Ghosts • Stiles Stilisnki

By -voidylan

168K 4.8K 2.1K

"WE ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE THIS MANY G H O S T S" "So what brought you to Beacon Hills?" "Someone told me to... More

Summary+ Disclaimer.
Questions ??


8.7K 284 99
By -voidylan

05; Party? Party.

Hayden sat back in the seat in the passenger side next to Kira who was currently driving her and Liam to the "Party"

Hayden wished it was a real party so she just could drink and forget for a minute about everything that's happening around her and in her mind. Allison hasn't appeared since two days ago and Hayden is kinda sad but happy that she hasn't came around to talk to her. Stiles kept texting her last night to see what she was and how she could see dead people, more research with Stiles and Maila.

"It's Lydia Martin's lake house, I mean you already knew that didn't you? It's really her grandmother's but she's dead. Oh that sounded rude, that wasn't what i meant-"

"Could you turn that down?" Liam said wincing interrupting Kira's rambling making Hayden wonder why Liam was wincing from the music it wasn't even that loud. Liam didn't look so good, he was sweating and his eyes were glancing at the full moon and that made Hayden a little frightened if she was being honest.

"You want me to turn it up?" Kira asked turing the volume of the music up in the car, the base vibrating on Haydens back. Hayden glancing at Liam who was rubbing his head and had his eye's closed tight in pain. Hayden glared at Kira who shrugged smiling slightly.

They arrived at the party after the loud music, getting out of the car into the nice smell of fresh air. Liam slammed the car door shut and walked behind Hayden taking her hand into his. Hayden looked down and gave Kira a look of confusion to why Liam was holding her hand.

"So who's coming to this party?" Liam asks walking looking around to see only a few cars.

"Um, Everyone!" Kira yells playing it so Liam doesn't know anything Hayden tries not to smile at the look Liam gives Kira.

"Where is everyone then?"

"Um They are inside and we're earlier come' on!" Hayden smiled dragging Liam into the house muttered "I'm sorry" once Liam saw the lights where off, and Scott and Stiles.

"What the hell is this?" Liam yelled his hands gesturing around the room at Scott and Stiles.

"You have a problem Liam." Scott spoke after the silence in the room, Hayden tore her hand away from Liam's who looked back at her, anger in his eyes. Hayden trailed her eyes to the floor ignoring Stiles gaze on her. "And we're the only ones who can help."

"Werewolf?" Liam pointed at Scott asking finally after Scott explained everything to liam. Hayden was bitting her lip so hard she could taste blood from the anxiety she was feeling with the situation. Scott nodded While Liam went on to Maila next.

"Werecoyote?" Malia nodded.


Lydia nodded pointed a finger up in agreement and Looked over at Hayden who still had her eyes on the floor.


"Kitsune." Kira corrected. "But fox works too."

Liam moved onto Stiles next, "What are you then?" Hayden could hear the annoyance in Liam's voice which he pointed at Stiles.

"For a little while I was possessed with a evil spirt." Stiles spoke leaning back and forth on his toes, "Very evil."

"What are you now?" Liam asked again.

"Uh Better?" Stiles said looking around at everyone for a answer. Hayden finally tore her eyes away from the floor to see Allison behind Scott and Kira looking at how they were holding hands.

The tension in the room was making Hayden feel dizzy and hot. Liam was staring at everyone trying to get his mind to wrap up everything and make sense. Liam spun around making Hayden and Stiles jump, "Do you believe this?" Liam raised his voice, his face in a tight line.

Hayden nodded and spoke, "I'm like them but i don't know what i am yet."

"Are those for me?" Liam asked noticing the chains by Stiles and Malia's feet, Malia shook her head. "No There for me." Malia flashed her eyes blue at Liam making him flinch stepping backwards.

"How'd you do that!" Liam cried while Hayden felt panic raise into her chest. "You'll learn." Scott assured Liam making sure to not make him any angrier. "But first you need to get through the full moon."

"The moon's already out!"

"You're starting to feel something." Scott's voice was low walking slowly towards Liam his eyes darkening not like Liam's blue ones. "Aren't you?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of nut jobs! I-I'm going to walk out that door," Liam pointed to the door, "And if any of you even you Hayden try to stop me I swear to god-"

Liam fell to the floor in pain yelling gripping his head in his hands. Hayden backed into the wall frightened to see her friend like this. "What?" Scott asked looking down at Liam in pain, "You don't hear that?

Scott turns his head to the side of the window and his eyes turn red. A bunch of cars pull up and headlights shine in the dark room. Guess there is a party after all.

"You can't hear that?" Liam groans still on the floor while Lydia looks panicked.

"Who did you tell about this?" Lydia panics yelling at Liam.

"You said it was a party." Liam defended himself answering Lydia's question. Suddenly Hayden could hear Liam growling and his nails were in claws now and his face was in wolf-form. "Oh god." Hayden muttered frozen in fear looking at Liam.

His nails started to dig into the hardwood floor while Lydia screeched "Get him off the floors! The floors!" Lydia ran towards Liam but jumping back once Liam looked up at her with yellow eyes and growling at her.

A loud roar came from Liam while Hayden couldn't deiced if she was going to throw up or faint. "We need to get him to the boat house right now!" Scott ordered, Kira helping him pick up Liam and bring him out of the room.

"Stiles." Malia spits out griping the table in front of her her eyes flashing in and out turning blue. Stiles snapped his gaze away from Hayden and looks torn at Malia. "Lydia Hayden can't go to a party! She's only a freshmen! Think about freshmen boys seeing her! Not going to happen!" Stiles yells flinching when Hayden bends down and starts showing her anxiety heaving.

"Fine overprotective much Stiles? Take her with you two in the basement, but what the hell am I going to do with a bunch horde teens gathering outside!" Lydia cries throwing her hands in her air annoyed.

"Lydia who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" Stiles asks making Lydia offended.

"What! Me obviously." Lydia replies, incensed.

"Okay. Then throw a party!" Stiles yells back at Lydia going over to Hayden and carefully bringing her into his chest which she clutches onto his shirt still nervous, and grabs Malia's hand going out the door, into the basement.

Lydia is not amused but opens the doors anyway letting a bunch of teenagers into her cabin, hoping something doesn't break and no one has sex in any of the rooms.


"Stiles!" Hayden cried noticing Malia beginning to lose control on herself. She was currently in wolf-or coyote form and it was honestly so ugly to Hayden she just wanted to go to Scott's house and crash watching The 100 on netflix. Oh yeah Hayden is living with Scott for now on. Know matter how much Hayden said no she could just live in a hotel, Scott insisted that she lived with him to keep her safe from any harm happening to her. Mama McCall loves Hayden and treats her like a daughter she always wanted, Its nice for Hayden to have a mom figure in her life again.

"Tighter." Malia grunts out while Stiles tightens it around her wrists.

"You two can leave. Knowing Hayden she's going to faint or puke any minute by now watching me." Malia spoke looking over to see Hayden give her a annoyed glare.

"I will not. okay-maybe a little."

"I'm not going anywhere, To be honest, I'm probably safer down here than at a party with 50 freshman and a very pissed off Lydia." Stiles replies sitting down next to Hayden who was currently trying to slow her breathing down and calm herself.

"Hey you alright?" Stiles nudges Hayden noticing her unsteady breathing.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little-okay a lot overwhelmed with this whole supernatural stuff." Hayden whispered to Stiles throwing her hands around at Malia who had her head down sweating.

"It's okay to be scared. Scared makes us human."

"But I'm not human. Hell we don't even know what i am."

"You are to me Hayden. Nothing is going to change that for me, in my eyes." Stiles says grabbing her hand and closing it with his. Hayden looks down at their hands and smiles at Stiles noticing his lips inches away from hers. Stiles realizes that Malia is literally 5 feet away and coughs uncomfortably and let's go of Hayden's hand to rub his neck.

"Stiles please leave." Malia begs grunting at the restraints on her.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"What if I hurt you?"

"You're not going to."

"But I want too." Malia cries in pain, "I also want to hurt Hayden. I look at her face and I want to slash it. I want to tear at it. I want to feel her bones crack between my hands."

Hayden eyes widen in fear and she hides behind Stiles back, grabbing his arm tightly. Poking her head out a little to see Malia still. Stiles looks back and then back at Malia like he was choosing something in his head. "Hayden don't listen to her. It's just the full moon." Stiles says, "Scott told me things like this his first full moon. It's not true or real any thing of what she is saying."

"No Stiles I really want to, I want to hurt her like I hurt my family. I want you to watch me kill her, break her pretty face!" Malia yells grabbing the air trying to get Hayden in her arms.

"Stiles I don't think she likes me very much!" Hayden mutters wiping tears that fell from her eyes what impact Malia said to her.

Stiles nods and tares his arm out of Hayden's fingers, giving her hand a squeeze. "I need you to go find Lydia and stay with her okay?"

Hayden shakes her head, "No what if you get hurt."

"Malia isn't going to hurt me or anyone-" Stiles is cut off by the sound of Malia breaking through the restraints and crackling her fangs at Hayden and Stiles.

"Your not going to have a choice. I'm going to hurt Hayden Stiles." Malia laughs her eyes blue looking into Hayden's eyes hungry.

"Just please go Hayden, I don't want you getting hurt." Stiles says softly while Hayden nods finally giving in. Hayden walks back but then turns around facing Stiles and lunches herself at Stiles wrapping her arms around his neck tight, breathing in his scent. Stiles can feel a damp wetness on his neck from Hayden's tears. Stiles can barley wrap his arms around her small waist before she's gone but whispering to him "Be careful.. please."


Hayden ignored Stiles order and walks outside for some fresh air instead of going to Lydia. Hayden breaths out and in walking back in forth, trying to blink away tears. What Malia said to her made her feel frightened and Stiles showing her mixed feelings, Everything was so overwhelming for Hayden.

"Please no panic attack tonight." Hayden mutters tears still in her eyes. She just misses her mom, wants her mom's embrace and tell her everything was going to be alright. Wants to go home, everything is so cold here in Beacon hills. Hayden doesn't feel the same after her mom died, losing someone important to you is like a hole in your heart, no one can fix.

"Mom I wish you were here, I really need someone."

Hayden's shoes slipped and she felt herself beginning to fall, her arms failed out to steady herself from falling. Once she was balanced and was sure she wasn't going to fall, she looked down noticing her shoes were in a dark puddle.

It wasn't that dark out so it didn't look like it was from rain, it was crimson red. She was standing in blood. "Oh my god." Hayden breathed in trailing her eyes further down the road and wish she hadn't. A lump rose into her throat she sucked in a breath, The voice in her head that was telling her to let out a scream, begging her too.

There was a body and a head not attached to each other, and Hayden finally listening to the voices in her head and opened her mouth and let a piercing scream in the night that made Liam and Scott flash their eyes and Scott began running.

When Scott got to Hayden, Hayden was on the floor in the blood, out cold. "Hayden? Hayden!" Scott yelled loudly going over to her and making sure it wasn't her blood. Scott looked across the ground and saw the body and head not attached, and it looked like another unsolved supernatural murder.

Scott carefully picked up Hayden into his arms, her head dangling from the sudden weight movement. Scott dialed Stiles number and hoped they could get Hayden safe home to Scott's. Hayden was going to wake up with a killer headache, that was for sure.

"Stiles your gonna want to get outside."

AN: So good and bad thing about this chapter, good things Stayden moments and feels. Bad thing, the ending i literally couldn't end it how i wanted to and its crap. This chapter sucks i'm sorry guys. next update will be better i promise!- Jay

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