Devil child (petekey)

By AnotherStrangerxxx

30.6K 2K 1.5K

At exactly midnight a beautiful baby was born. He was born into a satanic family and was loved dearly. He wor... More

Explanation of where my poor fic has been
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
New fanfic is up for those who give a shit!

Chapter twelve

1K 66 71
By AnotherStrangerxxx

It's funny how so many people can be so intelligent and observant but so blind and stupid at the same time. Its probably just due to how shit society is and how it has ruined everyone. No one looks out for one another any more and no one notices when some one is not OK because no one is OK and everyone has got far too god damn good at hiding it. Because quite frankly there are no bad people. Everyone starts the same, as an innocent child. When a baby is born no matter what parents may say about how oh this talent or another is in their genes, it is not. Everyone starts as nothing in the hope to become something. Talents or skills that have been passed on down through generations haven't happened due to some people having different DNA. People affect people. For better or for worse. Parents mould their children a lot. Especially at a young age when they learn more quickly so it is really not that far fetched they would have similar skills and be good at the same things. Everyone changes due to their own experiences and everyone is moulded by their friends. Think about it. All your friends are similar to you in some way or another right? It's because they've rubbed off on you and you've rubbed off on them. It's lucky we only have such a short life span or we would end up all the same.

In some ways we already have become the same. Society is what we will all become. Society is everyone's experiences and friends and families and personalities combined. Society is what has ruined us. Its not the worlds fault for human sadness. The world is a ball of rock orbiting the sun with a bit of grass and water here and there. It has no intelligence, it is not alive as humans know life to be so therefore an inanimate object can not cause everyone's sadness.

Society is what has caused such heatlessness and sadness. People all caught up in their own problems to notice anybody else's. Patrick didn't mind though. He quite liked not being noticed. He didn't care he was always the back up friend people would turn to if their best friend is sick or someone wants a rant. Do they ever stop to ask him if he's OK? No. Of course not. Because Patrick is obviously living a perfectly peachy life with no problems whatsoever his only purpose is to listen to other people drone on. Obviously. What else would he be there for? Nothing. He has no purpose. He is just there for the sake of it. He is the back up plan when all else fails. At least that is what Patrick thought everyone else thinks of him. Until one weird emo kid proved his theory wrong. It was simple and probably just out of politeness what he said but to Patrick it meant everything.

'Hey Patrick are you OK?' Pete asked looking at his friend in concern.

'W-what?' Patrick stuttered.

'Are you OK?' He asked again.

'Quite honestly. No, but dont worry and thanks for asking.' He said with a weak smile standing up and walking away from the table. It was lunch now and they had all been sitting around a table in the hall blabbering on about this and that. Apart from Patrick. He had just been sitting there in silence. Yet no one noticed apart from Pete.

'Guys, what's up with Patrick?' Pete asked interrupting whatever pointless conversation they were having.

'He's just quiet don't worry about him he'll be fine.' Ray said but Pete still couldn't help but be a little confused. Something was off about Patrick but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Not in a bad way, I mean Patrick is wonderful he is such a lovely person but he's hiding something I know he is. We all are. Some secrets are worse than others but that doesn't change the fact it is a secret. Everyone has them and no one can escape the guilt of which seems to come as a package deal with secrets.

Pete had a secret. Pete had a lot of secrets. But one about an exceptionly hot nerd who was sat next to him seemed to be at the forefront of his mind at this moment in time. Pete liked Mikey, he liked him a lot and you could tell by the amount of adoration that seemed to leak out of his eyes when ever he saw him. He didn't know what had happened with the kiss and he was slightly nervous. He was overjoyed at the fact Mikey did actually kiss him back and he hasn't been slapped yet but there was still that horrible feeling of paranoia slowly creeping up behind him and he knew he wouldn't see anything until it was too late. He kept stealing glances at Mikey, trying to be subtle and not get noticed but it just seemed Mikey was already staring at him every time he looked up. He turned his head at an angle so his hair would fall in front of his eyes, acting like a barrier to the cruel, harsh outside world. He squinted and peaked out between his hair. Mikey was just so fucking beautiful. He could look at him forever and never get bored of how perfect he was, his hair always fell perfectly over his face and his eyes just seemed to sparkle no matter how much light there was. He was just fabulous and Pete wondered how so many people failed to notice perfection even though they saw it on a daily basis. People really are blind. Everyday Mikey invaded Pete's thoughts more and more but he didn't mind. He would rather think about Mikey than the dark thoughts he was used to.

'Hey Mikey, my mum and dad have to drive up to see my gran so they won't be here tonight do you want to come over to my house for the night?' Pete asked nervously and honestly Mikey couldn't be more relieved. He had been dreading going home tonight. It was always the same but it upset him none the less. I guess its what you get from being poor and living on the rough side of town. People can break in easily.

'Yeah sure that sounds loads of fun just let me go home quick after school to pick up some clothes and a few DVDs!' Mikey said his eyes aglow with excitement and Pete had to bite his lip to stop himself from saying awww, Mikey was so damn cute!

'Yeah yeah sure fine!'


Mikey took a deep breath. He didn't want to go in there but he knew he'd have to at some point. Why couldn't his past leave him alone and just let him start again and be vaguely happy. He took his keys out of his pocket and with a shaky hand unlocked the door of his apartment. It was unbelievable someone could be so afraid of their own home, their own safe haven where they could get away from everyone else.

Mikey obviously couldn't get away from everyone else.He walked in and gasped. He had expected it to be bad but not this bad. Everything was messed up all his belongings were strewn all over the place, it was as if a herd of wild animals had run through and to be honest it wouldn't of suprised him if there had. Loads of his stuff had been broken and glass covered the floor. He walked into his bedroom to find the part that broke him most of all. On the wall a message had been written in blood and the letters were smudged slightly from were the red liquid was still trickling down.

You're a murderer and everyone knows its your fault. This is written in blood from cuts you have caused on me. You ruined my life now I will ruin yours. Keep running.

A/N I am so sorry its been a little longer than usual I just haven't really been in the right frame of mind. Also sorry if I contradict myself a lot in this fanfic because everything I say is mostly my thoughts not my opinions. I'm just saying things not implying they are true.

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