Invisible World

By BLTrixx

67.2K 4.4K 207

There's more to the world where people turn a blind eye. Not everyone knows. Not everyone is safe. They will... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55

Part 12

1.5K 107 7
By BLTrixx

Alabaster Scythes

I walked back to my room, numb. Gabe had me try on too many clothes, and the whole time, the conversation I had with Mr. Blackbourne was still turning in my head. Gabriel had Victor come with us. The experience was surreal, being in a room with so many teens my age in public. It made my stomach turn.

Victor and Gabe were walking with me carrying my bags.

"I can help." I insisted.

"You don't have to lift a finger princess. We've got it." Victor's eyes were bright, and he smiled at me.

I pushed my door open and let them walk in first.

"I'm going to organize you closet Trouble."

"Okay." I replied. My stomach growled.

"I'll take you to lunch, let's go."

It was two in the afternoon. "Kind of a late lunch, don't you think?"

He shrugged, "Or an meal between dinner and lunch."

I smiled. We went to the kitchen for a snack.

I opened the fridge as Victor peered in. There were tubs of food with Doc's name on them. "What's that all about?" I asked, pointing to one of the food tubs.

He chuckled, "Doc's very partial to his food. He doesn't like it when one of us snack on it."

"Really? That's interesting." I reached in a grabbed a container of his and opened it. There was some rice and chicken. "This looks good," I commented and grabbed a plate.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Victor warned.

I giggled and put some on my plate anyways. He popped my plate into the microwave as I put the tub away. The door opened and the Doc himself came marching in.

"Alright, who's cooking my food?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked with a face of innocence.

"He's got a sixth sense, he always knows when someone touches his food." Victor said.

"Well, you'll have to deal with it Sean, I'm eating some of your food." I smirked at the mock look of hurt on his face.

"That's not very nice, Pookie."

I giggled. "Stop right this second." Sean said. "Don't you dare laugh, it's contagious."

I tried to stifle my laughter. The microwave rang and I raced towards it.

I pulled the plate out and sat at the island. Sean sat on one side of me as Victor sat across from me. I was eating when Sean reached over and snatched a piece of food from my plate.

"No thank you," I said.

"I'm allowed to, that's my food," he winked.

He went for another pinch, but I slapped his hand. He pulled it back, cradling it to his chest.

I giggled, "serves you right."

"What have I said about laughing? And I need you to kiss my hand better now."

"I think you'll do just fine without a kiss,"

"It's doctor's orders. You need to kiss it better." he winked.

"Fine," I huffed. I grabbed his hand and brought it close to my lips. I breathed on the back of his hand, my nerves were picking up. Swallowing my nerves, I pressed my lips to his hand. I could hear a sharp intake of breath. Was it Victor or Sean? I couldn't help the small smile spreading on my lips.

Slowly, I pulled away, and looked into his eyes. They were swarmed with something, but I couldn't be sure what.

A phone buzzed, and Sean picked his out of his pocket. A frown creased his face.

"Nathan got hurt on a job today, I have to get to the infirmary." he stood up. "Oh, and thanks for the kiss, pookie." My face flushed. I took my teasing too far this time.

Victor walked me back to my room. "Do you want me to stay?"

I sighed, "As appealing as that sounds, I really just want to take a nap. I've had a long day, plus add last night to the mix. I'm exhausted."

He nodded. "I understand. I'll see you later." He smiled, his eyes burning, before turning and walking away.

My room was empty, and I was glad. I collapsed on my bed.

The glowing crystal ball was fastened in my hands, held in front of me. My hair was whipping in the harsh wind surrounding me. The land was dark, the room was dark, everything was dark. Something in the shadows moved. I narrowed my eyes. A dart few past my ear. The crystal ball in my hands started to glow, sharing my powers. From my fingertips, frost curved and slithered, until it was completely covered. "Give it here," the shadows hissed. "Never," I ground out. The dome fell away, and fresh night air surrounded us. My arms were etched with my scars, burned into my flesh. Fog swirled around the light. A blurred weapon swung threateningly towards me. It missed. Again, the Alabaster Scythe was swung. I held the orb up, and they clashed. The ice inside the orb burst. A light, brighter than the worlds, shot out, passing and touching every crevice of the world. The shadow was burning, hissing. My life source powered the orb, and I was draining. My teeth were grinding, holding myself together. The evil was diminishing. It was almost done. Suddenly, a sharp pierce to the back of my neck had my legs crumbling. I screamed out in pain. The shadow was standing before me, his scythe poised for the final deadly blow. "Your presence is destroyed. Now, time to destroy you once and for all." He cackled as the swoosh of air foreshadowed the last mere seconds of life...

I sat up, screaming. My eyes were wide and my breathing was deep. My hands were shaking, and so was the rest of me. Tears were streaming down my face. I looked around, the boys were watching me.

"Ms. Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne said slowly."Are you alright."

I didn't answer him. I wasn't alright. Never before had I died in my dreams, and it felt so real. I looked down at my hands, and a glint in the light of my lamp caught my attention. I twisted my wrist, looking at my hand. My ring winked back at me. I started to spin it around my finger, and the motion calmed me down. I wasn't shaking anymore. The images were burning bright in my mind. They were severe images, and I know they're going to haunt me.

Ignoring them all, I grab my journal and write down all of the livid details. At the bottom I draw the Scythe shattering the orb, stuck in the frozen fog and light.

Each of the boys were watching me intently. I shut my book and grab my sketchbook. I sketch the first image that pops out to me, where I faced the darkness, a brave face on that's not my own.

I flip rapidly to the next page and start to draw the next image. The lead snapped. "I need a sharpener, now." My voice was frantic. North stepped forwards and grabbed the pencil from my hand. Using a knife, he sharpened it and handed back. I was in too much of a faze to say my thanks. I drew my hands wrapped around the freezing orb. I flipped to the next page. Images were flashing behind my eyes in a blur. The next image was of the orb in my hand held up, my back facing the onlooker of the image. The alabaster scythe was sinking deep into it, and the orb was exploding. My breathing was quick.

I flipped to the final page. I was on my back, staring up, a thin shadow knife embedded into the back of my neck. The shadow, a faceless man, has no emotion, except for the evil smile and glinting red eyes. His scythe was poised over my head, crashing down, closer and closer, the tip inches away.

My heart was clenching, and I pushed my sketchbook away. My shaking was full force. Tears were bursting from my eyes. I pulled my legs up and cradled myself, closing myself off from the world. My hands were running through my tangled blonde hair. A sob shook my core, ripping from my throat.

"It felt so real," I finally gasp out.

"Princess," Victor's soft voice was hesitant. "May we please look at your pictures.

I nodded my head.

They looked through the pictures I just drew.

"Ms. Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne said.

"Sang, these are beautiful," Nathan commented.

"Wow, she has some talent," Luke said

"Aggele, did you just see these?"

"Sang, baby tell us what's going on."

"Pookie, calm down, it'll be alright."

"Princess, we're right here for you."

"Trouble, don't stress, it's bad for your nails!"

"Sang, please talk to us."

I was quiet, but the shaking stopped and the tears were gone. I looked up at them, and felt at ease, calm. "It was a dream," my voice was hoarse, scratchy, and cracked.

"Have you had dreams that affected you like this?" Sean asked.

I nodded, looking at a random spot on my bed, "Except the after math. I usually don't shake and cry and scream. I wake up screaming sometimes, but nothing to bad. I draw scenes from my dreams, they're in there. You can look at them if you want." I said softly.

"Ms. Sorenson, I believe that you are not having dreams,"

"What?" I asked, looking into his steel eyes.

"I believe that these are visions of the future, not dreams."

I was going to die by a shadow? What kind of death is that?


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