Lonely girl

By purplekitty29

767 116 9

This is a story about a girl who is alone and has no friends. she has a lot of trouble in her life. could she... More

chapter 1
chapter 2- Ditching school and secrets!!!!
chapter 3- At Punk's house after scool
chapter 4- Lost dinner with dad
chapter 5- school day
chapter 6 - New friend
chapter 7- The threesome
chapter 8- wanting to tell
chapter 9- the talk
chapter 10- Nominations for homecoming queen
Chapter 11- lunch time
chapter 12- time pass
Chapter 13- coming out
chapter 14-Lost moves in
chapter 16-Before the home coming dance
Chapter 17- The Home coming dance
author's notes

chapter 15- The week of homecoming

11 2 0
By purplekitty29

Now that Lost moved in to Punk's house she was getting use to the way they lived for the last two weeks. This was nice. She didn't have to live the pretend live she has been living. No Christian talk or limitations on what they could do. They have been going to homecoming parties that they have been invited to and having a lot of fun with the new friend's house and they have been makig. Now is the week of homing and they have a lot to do before it arrived on Saturday.


Today was the start of the homecoming week. No at school the girls would have to join the other nominees for things. This was gonna be the part of the whole week they were gonna hate.
The girls got up at the same time they normally would if they lived in different houses to get ready to go to school. The only thing that changed was they don't have to be early to get to the bus stop.
lost : This is nice that we don't have to be early to get to the bus stop anymore.
Punk: Yeah, the that's so true. I've been been so happy for the last two weeks we been living together.
Lost: What are we gonna do about the whole situation about the warehouse since we don't have to hide anything Anymore?
Punk; We might be able to still go there from time to time to have some serious alone time.
Lost: That would sound really good if we could do so. But now we have to finish getting ready for school tomorrow.
Just then Punk's phone went off. She got a text message from her mom.

Text time :
Mom: r u 2 ready to School?
Punk: just about 2 come down stairs to the leave.
Mom: ok

Lost: Who was that that text you just Now?
Punk: It was mom wanting to know if we were done getting ready to go to school.
Lost: Yeah, lost I'm ready to go. just have to grab my bag before we leave the house for the day.
Punk: Yeah, lost so do I.
So, lost with that they grabbed their bags and left the house for the day.
When the bus arrived at the school they went to their lockers and got their books for the morning. Just then their friend Shadow and Kurt came to talk them.

Conversation before Class:
Punk: Hey, lost what's up, lost Kurt?
Kurt: Not a whole lot just getting ready to help you girls with the nomination, so you win on Saturday. Blaine and I made some CAMPAIN posters to hang up around school today when it's time for lunch,. Lost just hope no one else thinks of doing the same thing today cause that could be a bad thing for you two.
Lost: I doubt that would happen.
Just then the bell rag to go to class.

The announcement Time:
They did the announcements first soon as they got to class. Lost they announced that the nominees for homecoming queen and king's will be doing some campaigning though out the week for the votes. Then on Friday they will have everyone vote for who they want to win. Saturday will be the announce ment of who will win. Lost the tickets will also be available to buy as well along with the homecoming football ticket sale for everyone. Lost the nominees and their parents get a free ticket to the game cause they will be showed off during the half time show.

When they got done with the announcements first they started the classes for the day. Lost the girls were doing some stuff in chemistry class first with some chemicals and shit. Lost they like this class a lot because they worked with explosive shit. Home economics was a good class as well cause they got to eat there homework and class work.
Their other classes weren't that fun at all.
When it was time for llunch they went to find their fiends Kurt and Blaine. The girls wanted to help them put up all their posters today. Lost the more help the faster they get done. Soon as the girls found the guys they went to talk to them.
Lost: We came to find you two, lost so we could help put up with up the posters since we re the ones nominated for this.
Blaine: Awww!!! You don't have to do that at all. We just wanted to do this for you girls. No big Deal what so ever.
Punk: We know, lost but you seems lime the more help the quicker it will be done before lunch time is all over with.
So, lost with that they all got the posters and headed around the school and posted them where they were allowed to put them at because they got permission to do so.
Soon as they got done with the new gay friend they made friends with posting them up the bell rang to go to class for the remainder of the school day. The girls were so we're gonna have some fun in home economics class today. Lost they get to bake cupcakes and decorate them for the meeting after school. They had to wait on the cupcakes to get done cooking, so punk grabbed her phone from her pocket and was gonna text.

Text Time:
Punk: Lost and I have a lot meeting 2 attend 2 after School
Mom:K... C u 2 when it's Over
Punk: K...

Then with that she put the phone away and helped with the cupcakes. The teacher came and look at how good the girls were coming a long with the new cupcakes.
Home economics teacher: Those look really good girls. The homecoming court is gonna love those.
Lost: Thank.. We waned to do our best, so we get the most votes for the crowning of homecoming queen queens.
Punk: that would make us so happy.
Random student speaks Out: you dikes don't need to be the winners. The school should banned gay's and lesbians from being nominated. Lost I'm so pissed off at you right now.
The Teacher: Go to the principals office right now. Lost we don't speak out like that in class and don't allow people to use language like that toward people like that. Lost they have a right to do what they want if the school allows them to do so.

With that the random student got up and wennt straight to the principals office to get their fucking punishment they deserved right now.
When school was over the girls got their cupcakes and went straight to the meeting that w take place. They let everyone taste the cupcake they made a little while ago. The meeting was telling them they had to have the dress or suit they will be wearing at school on ffriday, so they could get pictures for the year book. So, lost that ment when the girls got done here they will have to plan a day this week to get a dress before Friday. The meeting was really short. So, lost they got to go home within 15 minutes.

When the girls Got done they went straight home to figure out the day they wanted to do all this important dress shopping.
Mom: is that you, Girls?
Punk: Yes, mom it's us. We have to go shopping for a dress asap because they wanna take pictures for the year book and have it for the game Friday for homecoming.
Mom: when do you girls wanna do This?
Lost: Wednesday, sounds like a good day to go and look for one at the dress store at the mall.
Mom: sounds good. I'll give you girls the credit card to get one. Lost just don't go over board and spend too much, please.
Punk: we won't mom. Lost Thanks!!!

With that the girl's went up to their room and spent some intament time together before they had to go to bed soon for school.

Today was the big shopping day for me the girls to find the perfect dress for the dance. They couldn't wait. When the girls got up from sleeping they started to talk about what they were gonna do for today.
Lost: How do u wanna do this whole shopping for a dress after school Today?
Punk: how bout we pretend to get ready and go to school, lost but instead we got to the mall and look or a dress and hang out for the day Together?
Lost: That sounds like a totally great idea. Lost would love to spend the whole day off school with you.
Punk: then that's the plan we are gonna go with then.
so, lost with that they got ready and left the house. Punk's Mom thinks the girls are gonna be going to school, lost but the girls knew they weren't.
The girls went down to the locals bus stop and caught the bus that would take them to the mall. This should be a nice day since they don't have to go to school since they skipped it.
Lost:'my so glad we are doing this. I'm not worried if we get caught either.
Punk: We need the whole day because this is gonna be such a special day on Saturday. If we get caught it should be fine. My mom should understand it takes a while to find something you are looking for.
Lost: yeah.. Half the time I don't know what I want, so it will take some time today.
When the bus arrived at the mall the girls went inside for the day of shopping for the perfect dress. They walked around the place for a bit before they went into a store to start locking. They had a long day to waste before they had to be home for school the next day for sure.
Soon as the girls got done walking around out side the stores they finally went inside to look at some of the dresses they had and try yhem on to see how they look on them. Lost plus, lost they had to see which place had the best deals on them as well since her mom said not to spend too much on the at all. They looked and tried some on then went to go eat some luchador at the food court around 12pm. They were getting hungry and this was usually the time they were gonna be eating lunch at school anyway.
Lost: Text mom and ask her what time do we need to be home, they sowed aren't home to early or too late.
Punk: Sounds like a good idea. They don't wanna make this too obvious that right now.

Text Time:
Punk: What time do you want us to be home after school and Shopping?
Mom: how bout u 2 come home at 6pm.
Punk: that sounds really good. They won't be late and if we are I'll text u.
Mom: sounds good

Punk: She said to be home around 6pm.
Lost: That sounds good. They we should have plenty of time tofind something once we get done eating in a few minutes and go to that dress store and look around. Someone there could help us fine something that will look really good on us.
So, they they got up from the table and thew their message away and headed upstairs to the dress store to look. Theygot to the elevator and they road it up to the second floor. They had to go up cause that's where it was. Soon as they go up to the second floor they went straight into the dress store. Some lady came up to them and offered to help them shop.
Sales Lady: Hi!! They how may I help you ladies out today?
Punk: We need dresses for homecoming dance on Saturday.
SALES lady: What color will the guys be wearing may I ask so we could look at the color dresses that coordinate with what they are wearing.
Lost: We don't have guys for our dates. They we have each other for our dates. We are lesbians. And we are actually together if that's OK?
Sales Lady: That's fine. They we will look at different options for both of you and find you two the best things there is on a nice budget that won't get you to in trouble for spending too much on something.

With that the lady took them to the sale dresses that were under $200. This should work out for the day the girls. They so, they they got started to try things on and see how they would fit and look. They the lady made sure they felt comfortable with in whatever they chose by the end of the day.
Around :3pm they found a dress and purchesed it andthen got right on the bus to head home.

Text tiime:
Punk: on our way Home
Mom: ok

When the girls arrived at their house they went inside to show mom their dresses they had chosen for the dance. She loved them and knewthey both were gonna look really good in them. They went u stairs to getready to eat dinner before they went to bed. They the girl said were so tired from a whole day of shopping.

Friday: Homecoming pictures & the football Game:
The girls had to get mom to drive them to school today, of the dresses don't get ruin on the bus. They they paid a lot of money and couldn't afford to get new ones.
PUNK: Mom we need you to drive us to school because of us taking the dresses to school. We are ready to leave now.
Mom: OK... No problem what so ever.
So, they they got in the car and then left the driveway and headed to school now.
When they got to school they took the dresses straight to the lockers without stopping anywhere today. Soon as the girls dresses where safe they could do whatever they wanted. Kurt and Blaine walked up and wanted to know if they found a dress to wear to the dance.
Blaine: Did you two find the dress for the Dance?
Punk: Yes, we did. They thanks for asking. They are in our lockers right now, but we want them to stay safe til picture time and then they will go right back in the locker til school is over and we could go back home.
Kurt: That makes lot of since to do all that since those kind of dresses are expensive.
Lost: yeah... They Were. They were close to $200. Well, are you two coming to the game night to watch us walk down the field?
Blaine: Yes, we are. We are so excited for you two right now. We wanna see how this all plays out til the end.
Lost: Sounds really good.

With that they all went to class for he time being.

Around lunch time they made an announcement for all the people who were on the the homecoming nomination court to please come and get their pictures taken. With that the all went to get their stuff on and meet where they needed to be to get that done. The girls were so excited to be doing this at the moment. Then when they got done they were gonna be allowed to go back to lunch and eat.
The pictures were gonna look great when they come out in the year book. When they get done making them they wall will come back to the yearbook room and pick the ones they would like to go inside there. They still had a little time to eat before heading to class so they put the dresses back in the lockers and headed straight to the cafeteria and got their food. They had no time to talk to Blaine, Kurt, and Shadow due to the time they had.
When school got over the girls had to go straight home and eat dinner and get ready for the game. They had to get there with their parents around :3pm because they had to talk to everyone and let them know how this was gonna work for the half time show.

Dinner Time:
Punk: mom and dad we all have to be at the game around 6:30pm, so they could go over the way the half time show was gonna work this time. Usually the band plays, but this is a special game.
Mom: OK we will be ready by then. We have to dress up, Right?
Lost : Yes..and we have to wear the prom dresses we are gonna wear tomorrow night.
Mom: Sounds good.

Soon as they all got done eating they all went to their rooms to get ready for the game. Time was drawing near and they needed to hurry.
Lost: This should be a nice night tonight. Can't wait to walk on the field at the half time.
Punk: that should be nice.
Lost: Yes.. Let's finish getting ready now, so we could be on time.
Soon as they got done they all went and got in the car and headed to the game.

Game Time:
Soon as everyone from the home coming court got their to the school they went over how this night would work out for all of them. If everyone did this the right way they would have a nice smooth half time show.
The Teacher: I will call everyone out one by one and you will walk out with your parents and I will tell them you parents name and the something about each of you. So, write something and I'll read it off.
So, with that they all wrote down what they wanted her to say on the index card then handed them to her.
After that was done they all went to the place they had set up for them to watch the game,. The half time show went smoothly and so did the game. The team one for the school.

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