Upon War's Lips

By Marsink

257 11 12


Upon War's Lips

257 11 12
By Marsink

Blackened, burnished stone affords,

The whisp’ring marks hist’ry records.

Castle walls and turrets, steep

Cannot reveal what mem’ries keep.

To regale and live a mêlée’s scourge

Is concealed behind a funeral dirge:

Past long ago, while children cried,

Asking Fate why father died.

Razing trumpets assault stale air.

The missiles launched, fly with prayer,

Assembling those in their sounding:

Review, acclaim the castle’s founding.

Knights rise and fall, o’er field in battle,

The distance quiets saber’s rattle.

Though most come to fight and die,

The victor’s few, recall with sigh:

Cold iron lance from foeman’s camp

Dealt stumbling blow as they advanced,

To crumble walls, of stone and blood,

Could not resist that human flood.

Rolling towers from foreign land,

Bury all before whom stand:

Launching boulders, flaming, strike

Quenching life and dreams alike.

Ere mother’s days of babes were crushed,

For in strong keep defiled, hushed

Through smoke and ash where hope played

Survivors knelt, sobbed mercy, prayed.

Decrees once forged, forgotten, vie

To sail chilled air as arrows fly,

Loosed free, hit mark, or else fall shy,

While lords lament and widows cry.

The screws are turned in hate’s device,

Castle walls cannot stop vice,

Nor greed arrayed in power’s grip,

When icy hearts have kissed war’s lips.

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