Project Heslor

By YellowDragon123

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The year is 2003, twelve years before the events of Orphan Black. Another human cloning experiment was create... More



7 0 0
By YellowDragon123

Iszier awoke with a sharp unbearable pain in his head, his lips were dry and sweat poired from his forehead like a spring, he struggled to keep his eyes open as his eye lids were heavy like lead.
"Now young man me and Maggie will be leaving soon, so I'm assuming you will behave for Amilia, Louise and Aaron!" Said Tomas walking down the stairs.
"I hope you and your little whore wife...I hope y.." Said Iszier. He could barely summon the strength to finish his sentence.
"Shh, shh, shh, don't talk get some rest, you should really eat something, I'll have Amilia bring you some food, we'll see you soon." Said Tomas.
Around two and a half hours later the door at thge top of tghe stairs. Iszier hadn't eaten in over six days since he woke up. He was already feeling weak but now he felt even worse. Amilia walked down carrying a brown trey. She placed it down next to him. On it was a sandwich and a bottle of water. He reached up and picked the bottle of water off the trey.
"Good your starting to cooperate. Said Amilia. He opened the bottle and took a large gulp. Amilia knelt down and Iszire spat all the water he had supposedly swallowed and spared it all in her face.
"Errgh, YOU LITTLE!" shouted Amilia. Iszier grabbed her head and slammed it on his knee with all the strength he could gather. He pulled her over and searched her for keys to his shackles. The door opened and Louise walked in. Iszier realised Amilia had no keys or anything on her person to help her escape so he grabbed her and wrapped his arm around her neck.
"Let me out or I'll snap her neck!" Said Iszier. Louise didn't move.
"Please let her go and I will exact no vengeance." Said Louise. Iszier tightened his grip.
"Throw down the keys or I'll ring her neck like a tube of toothpaste." Said Iszier.
She took one step down and kept he hands in front of her.
BOOM!! Louise's blood exploded decorating the feeling and the wall. He body fell lifeless down the stairs. Another Bang! Filled the air and suddenly Amilia flinched and a pool of blood expanded around her chest.
"Iszier?" Asked a girl covered by a hood.
"Yes I'm down here please help me!" Shouted Iszier.
"I was planning on it." She shouted her voice was deep and like iszier she had an eastern European accent. She unvaled he good to reveal white hair, green eyes and pink skin. She walked up to Louise's body and searched for keys. Neither Louise or Amilia had a set on them. She walked upstairs and looked in the kitchen and found a silver ring with a dozen keys all around it. She walked on down and attempted to free him. After about seven keys she found one that fit, she released iszier and he powered up the stairs relieveing in the absence of the grip around his neck. Katrina pulled a bottle of water from her bag he grabbed it and gulped it down without stopping for air, water had never tasted so good and felt so refreshing.
"We have to go, Now." Said Katrina. Iszier looked pale and. Clammy he attempted to walk to the door but he fell on his face unconscious.
"''ugh Men." Said Katrina.
Richard was at the hospital still. He and Matthew's friendship was growing immensely, Richard don't know him well but Matthew made him feel special.
"So you're a senior?" Asked Matthew.
"Yeah I will be in September, like you." Replied Richard.
"But you're only sixteen?" Asked Mathew.
"Yeah I got moved up two grades." Replied Richard.
"Damn so you're really smart then, whew wish I was a genius." Said Matthew.
"I'm not a genius, I just like school, wow I'm a douche." Said Richard.
"No you're not you seem awesome, and I'll be going to the same school as you, so we can hang out." Said Matthew.
Richard smiled and then the doctor and his mother walked in.
"Hello Richard we would like to speak with you in private." Said the doctor.
Mathew held his hand up and went into the corridor.
"We's like to inform you that it looks like you'll 've able to leave within the next two to three days depending on your temperature and blood pressure." Said the doctor.
Richard smiled and then Matthew walked back in.
"Hello there who are you?" Asked Richard's mother.
"Mom it's fine he's from school." Said Richard.
"Well I will be, I was visiting my nephew and well he's gone home but I realized Richard was going to be going to my new school." Said Matthew.
"Oh that's nice would you like a coffee?" Asked Richard's mother.
"No thanks, I don't drink coffee thank you." Said Matthew. Richards mother left and Matthew Sat back down. Richard smiled again.
"So that's your mother do you have any other family?" Asked Matthew.
"An older Brother and sister, and two grandfather's, oh and one grandma." Said Richard.
Tom and Valary responded to Katrina's request they had ventured to Höfn, Iceland to find Iszier, They had been there Less than a day but Tom was getting impatient to see Iszier. Knock, Knock, Knock!
"What is it?" Asked Valary. He grabbed her hand and led her to the hotel room door,
"She's here!" Said Tom. Katrina was standing there and she had streaks of blood in her white blonde hair and she immediately without any hesitation or introduction said.
"Iszier is very, very sick I need your help."
Valary looked at her and demanded
"Where is he?" She lead them to a nearby hospital he was hooked up to many machines.
"What is wrong with him." Asked Valary to a doctor nearby. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.
Katrina stepped in
"He is deeply malnourished and he has what is known as the Heslor Virus."
"What the hells that." Asked Tom.
"It's a virus but it's unique, it is only fatal to his DNA." Said Katrina.
"So you mea..." Said Tom before Katrina inturupted.
"To me and everyone else this virus is pretty much useless, but to you and him And any other clone it's lethal, I'm not sure if it will kill him or not."
"Go back to the Hotel it's to risky here." Said Valary.
"But mu..." Said Tom before valary said.
"Please I will be back later." Tom walked away and headed back.
"Where was he, how did you find him." Asked Valary.
"I'm an agent for Dyad, I've been watching a group of religious extremists known as the Proleatheans, I followed them to there hide out in Iceland, your brother Dr Leekie had me remove him from they're hide out." Answered Katrina.
"How did you know about the virus?" Asked Valary.
"This isn't the first insident, a heslor clone named Adam was diagnosed. He died a few months later, from what I whitnissed they attempted to infect him via food but he refused to eat so he had to be injected, it overwhealmed him. Said Katrina. They looked upon his face he was grey and sweat beaded down his face. A clear coloured drip was attached to him and he began to gain consciousness.
"Your... Friend is.... Stable...we've fed him...with drip." Said a nurse, she barely spoke English. Valary smiled and put her thumb up.
"Is his virus contagious?" Asked Valary.
"Yes through skin contact, blood or the respiratory systems, but only to other Heslor clones." Said katrina.
"...and then we lived in Hamburg for 7 and a half months before my father was called here." Said Matthew.
"So you're an army Bratt?" Asked Richard. Matthew nodded.
"Hello Richie." Said Rachel she walked into the ward Richard smiled.
"Oh my God I thought you left." Said Richard.
"Well Leekie's work postponed for another week, who's this?."
"Oh... I'm Matthew."
"Pleasure, Anyway your mother informed me that you are to leave soon." Said Rachel.
"Yeah can't wait, maybe you could stay over for a couple of days before you leave, like when we were little." Said Richard.
"I'm going to get a drink, would you like something anyone?" Asked Matthew.
"Pepsi please." Said Richard
"Could I have a sparkling water please." Asked Rachel she handed him a handful of change. He dismissed it.
"I have to use the lavatory." Said Rachel.
"Matthew is it." She asked she followed him in the corridor.
"Your father appointed me as his monitor, he will not be happy you've seen him again." Said Matthew.
"One he is not my father, and two I'm not afraid of his disapproval, I wanted to check out my replacement, see how your settling." Said Rachel.
"Why because your in love with him, well it doesn't matter if you are he will never love you, he doesn't love women." Said Matthew.
"You do to, I see the way you talk to him, let me guess you love your conversations with him, you like to be near him, yes I've been there." Said Rachel.
"Well even if I did I've got a much better chance of being with him than you!" Said Matthew. She slapped him. The thud echoed around the room.
"If you hurt him, I will kill you." Said Rachel. She headed back to the ward, Matthew headed to the vending machine.
A few hours later, Rachel was at home at the Dyad institute.
"You defied me Rachel." Said Dr Leekie.
"I visited my best friend in hospital." She replied.
"You weren't to do that and you know it." Said Dr Leekie.
"Well who are you to decide that I'm to just cut him off like he never mattered to me, who are you to decide that after e years of monitoring that I'm not doing a good job." She protested.
"I'm trying to protect you, and him." Leekie responded.
"No, no, no, you just can't stand the possibility of these CLO es manifesting into actual people, either you allow me to see my friend, or I'll tell aunty Val, I'll tell her how you sold Iszier to those psychopath's the prolefian...proleefie..whatever's." Yelled Rachel.
"She'll understand that I was protecting my nephew." Said Dr Leekie.
"Then why not Richard, Adam, Corbett, Nicholas or one of the others, why someone she knew.... Because he's your only threat, he's self aware and strong enough to take you down and unlike Tom he doesn't care for you, I will tell her and bring you down." She ranted.
"You really do love Richard, I admire that, if you want this poor boy dragged into our world, go ahead but know this, you will destroy this boy." Said Dr Leekie. Rachel poured herself a small glass of skotch and ashot down like children do with milk.
"Poor boy he has not had an easy life, raised in an orphanage then adopted by a monitor as part of an experiment." Said Valary.
"No, Millisandra was not his monitor, one of the nuns at the Covent was, she adopted him and ran away so he could no longer be monitored." Said Katrina
"How do y... How do you know that?" Asked Valary.
"Millisandra was my aunty, I'm his cousin." Said Katrina.
"Your his.. Cousin, how did you." Asked Valary.
"I lied, I'm not working for your brother, I infiltrated Dyad to find my cousin and have been following him for weeks, I killed Miranda and all her men cause I was looking for him, I finally traced him here in Iceland."
They went by his bedside,
"Where's Tom?" Asked Iszier.
"He's asleep." Replied Valary.
"How'd you know where to send this girl Valary?" Asked Iszier.
"Oh Valary had me follow you here I just flew them here." Replied Katrina. Iszier smiled. Then his face turned. Iszier then said
"Katrina... I thought you were... My mother she said.... We all thought you were dead!"

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