Meeting the Devil's son(Under...

By bunchsofoats3

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She was having dreams about him since she could remember; it would usually only happen twice a week. But when... More

Meeting the Devil's son
Chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-three

242 3 0
By bunchsofoats3

Cai marched his way back through the back entrance of his fathers kingdom. No one saw him, but if they did they wouldn't have dared to speak against Cai's decisions. He had been forbidden by his father to go see Evie or even to come within one hundred yards of her or her property, but Cai did not care. The rage he felt towards her and her people overwhelmingly overpowered Cai's respectfulness to obey his fathers rules. He tore open his mahogany bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him with so much force that the doorframe trembled in his wake.

He sighed while pacing the room angrily with large powerful strides. "Why does she think shes so special? What makes her think she can talk to me that way? Doesn't she know who i am?" He screamed, his voice elevating with every word he spoke as did his anger. He stopped pacing abruptly and turned to the nearest wall, pulling back his arm as far as he could then snapping it forward, Cai's tightly formed fist made contact with the light blue painted walls with a loud BOOM. "I am Prince Cai Salvatore! I'll be damned if i let anyone, especially those monstrous CuCuy's speak to me in any way that doesn't incline they are inferior!" Cai brought his voice down, low and menacing, he continued to speak." They may have brainwashed my father to believing they were good, he'a weak. I refuse to make the same mistakes my father did. I will set things right between the Salvatore's and the CuCuy's. Finally, we will be in our rightful place again. Ruling over everything with the CuCuys as a foggy distance in my fathers wake."


"You will apologize right this instance!" Ryker shouted his direct orders at a shameful looking Cai.

Cai lifted his head after being scolded for several long minutes. "Why should i? She's useless! Do you know that she doesn't even rule her own kingdom? The officials-"

"I don't care, Cai. What you did was wrong, extremely wrong." He pointed an accusing finger at his son. "You need to make this right." Ryker placed his hands in his hips and began to pace the length of the room. Images of Evie came flooding into his mind like an unwelcome guest. He sighed and pushed the images to the back of his mind. No matter the differences now, he still loved Evie with every being of his soul. He couldn't imagine a day when he would stop loving her, or her memory. "We taught you better than this."

"We? If your referring to my mentors or my tutors, then yes, they taught me differently. I barely see you or mom for that matter and when i do, your either yelling at me or too busy to notice! If you didn't want me to turn out this way..." Cai rose from his stiffened position in one of the antique leather chairs which had been placed in the sitting room according specifically to Ryker's liking. "Then you should have payed more attention."

Ryker grabbed his sons shoulder, stopping his efforts from leaving the room. "Cai, have you seen the way your brother looks at the Son Erkek?" Without waiting for his son to respond, he continued. "I noticed he sneaks out late at night, i suspect he goes to see her. It's very possible that the Son Erkek might be Gracien's Sani. Take care to remember that."

Ryker felt the room, letting his words linger and hopefully, set into his son's mind- like he hoped that it would. If he couldn't get his own son to stop because he wanted him to, then he would try to accomplish at least an apology for his younger brothers sake. Sani's were not something to he taken lightly. When a male finds his Sani, all parties involved and surrounding the relationship are to do the best that they can in order to lessen the stress and pressure of natural world causes.

Ryker was counting on that fact. He was counting on Cai's love for his brother and his respect for Sani's to overpower his hatred for the CuCuy's.

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