Five Boys, One Girl

By lovingbooksince1234

437K 14.4K 2.4K

There are five. Five Bryant boys. Fighters, bad boys, players. Or is there more to them than meets the eye? B... More

Chapter 1 - The Bryant Brothers
Chapter 2 - Do I want to know?
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Queen of the Barbies
Chapter 4 - Who said chivalry was dead?
Chapter 5 - Looking like his Daddy
Chapter 6 - Judgemental much?
Chapter 7 - One more chance
Chapter 8 - He's back
Chapter 9 - Nicely done brother
Chapter 10 - Maybe he needs some more pants?
Chapter 11 - I love them, wait what?
Chapter 12 - You know she's lying?
Chapter 13 - The supermarket
Chapter 14 - Saved by the bell
Chapter 15 - It's JUST a date
Chapter 16 - He's whipped
Chapter 17 - She's in trouble
Chapter 18 - I owe you an explanation
Chapter 20 - A new home

Chapter 19 - A very angry Rosie

17.7K 625 57
By lovingbooksince1234

Will POV

After Allie managed to say yes she promptly fell asleep and we decided to let her. No one has said anything and finally Jason speaks.

'I don't even.... How does someone live through all of that and still manage to live and laugh?' We all shake our heads,

'I have no idea. I mean we've been through some heavy shit but what she...' I break off not able to carry on while my brothers nod sympathetically.

'She can stay here.' Chance says and we all look on in surprise. I was not expecting him to agree to my request for her to stay let alone bring it up himself. He shrugs at our surprised look.

'She has no one. She is injured. She needs support. We can give her that, why would I turn her away.'

'Why not? You hate her.' I say and my voice sounds harsh even to my own ears. Chance just scoffs.

'I don't hate her, I just...' he stops and then shakes his head.

'It doesn't matter.' I can't be bothered to get into it with him so let it go. I am about to head upstairs when there is a knock on the door. We all go still as the knocking turns into incessant pounding on the door. Jason springs up and we all follow him. If it is her dad he is dead. Jason pulls open the door and we all freeze as we see Rosie standing there.

'Have you seen Allie?' No one answers and Rosie glares at all of us,

'Have. You. Seen. Her?'

'Ros-' Hunter begins to say but she cuts him off.

'Answer the bloody question. Have you seen her?'

'Yes.' I jump in and Rosie's head swings in my direction. 'She is upstairs.' Rosie smiles and pushes through the doorway.

'Why didn't you just say that?' I catch her arm before she can walk any further and I watch as the smile falls of Rosie's face.

'Will, what happened?'

Allie POV

I awaken to the sound of feet pounding up the stairs and then the bedroom door flies open. O barely have time to register that it is Rosie before she is beside the bed and gathering me in a hug.

'Thank God, I went to your house and you weren't there and-' I wince at her tight grip on my back and her arms immediately spring away.

'Allie...' she breathes and takes in my face while tears spring to my eyes.

'Hey Rosie.' I look at Will who is standing in the doorway a conflicted look on his face.

'Hey can you give us some time?' I ask and he nods before shutting the door softly behind him, not before shooting me a gentle smile. I turn to Rosie and launch into the story.

When I am done we are both crying and Rosie is now lying on the bed beside me.

'I'm sorry.' She sobs and I shake my head,

'It isn't your fault.'

'I know, I just wish –' I guess she doesn't know how to finish that sentence and so we just sit in silence and with her hand running slowly through my hair and our sobs slowly subsiding I fall back into a deep sleep.

Rosie POV

When Allie is deep in sleep I carefully detach myself from her and quietly leaving the room I head downstairs. I hear the boys talking but can't quite make out what they are saying. I enter the lounge and 5 pairs of eyes swivel towards me.

'How is she?' Will asks immediately and I can't help but smile at his obvious anxiousness and love for her,

'Asleep now.' He nods but then glances at the ceiling as if he could see her.

'Look, I know you haven't known her long and you don't owe her anything but she needs somewhere to stay and my parents know her dad and don't know about.... well.. so I was wondering...' I trail off and I see all of the brothers exchange knowing looks while Chance sits stoically in the corner.

'Relax Rosie, we already agreed that she could stay with us.' Jason says and I let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

'Thank God. Look I need to get going but thank you. For everything. Allie loves you guys even if she hasn't said it and you will never know just how much your kindness means to her.' The boys give me small smiles and I can tell they love her too, the pain that I'm sure shines in my eyes is evident in theirs and even Chance has a clenched jaw and a subdued look on his face and the thought of what Allie must have gone through. I've only seen her now she is cleaned up and she looks like crap, I can't imagine what the boys saw when they saved her

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