Another Set of Wings

By TheHalfbloodTimeLady

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Admiral Reddington is a widow with three gorgeous daughters; he desperately needs help with us younger one s... More

CHAPTER 1: "Our Lives"
CHAPTER 2: "Breaking at the Cracks"
CHAPTER 3: "Ever Enough"
CHAPTER 5: "Name"
CHAPTER 6: "My Happy Ending"

CHAPTER 4: "Another Set of Wings"

631 12 6
By TheHalfbloodTimeLady


Lizzie kissed me and held tight onto me. The taste of her was something amazing, I wanted this girl more than anything. Still I was insecure, I mean, she's so beautiful and young, how could she feel this way about me? How could she want me when she had a soldier boy at home? She must have noticed that I stopped kissing her and broke the kiss.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked unsure and I held her tight to me.

"No, I'm wondering, how did I get so lucky?" She giggled.

"Oh my Admiral, you have no idea how lucky I am for having you." She pecked my lips again.

"I could never tell tough Miss Elizabeth Scott could be cheesy. I could stay here forever, but we need to finish packing or we'll miss the flight." She nodded but pulled me to her first.

"One more kiss?" I touched her dimple and kissed her one more time.


Hours later we arrived in Boston where Kate and her deceased father Alan, Carla's parents, lived. I could feel Lizzie was nervous but after she meets them she'll see there's nothing to worry about. She was back on sitter mode as soon as we left the room but I couldn't forget the taste of her lips on mine.

"Raymond!" Kate said to me both hugging me and the girls. I saw Beth introducing Lizzie to them and the moment Kate laid her eyes on me I knew she could read me like an open book.

Later on my forever mother in law came to me. Even in her old age I could see all the sass in her eyes.

"About the rooms, how will be the arrangements?" She asked.

"Well, little Rae, Beth and Jen could share a room, Tom could be in another and I'll be on Carla's old room." She smirked.

"And Elizabeth? Plus, I think Jen could share a room with her boyfriend, she's 18 for God's sake." I rolled my eyes.

"Liz could be with the girls since Jen will be with Tom." I tried to act cool.

"She could be in your room, couldn't she?" I tried my hardest not to blush but it was impossible. "You don't need to lie Raymond, I saw the way you look at her. It's pure delight."

"It's..." She interrupted me.

"You deserve to be happy, you know that right?" I nodded.

"She's so young, I feel like I'm ruining her." Kate shook her head.

"She's old enough to know what she wants. I know you're afraid but she's the first one to get into your head after Carla, right?" I nodded.

"I think I'm already in love with her. But everything's so complicated." She glared at me.

"Probably it's not that complicated, if I remember correctly you have a tendency to complicate everything inside your head. She must be pretty special to win you over so quickly, so don't miss this chance life is giving you to be happy again. Do the girls approve her?"

"Jen does, she is trying her hardest to play match maker with us. It's weird how Lizzie and Jen became best of friends. Beth loves her to death. Little Rae, that has the sass like her grandma, is the one that might give us a bit of trouble. I know she likes Liz but she's jealous and thinks that Liz will steal me away from her."

"So, what's so complicated about you?" I looked down.

"Liz has a boyfriend back home, but she told me that she'll break up with him as soon as we get back."

"Oh, I see. You don't have to worry Raymond, by the way she looks at you I bet she doesn't even remember her boyfriend right now." I smiled shyly and was about to say something when said Lizzie walked in.

"Red, the girls are asking about the rooms." Kate smiled and said she would show the girls their rooms. The moment Lizzie and I were alone I held her tight around the waist.

"My dearest mother-in-law said it's okay for you to share a room with me." Her eyes widened.

"What? You told her?" Her cheeks blushed.

"I didn't have to. Apparently it's written all over my face." She smiled lightly.


Two days later I woke up with Lizzie kicking me in her sleep. I shook her lightly to wake her up.

"Love? It's okay. It's just a bad dream." She woke up startled. When her eyes focused she held me tight around the neck.

"Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it." She whispered in my ear and I ran my fingers on her hair.

"Lizzie, it was just a nightmare, go back to sleep it's only 5 in the morning." I said kissing her hair and bringing her to cuddle on my chest. Her breathing slowed down and soon she was back to sleep. I couldn't sleep though, I was there staring at my little Lizzie, how come I fell for her so quickly? I was staring at Carla's old room's walls and saw a picture of us in University. How I missed that amazing crazy woman. Would she be happy with me laying here in her room with Lizzie in my arms? I was about to doze off when I heard Carla's voice, I opened my eyes and saw her glowing beside the bed. It's been so long since she appeared to me. When she died I kept seeing her for months but as soon as Beth was two she stopped showing herself. I was terrified at first but then I lived for the moments I'd see her. I have no idea if it was her ghost or just an hallucination of mine.

"Hello sweetie!" She said and I slowly let go of Lizzie not to wake her up and sat on bed.

"Carla? Why are you showing up now after so many years?" I whispered, I couldn't wake Lizzie or she'd think I'm mad.

"I'm always with you and the girls silly, you just can't see me."

"Why did you decide to show yourself now?" She laughed and looked at Lizzie.

"Her." She pointed at Lizzie. "You love her." That wasn't a question so I just nodded. "I like her, she treats our girls like a mother would. Why are you so scared? She loves you too, even a blind man can see." I rolled my eyes.

"She's 32" She sighed.

"Ray, stop giving yourself dumb excuses and tell me what you really are so scared of." I took a deep breath.

"Carla, I'm a grumpy old man, she's a clever beautiful young girl. I don't wanna ruin her." I looked down and felt Carla touch my arm.

"You won't ruin her, I know she looks so young but she's mature, she can handle you. Like you said, she's impossible, your impossible girl." Lizzie started to wake up and Carla smiled. "Gotta go sweetie, take care." Then she vanished. Lizzie turned in bed and saw me sitting.

"Are you alright Ray?" I nodded and smiled at her. My decision was made, Lizzie would be mine and I'd be the best possible version of me just to be with her. She smiled back at me and I leaned in locking our lips in a gentle kiss. Oh Lizzie, how much I care about you.


Lizzie and Jen were talking on the front yard while I was on the side walk helping Dembe to fix his car. We were talking calmly when I heard someone screaming no, then I was pushed hardly along with Dembe. I saw a crazy car come and hit someone, probably the person that saved us. I was dizzy when I heard Jen cry, then I saw Lizzie lying on the floor with blood all around. I ran to her.

"Don't move her, call an ambulance NOW!" I yelled and kneeled down beside her. "Lizzie, open your eyes." She did slowly.

"Ray!" I nodded and ran a hand on her face.

"Shhh, don't talk. Just focus on breathing and don't close your eyes. You'll be alright." Her eyes started to water and she grabbed my hand.

"I-I-I love y-y-you." I shook my head.

"This is not goodbye Lizzie, you'll get better." Then she closed her eyes. The ambulance arrived and took her to the best hospital in town where a friend of mine works.


Six hours later and she was still in surgery. I was getting mad with no information about her. I knew these kind of surgeries take time but you forget all you know when the person in danger is someone you love.

"Admiral Reddington?" I heard someone call my name and when I turned my head I felt like dying. Lizzie's stand in Dad and Soldier boy were there for her. I knew Jen had called her mom but I didn't think the boy would come as well.

"Hello, she's still in surgery." The woman smiled at me.

"I know, your daughter told me that. I just came to check on you. You must be pretty special to Lizzie for her to save you like that." I looked down. Soldier boy sat beside me.

"Sir, are you aware that Liz can't pay for treatment in this hospital, right?" I glared at him. Was he really worried about money when Lizzie could die any minute? I sighed.

"Don't worry. She did saved my life, it'll be all on me." I said dryly and Sam smiled sympathetically at me. Few minutes later my friend who was taking care of her came to us.

"So?" I asked.

"Red, the girl suffered a great trauma, we still don't know if there will be some sort of collateral damage. Only time will tell, but she's out of danger." I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"When can we see her?" I asked.

"She's already in the room, but she's sleeping and it'll take around two hours for her to wake up." I nodded and explained everything to Sam and soldier boy. Sam told me to go home for a shower that she'd take care of Lizzie. I reluctantly agreed.


I woke up confused in a place that seemed a hospital, I had no idea what had happened just that my head was hurting like hell. Someone was holding my hand, I slowly looked at the person and saw my mom. I smiled. I looked all around and didn't see Red, I freaked out.

"Ray? Dad, where's Ray?" I asked and they widened their eyes at me, yes, Don was there as well.

"Who's Ray?" Don asked me but I couldn't think, I started yelling.

"RAY! I WANT HIM!" My dad grabbed her phone and called someone, Don pressed the nurse button. "IS RAY OKAY? Where the fuck is Ray? TELL ME!" I wasn't recognizing myself but I started crying, all I wanted was Ray, my Raymond. I tried to get up but Don held me to bed.

"Lizzie, calm down, you can't move." He said and I shook my head.

"You're not Ray." He rolled his eyes at me and kept trying to hold me to bed. The door suddenly opened and my Ray was there with a nurse. "RAY!" I smiled. He ran to me and smiled.

"Shhh, calm down Lizzie. I'm here." He ran his fingers on my hair and I felt the nurse giving me an injection. "It's just a sedative, don't worry." He said. I held his hand tight and brought him closer to me.

"Ray!" He smiled at me and tried to pull away but I held his shirt and brought his lips to mine, it was just a peck but I could see the horror in his eyes. That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.


Lizzie just kissed me in front of her boyfriend. What should I do? I decided to use humor to lighten up the mood.

"I think she hit her head stronger than we thought. She'll be okay though." Sam smiled at me. Donald rolled his eyes, he didn't seem suspicious though, maybe he thought I didn't pose a threat.


Lizzie woke up three hours later, she opened her big blue eyes and looked confused.

"Who are you?" She asked me and my heart stopped. "I mean, who am I?" Fuck!

to be continued.

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