Awaited Redemption

By stillateenager

5.7K 350 377

Two weeks. Four students. Number one: Aarifah, with her endless struggles of maintaining a balance between he... More

First Week
Monday Night
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Night... | Aarifah & Walid
Tuesday Afternoon... | Lexie & Neno
May Peshawar Be Redeemed
...Tuesday Night | Aarifah
...Tuesday Night | Walid
Tuesday Night | Lexie
...Tuesday Afternoon | Neno
Wednesday | Aarifah
Wednesday | Walid
Wednesday | Lexie
Wednesday | Neno
New Story
Thursday | Aarifah
Thursday | Walid
Thursday | Lexie
Thursday | Neno
Friday Morning | Walid
Friday Night | Lexie

Friday Morning | Aarifah

86 8 13
By stillateenager



I stuffed as much books as I can, inside my bag.

But no matter how hard I shoved, the chemistry text book just won't fit in.

I heaved a sigh, and caved in.

Guess I was going to have to carry the ton in my hand.

I put my bag on my shoulder, grabbed the chemistry book in my hand, and left the lab behind as I made my way to the library.

The route from the lab to the library wasn't much crowded because anyone rarely used it, especially at this time of the day, when most of the classes were let out.

I started walking along the corridor that would take me straight to the library, pots and plants lined the perimeter of the hallway, and the glass windows left a reassurance that we weren't completely trapped in here, that there is always a way out.

Even if that was only an illusion. Sometimes illusions are enough to fool a heart.

The hallway was unusually empty, and I rolled my shoulders to ease off the tension.

My eyes on the ground, and mind a million miles to the south, I didn't notice the approach of footsteps behind me, and when a hand grabbed my arm and shoved me against the locker, the shock knocked my breath, and I looked up, startled out of my wits.

Meeting head-on with eyes as stormy as the clouds veiling the sky, finding myself almost slipping on the hard surface of them, catching myself at the last moment.

I always thought winter beautiful, but the winter brimming just beneath the surface of his eyes made me aware that it can also be as dead, as much as it was alive.

Or maybe it was just the winter inside the human that was given the choice of death or life, the winter Allah SWT created was always alive. Always beautiful.

The thought of my Creator made me conscious of the position I was in, and the hold the man still had on me.

His hands grasping my shoulder, holding me in place, face so close; I could scarcely breath. The only thing decently separating me from him was the wall of my chemistry textbook.

The difference of knowledge, putting each one of us on the opposite sides, at odds.

My fear doubled when his face started to descend towards mine, I was paralyzed with fear.

I wanted to push, shove, kick, do anything to get away from him, but my body wasn't cooperating, wasn't obeying the commands my brain was giving it.

I closed my eyes, praying with everything in me to be grant with the strength to fight him off.

The only word in my heart and mind, was of my Rabb, my Creator.


And with one last plea, I reopened my eyes to find him staring at me , his stance halted.

One more move from him and I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror anymore.

He kept looking at me, searching for something, reassuring himself of something, trying to bend, but maybe wasn't being able to do so, as if an invisible barrier had weaved itself between.

A moment's hesitation, a slight release of the tightness with which he held my shoulder, and in that moment, I shoved against his chest with the textbook.

Putting all my fear, strength, disgust, and gratitude in that one push. Catching him off balance, he stumbled back, and I raised my hand to slap him across the face.

But before my hand could connect with his cheek, another hand grabbed my arm, and stopped my swing mid air.

Ragged, I turned to look at who it was that dared intervene.

It was the girl with moss green eyes, and hair as dark as wood.

"Don't. He is not even worth a slap from you." She said, leaving me eyes to look at him.

Disgust and anger caught on fire in my throat, and the flames licked their way up to my eyes.

I wasn't going to cry in front of him. What I wanted to do was punch him in the face, and kick him in the stomach, but tears threatened to spill, and so I spun on my heels, and willed myself to walk out the door.

When all I wanted to do was run away, screaming in outrage.

I pushed open the door of the courtyard as soon as I reached it, and ran outside.

I put one hand on my waist, the other still holding the textbook in a death grip, and tried to blink back tears.

I was only seeing red now, amid the white world that lay before me, and could possibly throttle anyone who came within even five inches.

I heard the courtyard door open, and their was that girl again, looking uncertain. Maybe trying to understand how to approach me.

As if I was a caged animal.

It ragged me even more, and before I could let all my anger out on her.

I did the only thing that I could think of at the moment.

I bend down and started to undo my boot laces, after untying both of the boots, I pulled them off, slid off my socks, and buried my bear feet in the two feet snow lining the edges of the pavement.

The cold wetness seeped through my feet, taming the fire inside, yet leaving the smoke of pain in its wake.

Draining me of adrenaline that was fueled with repulsion and fear, making me aware of my numb feet, aching shoulder, and bruised spirit.

My shoulders sagged, and the textbook fell from my hand with a thud.

I was about to go down with it, but before I could give in to the urge, a hand wrapped around my shoulders, turned me around, and I found myself engulfed in folds of wool, smelling distinctly of winter but in odds with the warmth they provided.

There was comfort their too, but it wasn't enough.

After experiencing the comfort provided by my Creator, soothing both the seen and the unseen. Human comfort had surpassed my needs.

And so the heart wasn't satisfied, and it ordered to pull back. So I pulled, head ducked, and turned away, pulling the boots back on.

But not leaving before meeting her eyes, and letting the gratitude linger as my heart led me to find the true reassurance in the skies above, reaching those heights as I would lower myself to the ground beneath the soles.


Asalam O Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu, Everyone!

It has been three months since I last updated...

But the wait is over, and here it is...

Alhamdulilah, I wouldn't give any hints as to what will happen after, I know there is confusion regarding the characters, new and old..

but it will all be solved as the story progresses InshAllah, it will all come in a complete circle.

I know, you all must be thinking how come I updated, but the person I am dedicating this chapter too is a huge part of the reason why I did so..

smile_its_sunnah, JazakAllah Khair for you very heart-racing and encouraging message, Alhamdulilah that this story was able to do so, by the Will Of Allah SWT..

InshAllah may it keep benefiting you as well as others' Ameen

Take care and don't forget to smile, it's Sunnah! :)

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