The New Member (One Direction...

By theartist14

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Love and hate are oddly similar if you think about it... "I won't do it. I won't ruin their careers." I snapp... More

The New Member (One Direction Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Part 1
Chapter 10 Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

11.3K 270 195
By theartist14

A/N: I am amazed that after having updated I immediately get several votes. It is unbelievable! I still have some writer's block, but I am trying to just keep going anyways. The chapters are getting longer and longer because I don't want to have like a hundred chapters, but have so much to write, and too many twists to count. I hope you like this, because I do work hard every chapter to make everything perfect, except, you know, for those stupid spelling and grammar mistakes that are impossible to avoid for me.

I'll stop talking now and let you read.

Vote, comment, and fan, loves!!!!!!!!

Chapter 11:

"Wake me when the tour is over, alright?" mumbled Niall into the cushions. As soon as we walked through the doors of our hotel suite he flung himself, face first, into the couch. I felt like doing that myself, except in my own room, where I could sit peacefully and write down all the thoughts I had had today.

  After the interview was over, the hosts left us immediately, not wanting to face Louis' rage once more. We were escorted back to the dressing rooms, where the boys went to their dressing room to change into their other clothes and remove the make-up the was probably bothering them, I was sent to the other dressing room with Lou. As we waited for the others to get ready to go, we chatted about a few pointless things, not really discussing the interview, but instead telling each other about what our lives were like where we grew up and about the latest music and fashion. Once Paul came in to tell us it was time to leave she gave me her number and told me to call her if I ever wanted to talk, but promised she would see me soon.

   The ride to the hotel was awkward and tense, as we sat in silence. Paul spoke, however, reviewing what the plan was for tomorrow. He would be at the hotel at ten and we would need to be packed and ready to head out. It would be a long drive to the airport, where we would catch a one o’clock flight to Glasgow in Scotland. The plane would land around five, and there would be a signing prepared in a building just off the airport. We would have time to spare afterwards in case we wanted to tour the city. It sounded like an easy enough plan to remember, though I was not looking forward to it. It was just a quarter to six and I already felt like curling up in my bed and sleeping for weeks.

   “That’s my bed, Niall.” Liam said in a blank tone, eyes tired. “Move.” When the smaller boy chose not to listen and stayed lying on the couch, Liam took action and pushed him right off the side. Liam placed himself onto the leather sofa with a pleased smile, as Niall just spread out on the floor with his eyes shut tight.

  Harry was staring out the glass wall on the other side of the room, tapping the glass repeatedly with his finger, a smile on his face. I was pretty sure we all wanted to know what the heck he was doing, but we were either to worn out to ask or did not care because he did random things like that all the time. I noticed Louis and Zayn trudging to their bedrooms and was about to follow them down the hall when a voice from the doorway said, “Before you got to bed, could we have a quick band meeting?”

  Paul walked through the hotel door, shutting it behind him and motioned for us to join him in the dining room. Louis and Zayn slumped their shoulders dejectedly before following Paul in. Liam rolled off the couch, barely avoiding Niall and sat himself in the room also. I entered and took a seat between him and Paul. For some reason, they felt the safest to be around at the moment. A few seconds later I heard a loud groan and Harry came through the doorway, dragging a moaning Niall behind him by the ankles. He dropped his feet to the ground and placed himself nest to Zayn, instead of beside Louis. Once Niall had finally stood and taken a seat, slamming his head down on the table to sleep, Paul began.

  “So, it has come to my attention that there are a few… minor issues between you all.”

  No one spoke, so Paul continued.

  “And there really is no reason for you not to get along with Delia, lads. I just think we need to take a deep breath together and get a few things out on the table. Well… here is the table, so let it out.”

  Louis glanced up and by the look in his eye, I could tell this was going to be bad. “I would just like to say sorry first of all, that I messed up today everyone. I should not have let that slip. It was stupid.”

  Zayn reached out and rubbed Louis’ shoulder kindly, “No harm done, man.”

  “Wait, wait, I’m not done. I would also like to apologize on behalf of Delia, who thinks she is just too important to need to perform with us, and instead chooses whatever time she wants to come out. I apologize for my dear Delia’s attention seeking behavior.” He took a deep breath, and released it with a smile. “You know what, Paul? I do feel better.”

  I heard Paul mumble, “Here we go,” and he then rested his hands forlornly, before I slammed my hands down on the table, fuming.

  “Alright, so I am sorry for being late and not getting to sing, but it wasn’t because I wanted attention, Louis.” I spat, glaring into his bright blue eyes. “I just wanted to look nice for everyone.”

  “You didn’t even change!” he argued.

   “The dress didn’t fit right.” I almost yelled, feeling my temper rising.

   Zayn, surprisingly was the one to say, “Can’t you admit that maybe you were just being a little difficult?” His eyes were almost pleading, like he just wanted us to stop arguing, but just on the surface I could see where he honestly thought I was just trying to make things harder.

 “It was too short and way too low cut.” I said. “It made me look like a slut.”

    Louis snorted, “That’s because you are one.”

 The eyes of all the men around the table widened by several degrees and even Niall was awake now to hear this. Harry gulped and leaned forward, inserting a calm tone, “Louis, I think that’s too far…”

  “Oh, shut it, Harry!” Louis screamed at him, making him jump back in surprise and hurt for the second time today. “You honestly have no clue anymore. You know less about me then you know about Zayn, and we are all aware that he’s hiding a lot.”

  “I am not.” Zayn defended himself weakly, but when he realized how frail his argument was he said a bit harshly. “So what if I am? I don’t have to tell any of you anything. Niall sure doesn’t.” He pointed in the direction of the man, who sat with a gaping mouth.

  “You don’t even-“ Niall began, but he was cut off.

   “Oh, but I do.” Zayn said threateningly, and his eyes jumped to Liam momentarily, but it was not quick enough for Niall to miss.

  He leapt to his feet. “How could you?” he yelled, but Liam calmly looked up to meet Niall’s furious eyes with his brown ones.

  Liam slowly rose to his feet, and the room dropped in temperature as goosebumps rose on my skin. I was angry at Louis for what he said, but as soon as they began to argue with each other I decided to keep my mouth shut, because it was none of my business, but mostly because I was too shocked.

  “How could I, Niall? How could I?” Liam questioned softly. “You know I think I cut you a little too much slack for what you did. I should have given up on you as soon as I found out, but I didn’t. I decided you were worth being friends with despite the mistakes you made. How could I, Niall? How could you?”

  Harry now went to his feet, and I felt even more dread and terror knot up in my stomach. This was definitely something I did not see coming. From the first day I met them, which was just two days ago, there was no doubt in my mind that they were best friends, but now, they seemed so distant from one another and angrier than even when they looked at me. “Don’t act like you are all good, Li.” Harry commanded a fake smile on his face. “Do you really think we pulled that thing during lunch out of thin air? I stay up a little later than you may realize.”

  Liam visibly paled, all the color draining from his cheeks. “Y-you don’t understand.” He stuttered.

  “Then make us understand.” Louis demanded, standing up also. Now they all faced each other on their feet around the table, eyes filled with pain they were desperately trying to hide behind masks of hate. “You, Zayn, and Niall all have something you need to tell us.”

  Paul’s phone began to ring from beside me, but it did nothing to break the tension like I wish it could have. “Yes, sir?” he said into the phone, and left the room in a rush, leaving me alone with the terrifying group of men around me. They were intimidating enough as five famous male singers, but my blood ran cold at their anger now.

  Zayn shook his head, eyes never leaving Louis, “Why should we explain anything, Lou? The only one in this room who doesn’t have any secrets is Harry, because I doubt that Delia is any better than us.” No one even acknowledged my presence in the room still, and I was fine with that. I did have a secret, but I was not that keen on bringing it up.

  Harry began to laugh, and if I had not known better I would have guessed he had gone mad. “I do have a secret, mate, but I won’t hide it.”

 The room was dead silent, but filled with the anger and sadness seeping out of every member of One Direction’s pores.

  “Some days… I regret ever signing up for the X-Factor.”

  I was pretty sure I heard four hearts breaking, but it was actually just the sound of a phone slamming shut as Paul walked back into the room. He looked sad, but was all business. “I know this is not the best time, right now, but you lads need to get dressed for someplace nice. Simon Cowell just invited you all to dinner with him tonight.”


 *Liam’s P.O.V*

 I finished buttoning my shirt and flattened it down over my stomach, sighing at the reflection in the mirror. My hair was starting to grow out again, and I had even allowed some stubble to grow along my jaw. There were purple bruises beneath my eyes, but I knew why those were there and apparently so did Harry. He had done really well at keeping it a secret that he knew, and I hope he continued to keep it secret. It was not something I needed getting out right now; I just was not ready to explain. None of us were ready for what happened just a while ago, though. I guess you cannot really prepare to have an argument with your best friends. We had never, in all the time we had known each other, reacted so viciously towards one another, and I think we were all a little shell shocked. One thing was sure for though, if our keeping secrets was any evidence, we would not be talking about this again and would probably try to forget that it happened for as long as we could.

   There was a timid knock on the door before it opened slowly, revealing Delia on the other side as she stuck her head in. “I kinda need to get ready now, Liam.” She said gently and I nodded, moving past her to leave the bathroom.

  “Right, sorry.” I knew I had taken a while since I had also showered in here and she had been patient enough to wait. I headed to my sock drawer and then to the closet to pull out a pair of nice dress shoes, newly polished. With Simon, you had to look in tip-top shape. Leaning against the bed to slide on my socks, I could hear Delia’s voice float perfectly through the closed door.

  “So are you…um, okay?”

 That was unexpected. I had known she was fairly shocked from the whole ordeal in the dining room after Paul had told us to get some things out on the table. It had started as Louis being sarcastic and Delia and he once more beginning to argue, but then it had turned into a full-out argument between the lads and I. Delia had just sat there, gobsmacked, not daring to intervene. I thought she was the kind of girl not to care about other people’s situations or problems, considering she had had the indecency to call up Richard and demand her way into the band with five strangers, but turns out she actually wanted to know how I was doing.

  Still shocked, I lied and said, “Fine.”

  I heard her laugh sourly from the bathroom. “Ok then, don’t tell me. I was just wondering how you were doing and if you wanted to talk about it.”

  I shrugged even though she could not see me. “I don’t really know what to say about any of it, besides sorry you had to see it.”

 I heard a loud thump and a muttered “Ouch” from the other side of the door and stood quickly to help, before realizing whatever was going on in there was not my business. A few seconds later she said, “I’m okay, I just slipped on the water from your shower, is all. But don’t apologize for being human, Liam. Everyone goes through a fight with their best friends eventually. It just happens, but then you realize no matter what y’all care for each other and make-up.”

 I sat myself back on her bed, well my bed actually, and finished lacing up my shoes. “I want to say that all of this will blow over soon, but I’m not sure it’s like that. The biggest fight we have ever had was after Louis and I straightened Harry’s hair when he fell asleep and he cried and yelled at us for an hour. This is different…”

 She was clearly trying to hold in giggles from the noises she was making, and I could not help but smile. It was a big relief when we all met her to find she had a sense of humor. I do not think even Louis can argue with me that despite how annoying that little name prank had been on the first day, it was hilarious how she had played us just as well. It would help us in the future that she enjoyed a laugh as much as we did, and from the interview today, she apparently loved to do wild, crazy stunts, also.

  What if those stop because we are at odds right now, though? What if One Direction never laughed together again because we are too busy keeping secrets? That was a terrifying thought that may have actually pierced my heart straight through, like someone had practiced their archery skills with my organ as a target.

  Delia, now no longer laughing, said, “It probably is different, but that doesn’t mean the ending will change, or you won’t make-up.”

  “I guess so.” I mumbled. I still did not feel all that comfortable talking with Delia, since she was still practically a stranger and she did in a way cause this mess. If she had not demanded to be a part of our careers, then they would not be on the line in the first place, and maybe this tension would not have risen between us and caused us to argue.

  I wished I believed that, but it was not true. Delia may have caused it to come out, but it was better than the other option. Which would be to continue to keep secrets, and hold in even more of our pent up emotions, which would lead to stop being friends and eventual hatred of each other. This way was the much better way to go if it meant being able to talk it through one day.

  Delia exited the lou, and I did not even look up from my already tied shoes before she said, “Does this look alright?”

  I glanced her way now, and saw the she had put on a tight, but not hookerishly tight, black skirt that reached high above her waist and all the way to her knees, and a green top was tucked into it. She had clipped one side of her hair to the back so it all rested over her opposite shoulder. She wore black heels, and had applied darker make-up over her eyes, and I could tell because it usually looked so natural. She looked quite nice, I had to admit, but the only girl who I found beautiful and made my heart pump erratically in my chest was my lovely Danielle. Delia was pretty in a very unique way, but to me no one compared to Danielle, the girl who I had loved for so long now. I wonder how she would look in that tight skirt of Delia’s…

  “Liam! Quit staring and tell me if this is fancy enough to wear to dinner. I know you told me it was a really expensive place, so…” She walked back to the mirror, self-doubt already filling her blue eyes as she pulled the skirt down then adjusted then pulled the collar of the shirt up.

  “You look fantastic.” I assured and truly meant it. Even though I did not think of her in a “hot bird” sort of way, I knew others probably did and was aware that she would definitely be turning heads tonight, especially Harry’s. Poor boy could barely tear his eyes off of her during the day, when she was just wearing normal clothes, so who knows what is going to happen tonight with her looking like that. What was even worse is that Delia had no idea that Harry watched her from the corner of his eye, and sometimes flat-out when she walked away. She was clueless to how she looked to others which was actually an appealing trait.

  Delia sighed, “Thank you.” I knew she did not believe me, but did not fish for compliments by arguing with me like some girls did. She turned her eyes back to me, looking at me sympathetically, “I really think this will blow over and you five will be fine. I know I don’t really know any of you that well, but… you seem close and if you are really friends then you can work this out.”

  I hung my head, fiddling with the buttons of my waistcoat to avoid her gaze that seemed to see right through me. Perhaps that was why I was telling her all these things, or maybe I just really wanted to talk to someone who cared enough to listen. “What if we weren’t really friends? I mean, friends don’t really keep secrets like this, do they?”

 “Oh please, Liam.” She rolled her eyes and placed herself next to me on the bed, but far enough for her not to be crowding. “You don’t actually believe that. Y’all have been through way too much for a few secrets to keep you apart. Friends don’t have to tell each other, anything, unless they want to. I think you do, though, which is why the guilt is eating you all alive. In my opinion, you aren’t angry at each other for hiding anything, just upset that you feel like you can’t tell them what’s bothering you.”

  I nodded. “I’m not even exactly sure what is bothering me right now, though.” I glanced up to meet her confused blue eyes. “I mean… I know that I am keeping a secret from them, but I don’t know it that is it, really, or even that the other boys aren’t telling me something. I guess I’m just… scared.” The last words came out in a whisper.

  “Scared of what?” She reached out and placed a dainty hand on my shoulder, attempting to soothe me. In a way it did, because it reminded me of the touch a best friend or sister might give me. Everything about Delia was so non-threatening, and kind at the moment that it was hard to remember what she had done, but I would not let myself forget. Gently, I removed her hand and slid away from her, looking to see the hurt look on her face before she wiped it clean for a blank expression.

 I took a deep breath, “ I think I’m scared that we aren’t going to be together after this tour. We seem to be drifting farther and farther apart, and that scene an hour ago was just proof. We are pretending to be your friend for the cameras, and that is easy enough, so what if all along we…” I trailed off to nothing, not being able to speak the words.

  Delia apparently could. “Weren’t really friends to begin with?” She giggled, and I felt my face flush with anger, this was not funny. “I’m sorry.” She said at the look on my face. “But that is ridiculous. You five are like brothers. You each have your own social life and group of friends, but you always come back to each other. Am I wrong?”

  I shook my head, and re-buttoned the waistcoat I had been fiddling with. There was silence for a few seconds before Delia spoke again, her voice timid. “Why can’t you be friends with me, though? Why do you have to pretend? Am I that horrible?”

  This was not the kind of conversation I was prepared for. I did not want to hurt her feelings, simply because I hated being rude to anyone, but if I explained the reasons we could not find it in ourselves to be friendly then we would begin to argue… again. I was pretty sure that Delia trusted me the most, considering she liked to hide behind me when in uncomfortable situations, so I would hate to disrupt whatever fragilely forming bond was forming between us.

  Jumping to my feet I said, “We really need to be going if we are going to meet Simon on time. He hates when we are late. I’ll go check that Zayn is not stuck in front of his reflection.” I bolted through the door before turning on my heels and sticking my head back around the door frame. “Oh and Delia?”

  I watched as she quickly wiped at the corner of her eye before looking up to me in hope, “Yes?”

  “Forget this ever happened, alright?’ I asked hesitantly. “The lads and I are going to act like nothing went on so Simon can’ tell anything is wrong, so can you play along, too?’

  Delia nodded, and stood to get black hand purse thing, trying to hide that she was wiping away yet another tear.

  I wish I could say that Delia was clearly acting, as Louis had suggested once, but I was beginning to think that Delia did not fake anything in front of us. It was the rest of One Direction that was doing all the acting. As soon as I left her room, I turned and walked straight into a blonde haired boy. Niall was dressed in black pants and a grey blazer over a blue tie hanging loosely around his neck.

 “Hey,” he said easily.


 Niall looked behind me, though he knew that it was Delia’s room I had walked out of. “Were you just in her room?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, and frowned at the way he bit off the word ‘her’. “Yea, I had to take a shower in there because Louis and Zayn were in the other two bathrooms.”

   “And she let you?” Niall asked, puzzled. Though I loved the Irish lad with all of my heart and would do anything for him, his blatancy was getting on my nerves.

  “She doesn’t mind.” I shrugged. ‘She was nice enough to let me keep my stuff in there so…”

  “But you should not have had to move out of there in the first place.” He interrupted.

  “Louis’ been talking to you hasn’t he?” I asked. “I thought you were starting to like her there for a while.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he said, his fair Irish skin paling even more.

 I shrugged and pushed past him to Zayn’s room to check that he was almost ready. “Nothing.” I said as I walked away, but turned back around to add. “Just that you are easy to switch sides.”


*Delia’s P.O.V*

  As we stood in the lobby of the hotel half an hour later I discovered several reasons as to why my palms were sweaty and my knees shaking. First being the massive amount of fans standing outside the front door, having found our location and decided to stalk it until we came out, knowing we would have to eventually. It brought back memories of the mob from only two nights ago, where teenage girls concealed a terror dressed in black. I could picture that knife now, gleaming in the moonlight, headed in the direction of the boys who would have no way to defend themselves. Out of all the reasons I regretted being in the band, and why I hated it, that was the one thing that made me feel slightly better. I may have saved one of their lives that night.

   The second reason I was nervous was that I was going to meet Simon Cowell, as in THE Simon Cowell.I  

 I had seen him on American Idol enough to know his blunt honesty, and the way he made people cry with ease. I was not one to cry easily, despite the few tears shed with Liam earlier, but the thought of meeting such an infamous man was enough to send me into another panic attack. The only thing stopping me was the way Liam kept looking back at me, aware that it could happen at any moment and I simply just could not let them think I was weak or that I needed help. I knew that in some ways I was a little prideful, but unless I really needed someone’s help… well, I just made sure that I never did. Lately, I had been going against that and almost begging the men around me for help, but that was going to stop tonight.

  The last and least important of the reasons I was on edge was that I was surrounded by several unbelievably good-looking men in suits. I am not saying it was a bad thing, though, only that it was hard to concentrate on anything else when One Direction were just casually standing around me looking like they walked straight off of a Hollister website or a Gucci photo shoot. It was enough to drive a girl insane, especially since I wanted anything but for them to know I thought they were hot. If they knew, then I would never live it down, and they would most likely hold it over me forever. Since I had met them, I knew they were gorgeous, perfect looking individuals, but had done everything to ignore it, except now all I could do was keep my head down, avoid glancing their way, and pray to God they did not get too close. I may do something I regret. Wait, scratch that, I definitely would do something I regret if I see how great they look in their nice pants and blazers.

 I snapped my head up as Paul spoke, “Well lads… and er, lass, the van is parked across the street and it is as close as I can get it. There are not as many fans as it sounds, they are just loud. Give me a second and I will tell them to…”

  “We can run for it,” Harry said.

  “No, no.” Paul said. “That would not be a good idea…” It was too late, for Harry was already out the door followed closely by Louis and Niall.

  Paul moved to block the exit, as Zayn began to run for it, but the younger man slyly jumped leaped around him and was out the revolving doors in a flash. Paul sighed at the two of us left. “Please be the smart ones in this.”

  I nodded politely in agreement as Liam shot me a devious look, slowly taking a step forward. I bit my lip and smiled, shaking my head before also taking a step forward.

  Paul caught on half a second too late as Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door, sticking me into the revolving section with him. When we were dumped on the other side, Paul was chasing after us, yelling something about me being just as bad as the rest of them. Liam turned to me and winked, “When in the band, do as the boys do.”

  I laughed as we ran to catch up with the rest, who were just ahead of us. Fans were being held back by the many security guards that worked under Paul, and were having a great deal of a time keeping the fans away. I saw girls screaming and crying, dressed in warm scarves and mittens like they had been out here all day. Some held signs, such as “Rock me, Harry” or “Marry me, Niall”, and other fans were not girls, but boys, and I was surprised to find that most did not look gay. I could tell because they were calling out my name and holding up signs that said inappropriate things even I knew I was too innocent to read. Only day two of being famous and I already had a perverted fan base, how flattering.

  When we reached the end of the sidewalk, we found Harry waiting for us to cross the street with him. He flashed a smile down at me, but I avoided his gaze, making sure not to stare at how great he looked in his outfit and hair pushed back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his eyes wander slowly down my body, but snapped to attention when Louis yelled from across the street, “Yo, other half! Come on!”

  I giggled at that then found myself being tugged across the road by Liam, his hand still wrapped around my tiny wrist, Harry a mere step behind.

  Everything seemed to happen at once. A loud car horn sounded over the screaming of fans. Harry suddenly grabbed me and pulled me behind him, everywhere he touched me sending shocks through my body. At the same time a black car appeared directly in front of Harry and slammed on the breaks, screeching loudly. The bumper of the car banged Harry’s knee, but if he had not stepped in front of me I would have broken a leg or worse. The car had conjured out of nowhere, but I was sure it was no coincidence as it just sat there, the windows tinted too dark to see the driver behind the wheel.

  I would have probably stood in the road, frozen for days in shock if the two men next to me had not recovered from their shock and dragged me away from the car to the sidewalk near the van.

  “Are you alright?” Paul asked as soon as he had caught up. By now the car was long gone, along with the person driving it. “I never even saw the car coming it was going so fast! That driver should watch where he is going, he almost made caused a big accident. That was fast thinking on your part, Harry, it was unbelievable.”

  Harry shrugged and went to get in the van, not really caring for the compliment. “I never even saw it, either.’ Liam admitted. “You were nearly hit, Delia.”

  “Nearly,” I mumbled. “But I’m fine.” They did not understood, not even Paul did I think, but I knew loud and clear that that was no accident the driver had, or that it was a mistake or coincidence. I knew management told me to keep it secret, so I would, and that was how I know that whoever was in that car was someone I had most likely seen before. Someone dressed all in black, chanting outside of the London 02 Arena. Whoever it was had made the most clearest of threats towards me by doing that, and I was the only one who knew. Someone out there was still after One Direction and I had just been made a target.

  “And we are very glad of that.” Said Paul and motioned for us to get in the van before the fans overpowered security. “Oh and Preston is riding with us so could you hop in the back, Delia?”

  “Sure.” I agreed without argument. My mind was on totally other things right now. I climbed in behind Liam, sitting beside him with the window on my other side. The seats in the van faced each other, so Harry sat directly across from me, Louis beside him and Zayn across from Niall. Trying to distract myself of the incident that left me shaken I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter.

  I heard Paul from the front say, “You had a lot of pictures taken of you just now, so a lot of publicity, but good thing you all look splendid. Especially you, Delia.”

  “Oh thank you, Paul.” I said, a little shyly. I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked up to see Harry watching me again. I crossed my legs self-consciously and tugged on my dress again as I said a little softer. “And thank you, Harry. I would be getting on a stretcher on the way to the hospital right now if it weren’t for you.”

  “It was no big deal.” He said, shrugging it off, which all of them seemed to be doing. I guess things like that happened every day. Harry’s eyes wandered back out the window, where fans were racing alongside us trying to snap photos. Zayn and Niall were on the other side making silly faces at them for the camera, but Harry just watched them blankly, which seemed unusual for his very quirky personality.

  “It was to me.’ I argued and reached forward as if on impulse to the place on his knee that the car struck him. As soon as my cold hand made contact with his skin through the fabric of his pants he jerked and lifted his leg away from me to cross over his other one. “Does it hurt?” I asked.

  “It’s just going to leave a bruise.” He said. “It will heal.”

 “Sorry.” I apologized for some reason.

 Harry shook his head, and I watched his green eyes fall to his knee where I knew it must hurt whether he said so or not. “Don’t be sorry.” He ordered. “It was impulse and I don’t regret it. I would do it for anyone of you.”

 “Awww, Harreh!” Louis squealed, having overheard. He placed his palms on Harry’s cheeks and squished his face, causing him to smile. “Such a hero, this one.”

  They grinned at each other, and soon all five boys were joking around with each other, talking about the craziest things fans have done to them all. I giggled at most of it, but stayed out of the conversation by scrolling through Instagram on my phone. I did not want to interrupt whatever was going with them, since it seemed they were ignoring the argument they had had earlier. It was better for the sake of the meeting with Simon, but I wondered if that meant they refused to even talk about it. After a while it grew quiet, and finding this odd, I glanced up to see the five men with their heads bent into their phones. All were typing away furiously.

  A few quiet seconds later, Louis leaned forward and showed his phone to Liam, who read the screen quickly. "Oh yea, good point." he said and Louis sat back. Liam turned to me. "You need to follow us on twitter and everything, so the fans can see."

"Good idea." I said, and quickly did as he suggested. I followed each one of them, but had trouble finding Zayn's account. "What is yours, Zayn?"

He sighed, "I don't have one anymore. It wasn't worth being called a terrorist."

I gaped at him, but he looked back at me with honesty and sadness in his brown eyes. "That's ridiculous."

He shrugged and motioned for me to hand over my phone. Hesitantly, I did so as he said, "I'm just taking you to my secret account. You can follow that one. I use it to talk to fans."

"I didn't know you had one." Niall stated curiously. "We could have followed you."

Zayn began to chuckle and handed me back my phone. "You are, mate. It took me forever to get you all to notice me. I pretended to be a teenage boy desperately in love with all of you. Eventually, you all followed me. Liam actually even sent me a very supportive tweet, saying to ignore what others say about me, you know, thinking I was some bullied gay kid. He had no idea I was in the same room as him at the time, trying not to laugh.”

Everyone burst out laughing, except for Zayn who smirked and Liam who scowled. He said, "I was trying to be nice to a fan, and it just ended it up being you?'' For a moment he seemed angry, before a grin broke out on his face. "Very sneaky." They high-fived and joined in on the laughter.

  Once we all recovered, Liam said to me, “I try to tweet a lot of the fans any time I get, and I suggest you do that, too. It will help the fans get to know you better.”

 I nodded at the good advice. “I’m not a big social websites person.” I said. “But now is as good a time as ever to learn to be one.”

  “Try searching your name.” Liam said.

  I did and found that I had been mentioned many times in just the last hour, and there were already pictures of the interviews today everywhere. In each picture, I noticed that either I was looking at one of the boys, or they were looking at me, so of course, to the fans, that meant we were in love and they were already forming relationships between all of us. I giggled at it mostly, because I was just thankful people were too busy “shipping” to notice the tension. I sure could feel it now in the back of the van as we drove through the city, the lights from buildings appearing as the sunlight faded to evening in London. Although the boys, I mean men, had apparently made a secret pact to ignore anything “put out on the table”, as Paul would say, and try to be normal as possible, I could still feel the awkward tension in the air. It was like an electric current rushing between them, and even though they talked to each other, they did not touch or reach out for one another like they usually did. I hope they were not going to stop, because as weird as it was, it was also very cute. Liam’s words from earlier were stuck in my head about them not really being friends and that was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard.

  Turning to him, I said, “Will you be in my first picture for Twitter?”

  He gave me that kind, generous smile of his and nodded. I held the phone up about to snap the photo when four figures rushed into my personal space just as my thumb hit the button. Harry and Louis had jumped up, practically in Liam and I’s lap, while Zayn had jumped into Niall’s arms and they had both leaned in. I groaned and opened up the picture, seeing goofy smiles on everyone’s faces except me, who was actually giving a nice smile.

 “Idiots.” I grumbled, but uploaded the picture on twitter as they laughed with the caption: When in the band, do as the boys do. I was sure they would see it later when they logged on.

  Sighing, I listened to my band members quiet voices as they whispered to each other, but I was unable to hear the words, so I just leaned my head on the window of the van and watched the city fly past.

  Before I knew it, Paul was calling back that we were here and to get out quickly before anyone figured out where we were. The van door opened, and instead of hopping to the ground, Zayn instead chose to hop onto Paul’s back and ordered, “Full speed ahead.”

 Paul tried to detach the man from his back, but was unsuccessful. Niall was laughing hard as he exited the van, followed by Louis and Liam, and then Harry who pretended to slap Zayn’s backside. Paul, a grinning Zayn attached to his back, offered me a hand to get out of the van as ladylike as was possible. He escorted me across the street to the entrance of the restaurant, passing the many people lined up all the way down the street to enter. When I looked behind me, Harry and Liam were arm in arm like Paul and I while Louis was matched up with Preston, the stoic guard who never smiled.

  “They are here for a dinner reservation.” Paul said to the woman at the front of the restaurant, that’s name was something French I could not pronounce.

  “May I have a name?” The woman said, not even glancing up from her reservations list.

  Paul frowned, “I’m guessing it is either under One Direction or Simon Cowell…” He trailed off, as the woman seemed to not even be paying attention. Then the phone rang on her desk and she hurriedly picked it up without another look at us.

 “You can be the most famous people in the world, but the French will still be French.” Paul said into my ear, and I giggled. “Well lads,” he said, turning to the rest of his. “This is a very bad choice, but I am going to have to let you find him. We are right on time so he should be here. Good luck.” He patted my arm and I gave him a thankful smile.

  Harry and Louis immediately began the search for the infamous music critic, by passing by every single table in the room and scrutinizing the guests to check if they were just him in disguise. I followed them through the diners, not really caring that they should be embarrassing me, but rather caught up in the beauty of the place. It was like a scene straight out of a magazine, one of the most expensive places to eat in the world type things. The theme was warm and romantic, like the whole place was meant to be an aphrodisiac. There were dark red curtains opened up to windows revealing the night sky, and there was huge Roman styled water fountain trickling water from an angels mouth in the center of the room. Violinist played softly in the corner, where my eyes kept straying to watch the experts at work, knowing how difficult the instrument was to play. All of the guests were their finest, and I once again felt self-conscious about my dress choice, even though this was the nicest thing I brought with me to London.

  “You look fine,” muttered Liam.

  “How did y-“

  He ignored the question. “Harry keeps looking back at you, you know.”

 “No, I don’t know.” I said, my heart beginning to race. Why was it doing that? What did I care if any of them looked at me? I did not care at all. I did not even know them, let alone care if they had any interest in me other in friendship. “Does he really?”

  Maybe I am lying to myself, but Harry Styles is world famous, so much that even I had heard about him before I joined the band. Attention like that from him was very flattering to a girl like me.

  Liam grinned and nodded ahead of us. I looked in that direction to see Harry’s eyes focused on me, but as soon as he met my eyes he turned back around, causing him to trip on a chair leg and stumble into Niall, wrapping his arms around the boy to steady himself.

  “Did you trip?” I heard Niall ask.

  “No.” Harry said defensively. “I just wanted a hug.” The blonde boy laughed and slung an arm around Harry. I smiled at that. Were they really just forgetting about that argument or was it just an act, though?

  “Would you six quit making a fool of yourselves and sit down with me?” said a man’s voice from behind me. I swung around to come face to face with Simon Cowell, a displeased look on his face.

  “H-hi.” I said, going against orders and making a fool of myself. “I’m Delia.”

  “Is that so?” he returned sarcastically. I felt my body freeze up before a loose smile appeared on his face and he opened his arms for a welcoming hug. I slid into him, feeling the blood rush back into my cheeks. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”  he said pulling away, and motioned to sit at the table. He politely pulled out the chair for me and I sat down, then waited for the rest of my band to greet their old mentor. They shared warm hugs before they took their seats and picked up menus.

  Zayn sat on my right and Liam to my left, thankfully, or I may have become even more nervous. An attractive waiter walked up to our table and stood behind me. His smirk made me shift uncomfortably.

  “Good evening, One Direction and Mr. Cowell. Welcome back.” He greeted in a thick accent. “But who may I ask is this, belle woman?” He said, and I placed my hand in his open one which he leaned down and kissed.

  “She isn’t a woman. “ said Louis. “She’s eighteen.”

  The man took a step back, looking confused. “You misunderstand. I was just asking for the pretty name that belongs to this very pretty-“

  “It’s Delia.” Said Harry,in a dark tone, before I could speak. Was there something I was missing? Was it really necessary for them to interrupt some harmless flirting? Not that I had had any intention of doing so, but they had no right after all they had done to speak about me like this. “And she’s taken.”

 “By who, may I ask?” the waiter was looking quite peeved now.

  “By all of us,” replied Niall, and motioned around the table. “Obviously.” I rolled my eyes at their behavior. I was sure they were either doing this to embarrass me, or to destroy any chance of dating or social life I possibly could have. It must be a part of their full proof plan to ruin my life.

  Step One: Make sure Delia can never be asked out, never get a boyfriend, get married, and eventually have to live alone with eighty seven cats.

  “I see.” The waiter said, his eyebrows rising to his hairline. He smiled awkwardly. “A new waiter will be back to take your order shortly.” He turned on his heel and left.

  I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at every single person who had just spoken. They merely shrugged as Simon said, “Thanks, boys. He was my favorite server here.”

  A new employee came to the table, thankfully a woman, and asked if we would like any wine. “No thanks, I don’t drink. But I will have a glass of water with lemon.” The rest ordered very expensive drinks, and the waitress smiled at the amount of money before walking away.

  “So,” Simon began, entertwining his fingers and leaning forward. “On the bright side, you do look great together, like a complete band. On the downside, Paul has updated me on the fact that you… don’t exactly get along.”

 “That may be a bit of an understatement.” Louis said. Anger rushed through me and I kicked out with my heel to hopefully strike Louis, but instead Zayn howled at the pain and turned to glare at me.

  “And why is that, Louis?” He seemed to be shocked by the question for a second.

  “W-why? Well, because she’s… irritating.” He replied. “She’s fake, annoying, rude, the list goes on.”

 “Mhmm…” Simon nodded. “Niall, what about you? Don’t hold back now.” Yes, please be blunt.

  He shrugged, “She doesn’t think about anyone but herself really. She broke Liam’s ipad this morning.” I tried to interrupt but he continued. “She took over Liam’s room like it’s hers and was not very complying when it came to rehearsing the songs. Then she was late for the performance today…” He bit his lip as he finished, keeping his eyes trained on the table setting in front of him.

  “Zayn, what about you?” What is this? Hate one Delia Day?

  Zayn hesitated for a moment. “I don’t really have an opinion, although she does get on my nerves. I think she could try a little harder, considering…” he trailed off.

  “Harry?” Do I have to hear or this? Can I stand and object to this like we were in court, or would that be disrespectful since we were seated in the middle of a very nice dining area.

  Harry’s eyes floated up the ceiling, as he shook his head, a slight groan escaping his perfect lips. “There’s something about her that… unsettles me, I guess. I don’t know.”

  “Liam?” Simon’s eyebrows were raised curiously, like he was seeing something I was missing. Would he please fill me in?

  “I think she can be a little… difficult, but aren’t we all at times?” It was decided then. Liam was my new best friend, because his reply was the least…unkind.

   I smiled before I found that all eyes were now on me, as Simon said, “And Delia, be honest now.”

  Gulping, I fixed my hair over my shoulder, tugging at the strands that were already beginning to curl. “Honestly, I don’t think they are horrible people at all. Everyone has a mean side, including me, I get that. I just don’t get why they have disliked me from the start. I didn’t even do anything until they started being rude to me and I was just returning the favor.”

  “Wait, are you saying that we made the first move?” Louis questioned, his voice a little loud. “Are you really that stupid?”

 I gasped, “Are you stupid enough to believe y’all are the innocent ones in this? You were the immature one that decided to pull that clever little prank this morning.”

“You really thought it was clever?” He smirked.

I scowled at him, digging my nails into the napkin in my lap, pretending it was his face. “Can I please hit you?”

 “Did you ask me if you could hit on me? Sorry dude, but I prefer girls.”

 “Is that why you’re so into Harry?” I knew I took it too far by the look on his face. The whole “Larry Stylinson” thing was a touchy subject I could tell and I had just moved our game into death mode by playing that card.

 “Jealous that he checks me out more than you?’ Louis spat back.

 “Excuse me?” Harry tried to intervene, but we acted like we never heard him.

 Louis added, “Or are you just angry that you don’t have a chance with any of us?”

  “Why would I want one?” I asked through gritted teeth.

 Before things got even more out of hand, Simon raised his voice over our bickering and said, “Quiet, you two.”

 Our mouths shut tight with a snap and I leaned back in my seat, not having realized I had scooted forward in the first place. “Listen, I know I am not a doctor or a genius, but it does not take one to pick up on what is going on here.”

 “Then would you please share, Uncle Si?” Liam pleaded. I felt so drained now. I really just wanted to stand up and leave this restaurant, and go somewhere, anywhere that was away from these people. Away from the pillows that smell like Axe cologne, the cameras that people flash at me, the songs by One Direction that are stuck in my head , and especially the moments like this in which I have no clue what is going on.  “Because we can’t stop arguing with each other and it’s getting worse.”

  Simon cleared his throat to begin, but was interrupted by the waitress returning with our drinks and to order our food. I remembered then that I had not even picked up the menu. As the others ordered I read through the choices and then sighed in desperation.

  “What is it?’ Zayn said, turning to me in annoyance.

  “Nothing. It’s just… I can’t read French. I have no idea what this stuff is.” I lay the menu back down and decided that I was not hungry anyways.

  “Me neither.” Zayn admitted. “I just get what Harry and Louis get since they can read it.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I said. “I’m not hungry. I had a big lunch.”

  Zayn looked at me skeptically, “What did you have?”

   I bit my lip, and for some reason told the truth, “A cup of tea.”

 I thought I had spoken quietly, but the curly- haired boy must have ears like a hawk. Harry said to the waitress, “And Delia will have the same as me.”

 The waitress nodded, jotting down our orders then hurried off. “I’m not hungry.” I told him.

 “You haven’t eaten all day, though. You need food.” He argued, and I knew he had a point.

 “Why do you care?” I asked. “You didn’t have to order for me.”

 “Because,” he said. “If you pass out in the airport tomorrow we will  leave you wherever you fell, and I don’t feel like explaining that to management. I refuse to carry you around just because you didn’t eat.”

 I did not reply, since I was not sure thank you was correct and his reason was pretty selfish. I thought back to what Liam had said earlier, when I had caught Harry looking at me, and smiled. I knew that the man was practically a stranger to me, and he had been quite the jerk with his muttered insults earlier, but there was something different about him out of the others. Maybe it was the fact that he had pushed me behind him when a car tried to hit me, or the way he smiled and told me to sing with him during the interview. It could be what he said to me in the in the parking garage early this morning, or the way he rushed to my side during my panic attack. Most of all, though, it could be the butterflies that swarm my stomach whenever he is near. I did not know him well at all, but I wanted to discover everything about this jerk of a band mate I had.

  Simon spoke, pulling me from the thoughts that I should not be having. “I think you are all dealing with different things, other than the fact that you dislike your band mates. Perhaps there is jealousy, or fear that someone will judge you? Do any of you feel threatened? One of you even seem a bit confused about your own emotions and don’t really know how to accept them. Low self-esteem, troubled pasts, broken hearts… am I getting close?”

  No one responded for obvious reasons. I did not think that anything he just described was me, but this was Simon Cowell here, so I was not going to tell him he was wrong. He could not be, so he must be referring to my other band mates.

 “I see I have hit it right on the spot, then.” Simon said, leaning back in his chair with a successful gleam in his eyes.

  “Okay,” Louis said. ‘Maybe you did, but Uncle Si, what do we do about it? If we don’t fix whatever is going on we could screw up our careers. And you of all people know how hard five out of the six of us here have worked for this.”

  I had risen my glass of water to my lips for a drink, but upon his words I set back down on the table a bit too hard and rolled my eyes.

  “I see your point, Louis.” Simon said and patted the man’s shoulder. “But all I can tell you is that you aren’t going to be able to fake your friendship. It just won’t work and you will eventually get caught. If you really want to keep your careers, then you will swallow your petty jealousies and get along.”

  ‘Well, we’ve tried that.” Zayn said. “It didn’t really work all that well.”

  “And how much work did you put into it, Zayn?” he tensed beside me. “Not much, I suppose. I think if you would just attempt at being friends you may find that Management was not so clueless when they said you worked well together.”

  “What do you mean?” Niall questioned. He had not spoken much this entire time, and I was surprised that he had actually been paying attention.

 Simon grinned, “You look excellent all together. Delia has a very unique beauty like the rest of you, so people will remember her face.’ Unique beauty? Does he mean averagely alright? “You all have that similar carefree, staying young forever thing going on. If you would attempt I am sure you would get along.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell them.” Liam said and sighed playfully.

 Harry gave him an equally as playful pat on the cheek and told him to shut up before saying, “We’ve, uhmm, sorta tried that… It didn’t exactly work.” His voice was so deep and slow, the accent making it even more hypnotizing.

  “Try it again, then.” Simon ordered a bit harshly. “And this time, make it work. There is a fair in Glasgow this week and you will have some free time tomorrow night after you land and do the signing. I’m sure a place that brings out your inner child will be the perfect place.”

 We agreed to go and Simon said he would arrange everything to make sure we would have security guards patrolling the area while still staying undercover. If I was honest, I was quite excited to go, because I did really enjoy going to fairs with my friends back in Alabama whenever one stopped by. Even though I would be going with the five men who caused me early morning headaches and panic attacks, it is almost impossible to keep a smile off your face in a place like that. Our food arrived, and while I tried to figure out what the heck Harry had ordered me Simon and the boys caught up with each other until late into the night.


  “Why did I have to eat so much?” Niall groaned, clutching his stomach as he dragged himself into the suite. I heard a heavy thump behind me and guessed that he was now on the ground, but I was too wiped out to check. It was almost eleven, and though it was not that late, I was still getting used to London time and might be a little Jet-lagged.

  “What’s wrong, man?” Zayn screamed in the loud Pakistani accent he developed when joking around. “Nialler!” I heard them begin to scream and joke around behind me, but ignored them all and headed straight to a bedroom, hoping it was mine. I was so tired that I honestly did not care where I was as long as I ended up somewhere I could sleep. I fell against the mattress, knowing it was the right one by the strong scent of Axe cologne that was recognizably Liam. I had just enough energy to peel myself off the bed and change into some comfortable pajamas and brush my teeth before crawling back beneath the covers. I closed my eyes, but sleep refused to come no matter how I begged for it, too. I tossed and turned for several minutes, listening to the sound of music coming from the living room. Being the last night they had in London, I guessed the boys wanted to stay up together for a while and throw a tiny party.

  Before I got the nerve to march in there and tell them to turn the blasted song down, my phone rang from the bedside table. I picked it up, and checked the caller ID. I was surprised to see it was not Tori, but my friend, Allison, from back home. I had not really stayed in touch with anyone after high school graduation besides the casual get together of everyone in our friend group. Since I had not really had a close best friend, but rather many semi-close friends, it was shocking that Allison, who was one of my favorites in our old group, actually called.

  “Hey, Alli.”

  ‘Oh my gosh, you remember me?” she said and I smiled. “I thought you would have forgotten all the little people in Alabama, now that you are all famous and stuff.”

 “I couldn’t forget you.” I said.

  “What about me, Delia?”

  “Or me?”

  “Girl why you playin? I know I’m your favorite.”

  The familiar sounds of Jake, Bryanna, and Mykelti filled the phone and I smiled even wider, all traces of sleepiness gone. I realized I was on speaker at what was probably a party back home. One I would have been invited to if I had not had to go out to dinner with a bunch of popstars.

  “I miss you all!” I said, and meant it. We were not even that close, but high school had been bearable because of them. By the sounds of it, I was guessing at least eleven people were gathered around Allison’s phone at the moment. It meant a lot to know that they cared enough to call.

   ‘So what’s it been like being with that band… oh come on, I just had it…” I giggled into the phone, as they began to joke around. I knew that none of them were fans of the band, at all, and instead made fun of them whenever the chance appeared.

  “One Inception?”


  “No Perfection?’

  Allison sighed, “Come on guys, knock it off.” I heard a lot of laughter on the other end and wished that I could be there with them, and to go back in time where I could make fun of One Direction because I had never met them and thought that I never would. “So, we watched your interviews today. I can’t believe we are friends with a celebrity, but how did this even happen. Last I heard you were just going to London to visit a friend, not join an internationally famous boyband!”

  My smile disappeared and I hesitated. Could I trust them with this or should I come up with a lie to be safer? I did not really believe that anyone of them would sell the story to the press if I told them to keep it a secret, so I decided to go with the truth for the first time in a while.

  “Well, my friend Tori took me to a One Direction concert..”

  “One Direction! That’s it!”

 I rolled my eyes and continued. “And we went around to the back after it was over, but the band started to get mobbed. It was getting really dangerous for them.” I left out the part about the death threats, felling like that was too personal to share. “I wanted to help, so I just started to, you know, sing and then they joined in. It was just pretty spontaneous. Then I was shoved in a cab with the head of One Direction’s management and then had a meeting with him. He told me I had to be in the band because it would be a new edge to their careers, or some crap like that. I did not want to do it, since I don’t even know them for crying aloud and didn’t want to ruin their careers, but he didn’t give me a choice. He used that contract I signed with that publishing company a while back against me and threatened that if I did not do what he said and joined the band he would ruin my writing career. I didn’t even have a say in the matter at all, because he owns me.”

  Allison gasped, along with the several others who were listening. ‘That’s horrible!” she said. “And here I thought you had won a competition or something.”

  “Nope.’ I deadpanned. ‘I was just blackmailed.”

 Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open and the lights of my bedroom were flipped on, revealing a gaping Liam, his hair in a mess and shirt half un-buttoned. I did not understand why he looked so confused and shocked. I had not said anything I did not mind him overhearing.

  “You were what?” he asked.  

A/N: dum… Dum… DUM!!! Hahah, cliff hanger guys! Don’t you love me so much? I know you do!!! Sorry if this chapter was crappy, I have been so busy and tired lately, but I wanted to get this written and give it to you, so you could be angry at the ending of it. I hope to update soon, but I do have a lot of tests coming up, so don’t forget about me!

 Please comment what you think is going to happy now that Liam knows. Does he believe her? Does he push her out the window for lying? Jk…

 Anyways, be lovely by telling me anything you enjoy or even dislike about this book. First comment telling me your fav part of the chapter gets a dedication!

 Stay Beautiful,


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