The Connection

By Grace_Costello15

3K 59 34

Sophie's back and better than ever. The big war is coming up, will she succeed with her friends and new allie... More

Chapter 1.)
Chapter 2.)
Chapter 3.)
Chapter 4.)
Chapter 5.)
Chapter 6.)
Chapter 7.)
Chapter 8.)
Chapter 9.)

Chapter 10.)

351 5 8
By Grace_Costello15

Sophie's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. I knew something was wrong. I knew something bad was going to happen but Gods of Olympus I wish I knew what it was. So when the sun started to rise, I was already wide awake.

I stayed on the Argo that night, just because I missed my old cabin. Depending on how things went today, I was hoping I could come back to bring stuff to the Poseidon cabin back at camp.

I now sat at my usual chair at the dinner table. I was alone, and it was quiet.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Leo asked as he walked in hesitantly.

I looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah."

He sat across from me and we were both quiet. "I don't think you understand how sorry I am for what I did. I didn't mean to do it... I just..." He faltered.

"Did." I finished for him.

He nodded sadly. "I'm just hoping that maybe one day you can forgive me for what I did."

I thought a for a few seconds of how I would respond to that. "I forgive you, because I know that being bitter about things won't get me anywhere. But I'm sorry too, Leo, because I'll never be able to trust you the way I did before." I told him. Then I pushed away from the table and walked up to the deck.

Once I was outside I vapor traveled to the other ship where everyone was still sleeping. I went to Carter's room and walked in slowly just in case he was sleeping. He was sitting on his bed with a book in his lap and a pile of them on his nightstand. "Hey." He said.

" you mind?" I asked as I came in. He shook his head. "Course not."

I plopped down on his bed and lay next to him. "You look like you didn't sleep." He said worriedly as he put the book away. I shook my head. "No use even trying. Too anxious." I said as I flipped onto my stomach.

"Well you're not alone. I couldn't and I don't think Sadie slept either." He told me. We were silent for a moment before I spoke again. "Why do I-" I started.

"Feel like something wrong is gonna happen? Yeah. Me too. It's just that feeling right?" He asked. I nodded. "I sometimes wish I could tell the future." I told him. "I think we all do sometime." Carter chuckled.

I flipped back over onto my back and sighed. "We should probably go get ready now. We still need to check out the premises and get to the Acropolis without getting noticed by Giants or other monsters."

"Yeah probably." He agreed. Of course we still didn't move from the bed. We laughed and I turned my body to face him. "I really don't want to do this." I admitted to him. "But you have no choice." Carter told me.

"Actually I did. I made the choice to leave Olympus. I could've stayed there. But hey, I'm glad I came here. I've met some pretty cool people." I explained.

"I'm glad you came here too." He said staring straight at me. I blushed and smiled. We started to lean in again, ever so slowly...

But then there was a knock at the door.

"Sophie? Percy is asking for you." Walt called from outside. I groaned softly. "How did you know I was in here?" I asked.

"Well you weren't in your room here or on the Argo so where else where you have been?" Walt asked in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes and Carter chuckled. "I'll be out there soon." I turned back to Carter. "I'll catch you later." I told him as I got up.
"See ya." He told me.

I scurried out of his room and vapor traveled back to the Argo where Percy was on the deck. "Morning Seaweed Brain." I said teasingly.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "So I have a question for you."

"Ask away." I said as I sat on the rail.

"What's going on with you and Kane?" He asked with a small smirk on his face.

I blushed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Nothing. Why?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know. I kinda though that you liked Leo?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Nobody told you?"

"Told me what?" He asked.

I cleared my throat. "He cheated on me." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"He cheated on me." I mumbled a little louder.

"Sophie..." Percy said sternly.

"Leo cheated on me." I blurted out.

His eyes widened. "What? With who?"

"Calypso." I muttered.

"Calypso? Like, the Calypso?" He asked

I nodded. "There's nothing going on between me and Carter."

"You're lying to me." Percy chuckled.

"Fine." I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I think I might like him. But I'm kinda hesitant you know? After what happened with Leo...I don't want to get hurt again."

Percy sighed. "Sophie you're beautiful. And Leo and Nico were just stupid to let you go. But, ya know Annabeth told me something before we got the statue."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"In Charleston, after you jumped into the water, Aphrodite said something about you and Carter being her best work. And I mean she is the goddess of love so..."

"So you're trying to say that me and Carter are...meant to be?" I asked.

Percy shrugged. "I'm just restating the words of the crazy goddess."

Could it really be?

"Well, right now my love life is the least of our worries. We have a war to prepare for." I told him. Then I went downstairs to grab some breakfast.


We were making our way to the Acropolis. I don't think I have ever been more nervous in my life.

The Egyptians had charmed our ships so they wouldn't be spotted by monsters and I manipulated the mist to cover them from mortals.

After hiking for a few hours, we finally saw the Acropolis in the distance. I gasped at the sight. "Get down!" I hissed as I dropped to the ground. Everyone hid behind the nearby rocks and nobody dare say a word.

Jason looked over the rocks and visibly paled. "Giants. Hundreds of them."

I nodded and closed my eyes. By then I was really getting desperate.

Gods of Olympus. If you by any chance hear my prayers please protect us during this war.

I opened my eyes again and sighed. "The seven and me will head down first. If fighting starts, then Brooklyn House attacks too." I told Sadie and Carter. The two of them nodded and I turned back to the seven. "Ready guys?" I asked.

My friends nodded and I felt a sense of home and comfort, knowing that all of us would be together, and we had each other no matter what happened.

"Let's do this."

(So I really suck at writing battle scenes so I'm going to try my best here. I'm gonna start off with everyone fighting now since the Giants discovered the seven and Brooklyn house. Sorry guys but I promise I'll try and make what I have as interesting as possible.)

Who knows how long we had been at it, but we just fought and fought and fought. I might've been exhausted but I didn't notice; my adrenaline was insane.

But you know, it was pretty freaking amazing how well we were doing.

Giants everywhere were turning into dust, but since we didn't have any gods with us they would eventually reform. Brooklyn house was fighting like true Greek warriors; I was so unbelievably proud.

I slashed through a giant and looked to my right. "Percy! Annabeth! Look out!" I screamed to them. But they were too late and they were scooped up in the hand of a giant.

"The blood of two demigods will be spilled on the Acropolis!" He roared. He grabbed a knife and slashed at Percy's arm.

"NO!" I screeched as I saw the giant gash on his arm. Percy yelled in pain and blood dripped onto the Acropolis stairs. The Giants roared and I felt the ground rumble a little bit. If that giant got to Annabeth...

I shot a whip of water from my bracelet and cut the giant's arm off. The giant dissolved and Percy used the water from my whip to catch his and Annabeth's fall.

I summoned more water from my bracelet and made a circle around me. I lifted my arms and 8 tentacles appeared around me like an octopus. I was now slicing through Giants faster, but they reappeared just as fast. Gods of Olympus Nico and Reyna needed to get to the camp with the Athena Parthenos soon or-

The sky suddenly boomed with thunder and a ripple of light went throughout the Acropolis. A strike of lightning came down from the sky and the gods flew in their chariots.

Well that was fast.

"Dad!" Me and Percy exclaimed when we saw our father. He laughed. "Let's kick some giant butt." I had never been happier to see the Gods in my life.

More time passed, but in that matter of time, every single giant had been defeated.

We now stood in the center of the ruins, trying to regain energy by eating ambrosia and drinking nectar. Once I had gotten my share I ran to my dad and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back just as tight.

"Sophie I'm so proud of you and what you've done here." He told me.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and I smiled, my eyes tearing up with joy. I had been waiting so long for my father to finally tell me that.

Once me and my dad pulled away, Zeus cleared his throat. "Lord Zeus. Good to see you again." I said politely.

"You as well Sophie. Now...can you explain to me who the other kids are?" He asked.

"Oh." I said as I looked at Carter and the rest of Brooklyn House. "This is Brooklyn House. Egyptians." I explained.

"So you're trying to tell me that you trained Egyptains to fight like Greeks?" He asked.

I blushed and cleared my throat nervously. "Well, um, yeah."

Zeus smiled. "Well, I'm impressed."

I sighed in relief and smiled back.

"We should probably get back to camp to see what happened there." Piper suggested.

We all nodded in agreement until I saw Annabeth. "Oh gods no." I said in fear.

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"Annabeth your-" I started.

But I was too late.

There was a cut on her hand that she might have not noticed and I spotted the tiny drop of blood about to drop off her finger.

We all watched in horror as the tiny drop of blood hit the stairs of the Acropolis and sizzled. The ground started shaking and the seven immediately felt the dread creep over all of us. Piper began sobbing and I put my hands over my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Carter asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I turned to face him, my expression full of fear.

"The blood of two demigods." I turned to everyone. "We need to get back to camp. Gaea is rising."

Zeus transported us to camp once we had gotten back into our boats and now we were running through the woods trying to get to the border. I said the oath to let Brooklyn house in under my breath as we ran and they were all able to enter.

"What happened?" Everything was fine before-" Reyna exclaimed.

"I know I know just get the Romans prepared. She'll be here soon." Annabeth told her. Reyna shut her mouth reluctantly and ran to her other Romans.

"So what's the plan?" Sadie asked.

"For you guys you prepare too, find any weak spot and protect. When she rises, watch where you step." I said deadly serious. She nodded and they ran off as well.

The ground shook again and Gaea's face appeared on the hill. We all tried to keep our composure as best we could, but we were all scared.

Suddenly, I got the craziest idea and I turned to Piper. "You're gonna think I'm crazy. But you need to charmspeak Gaea. Make her sleepy. Stall for us for as long as you can."

She nodded. "You're not crazy. You're genius." Then she ran as close to the hill as she could get and started charmspeaking.

I watched as my fellow campers started preparing onagers for launch.

This was it. This is where the prophesy would be completed.

But before that happened, I needed to do something that I knew if I didn't do now, I'd regret it for the rest of my life. I ran to Carter and almost knocked him over.

"Ok remember when we asked each other what was something we always wanted to do?" I asked quickly. He nodded and I sighed.

For that split second, it was just me and him.

"I have my answer." I told him.

I pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was shocked at first, but then he kissed back just as passionately, pulling me closer towards him. At that moment, the world was perfect. But then of course, the moment didn't last.

When we pulled away from the kiss we hugged tightly. "Stay safe for me." He said into my hair. "Same to you." I replied. Then I pulled away and we stared at each other one last time. I ran off to find Percy when suddenly I saw Piper sprinting towards me.

"It's not working anymore she's not listening but she's still tired. She's gonna go into body form in a few minutes though." She panted. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you Pipes." She nodded and ran off to probably go help her cabin.

Just as Piper had said, the ground shook one last time and Gaea cackled. "Hello my lovely demigods! It's time!"

The dirt from the hill started swirling and a figure in a cape was formed. "Holy Hera." I whispered under my breath.

Then her eyes snapped open.

"Fire!" Reyna yelled. The onagers fired, but Gaea blocked each one.

The ground started shaking and a lot of us lost balance. As I started to get up, I saw Octavian running towards Percy with a knife.

"Percy look out!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He turned but not in time.

Just before the knife pierced his heart, I jumped in front of him and It hit me right in the gut.

I hit the ground with a thud and screamed in pain. That knife was definitely not a regular knife. It felt like my insides were burning from the inside out.

"Sophie!" Carter yelled fearfully.

"Hang on Sophie hang on!" Percy said as he gave me some ambrosia. I whimpered in pain and watched the war continue. I saw Octavian with the bloody knife in his hand and watched as he launched an onager. "Stupid Greeks!" He yelled. Suddenly he was launched in the air with the onager and I caught a glimpse of Feastus and Leo rocketing towards Gaea.

Then the world went white.

"Sophie!" A muffled voice called.

"Sophie stay with me!"

The voices started to get clearer and I opened my eyes.

"Okay she's conscious. How come that wound isn't closing?!" Piper asked frantically. "The dagger was poisoned. I don't know why the ambrosia isn't working!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Did we win?" I asked softly.

"We did Sophie. We did thanks to you. Wait where's Jazz? She'll have a cure." Sadie exclaimed.

"No need. That poison was charmed with something. Most likely there's no cure." I told them.

"No way I'm not gonna let you leave me." Carter said as he held my hand tightly. "I'm so sorry Carter." I smiled sadly.

"Percy," I said softly.

"Yeah?" He asked in the most calm voice he could.

"Would you tell mom," tears started to stream down my face as I thought of my mom. "Tell mom that I said I loved her and that I'm sorry?"

His eyes started to tear up. "I will. But just hold on I see Jazz she has to at least try."

I looked at my friends who were all surrounding me. "Where's Leo?" I asked.

They all shared a look of dread. "Leo...Leo sacrificed himself to defeat Gaea." Piper said through tears.

I felt my heart break for Leo. Fire boy?


"Okay I think I might have something I hope it works." Jazz said frantically.

I felt my vision start to go blurry and I grabbed Percy's hand in mine and Carter's hand in my other.

"Percy try mixing it with water. Like how you always heal yourself with water." Hazel exclaimed.

I felt the poison creeping to my heart and my breathing slow down.

"Guys I'm loosing her Jazz hurry!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Guys..." I whispered.

All my friends listened with fear in their eyes.

"Thank you." I said with a small pained smile.

I closed my eyes and suddenly the pain was gone.


Hah just kidding.

Percy's POV

"No no no no no Sophie please don't...don't leave me." I said as I cried softly.

"I'm so sorry guys. I-I really thought this would work." Jazz said through her tears.

Sadie put her arm around her shoulder.
"You did your best Jazz. At least we all know she's somewhere better than here."

We all sat there crying around Sophie, regretting the things we should've said and done with her. "I...I honestly thought we had forever with her." Annabeth choked out.

Carter nodded. "We all did."

Who knows how long we sat there, but before we knew it, the moon was out and it was time for us to help clean up the damage. We placed Sophie's body by the lake and stayed with her a few more minutes.

I placed her arm with her bracelet on the wound and stared at her peaceful face.

She should've lived. She didn't deserve what happened to her.

Suddenly, the moon peeked out of the clouds and shone on her bracelet. The charm of Poseidon started glowing brightly We all stared in confusion. "Percy, water does do strange things under the power of the moon." Annabeth pointed out.

I got her hint and nodded. I knelt by Sophie and hesitantly placed my hand over her bracelet. I felt a new kind of power surge through me and I closed my eyes in concentration.

There have been only a few stories about brining people back from the dead, but I needed to try.

The winds picked up, and the lake started to act up as well.

Gods please let this work.

Suddenly, right when the energy felt like it was going to burst, it just stopped.

"Did it work?" I asked.

Sophie's body still lay there still and peaceful.

But I noticed something different.

"Percy is she-" Carter started.

"Breathing. I think she's breathing." Jason finished.

I placed my head on her chest and felt her chest rise and fall. Her heartbeat wasn't as strong, but it was beating.

"She's alive Percy you did it!" Piper exclaimed. I scooped her body into my arms and we rushed to the infirmary.

Sophie was going to make it. And she deserved it after what she had done for all of us.

Our hope was stronger than ever.

Okay nowww it's over.


Can't wait to see what happens to Sophie in the next book! *wink*

I want to thank you all for reading and the next book will be out soon!

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