good girl gone bad

By clairecollins33

656 27 2

Tiffany is a perfect angel straight a's, great friends, amazing parents, till she gets in trouble with the l... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14th

chapter 10

25 1 0
By clairecollins33

Tiffanys P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital Harley sleeping at my side
he's so cute when he's asleep
wait did I just say that

"hello"I muttered as his eyes opened

"hey"he said situationing his body to where he was sitting up his leg still on the pillow

"so how are you feeling"I asked as he took deep breaths

"better then I did yesterday but how are you feeling the car hit your side of the car"he said continuing to take deep breaths

"I still don't want to move ever again and every time I do move it hurts so yeah not good"I said before taking a sip of my water then my mom and nurse walked in

"hello"I said as she checked on my condition

"how are you feeling honey"my mom asked putting her hand on my arm

"I'm fine mom"I said moving my arm away from her grip

"you don't look fine"my mom said putting her hand on my forehead

"mom stop"I said moving her hand

"are you having a attitude with me" my mom said placing her hands on her hips

"what am I not allowed to have a attitude with the woman who sent me away"I said giving her a stare but I could see that I really hurt her

"Tiffany that's enough"Harley said grabbing my arm I totally forgot he was there

"thank you Harley"my mom said before exiting

"bitch"Harley muttered under his breath making me giggle

"hey ho Minnie is in the house"Minnie said skipping over to my side of the bed ash following in behind her

"hey"ash said walking to Harley's side and helping him on his crutches

"so tell me how you're feeling"Minnie said giving me my water bottle

"like I've said a million times I'm fine" I said sitting up

"you don't just get in a car accident and over night you're fine cause yesterday you were not fine"she said crossing her arms

"my mom just pisses me off she didn't even have to come up here no one asked her too"

"she loves you she just has a horrible way of showing it"she said rubbing my head

"but she sent me here why would she come get me before the times up" I said that's when ace walked in with Starbucks

"they said you could have people food so I brought you Starbucks actually I brought you all Starbucks"ace said walking in the room and handing us all our drinks

"thank you"I said taking my drink and smiling

"anytime"he said smiling back and even if he cheated on me that smile melts my soul

"when do you get realised"Harley said sipping on his drink

"tommorow morning"I said checking my new phone for text

"she already got you a new phone" Minnie said taking the phone out of my hands

"no my mom got it before she came"I said taking it out of her hands

"that's not fair that phones nice"she said pouting her lip

"life's not fair"I said smiling and continuing to text Jeremiah reassuring him I was still alive my phone began to ring I answered it them all staring at me

"Tiffany how are you doing I haven't heard from you in a awhile"said the voice that I knew to well

"Liam why are you calling me"I said looking at my friends who all looked confused

"cause I miss you at all my party's when do you come home"said the voice who got me into this mess

"Liam I can't talk to you anymore"I said all my friends still staring at me even though they couldn't hear him

"oh come on Tiffany you have to remember all the fun times we had"he said I could practically hear him smiling

"I'm sorry I have to go please don't call this number" I said before hanging up the phone

"who was that"Harley demanded once I hung up to phone

"an old friend"I said with a fake smile that I knew they could see past

"liar tell us"he said as they all stared at me

"he's the dude that got me into this mess"I said throwing a pillow at the wall

"oh"Harley said the angry face wiping off

"I'm sorry I didn't think he would ever call again"I said quickly

"it's okay"Harley said sitting down in the chair we all sat in silence for a few minutes

"I mean it's not her fault right you deleted his number and he called you so we shouldn't be mad at her"Minnie said breaking the silence

"yeah I guess"Harley said before standing up and leaving the room ace and ash following after him

"I didn't know he was gonna call"I said looking at Minnie tears in my eyes

"oh honey I'm not mad at you"she said moving to where she was sitting next to me

"you're not"I asked a single tear falling down my cheek

"I could never stay mad at you"she said wiping the tear

"oh good"I said wrapping my arms around her a few minutes later my mom and dad walked in with Christina following behind

"that's my cue to leave I love you"Minnie said before kissing my cheek and standing

"love you too"I said as she walked out "what in the world do you want"I said turning my attention to my mom

"why would you let her get a piercing"my mom said looking at Christina

"cause she's 16 and can make her own decisions and it's not like I had much say in it I didn't take her to the tattoo parlor"Christina said crossing her arms

"who took her then"my mom said looking at me rasing her eyebrow

"Harley took me"I said a smirk on my face

"you let your delinquent foster kid become friends with my daughter and get her a piercing"my mom said her eyes becoming wide

"Harley is not a delinquent he's had a rough past but he's a good kid who's watched over her with his life"Christina said snapping

"sweetheart please don't tell me that he has touched you"my mom said moving next to me

"he's been a better influence on me then you have over the years"I said scooting away from her

"that's it they changed you were going home and as for you I'll be in touch with my lawyer for child abuse"my mom said pointing her finger at Christina

"what Christina did nothing wrong and I'm not going home"I said standing up and crossing my arms

"and who said you get a choice"my mom said looking at me

"go to hell"I said before storming/limping out into the waiting room

"whoo whoo stop"Harley said allowing me to put my weight on him

"I'm going to the house"I said moving my weight onto the chair

"you can just leave you still have another day"ash said handing me a water bottle

"I'm not staying here if she's her"I said that's when my mom walked out of the room

"you're only 16 you have to go with your legal guardian" my mom said a smile on her face

"the I'll get emancipation but I am not going home with you"I said taking Hayley's hand

"come on tell me you don't want to go home and see may and Jeremiah"she said unfolding her arms

"I'm not even friends with May anymore"I said my cheeks heating up in anger

"fine then don't go home"my mom said standing up in deaft

"I can't go home mom everyone knows there"I whispered squeezing Harley's hand

"who's cares what they think"my mom said turning around and looking at me

"they bullied me they teased me they hurt me to the point where I was broken but you never cared enough to pay attention but these people do these people care"I said tears streaming down my cheek Harley's arm wrapped around my now standing waist for support

"I do care"she said looking at me then Harley's arm then Harley

"then what age did I decide I wanted to be a teacher"I said looking at her

"I don't know how am I suppose to know that"my mom said rolling her eyes

"um the age is 12"Minnie and ash said at the same time and with that I limped back into my hospital room I won I faught my mom and won wow


"so when do the movers get here"Harley said sitting on my bed

"um they should be here any minute"I said and it's like they heard us cause right on cue there they were

"TIFFANY THE MOVERS ARE HERE"I heard Christina scream I slowly made my way downstairs Harley in front of me he broke his leg but I didn't I just sprained my wrist and broke a few ribs

"you are not lifting anything"ash and ace said pulling up right after the movers Minnie in the back

"we got this"Minnie said before kissing my cheek and helping the boys which included Harley because he wouldn't listen to my concerns in about 20 minutes the 5 of them got the truck unpacked

"and now we redo my room"I said leading them upstairs

"you should keep the bedding"Minnie said looking at my old bedding which was polka dots

"i think I will I like the white sheets and bedding"I said throwing the sheets in the do not keep pile

"what about the curtains"Minnie said a throwing my curtains that were blue

"they won't fit these windows"I said tossing it in the do not keep pile

"who's this"Minnie said tossing me a picture frame it had me and my cousin from Oklahoma in it

"that's my cousin James"I said smiling and framing it on the wall next to all my other pictures

"omg fetus Tiffany"Minnie said pulling out a picture of me in the tub

"give that back"I said chasing after her somehow

"Harley take it"Minnie said throwing him the picture once we got in his room

"aw fetus Tiffany"he said looking at me and smiling

"give that back"I said reaching for him but he threw it so instead he caught me

"hey"he said with a smile

"ass"I said elbowing his chest and grabbing the picture from ash

"aw but I didn't get to see it"ace said with a pouty face

"consider yourself lucky"I said before grabbing giggling Minnie and bringing her back to my room

"we need to finish"I said pointing a pencil at her

"I know"she said trying not to giggle but failing me joining in with her

"okay let's finish unpacking"Minnie said once we stopped laughing

"good idea"I said taking back my spot in between the keep and do no keep piles


"what's the occasion"Harley said looking at my sweatpants and his shirt that I was wearing

"girls movie night"I said sitting on my bed and motioning for him to sit next to me

"where's Christina going"he said taking the spot next to me

"she's a girl too you know"I said smiling his hair was a mess but it looked sexy
why do I keep saying things like that

"she's also your soon to he guardian"he said grabbing the book off my bed

"give me my book"I said reaching for it

"paper towns by John green"he said with a smile

"give it back"I said grabbing it out of his hand

"no I want to see it"he said gently pushing me on my back him hovering over me

"no"I said with a smile but he remained silent staring at me

"Harley what's wrong"I said looking at him I then felt his lips connect with mine I didn't kiss back at first but then I found myself kissing back I could feel him smiling I then pushed him off

"I'm sorry"he said rolling onto his back

"don't be"I said before rolling on top of him and kissing him again

"I'm here"Minnie said walking into the house interrupting us

"get out"I said once I heard her I then rolled off him so she wouldn't suspect anything

"hello"Minnie said with a smile walking into my room I was on my phone and so was Harley

"hey"I said looking up from my phone and smiling

"hello"she said smiling back

"I'm not interrupting your night I'm just leaving actually"he said before kissing my cheek and leaving

"something's going on"Minnie said staring at me

"nothing's happening"I said smiling before heading downstairs

we then got comfy me with my head in Minnie's lap we watched a spectacular now I ended up falling asleep half way I woke up in my bed Minnie layed next to me

"Minnie wake up"I said shaking her awake

"how'd we end up here"she said sitting up

"it's the magic called strength"Harley said leaning on my doorway Minnie then checked the time

"shit I've got to get going I'm meeting ash for lunch"she said kissing my cheek and leaving

"hello"Harley said smirking

"about yesterday I don't know what I was thinking we're fixing to be siblings"I said then his smile dropped

"we're still not blood related"he said sitting next to me

"but what if we break up"I said taking his hand I really wanted to date him but I knew it wasn't right

"who said we needed to do that"he said smirking I ended up laughing too

"I mean if you're still not 100% sure I can just leave"he said standing up but I grapped the back of his pants tugging him back down

"just kiss me you idiot"I said before smiling him hovering over me and kissing me


"we need to go on a proper date"Harley said standing in my doorway

"yes indeed"I said putting down my book

"tonight 6 pm be ready"he said walking in giving me a quick kiss grabbing his shirt off the ground and leaving I then called Minnie

"what's up"she said answering the phone

"AHHHHH"I screamed dancing around my room

"are you okay"she asked a little louder

"Harley asked me on a date"I said pulling the phone to my ear

"I knew something was going on"she said laughing "what did you say"

"I said yes"I said in a duh tone

"when are yall going out"she asked I could hear her smiling

"tonight at 6 come now"I said smiling

"already on my way"she said closing a door and hanging up she showed up 5 minutes later with makeup and a dress

"here put this on"she said throwing me a lacy blue dress that was tight on the top and flowed out she put my hair up in a braided bun and gave me a smokey eye look before sending me off to put on my shoes

"you look perfect"she said before checking her phone "and with 5 minutes to spare"

"wow"Harley said standing in the door way

"thanks"I said I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up

"you look amazing"he said before picking me up and kissing me

"ew no"Minnie said covering her eyes making me smile

"your just jealous"Harley said with a smile

"sure she is"ash said entering my room from Harley's

"dude you were suppose to stay in the room till we left"Harley said wrapping his arm around my waist

"I got bored and I knew Minnie would be here"he said wrapping his arm around Minnie's waist and kissing her

"we're going bye"Harley said taking my hand in his and dragging me outside we ended up taking Christina's car because we still didn't have one

"I miss the truck"I said turning on the radio

"in bigger news the band 5 Seconds of summer realised a new song called she's kinda hot and we decided to play it for you" I then turned it up

My girlfriend's bitchin' cause I always sleep in
She's always screaming when she's calling her friends
She's kinda hot though
Yeah she's kinda hot though
(Just an itty bitty little bit hot)

My shrink is telling me I've got crazy dreams
She's also saying I've got low self-esteem
She's kinda hot though
Yeah she's kinda hot though
(Just an itty bitty little bit hot)

She put me on meds
She won't get out of my head
She's kinda hot though

My friend left college cause it felt like a job
His mum and dad both think he's a slob
He's got a shot though (No, not really)
Yeah, he's got a shot though (No, not really)

When you've got bigger plans
That no one else understands
You've got a shot though
(Oh my, that's a big plan you've got there)

They say we're losers and we're all alright with that
We're the leaders of the not coming back
But we're alright though
Yeah we're alright though

We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah we're alright though
(Uno, dos, tres, cuatro)

Sometimes I'm feeling like I'm going insane
My neighbour told me that I've got bad brains
But I'm alright though
(We're alright though)
Yeah we'll be alright though
(We're alright though)

Cause we're the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
And we're alright though

They say we're losers and we're all alright with that
We're the leaders of the not coming back
But we're alright though
(We're alright though)
Yeah we're alright though
(We're alright though)
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah we're alright though
(We've got to be Ok)
Na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na
But we're alright though
Na na na na na na na na na na na
Yeah we're alright though
Na na na na na na na na na na na
We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene
Yeah we're alright though

"how do you like that"Harley asked once it ended

"how do you not"I said smiling I loved holding his hand

"touché"he said smiling back at me

"where are we going"I asked playing with his fingers

"it's a suprise"he said his smiling getting bigger

"boo"I said pouting my bottom lip I could see one of his dimples which made me smile

"you're so cute"he giggled as I continued to play with his fingers I then kissed the back of his hand making him blush

"yay"I said settling back into my seat

"what"he asked still smiling

"I made you blush"I said smiling bigger making him laugh we then pulled into a small Italian

"only the best for you"he said opening my car down I kissed his cheek

"you're so cliche"I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist placing his hand near my butt

"is this uncomfortable"he asked moving his hand

"it's perfect"I said going up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek

"like you"he said a proud smile on his face

"your such a dork"I said rolling my eyes as we walked into the restaurant

"Harley Taylor"he said to the dude he is more prepared then I thought

"you got us a reservation"I asked him smiling

"like I said only the best for you"he said before kissing my cheek

"right after me mr.taylor"said the dude leading us to a table in the back

"thank you"Harley said accepting both of our menus

"have you been here before"I asked looking at the drinks

"not on a date no"he said smiling and looking at the drinks

"hello my name is Adam I'll be your server today what can I get yall to drink today"said the male waiter

"I'll take a water"I said smiling at him

"I'll take a coke"Harley said also smiling

"okay those will be right out"Adam said smiling before going away

"so what are you thinking about getting"he asked me after a little silence

"chicken Alfredo"I said looking up at his nervous face

"same"he said closing the menu and biting his bottom lip

"you're so nervous it's so adorable"I said taking his hand from across the table

"I'll calm down just give me a minute"he said smiling showing me his dimples

"here's your drinks"said the waiter handing us the drinks ruining the moment "are yall ready to order"he asked still smiling

"um were both gonna have the chicken Alfredo"Harley said smiling and handing him the menus

"that'll be right out"Adam said grabbing the menus and going away

"so"I said smiling

"so"he said looking back up smiling


this is where I leave you till Tuesday my friends I'm not sorry though because there's a lot that happens in this chapter

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don't forget stay perfect


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