Devil child (petekey)

By AnotherStrangerxxx

30.6K 2K 1.5K

At exactly midnight a beautiful baby was born. He was born into a satanic family and was loved dearly. He wor... More

Explanation of where my poor fic has been
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
New fanfic is up for those who give a shit!

Chapter nine

1K 67 70
By AnotherStrangerxxx

Pete awoke the next morning with his shoulder still aching with a dull pain from the night before. He turned off the annoying drone of his alarm clock before it woke everyone up. As much as he loved seeing Mikey and everyone he really wished school could just be a bit later in the day because quite frankly who wants to get up at 6 in the morning? Fucking nobody. I swear our generation are going to become nocturnal. We have no need to be out in the day particularly, we have electricity and lights so that sorts out the whole dark part of night and even though some people may argue no one would be able to sleep with the light shining through your curtains, well get better curtains. Also majority of people manage to sleep though that light for half the day anyway.

After a while of Pete thinking through all the reasons of why humans should be nocturnal he finally managed to pull himself out of bed and into his school uniform, careful not to scratch his new bright red scar.

He soon left the house, without breakfast because the whole idea of that meal is a waste of time, and sets off to school. He gets there and is immediately tackled into a tight hug from Mikey.

'Whoa what the hell is up with you!?' Pete asked laughing and gasping for air.

'I dunno, I needed a hug, a magical Pete hug! I was starting to get really worried you weren't coming.' He said making big random gestures with his arms at the same time. Pete couldn't help but notice he still looked a little bit on edge but let it pass, Mikey's always a bit on edge, it can't be anything important.

The bell went and they walked to their first lesson together which just so happened to be maths. Pete soon saw the others and they all went and sat on their back table together. He couldn't help but smile, Mikey looked so much happier than he did when he first met him here on Monday. It seemed rediculious it was only Wednesday, he felt like he had been here forever. Mikey was still quiet throughout the lesson but actually made an effort to be included in conversations and such this time which was a nice change to Pete's first lesson here two days ago.

'Hey Pete, will you come and get a ruler with me please?' Patrick asked politely standing up, giving Pete the kind of look that meant 'that was secret code for hey I need to talk to you'! Pete got the message and got up and followed him.

'What did you do to him?' Patrick asked in amazement. 'What do you mean?' Pete asked in confusion.

'Mikey, he looks kind of.... Happy! I'm not complaining, quite the opposite, but how did you do it?'

'I didn't do anything.' Pete says shaking his head.

'You do more than you think Pete, you've achieved what everyone believed to be impossible. You made Mikey vaguely happy, he has been so sad for so long and he has always blocked everyone out but you, he let you in. That never happens. But I'm glad it did.' He smiles genuinely. Pete doesn't see many of them, genuine smiles.

Patrick walked back to his seat but Pete just stood there thinking for a moment. How could he of 'changed' Mikey. He was just one single human being (Well that changes with differences of opinion) but how could he of possibly made such an impact on someone just by being there. People are who they are, no one can change that, no matter how special and fucked up you are. You can't mess up who some one is and start again. Can you? At least not in a positive way. So Pete thought.

He finally came back to reality and sat down next to Mikey.

'You alright there Pete, you seemed to go into a trance in the middle of the classroom and you looked a bit of a stupid poof' Ray said grinning at Pete's blush.

'Really ray, you called him a poof?' Mikey asked, raising his eyebrow.

'Don't be mean to Princess Fro fro it's not his fault he's not good at insulting people because of his princessyness!' Andy defended him, well tried to. It kind of just ended up in everyone crying with laughter.

'Oh my god guys your going to make me smudge my eyeliner you twats!' Pete managed to say eventually after he had stopped laughing quite as hard.

'And you call me a princess!?' Ray says turning to Andy, rolling his eyes.

'Awh you can be my princess Pete!' Mikey said laughing.

'And you can be my prince!' Pete smiled like crazy, as Mikey launched himself at Pete as he attempted to hug him. Notice the 'attempted.' It was more a rugby tackle gone wrong.

'You guys are practically engaged!' Billie said grinning. 'I wanna be the best man!'

'I mant to be the maid of honour!' Andy said putting his arms in the air as he excitedly started planning his dress out and everything and just overall taking it all way too seriously.

'We can be the brides maids!' Ray smiled putting his arm around Patrick.

'But Pete you have to wear a black veil!' Andy said way too excitedly.

'OK I would but seriously stop being a creepy shit and planning me and my best friends wedding.' Pete said stressing the best friends, he thought he saw Mikey's face sadden for a second but then he just saw his usual poker face and assumed it was just his overactive imagination.

'Best friends my ass' Billie muttered and Ray gave him the look like 'don't go there or a massive bitch fight will break out'. Its amazing quite how so many words can be expressed just by the way your muscles work in your face. Its scary when you think about it. It make you feel vulnerable, scared. People seeing your emotions is practically people seeing your soul and Pete hated that. Mikey's poker face was just clever not secretive he was just good at masking what others shouldn't see. He was just smart and everyone else was stupid.

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