Bought and Paid For (ManxBoy)


46.5K 1K 169

Bought with a debt. Еще

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

16.7K 313 61

Constantly, he found himself awoken by the nightmares of his parents death. The flames licking his skin as he went back for them but instead they given him his brother.

The brother he long wishes to be as good as gone.

'Son, protect your brother since all he has now is just you. Take him and run.'

As told he took the tiny infant and secured him in his embrace before running far and out the burning house.

Days later, he watched people grieve and pay their respects to his parents. No he didn't cry, he patiently watched as the numbers of people slowly decreased as time went by.

In his arms was the tiny infant that slept peacefully throughout the grief.

No he didn't blame his brother anymore all he cared about was the only family he had left.

Glancing down to his left the toddler snuggled in closer to his side. Smiling to himself, he laid back down tucked the toddler close to his chest.

"I'll protect you, now. No one is ever going to hurt you. Not now, not ever."

The sounds of a door slamming open, heavy steps found there way to his room. Panicked, he opened the closet door and laid his baby brother in there with a cushion and blanket, praying once again that what was going to happen wouldn't wake his brother. Quickly and silently he shut the closet door and sat in the middle of the room.

He waited for the man whom called himself his uncle come into the room drunken. A bottle held tightly in his hand, continuously taking gulps here and there.

"You stupid bitch come here!" When the man saw that the boy made no effort to listen to his demands his anger flared.

The boy met his uncle's brown angered eyes with cold ones of his own. He was already prepared for whatever was to come since he had already lived it for the pass few months. His uncle swung the bottle at him and he didn't even flinch as it hit him hard on the head.

No, he wouldn't let it faze him especially if he had to be stronger in order to keep his brother safe. For now he might be powerless and young but he is waiting for the day he turns eighteen.

The man neared him roughly grabbing his hair as he backhanded him. Biting back his cries and urge to beg his uncle to stop.

On top of his fallen form his uncle licked his lips with anticipation.

No this was different from the nights before not the usual beatings he constantly received.

Panicked the boy struggled helplessly against the man as he was stripped of his clothes. Apparently his struggles angered him even more causing him to be backhanded again across the face. This time his lip bled and the inside of his mouth was cut from the blunt.

"Stop struggling dumb bitch!" The man struck him again this time harder. That time it fazed the boy making him see stars.

Excitedly, the man used the time to unzip his pants and rip off the short of the young boy. Lifting the boy's leg up forcefully he enter him.

Raw biting pain rip through him as he gasped for air. Once again helpless he struggled and grasped for anything in his reach. Sadly, he found none as his uncle forcefully and continuously had his way with him.

The pain was too great that he had passed out from it.

He believe that it was in the wee hours of the morning when he heard his little baby brother wailing from the closet. His body was far too weak to move at all but continuously he demanded his body to go to his brother aid.

His hands shook and his body ached when his opened the closet door. Rolling out come his little toddler of a brother. Painfully he tried sitting up but couldn't as sharp pain erupted from his waist down.

Not wanting to deal with the pain he laid there beside his little brother and played with him.

"Just for you, I'll endure this pain." He kisses the toddlers head and the toddler lets out a squeal of happiness. "Nor will I ever let you see the ugliness of this world I live. I pray you will never know of it."

The door to his room busted open startling the toddler causing him to start wailing. Standing at his door stood a man at 6 feet tall, his black hair slicked back away from his face, his eyes the colour of amber with flickers of gold. He looked quite young for a man who stood with authority.

Securing the toddler close. "Who are you?"

"I'm searching for a man, perhaps you might know of him. A drunk, stands about 5'9, rigged cloth-." The man rumbled.

"My uncle. I haven't seen him since of last night." The boy choosed his words carefully.

Heath observed the boy and toddler before him taking in the boy's ruffled blanket and the blood stains on the blankets.

"You still call a man like that your uncle? A man whom raped you? You wouldn't happened to be Roy Veigh and the toddler Toby."

Roy stared at the man. "So what if I am?"

"Hmm, I was thinking perhaps I should take you in on the behalf of your uncle's debt." Heath continued to observed the young boy.

Heath like how his eyes flared with a blazing beautiful violet colour. "What would be your use of me?"

"Perhaps my lover till I get bored of you I supposed." Reaching into his pocket he picked out his pack of smokes for him to smoke. Just as he was about to light one up, the boy snatched it from his mouth and crumpled it in his hands.

"If you are going to smoke do it outside. I don't want it to be anywhere near my brother." Roy snapped angrily at the man.

Now who would of thought the boy had spunk in him.

"Boss, we've found him." Heath's right hand man, Oscar informed him.

"Come child, let's go and greet your loving uncle." Roy was hesitant on seeing his uncle after what the man had done to him.

Being the lover to this man couldn't possibly be any worse than dealing with his uncle.

"At least let me and my brother wash up." The blankets fallen off of his shoulder as he made his way for the restroom.

"Sure go right ahead and be my guess. I'll be waiting in the living room." Heath watched the boy and saw that his body was matted with blood and legs were about to give out from beneath him. "On second thought Oscar help Roy wash up will you. I'll take Toby."

"No. My brother stays with me." Roy tightly held his brother.

"Don't forget that you both belong to me, boy." Oscar made way to get Toby out of his brother's hand.

"Not yet that is." He chuckled, got himself quite the wildcat.

"Oscar take Toby and entertain him in the mean while will you. I'll take care of this wildcat."

"Yes, boss." Oscar pried Toby away from Roy since he was too weak from the pain his body has taken.

Heath took off his suit jacket and rolled up the cuff of his sleeves. Carefully he picked up Roy's small thin frame and carried him to the bathroom.

As he opened the door to the bathroom, he crinkled his nose in distaste as he saw how filthy it was.

"You wished to take a bath in such filth with your brother." Heath truly wonder what kind of life this boy had lived.

"No I clean it up before I do." Roy felt small in the man's arms.

"You aren't well enough to be cleaning such filth. You'll shower later when you get to your new home." Heath proceed to carry the boy to the living room wrapping his body up in his suit jacket.

"I have my own clothes. I wouldn't want to dirty yours." Ignoring his quest he continued carrying him to his car with Oscar following close behind with Toby.

"Where is he?" Heath asked of his subordinate.

"At the usual club, boss." Oscar informed to his boss.

"Take me to him." He order. Carefully he settled Roy into the car and seated himself next him.

"Of course, boss." Roy watched his baby brother be handed to the man to himself.

"I can't really deal with children." The man stated.

Painfully, Roy made no attempt to move as he felt the car move instead he held his brother tight just in case something happened.

Looking at the man. "You still haven't really told me who you are."

"Oh of course. My apologies. I am Heath Nixon owner of a business firm where I loan money off to people." Heath smiled down at the boy.

"And my uncle have some kind of debt which he cannot play back so you'll be taking me in as your lover in exchange. May I ask of how much he owes you?" Roy tucked his brother in closer and the toddler squealed with delight as his baby hands touch his older brother's face.

"A few billion." Was all he said.

"You know you look more of a person who extract money from others more than you loan them." Roy smiled, lovingly down at his brother.

"Well I also do that but usually they pay the money back but lately they haven't." Heath sigh ready to get out a smoke for himself but stopped as he remembered about the toddler.

"My uncle seems to be an example of it." He looked at Roy and let out a deep sigh again.

"He just so happens to be one of them." Heath leant back into the leather seats as if it would stop his urge of needing a smoke.

Roy watched him as he tried to control his need to smoke. Actually he was thankful for him to actually be considerate on the behalf if his young brother.

"Boss, we're here." He debated between the thought of either bring Roy or not. Finally he has given in to the thoughts of bringing Roy.

"Roy, come and let's go see your uncle." Oscar opened the door his Heath's side. Roy didn't bother arguing since his brother had fallen asleep and not wanting anyone to be loud around him.

"I'll be back." Lightly he kissed his head before taking Heath's outstretched hand. "I'm ready."

Heath swooped him up a little too quickly making him nauseated. Tightly making sure that the jacket hadn't fallen off of himself as he was carried.

"I can walk myself." Truly only because he had felt embarrassed being carried by a man.

"Not on those legs of a new born." Roy had found himself annoyed by his words but didn't bother with it anymore.

The club was empty and dark besides the center of the room. There was his uncle on his knees beaten to a bloody pulp. Facial was unrecognizable even to him.

"Are you going to interrogate him?" Roy asked, silently to Heath who walk to the middle of the room. When he didn't receive an answer he all but wanted to yell at the man.

A chair was brought forth as Heath seated himself on it facing Roy's uncle. He tucked the boy close as he sat him on his lap.

"Nixon, please I beg you give me one more month I'll pay it back." Roy watched his uncle begged. Not for one bit had he felt pity for his uncle. As if now just noticing his existence. "Roy? Boy? Is that you?"

"So what if it is him? You know I'm quite taken with him." Heath was the one to speak for him. Just staring at his uncle made him remember the pain of last night. He clutched Heath's arm that was around his waist.

"I'll set up a night with you if you want him." Hurriedly the bloodied man offered.

"Planning to whore him off to pay off your debts now?" Not wanting to hear anymore, he closed his eyes and leant his head on Heath's chest and listened to his heart beat. "Why not let me keep him and his brother? It would possibly pay off half of your debt but who would know."

"No, my dead brother left them in my care."

Heath raised a brow at that. "So possibly almost daily abuse and rape? Some respect you have for your brother and kids. It even saddens me that they're to be sold off just to return a few billion dollars debt, Ross."

Ross stared through his bloody eyes at the young man in the chair holding his nephew small form. A cruel smile came to his cut lips.

"Such a tainted body and you still want it. Of what use could it be to you." Darkly the young man chuckled, caressing his hand over the boy's bruised thigh.

"Oh the many things could he do for me that I would gladly love to teach him. Why not taint this body even more? Surely he would come to love it." Ross watched the boy lean into the man's chest.

"Seems as if you already tasted a fine species as himself, seeing the way he cuddles you." He was mad no furious that a man like this had come into his nephew's life and the fact that he didn't feel bothered being in the young man embrace.

He who took them both into his home with open arms when other relatives hadn't wanted them both. The many times he had been ignored by those two siblings when he had played nice. What he had wanted was a bond with his first love's children that was stolen away by his older brother.

They shouldn't have been born. They weren't even suppose to exist!

"Definitely a fine and noble species that he is. As I already told you he is to my liking." Heath felt the hatred radiate off him and by his cold hard stare that drilled holes into Roy's side. "There seems to be an inside story to this. Do you wish to share?"

"Why not? What is there to lose that I haven't already lost? Go ahead and keep those brats they're already as dead as my first love, their mother. If only that bastard of a perfect brother hadn't come into her life she would of been mine! Yet I knew she was slipping through my fingers quicker than I ever would have imagine but still she was mine." That's when everything clicked for both Roy and Heath.

Gently, he pushed back from Heath's chest and tried to walk onto his own feet. He was glad that Heath made no move to stop him but closely still watched him as he neared his uncle. Two men came from the shadows and stood behind his uncle.

Silently, he hugged him. "Uncle, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to warm up to you but what we need was time to think about the lost I felt."

"Dumb brat! You didn't think I had felt the same way." Roy was shoved roughly landing on his bum making him hiss in pain.

"Yeah, but I was left with the burden of losing both parents. You with the burden of only my mother." He couldn't really move as the pain made it's way up his back.

"He was my brother!" Roared his uncle.

"To I and Toby a father." Heath knelt down by his side to carry him. "Heath, I will shoulder his debt with my life. Uncle this is the last of us you'll ever see. Now, goodbye uncle be free and find love again."

"I guess the deal has been made. You are free to go Ross. Boys, let head home." With that they all left and the boy continued to watch his uncle over Heath's shoulder and pass through the group of men until the door of the club closed off the last connection they'll ever have left.

"You are mine for life." Heath tells the young boy whom once again cuddled his brother close to him.

"And that is a debt I have already known." Was all of his reply.

"That it is. That it is."

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