Hired (L.H, Luke Hemmings)

By Suckmyirwin

421K 8.5K 4.4K

"Have you even considered going out with a celeb?" "I mean, I guess I have." "How a... More

My Name Is
Car Radio
Luke's Girlfriend
They Look Like A Real Couple!
I Like You
Aaron & Sam
I've Got This
First Night Of Tour
Why Don't You?
She's In A Skirt
I'm Done
It's Your Choice
Evil Bitch Who's Making Me Date Satan
Thanks For Pretending With Me
My Weakness
Your Mother Is Terrifying
Why Now?
Haliee, What Is That?
Haliee Danielle
Danielle Elisabeth
Blair Olivia
Alexa Ashen
Wait... Really?
Will You Post A Picture To Twitter
Merry Christmas!
Drunk Beaching
To New Beginnings
Surprise B*tch
Big Brother
Broken computer
Writers Block:/
Bridesmaid Dresses
Tour Starts Again
Reunited/Bridesmaid Dresses Pt2
Girlfriend Interview
Sleepy Luke
New computer
Back On Tour
Decided For Us
Takeout Today, Love
He Shaved?! Ugh.
I Dont Want a Dog- I Need One
Her Hair Is Purple?!
Hey Hey Haliee
Welcome Jack
CALcium Is Shit
To Dani/Bye Tour
Bye 'Hired':(

Modeling 2.0

3.6K 82 7
By Suckmyirwin


(she sent it to me through twitter about 20 minutes ago @2:25 am)


"You're amazing." Luke whispers to me, kissing the side of my forehead. I smile at him.

"We should get clothes on before Calum and Blair get back." I say to Luke. I get out of the blankets to pick up his shirt.

"I like that view." I turn around and Luke scans me. I smile and roll my eyes.I pick up his shirt and throwing it over myself, also pulling on a pair of underwear. Luke gets out of the bed and I smile.

"Now, I love that view." I laugh. He smiles at me and grabs my arm, pulling me to him, giving me a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, now get some pants on. Nobody else other than me is allowed to see what I'm seeing." I tell him.

"Why? You don't like seeing this?"

"Oh trust me, I do but, you have to get clothes on. I want food and Blair and Cal should be back soon." I tell him.

"But, I wanna lay here with you." Luke whines, pulling me over to him. "Can I kiss you?"

I smile and give him a kiss. "Can I have another one?" I roll my eyes and give him another.

"Get some pants on." I slap him lightly on the arm. He pulls on his underwear and shorts.

"We're going to the LA house tonight, I just got a text from Jessica." Luke tells me, throwing a shirt over his torso.

"What? Should I get my stuff together?" I ask.

"Yeah, she said we're going in about half an hour so, I guess. Cal and Blair will come later if they're not back soon."

"I'm tired." I whine, falling face forward onto the bed.

"With how much we just did, thats expected. I'm tired." Luke responds, slapping my butt.

"But, I just wanna go to sleep" I sigh, laying face first on the bed.

"Hey." Luke whispers to me, sitting on the bed and pulling me up so I'm the smaller spoon.


"I'm sorry for being rough in bed, baby." He whispers into my ear, kissing my neck.

"You weren't even that rough, I liked it." I respond, closing my eyes and taking in the kisses.

"No, I should be gentle, I'm sorry." Luke makes his way up to my mouth, kissing me slowly.

"Not again, we can't now." I push Luke back.


"No, Luke. When we're at the house we can do it all we want." I tell him. He smiles, keeping his hands firm on my hips. "Also, be careful with my hipbones."

"Why? Are you okay?" Luke asks, pulling up his shirt that's on me and pulling down the side of my underwear to examine my hipbones, exposing some hickeys. "I was too rough, I told you."

"Luke, you weren't. They don't hurt. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry."

"Luke, baby, it's okay."

"I really am." He apologizes. He bends down, kissing my hipbones lightly.

"Luke, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry so much." I tell him.

"But, I feel bad because I don't want to hurt you." He insists.

"It's kinda hot when you're rough anyway so, really don't worry."

"Okay." Luke says cautiously, pulling the shirt down. "Give me one more kiss and then we can pack."

I smile and give him a kiss. We separate and pack up our things.


Everybody has gotten to the LA house, we're all unpacking.

"I'm going to play fifa, you should get something to eat." Luke tells me, kissing the side of my head.

I smile and follow him to go in the kitchen.

"It's hot in here." Luke mumbles, taking his shirt off. Everybody yells 'oh'

"Luke, bro." Cal laughs. I cover my mouth, looking at all the scratches up and down his back.

"What?" Luke asks confused.

"Dude, your back." Mikey chuckles.

"What about it?"

"Go look." Lex snickers. Luke goes into a bathroom.

"Hailee, you dirty whore." Ash giggles.

"HALIEE!" Luke yells from the restroom.

"Hale is in trouble." Dani sing-songs. I roll my eyes, going into the restroom.

"How bad are they?" Luke asks, trying to see his back. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, not bad at all." I lie.

"Take a picture." Luke sighs, handing me his phone. I take a picture and hand it to him. He looks at it with wide eyes. "Haliee."

"It's kinda hot, not going to lie."

"Oh, have you seen your neck?" Luke asks me, cockily.

"Luke! You can see those, you can't see your back!" I exclaim, checking my neck. Throughout both sides, hickeys are there, clearly noticeable. "Lucas Robert. You did not!"

We both walk out to the front room.

"Look." I growl, lifting my hair up, exposing my hickeys. Everybody laughs.

"This is going to be great. Everybody is going to know that Luke and Hale banged last night. Oh, this is priceless." Mike laughs.

"Oh please, it was tonight like half an hour ago." Luke responds.

"I'm disgusted." Dani sighs.

"I have to go on stage in front of thousands of people like this tomorrow." I insist.

"I love this." Luke starts to laugh.

"I do too." Mike joins in laughing.

"I hate you both." I sigh. 


I wake up to my phone going off and off and off. I grab my phone, eyes still closed. I answer, very tiredly. 


"Haliee! How are you?" It's Jessica, her perky voice ringing through my ears.

"Fine, how are you?" I ask her, not giving one shit about her at this time.

"Wonderful. I have some good news for you today!" 

"And that news is?" 

"I have a job for you today." She says excitedly.

"Great." I respond sarcastically.

"It's a modeling job, it's for you and Lexi. It's in about 10-15 minutes, come in with no makeup or hair done. We'll be doing this for the next couple of days, I'll give Lex a call. See you later!" Jessica tells me before hanging up. 

I get out of bed, quietly so I don't wake Luke. I tip toe to slip on some shoes and I go out into the living room. I see Lex laying face first on the couch. I take a picture to put on twitter.

@/halieerodes: early mornings w/ Lex. She is exactly how I feel. *one attachment*

 "Hey Lex, ready to model?" I ask her, sarcastically excitedly.

She grumbles her response. 

"I don't want to either." I sigh, going into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I put one of the single cups in the keurig. I brew it into one of those to go coffee cups before looking at the time. 6:14 in the fucking morning. What a delight. I put the lid on my black coffee and walk back out into the living room where Lex is still laying face first. 

"Do you want a coffee, Lex?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Black or room for cream?"

"Room for cream." 

I get up and make her a coffee with cream fast and then bring it out to her. 

"Here you go." I tell her and she sits up and takes it from me.

"Thanks." She takes a sip before leaning back into the sofa. "I've never felt the need to model ever and I'm not feeling it now."

"Me either, not for it." I sigh, taking a sip of my own coffee. 

"I just got a text from Jessica, the car is out front." Lexi tells me.

"Great, I'm so excited." I reply, sarcasm lacing my words. 


Makeup is getting painted onto my face while my hair is getting poked and prodded. I'm already over this. 

"This first shot is going to be simple, nothing fancy." The photographer tells me. "Go change into this." He hands me a black knitted sweater and a pair of sleep shorts. I go sit in front of the white background they put me in front of. 

"Mess her hair up a bit. And powder her face a bit more." As if I don't have enough makeup on. Somebody comes to do both and now a room of people are just watching me sit in front of a blank canvas.

"Okay, be serious but sexy." What the hell does that mean? How do you be sexy alone? Let alone serious and sexy. I do my best and move around a little to work with the camera... At least that's what I remember from watching 'Americas Next Top Model' when I was 10. "Yes, yes, we're getting it. Oh that's gorgeous. Perfect. To your left a little, go move her to her left and tilt her head to the right." 

Somebody comes and tries to reposition me. "Wonderful, go change her. Grab Alexa."

They take me back to the chairs where I get my makeup taken off and my hair brushed out. 

"Believe me that's the easiest photo I've seen taken. That took not even five minutes, that's impressive. Have you thought about a modeling carrier?" The makeup artist asks me.

"Not really, I love my band." I respond.

"You're really gorgeous, I'm surprised you've never gotten a modeling offer before."

"Oh, thank you."

"Okay, heres your phone while I do your makeup." I take it from her and scroll through the notifications, a few texts from Luke that I read first.

8:04 AM- Babes: Where'd you go:-(

8:04 AM- Babes: Hales, your not in bed w me

8:08 AM- Babes: wait is it your or you're? idk, you'll correct me later

8:22 AM- Babes: where are you and lex

8:47 AM- Babes: BABY text me you haven't said anything about where you are yet:-(

He must have just woken up so I decide to text him back.

9:03 AM- ME: it's you're, as in you are 

9:03 AM- Babes: HALE!

9:03 AM- Babes: BABYGIRL


9:04 AM- ME: hi babe. Jessica pulled lex and I into some weird modeling thing for two different magazines. 

9:04 AM- ME: sorry i didn't wake you up, you were sleeping really cute like. I didn't wanna disturb your sleep

9:04 AM- Babes: you should've i wouldn't have cared:-( what time are you back?

9:05 AM- ME: I'm sorry. not sure what time I'm back but, I'll pick you up food or coffee on our way back


9:05 AM- ME: not after the hickeys that are forced to be shown on stage tonight you asshole

9:05 AM- Babes: LUKE IS SAD:-(

9:06 AM- Babes: I'M SORRY


"Oh, we're going to need to cover these. I didn't see them, they'll have to photoshop them out of the last picture. Tilt your neck up" The makeup artist says.

9:07 AM- ME: the makeup artist just pointed them out. we're not friends anymore

9:08 AM- Babes: .......................... why would you purposely hurt me like that

9:08 AM- Babes: I'm calling you

Moments after, my phone starts ringing, flashing Luke's name on the screen along with a picture of him. I pick it up.

"Yes?" I answer.

"I'm sad." Luke sighs.

"And whys that?" I ask as the makeup artist is covering my neck with makeup.

"Because apparently we're not friends anymore. And also because I woke up this morning with no Haliee next to me and you're not here right now. So, I'm sad and all alone." Luke whines.

"Oh, poor baby." I respond sarcastically.

"I miss you, come home."

"I can't, I'm busy."

"How long do these photoshoots take? Are they like the ones we take for the bands?" Luke asks me.

"They're not at all like the ones we take, these are a lot more... Time consuming."

"So, with you and Lex combined how long do each take together?"

"I'm not sure, babe." 

"Can I come down there with Ash?" Luke asks with excitement.

"I can see but, I can't promise anything okay?" I tell him.


"I'll text you about it."

"Okay, I love you." Luke is smiling from behind the phone, I can tell. 10/10.

"I love you too."

"Bye." Luke hangs up.

"Do you think we could have people here?" I ask the makeup artist who's just finishing my neck.

"If it'll help you take better pictures and focus better." She tells me.

"Great, thanks." I text Luke to tell him and Ash to come down here.



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