Daily Self Growth Journal

By JacobSummers

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This story is intended to be a tool for the growth of whoever wants to use it. It is a daily journal intended... More

Inanimate Representatives
The Stepping Stones of Life
Don't Tread on Me
Effort's Mistakes
Kairos Moments
I'm No Better
Talent and Skill
The Road to Happiness
Beauty Unnoticed
Do It!
We All Have Somewhere to Turn
Giving and Living
Decisions and Mistakes
Defend Your Troops
Self Employment
We Need Home
Real Family
Vision's Experiences
Truths and Their Opinions
Realizing Value
Use What You Have
The Journey!
Good Fruits
Waiting for the Sun
Purpose and Penguins
Redemption is Awesome!
Where's the Wisdom?
Acting With a Sense of Urgency
The Risky Shot
Running with Lions
Use a Lever
No Know
Remedial Laughter
Real Competition
A Mother's Love
Be the Harvest
Beware of Virtues
Love Means 100%
Smile Power :)
Involved in the Future
Abuse of Purpose
Asking for Medicine
Truth, Truthfully
Our Perfection
Living Motivated
A Child or a Progeny
The Gift of Gifts
Your, No, You're Capabilities!
Your Competency
Install Your Mud Tires
Who Needs Pragmatism?
Help Yourself
The Feeling of Success
A Stroll with Purpose
Charter to Shine
Anticipate the Bang
A Concentration
Heavenly Manager
Flowers in Garbage
Start Changing
Spread Thin
Faith It
Faithful Credence
Lead! Innovate?
The "Why"
The Difference
Forgive and Forgiven
How to Gain
Mind over Mind
Where's the Happiness?
Exciting Purpose
Affecting Change
It's Ok
Command Teacher
Resolute Determination
How to Trump a Roadblock
Sacrifice's Precipitation
Get in the Game!
Are You a Killer App?
It's all About the "Why"
Trying to Find the "Why"
The Easiest Way
Our True Value
Accomplishment Through Adversity
It's a God Thing
Team Possibilities
A Continuous Zeitgeist
Being the Poem
Instant Comfort
Following Jesus
What Are The Chances?
Celebrations and Sacrifice
The Source of Satisfaction
Valuable Faults
Who Has Your Feet?
We are Representatives

A Will to Help

3.1K 1 0
By JacobSummers

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. H.W. Beecher

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. Matthew 8:2-3

Will: “a disposition to act according to principles or ends” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Imagine a World where everyone was willing (like Christ) to reach out a helping hand to their fellow citizens. There would hardly be a needy person. I'm reminded of the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. The man in need was robbed, beaten, and left for dead on the side of the road. While he laid there, he was passed by more than one person better able to serve him than the one who eventually did. However, they did not have a strong will to do so. The ones who were thought to be the closest to perfection were obstinate to grace and charity. While the one supposed to be the least charitable of the travelers who passed was the one who helped. To the Israelites at the time, samaritans were commonly thought to be more like the robbers who beat the traveler than one who would help another in pure charity. But it was a samaritan who helped, after church leaders would not. It was a samaritan who gave his time and money when no one expected it of him. And it was a samaritan that can teach us all a lesson. We're all a part of that story. Whether we're the traveler, the robber, the samaritan or the church leader. But we don't have to be what others categorize us as. What matters most is that we help when there's a need. We should all persevere in using our abilities like the Good Samaritan. So that our will, will be to towards charity, instead of an obstacle to good will. Our efforts in helping ourselves are much more efficiently spent helping others. Who is remembered more in this story, the priest, or the Good Samaritan? Which one are we? And what do we want to be remembered by?

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thanks for reading,


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