the hand that grabs onto her hair. "AKABANE!"

"I'm sorry..." says Karma unapologetically. The first thing he does as he enters his office is to make sure no one gets their hands on me except him. "She's reserved."

I roll my eyes. He smirks triumphantly since I don't retort his statement. "Where's my breakfast?"

Smiling, he goes out of his office and pushes in a cart. On it is a plate of ham, sausages and sunny-side-ups with their delicious scent wafting in the air. My stomach grumbles in correspondence to the wonderful sight of good food.

Karma places the plate before me. "Breakfast is served, my love."

I barely blush at his sentence because my current focus is on the food.

"How come we never get any?" Rio huffs as she eyes the plate of scrumptious breakfast.

Nagisa pats her shoulder understandingly. "We're not Akari, after all." Then he drags the blonde with him so that Karma and I can have some alone time together.

I dig into my breakfast and enjoy the piece of heaven in my mouth. For a Yakuza head, Karma sure knows how to cook. He sits next to me, trying to get as close as he can until I halt him. Seeing his plan failed by using food as distraction to get closer to me, he frowns and watches me eat instead.

I would love to have the entire plate of food to myself because sharing your food with someone else means your stomach will suffer. Sort of. I know it's a weird rule. But the way Karma stares at the food instead of me indicates that he probably prefers food over me right now. Translation: the redhead is hungry.

Well, he isn't just some random someone else. He's my boyfriend, though now less emphasizing on the target/boss part.

I cut a huge piece of juicy ham and shove it into his mouth. He blushes at my initiative and opens his mouth for me to feed him a piece of sausage. A beautiful shade of red giddiness dusts his face as he enjoys the food that I fed him. Such a cute redhead, easily satisfied by the little actions of love I do for him.

After swallowing the food he opens his mouth and begs for another. I feed him a piece of egg. "You must be hungry."

He nods silently. "I like you feeding me."

The way he says it reminds me of something hilarious. I laugh as my imaginations go wild. "You... you look like a cute puppy!"


"Oh my god you're so adorable!" I mess up his hair and pinch his cheek. He blushes furiously.

"I-I'm not a dog!"

"Good dog!" I shove a piece of ham to his mouth. He reluctantly eats it.

Suddenly, Karma's face lights up a mischievous smirk. It must be some idea that got his brain gears moving. "Then... can this puppy get a hug from his master?"


He glares at me.

"No skinship." I chew on the piece of ham. "I bet you would die without touching me for an hour."

He smirks. "So you'd rather see your boyfriend die? How mean." He opens his mouth as I feed him a piece of sausage. "Are you still mad at me?"

I ponder. "Not till the degree of hating you, I guess."

"You are still mad." Karma taps his chin. "Hmm... how to make my master feel happier?" He glances at me. "Macaroons?"

I almost choke. "Did you say macaroons?"

He ignores my question. "Chocolate-flavoured? Or blueberry? Or maybe strawberry? Maybe I should make some scones as well."

I'm well aware that it is a trap that is successfully luring me into it. But desserts... who doesn't love desserts? Chill, Akari, chill. What happened to you super concentration during your previous missions?

"I want... macaroons..." I mutter.

He smiles — or smirks, since his plan succeeds. "I'll get it done soon." I spontaneously glance at his desk which is piled with deskwork. He won't have the spare time to breathe if he makes the macaroons. "No worries, my master. I'll get everything done and make you happy and not get myself murdered by a vicious blonde." He sounds reassuring.

I shrug. "Just don't... overexert yourself."

He blinks. "Master you made me so happy! You care about me!" He says in a chirpy voice.

You are getting too into character now, Akabane. You're a Yakuza head. Not a maid!


I hear a scream from outside. It sounds like Rio.


A bad premonition looms over me.

"Rio please don't —" Nagisa.

"I'm not letting this bitch interrupt their little love affair!" Rio.

A cold chuckle fills the air. I glance at Karma, whose face has darkened as he hears that chuckle. His fists clenched so hard that the veins on his hands looks as if they are about to explode. Abruptly he stands and bows at me. "Excuse me, master, I have something to do. I'll be back lat -- "

The door is rudely flung open to allow the woman with gleaming silver hair enter the room. Her high heels clatter on the marble floor like metal blades. She meets me, not intimidated by my vicious glare. I hiss as I see her. Her eyes immediately skip over me to her fiancé.

Yuck. The word tastes bitter in my mouth.

"KARMA!" She lets out a high-pitched, faked cheerful shriek. If not for the coffee table between them, she would have pounced onto Karma by now.

Karma gives her a detested cold glare. "What are you doing here?"

She tucks a strand of hair to her ear. "I came to have some breakfast with you." Then she glances at the unfinished plate of breakfast on the table. She frowns. "Poor you, having to eat such... distasteful meal."

You did not just called what Karma made for me distasteful, bitch. He made it with love! And it tastes so damn good!

"Someone like you would never get the chance to taste Karma's cooking," I hiss. We glare at each other.

Leena chuckles. "After we're married, he'll get to cook for me as many times he wants."

That flicks up a hidden switch within me. I switch from composed mode to furious mode. "What did you just say?"

"Marriage, duh."

Karma's eyes widen in surprise. "What?"

She immediately latches herself onto Karma. "We're getting married! Father has set a date for us! It's next month!"

I would have flipped the entire table onto her face if I don't have strong self-control.

"Oh heeelll nooo," shouts Rio by the entrance.

Nagisa glances at me and flinches at my intensified dark aura. He gulps. "I didn't receive any memo from Mr. Turant."

Leena waves at him dismissively. "Father had it decided this morning. You'll get the memo soo—"

I have pried her off Karma by then and almost punched her in the face if not for Karma stopping me. Logic resumes its reign in my brain as I realize punching her right now would not spell well for Karma or me since her father is an elder who probably overpowers Karma.

"Oh. Good. Marriage," Karma says calmly.

At the same time, I feel numb. Karma has spoken that marriage with Leena is good. Good. GOOD. I crane my neck to see him but his face is a blur. I realize tears are welling up in my eyes. A pang of pain in my heart is tearing it apart.

Karma... what... what are you talking about...? You're... you're joking right...? You don't mean to... you...

...what about me?

I hear Rio screaming 'Akabane you idiot' and Nagisa trying to hold her back from grilling the redhead.

I'm now separated from reality as I remain absorbed in my own thoughts, trying to dispel the fear of losing him but it keeps haunting me. It tells me, 'I've came real. I am real now. Face your true and real fears now. You're losing him forever.'


Karma, please, don't.

Please don't leave me.

I'll stop getting mad at you. I'll forgive you.

I'll stop lying to you about myself.

So please don't...






Karma's voice draws me back to the horror called reality.

"... I won't be marrying you."

I am numb until something pulls me into sweet warmth. The warmth melts away the numbness. It feels nice. I remember it is Karma's warmth. Only his warmth can make everything better, even my tattered heart. It dispels all my fears away, realizing I'm always safe beside him.

It pains my craning neck to take a look at him. He glares at Leena, unyielding and refuse to succumb under her maleficence.

Karma looks like a shining knight in armor. Exaggeratingly saying, he looks like an angel sent from heaven to rescue me from my pain. His grip on my arm holds me tight to his strong torso. I can hear his heartbeat pulsing against my skin — gentle, harmonious, calming.

"I only marry this girl, Ayano Akari."

His declaration is strong, bold and unbreakable.

Rio gasps and tries to stifle her shriek.

Leena has smoke fuming from her nostrils. She is like a volcano about to explode but it wouldn't cause much of a threat against Karma.

"After all..." Karma continues, glances at me then at Leena. "She's pregnant with my child. I'd want to build a family with her."


Total silence.

My chaotic brain tries to apprehend but fails miserably.

What did Karma just said?


I'd call this a...... cliffhanger?

Sorry for the delay. I'm working on the first story on one week and this AU on the other week. So it'll be at least 10 days for the next update...

Thanks for reading! Much thanks for my loyal readers~~~~

Please vote, comment and show lots of love!!!! 

p.s guess who's on the cover? (yet you would wonder what happened to the poor fellow) 

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