Emotionally Unstable//Loki

By daffodildreams

351 17 2

Katrina Lovett is an 084 and Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Her unpredictable fire abilities gave her a spot on The Av... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

20 1 0
By daffodildreams

Chapter 6

And I woke up, it was all a dream. My back ached and my head pounded. The bathroom had a cold chill to it but it did not bother my boiling skin. There were charred markings left on the walls. My flames did not just ignite in my dream but in real life as well. I lifted myself up off the ground and into my bedroom I looked outside into the night noticing the very small differences to the stars here than the stars we see on Earth. I packed my items and I left the palace as quietly as I could and made my way to the bridge.

"Heimdall could you please send me home?" I ask as a tear slowly runs down my cheek.

"But where is home Kat?"

"What do you mean Heimdall? Home is Earth."

"You say that, but do you really believe it? You yourself do not know where home is anymore and I can see that, if only you could too."

"Please I've had enough of this place take me back to Earth."

"You've had enough of this place? Or have you had enough of my King."

"Please enough Heimdall, I appreciate you trying to help me but I think the best thing for you to do now is to send me to Earth. To S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters would be better."

"You know I will have to inform the King of this?"

"I wouldn't care if you told the whole Universe, now please just send me home."

"As you wish my lady."

I opened my eyes to see soft green grass beneath my feet, I look up and see I'm outside S.H.I.E.L.D and make my way through the doors carrying my luggage keeping my head down. I walk quickly and almost bump into someone, I look up to see Tony.

"Kat, you're back? Why are you?" I cut him off as I drop my things and hug him and cry into his chest. I didn't think I had so much more to let out.

"Shhh." He coos as he gently rubs my back to comfort me. "Come with me to the lab and we can talk there okay?" He called someone over to take my bags to my room and lead me to his lab.

"Okay so what's going on Kat?" He asks calmly as we take a seat.

"I just, I can't stand being near that jerk anymore, he hurt me. It's bad enough that my own mind is tormenting me but I do not need him to do it too."

"Your mind is tormenting you? How so?"

"I've been having these dreams about my birth, where I'm born and kill my own mother because I burst into flames. I'm also so confused about who I am anymore. I'm not human but I act like one, I'm an Asgardian but do not behave like one and I'm a fire demon who does not know how to control her abilities."

"I can tell you Kat, that you are an amazing woman. You are kind, caring, protective. You're a little crazy and sometimes too much to handle but you are like a daughter to me and I can tell you now, Kat, that you are a strong person, you are loving and you are always trying to help others. That is the kind of person you are. It does not matter where you came from it only matters what you make of yourself and how you make an impact to other people's lives."

"Tony, there is something I must tell you, but you cannot discuss it with anyone okay? Say this to no one absolutely no one, not Fury, not Steve, not Phil, no one, definitely do not tell Steve he'll hate me, everyone will hate me. I hate me."

"No one is going to hate you Kat, I promise you." I shook my head, how can he promise something like that? It's impossible for him to tell me no one will hate me.

"I think, that, I maybe, I um. I have feelings for Loki and I know, I understand that I shouldn't and that it's the most unexpected thing to happen because of all that he has done but, I just. I don't know how he did this to me." Tony had no words to reply with and sat there staring at me, but he did something that works much better than any words he could ever say would, he just hugged me. He hugged me tight like a father would his child.

"I can't say it's going to be okay, and I can't say that I approve of you having feelings towards Loki, but the heart wants what it wants I guess."

"I wouldn't be to worried, I don't think Loki returns my feelings."

"I don't think Loki has feelings for anyone but himself, why do you say that anyway?"

"We both said some things to each other that were offensive and I wish I never said such things to him."

"It sounds as if to me you weren't the only one in the blame, if anything I'm sure Loki had stirred you."

"Yes, but it was immature of me to act in such a way."

"Well, why don't you head off to your room, you look tired. I'll drop by later and see how you're going okay?" I nodded getting up, he kissed me on the forehead and lead me to the door.

"Promise me you won't say anything? About what I've told you?" I turned to him before I left the lab.

"I promise, Kat, now go, get some rest." I nodded and made my way to my room hoping no one would recognise me. I opened the door and locked it behind me falling onto my bed that felt like a rock compared to the one I slept on in Asgard. As my eyes were about to close I heard a voice that I wasn't too comfortable with hearing right now.


I knocked on her door but there was no response.

"Kat, it's me Loki, I've come to apologise."

"She isn't here." I turned around to see a maid sweeping the floors.

"What do you mean?"

"She left in the midst of the night, you upset her a lot."

"She left and you did not inform your King?"

"I thought she could use the space away from you."

"Who are you to decide such things?!"

"She's my niece, King Loki, and I know what's best for her."

"Excuse me? Do not lie to me servant."

"I have no lies, I'm surprised you don't remember when she was a baby. You were there you know? You looked after her, were intrigued by her. You volunteered to watch over her before your father sent her away. I suppose he took those memories away from you." I stared at her starting to recognise her face, she would be by her side whenever I watched over her.

"I thought they were just dreams, I never knew that, she was..." I drifted off remembering Kat as a baby, "Does she know you're her aunt?"

"No, I think it best that now is not the appropriate moment to let her know she has other family." There was silence as I watched her, she stopped sweeping and looked up at me. There was a burn scar on her cheek.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did you get that scar?"

"I helped my sister give birth to Kat and as you can imagine the flames were quite large."

"Have you ever wondered why she ages so strangely?" Kat's aunt had asked me.

"She comes from Muspelheim."

"Yes, but even those of Muspelheim don't age as irregularly as she does."

"Then why is that she ages strangely?"

"My mother, she went to Earth where she met my sister's father."

"So Kat's mother, your sister, was half human?"

"I know confusing, but I suppose that's how my family is."

"What is your name?"

"Thyran, my King."

"Well Thyran, it was nice having this chat with you but I must be off to find Kat. And when I return with her, I would like for you to tell her all you have told me."

"Anything for my King."

"I don't want you to do it because I'm asking you, or because I am King, I want you to tell her as it would be the right thing for you to do. I think it would be nice for Kat to have some closure about her life. So not all of it was a mystery."

"Yes, I think that would be best."

"Thank you, Thyran."


"Kat, you left, why?" Loki sat down next to her on her bed.

"Please, just leave I don't want to see, hear or be near you."

"Kat, please let us talk, I hate us like this, I can't stop thinking about what I did to you."

"Loki don't bullshit me. I know that all you think of me is that I'm some foolish fire demon that you could do without." I almost yelled, my throat felt tight. I don't think I can cry anymore.

"It's not true Kat, I didn't mean what I said. I do truly care about you. I promise you."

"How can I believe that? How can I trust what you say to me is real? I've failed my mission Loki, all I was supposed to do was to keep watch of you. I wasn't supposed to get close to you, I wasn't supposed to get to know you or have any feelings for you. It was supposed to be strictly a mission but look what you've done to me, you've pulled my walls apart until I was left with nothing to protect me and vulnerable; and in my moment of weakness you damaged me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do any of the sort. I don't want to be just the one that is known for his lies, tricks and mischief. I want to be a noble King, a good one at that as well. But I want to be a good Asgardian too, I think the first step to doing that is to have your forgiveness."

"You're not the only one that has lied, yesterday when I told you I could never forgive you for what you have done I lied because I was afraid of forgiving you. I was afraid for myself and afraid of what my team would think of me. So yes I forgive you but only if you forgive me for the things that I have said." I looked up into his eyes and I saw truth, something very rare to find in Loki.

"Of course I forgive you Kat, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Can we please return to Asgard? I am not much help on this Earth." I bit my lips and nodded slowly.

"I guess my leaving was a bit sudden, I didn't really think things through."

"Is that you saying that you will come back with me?" Loki grins excitedly I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.

"Yes, I'll come back with you." He grabbed me in a hug and suddenly we were back in Asgard, in his room.

"How did you do that?" I looked up at him whilst still in the embrace and he just smiled cheekily and whispered, "Magic." I rolled my eyes and laughed whilst pushing him off me.

"Loki? What about all my stuff? And I didn't leave Tony a note!"

"You can live off our Asgardian wear you'll be fine."

"But what about Tony?"

"He'll be fine, don't worry."

"Loki..." I raise my eyebrows at him and he gives in.

"Fine what do you want the note to say."

"Just that I have returned safely to Asgard to complete my mission, I'm okay and have solved things and tell him to remember he promised to keep my secret. Oh and tell him I love him."

"Love him? He's a little old for you isn't he?" I bursted out laughing holding my gut almost toppling over.

"One, he's like a dad to me and two you are nearly one thousand years older than me and you think he's too old for me?" I say in-between laughs wiping a tear from my eyes purely due to laughter.

"Yes, well, I look younger than him."

"Yes, you do, you look like a grovelling teenager." He glares at me but cracks into a smile.

"Well, it is perfect then because you look like a teenager as well darling." He scoops me up bridal style and spins us around.

"Loki! Stop it!" I laugh whilst hitting him.

"Okay, okay I'll stop." He stops spinning us around but still holds me like we had just been wed and I was completely content with the situation.

He looks me in the eyes and I can feel my heart beat pick up tempo, he slowly leaned in and kissed me and this time I knew that this was not a dream. He slowly put me down on my feet as we kissed slowly but passionately, I could feel my skin start to burn but it was okay because I could feel his icy skin balance out my fiery presence so we were both neutral. We both pulled away smiling at each other.

"Nothing quite like that has happened to me before, they usually get hurt. But I guess you're different, we're different." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I think this is the first time where I actually feel happy being different." I cuddled into his chest wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"What secrets is the man of iron keeping for you?"

"Well um..."

"Spit it out Kat, we shouldn't keep things from each other, not anymore." Loki was right we can't keep anything from each other anymore.

"Well, I asked him to hide my feelings for you, from the team..." I said shyly.

"Are you ashamed to be with me Kat?"

"No, no, not at all, that's not it, just imagine what would happen if they found out, they would never trust me again. They would hate me, and hate you more." I paused afraid to say what scares me the most.

"And then they would leave me, I'd lose them forever."

"It doesn't matter if you lose them, as long as we have each other no one else matters, right?"

"It does matter Loki, whether you like it or not they're my family and I don't want to lose them."

"Even if it means you lose me."

"Please don't make me pick and choose because I won't be able to."

"But what if you have to, in the end."

"Then I'll go with whatever my heart decides in that moment. But please let's not talk about this anymore. I think you should contact S.H.I.E.L.D they'll start to get suspicious of you."

"Yeah, okay, I have some information anyway whilst you had disappeared I met with Surtur."

"You did? Has he found out who I am yet?"

"No, I don't think so, he still wants to start a war with Earth."

"I think we should tell him that I'm here, that I'm his daughter because then he will stop his attack on Earth."

"No, we can't risk it."

"But we can risk millions of lives just to save mine? Just to save one life? I don't know if I can handle living with the guilt of being the reason millions of people die."

"But I can't lose you Kat."

"And I can't let Surtur destroy my home. Let's just talk to the team okay." I grabbed Loki's hand and closed my eyes, when it felt right I opened them and released my hand from his.

"Well this is good timing you're all already in a meeting." Tony looked at me almost asking me if I was okay and I nodded to him in response.

"Loki has some information to tell you about the attack on Earth."

"I spoke to Surtur and his army have nearly completed their training, the plan is that on the date my Kingdom and his sign a peace treaty and declare a truce. With that he then can gain access to my army and wishes to join them with his to attack Earth."

"Well, it's simple then? Just don't sign the treaty." Steve announces.

"Well, Captain, if I do not sign the treaty he will then enact war on Asgard and I will have to watch it burn. I cannot let that happen to my Kingdom."

"Maybe, if we re-word this treaty so there is a loop-hole within it? So that he cannot actually gain control of your army." Tony stated, thinking strategically.

"Surtur's judgement may be clouded by revenge but he is still an intelligent being, he will see past it."

"So what are we supposed to do? Just sit back and let him attack Earth without any preparations?" Steve angrily said hitting his fist against the table.

"When is the date for them to attack us anyway Loki?" Bruce asks.

"They wish to attack when humans are at their most weakness but also when they are at their most joy." I thought for a moment furrowing my eyebrows and I gasped when I realised.

"You mean he wants to attack on Christmas?"

"No actually Kat, he wants to attack on Christmas Eve."

"He wants to attack in four weeks? That's not enough time to prepare men, to prepare soldiers." Steve said standing up suddenly.

"Soldiers won't be able to fight against them, we're going to have to call everybody in. Everybody like all of you. X-Men, the Fantastic Four, everybody we know and everybody we don't know." Coulson said planning every step he was going to take in his head.

"I can gather my friends that helped us once, they'll go against the King especially when they're not to fond of him." Thor said almost cheekily, "I also think I might know of a team, I've bumped into them a couple of times I think they call themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm sure they'd like to help especially with a name like that."

"Fantastic, Romanoff I want you to find and gather everyone we know that will definitely help us and have sets of skills like you and your team. I will get you the files you need."

"Yes sir."

"And you, Barton you're going to find everyone we have suspicions that may be like us."

"Rogers, you'll continue training the new team and help train S.H.I.E.L.D agents as well as everyone we call in."

"Hold up, wait a minute, I have a proposition. We might not have to prepare for a war at all." I interrupted Coulson assigning jobs.

"What is it? Anything to stop this war happening on Earth."

"I'm Surtur's daughter right? And the only reason he's raging this war is because he thinks Earth stole me... well what if we gave him what he really wanted? What if I hand myself over to him?"

"No. No, that's out of the question." Coulson immediately shut down my idea.

"What do you mean no?! It could save the whole planet!"

"And what if it doesn't?! And we lose you!" Steve says raising his voice angrily.

"Steve I can't stand here and let people die knowing damn well I could save them by simply turning myself over!" I say angrily hitting my fist against the table half expecting myself to burst into flames but I could feel Loki's ice cold hand holding tightly to my wrist

"No, you can't do it, there's gotta be another way."

"There's only two options Tony and it's either turn me over to Surtur or watch the world burn in the very flames that make up my DNA."

"No, we're not letting him take you, we don't know what he'll do if he gets you."

"I'm his god damn daughter he isn't going to hurt me, Loki tell them!"

"I'm going to have to agree with them Kat." Loki paused and grabbed my hands and looked me deeply in the eyes, "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you." Steve pushed him off me and stood in front of me.

"What do you think you're doing? Stay away from her."

"Steve, there is no need to act that way towards my brother." Thor said stepping up in front of Loki as a protective older brother would.

"Kat what's going on? Do you have feelings for this guy?" Steve turns around to face me, he looks like his heart is about to break.

"No, of course not." I stutter out and see Loki's disappointed face and Tony's knowing one.

"Kat, I know you, I know when you're lying. I can't believe it." Steve storms out, his outburst might have been angry but I could sense that he was more sad and disappointed than anything. Loki stepped out in front of Thor and looked me dead in the eye.

"I guess you have chosen after all Kat, my love must not be enough for you." And with the click of his fingers he left.

"I'm afraid I must go after my brother, who knows how he may act after what has just happened." And soon Thor left as well. Coulson walked over to me and took my badge away.

"I'm afraid that I have no choice but to suspend you, you will not be going on any further missions and you will no longer continue with this one, not until it has passed."

"What!? You can't just take me off this mission! I'm essential to it's success, you need everyone you can get to fight in this war!"

"We can't risk it, I'm afraid you're unpredictable and we cannot have any more mistakes." He left without another word everyone else followed trying to avoid my gaze but Tony stayed behind.

"What just happened? I knew Steve would be upset but heartbroken why?"

"Didn't you know Kat?"

"Know what Tony?"

"You were there for Steve from the moment he woke from his coma, you helped him adjust to this life, you cared for him, fought beside him. You're always there for him as he is for you, he's saved your life, he's held you when you cried."

"And? You all do that for me?"

"Not like this."

"I don't understand Tony."

"For such a smart girl you sure are clueless, Kat he's in love with you! And then next thing you know you show up having feelings for the enemy."

"I have to go find him, apologise to him."

"No don't, he needs to be left alone."

"Tony, what am I supposed to do?"

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