Enter the Fans

By DaPokemonMadster

12K 280 201

A pokespe story! The dex-holders have saved the world numerous times. They have trained themselves and their... More

Deadly Discoveries
Grand Escapes and Terrifying Trains
The Hoenn Kids Travel to Johto
Things Get a Little Hectic
Captures, Travels, & New Friends
A Mystery Unveiled
One Insane Rendezvous
Mt. Silver Sighting
Old Fears and the Shaky New Friendship?
The Grand Finale

Plotting and Planning

1.1K 26 14
By DaPokemonMadster

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or the Pokémon Adventures/Special manga

Sapphire woke up with sunrise, bright and early. She stretched, and sat up from the floor of her room (She insisted on sleeping on the floor, she thought it felt a bit more like camping that way, and camping was fun). She pulled on the blue outfit that Ruby had made for her, and opened up her window to let a breeze in. Jumping onto the window ledge, she shouted to the depths of the house;

"Papa, I'm goin' over ta Ruby's!" and leapt spryly in the direction of a tree. She knew her dad would be up, he had gotten deep into a skype discussion with the other professors last night, and chances were that they had pulled all-nighters while sharing their discoveries with each other. Ruby on the other hand, was most certainly not awake, which Sapphire also knew perfectly well. But he should be, she thought, after all, I'm his next-door neighbor. He should get on schedule already and wake up at dawn before I come in. But she didn't particularly mind Ruby's habit of sleeping later than she did. After all, this way, she got to wake him up in any way she wanted. She sniggered evilly to herself. Perched in a branch, she peered into Ruby's bedroom window, plotting her best plan of attack. But then, a sound that did not belong in Little Root town caught her ear. The whispers of a very (extra emphasis on very) large crowd. Sapphire whirled around and directed her gaze to the front of her house, where a huge mass of people stood, half concealed in the faint, early-morning light. She saw one of them notice her, and begin to point her out to a few of the others. Within minutes, she was the focus of the entire crowd. And worse, they were starting to move towards her.

"Wild girl!"

"Look, it's her! Sapphire!"

"Sapphire Birch!" They began shouting. She saw a few of them holding candy bars out to her in the hopes of luring her down, as if she was a wild pokémon.

"Are they idiots?" She muttered to herself, fighting the urge to not jump down and steal their candy. But still, this was very weird. Sure she was one of the conquerors of Hoenn, she had beaten all the gyms. But it's not like she had ever had fans before. Other trainers had beaten the gyms, and besides, even when she was saving the world, the media was more concerned with the boy who had run away from home, and had been supposedly kidnapped by Team Magma. AKA; Ruby. Why were they showing up now? And with that thought, she jumped through Ruby's open window.


Contrary to Sapphire's beliefs, Ruby was, in fact, awake. He really didn't want to wake up to a cold bucket of water, his hat being stolen, or a wild stunky today. A wild stunky. Honestly. Sapphire had gone way too far with that one. He was using five cans of febreeze a day, and his room still smelled like... Well, use your imagination. Today, he was hiding in his closet. This time, he would get the jump on her. He checked the clock on his pokénav. 6:04 am. She would be coming in any minute now. There she was. It was go time.


"RUBY! Get up! We got a 'mergency!" Sapphire shouted as she hit the ground in Ruby's disgustingly cutesy and frilly bedroom. Strange, he wasn't in his bed.

"REVENGE!" A voice shouted, and Ruby propelled himself out of the closet where he had been hiding, and forced a... thing over her head. Sapphire recognized it as the most hideous, frilly, and pink dress ever to have existed in the entire universe.

"RUBY!" She screamed in rage, "What are ya DOIN'!?" Exerting all of her strength, she began to slowly tear the monstrosity off of herself.

"No! Don't!" Ruby yelled frantically, his plan backfiring drastically, "You'll ruin it!" He hurriedly began aiding her in her efforts to pull the dress off, and soon they were both sitting on the floor panting.

"That was a disgustin' method of attack Ruby. I'm disappointed in you." Sapphire finally managed.

"Excuse me?! That's disgusting, but having a stunky excre-"

"At least I was upfront about it! You ambushed me!"

"You call sneaking through a window being upfront?"

"It's no different than a door!"

"Yes it is! Anyhow, didn't you say there was an emergency?"

"No it's- Oh, right." Sapphire said, looking mollified, "Well, take a peek out yer window an' y'll see what I mean." Ruby complied, and then turned to look at her, his face creasing into a smirk.

"Oh. I see know. So those boys are fans of yours eh?" Sapphire nodded, lying on her back on the carpet.

"Never knew so many people were into savages," Ruby continued, taking another look outside. A stuffed marill doll hit him in the side of the head. All of a sudden, he ducked down, out of sight of the window.

"Oh Arceus," He whispered. Sapphire sat up.

"What? Don't tell me, are there some fer you too?" She questioned, and Ruby nodded.

"Why don' we ask yer dad? He might have some advice, after all, he should be used to it as a gym leader."

"I suppose it's worth a shot." Ruby sighed, "But let me get dressed first." He finished. Sapphire groaned.


Sapphire sat in the kitchen, twiddling her thumbs impatiently. It had already been half an hour, and he still hadn't finished getting ready. Ruby's mother had very kindly offered her breakfast, and Sapphire had eagerly accepted. Ruby's mom cooked in large quantities.

As Sapphire was making her way through her fifth breakfast burrito (with all the fixin's), there was a frantic knock on the front door. Ruby's mom made her way over to it, and opened it slowly. A ridiculous looking boy with some very impressive hair barged in and slammed the door as fast as he could, looking absolutely terrified.

"Hey Rald." Sapphire said to the newcomer. He gave a nod of acknowledgement, and slumped against the door, panting heavily.

"Let me guess, they found you too." Said Ruby, as he finally walked down the stairs from his bedroom, pulling on his gloves. Emerald nodded again.

"Well we are currently in the same situation. Although, by coming here, you have just trapped yourself. They have us surrounded." Ruby continued, "We were planning on asking my dad for advice."

"Sounds huf great... but huf do I smell... breakfast burritos?" Emerald smiled winningly at Ruby's mom.

"With all the fixin's!" Sapphire replied.


A few minutes and several burritos later found Emerald feeling much better. Or, as good as you can feel after your dignity and physical being have been savaged by rabid fangirls. Not only that, but after he chowed down on his sixth (Sapphire was on her eleventh by now), Norman entered the room.

"Oh, hello Sapphire, Emerald." He said, a bit surprised to see his kitchen so full. Snatching the second to last burrito off of the plate (Sapphire and Emerald immediately began to scuffle over the last one), he asked;

"What're you two doing here?"

"Well dad, we have a problem. All three of us. And we were hoping that you could give us some advice." Ruby answered for the two. There was a yelp of dismay, and Emerald clutched at his nose and glared angrily at Sapphire who was happily chowing down the last burrito.

"Advice about what?" Norman asked, unfazed by the two wild kids.

"Tage a peeg outta winder." Said Sapphire, from around a mouthful of food. Norman complied, glancing quickly out of the window. The uneaten half of burrito dropped from his hand. Sapphire leapt after it, but Emerald's mechanical arm shot out and grabbed it before she could snatch it up. Shakily, Norman collapsed into a chair.

"Dad!" Ruby yelled, "What's wrong?"

"Ruby..." Norman clasped the front of his son's shirt, "No. They found you. They came for you."

"Who?" Asked Ruby's mom.

"The fangirls." Norman stated, staring blankly ahead.

"Oh Ruby! You have fans? How wonderful!"

"No!" Norman yelled, making everyone jump, "No. This... This is horrible. My only son." He stared sadly at Ruby, adopting an expression a funeral goer might wear.

"Dad, it's not that bad, I just want some advice on how to deal with it."

"Ruby, listen closely. You two as well." Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald leaned in close, "Fangirls. Are. Rabid and evil. They are extremely dangerous. And they will stop at nothing to reach their target. Here, take all the money you need. Get out of the town, no. Get out of Hoenn! You need to survive at all costs. I'll distract them, you three slip out the back. This is goodbye Ruby."

"Wait what? Dad? Dad, no!" Ruby shouted, his voice changing from confused to concerned as his father opened the front door and charged into the crowd.

"Ruby, you and your friends have to go, otherwise this will all be in vain!" Ruby's mother cried, shoving the three of them through the back door. The last glimpse they had of Norman was of him being engulfed in the bloodthirsty crowd. Then the door was slammed in their shocked faces.


"Okay, let's get this straight." Blue was standing at the kitchen table in the Professors Cherrygrove lab, her palms down on the table, and her attention riveted on the three Johto dex-holders, "Both the four from Kanto, and you three from Johto were approached and attacked (excluding me in the attacking bit) by a large number-"

"Extremely large."

"Shuttup Gold." Said Crystal, Silver and Green all at the same time. Crystal kicked him. Blue stared at him until she was satisfied that he was sufficiently cowed, then resumed talking.

"An extremely large number of fans. And while this was quite lovely and flattering-"

"It was not." Red interrupted.

"It is lovely if you have enough popularity smarts to make use of it, like me and Gold. Also, if you all would stop interrupting me, that would be lovely and significantly less painful for you." The silence deepened. Nobody was quite sure of the extent of Blue's intel on them, and her evil intentions.

"Thank you." She gave them all a winning smile, "Now, what is strange about this is that none of us have ever had this happen before, and it happened to all of us on the same day. Are we in agreement?" She looked around the room, waiting for everyone to nod.

"Wonderful! Another strange factor that plays into this is something that Yellow discovered. Yellow, if you would?" The group's attention turned towards the small, blonde girl, and she blushed, slightly flustered.

"U-ummm," She stammered, "Well, one guy talked to me and he was going on and on about all the things I've done. At Cerise Island, the Ilex Forest, and the Battle Frontier I mean. But-"

"There were never official media reports released about any of that." Silver mused, pondering the new information.

"Right. And even if there were some rumors out there, well, some of us had a few fans, especially Red, being champion." Yellow resumed, "But this guy had all the details. And they were correct. Obviously not from some rumor. So the question is-"

"How?" Echoed everyone at the table.

The seven of them were sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. Blue's entourage of five fanboys were sitting in the living room, keeping watch out of the windows. Gold moodily spooned some cereal into his mouth.

"I get all that. And it's weird. But I still don't see why we have to stay cooped up in this house. I mean, we have twelve people in here!" Gold shouted. Red nodded in sympathy.

"Gold," Crystal sighed, "We don't have much choice. It's too dangerous to go out into the midst of all that, and so our best bet is to stay in hiding until it all blows over."

"Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later." Red mumbled, "Anyhow, who wants to play charades?!"


"Is it just me, or was that really dramatic? I mean, over dramatic?" Emerald asked, sitting between Ruby and Sapphire and slurping a complimentary soda. The Hoenn trio was sitting on a plane, heading towards Kanto and Johto. Norman had, as promised, given Ruby all the finances he would need in order to escape Hoenn. And so, they had taken the liberty of ordering a First Class flight to the far-off regions. They would decide which one to hide in when they got there, as discussing it caused far too much argument. Ruby wanted to go to Johto, since "I know my way around, and it's far more attractive than Kanto can ever hope to be!" and Sapphire had her heart set on Kanto, because "Th' Champion lives there! An' he's our senior, so I'm sure he'd give me lots of battle tips! That annoyin' idiot Gold lives in Johto anyway, so nothin' to see there." Personally, Emerald would prefer Johto, since he might get to see Crystal. But he didn't dare to bring it up, because the last thing he wanted was to be in the middle of a fight between these two. Didn't they ever stop flirting?

"What was over dramatic about that?" Asked Ruby, "It was a very romantic and beautiful departure." Sapphire pulled a face. Emerald's straw made an unpleasant slurping noise as it scraped the bottom. These stupid complimentary drinks were so small. If airlines were gonna give them something for free, it should be worthwhile he thought, signalling an attendant for his fifth refill.


Meanwhile, back in Hoenn:

An irate girl sat on the front steps of her idol's house. She was the leader of the seething mass of fangirls standing outside of Ruby's house. And she was furious. He had escaped them. And she was convinced that it hadn't been his idea. Her one true love, the boy named Ruby that had saved her and so many others during the time when Groudon, Kyogre, and Teams Aqua and Magma had ravaged Hoenn. No, from what she knew of him, he would love the chance to be admired by so many. The attention would all be on him, just him and his beautiful pokémon. That was something that the girl wanted more than anything, for him to perform for her. She had seen one of his contests, and it had left an impression on her mind forever. No, he wouldn't escape her clutches by himself, and it wasn't his stupid dad who influenced him either. Well, maybe he had a little, but Norman had already been taken care of, so he couldn't be at fault anymore. Then who? Who was it that stole Ruby from her? It had to be, yes, it must. That girl... That girl Sapphire.

"Erin?" A girl interrupted her thoughts, and took a step backwards from the rage in her eyes.

"What?!" Erin spat, and the terrified girl stuttered,

"T-the l-leaders from the S-Sapphire f-f-fanboy g-group and the E-Emerald fangirl g-group have requested an a-audience with you. They want to t-talk about t-teaming up so e-every g-group gets their d-desired p-person, and then th-they won't be able t-to influence e-each other and r-run away together." She finished, and then made a quick getaway from the scary look on the face of her leader. A slow smile spread across Erin's face. This was exactly what she needed.


A similar situation, in an enclosed room of the magnet train:

Raquelle was lucky. A Green fangirl through and through, she had been dismayed when she had finally found him, but he and the other Kanto dex-holders had managed to slip through their clutches by jumping out of the moving train. The moving train going over 80mph. She sighed. Another thing to add to the list of why she loved Green. But anyway, she had thought all was lost, until she had caught five little mice...

"What's your name, boy?" She asked one of the petrified male prisoners at random, as she paced around the room.

"J-Jeremy." Was the answer, barely more than a squeak.

"Well Jeremy, don't try to lie to me, because I know that you were travelling with Blue, who in turn was travelling with Green and some others..." She waved away the ones that didn't matter to her, "And can you guess what else I know?" She questioned, in a low, sweet and dangerous voice, as she leaned forward to lightly caress his chin. He shook his head jerkily, tears beginning to run down his face. Her grip on his chin suddenly turned hard, nails biting into his skin.

"I know that you're going to tell me where they went."

A/N So yeah, the Hoenn bit is pretty over dramatic. But hey, it's Hoenn, and they're always dramatic! XD I will get better at writing them, I promise!

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