It aint' that simple

Par JustMe093

3.7K 47 0


Chapter two-
Chapter three-
Chapter four-
Chapter five-
Chapter six-
Chapter seven-
Chapter eight-
Chapter nine-
Chapter ten-
Chapter eleven-
Chapter twelve-
Chapter thirteen-
Chapter fourteen-
Chapter fifteen-
Chapter sixteen-
Chapter seventeen-
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen-
Chapter twenty-
Chapter twentyone-
Chapter twentytwo-
Chapter twentythree-
Chapter twentyfour-
Chapter twentyfive-
Chapter twentysix-
Chapter Twentyseven-
Chapter twentyeight-
Not a chapter
Christmas Special!
Hiiiiiii guyssssssss

Chapter one-

226 0 0
Par JustMe093

He was outside my school waiting for me that morning. After what happened the night before he was the last person I wanted to see. As I got closer to him my heart started racing and my entire body started to shake. I just wasn't up for this. He spotted me and began to head my way. My intentions were to just walk past him and not say anything but he stopped me and told me we needed to talk. I really didn't want to talk to anyone, especially to him. He had this really guilty look on his face but at the same time he looked so cute, but don't get me wrong that didn't stop me from wanting to punch him in his face.

He started telling me how he was sorry for last night and he didn't know what he was doing because he was drunk off his head. I just stood there in silence, I mean what was I meant to say? It was what he said next that hurt the most; he said it wasn't going to work anymore. As in me and him. All the tears I had held from last night had started to surface but I held it in. I couldn't let him see me break. With the only bit of voice I could manage out without bursting into tears, I said okay.

As I started to walk away he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into a kiss. My heart pounded against his soft chest. He was warm and all I wanted was to stay in his loving arms forever. The kiss was rough and full of hatred but there was a hint of love or maybe it was pain. It was then my tears came pouring down like a waterfall. For the first time he started too crying. After everything he had done to me over the nine months that we had been going out, he was crying. I pushed him back and walked away. That was it he was out of my life for good. It was no longer me and him. It was just me.


We walked onto the dance floor and he had his hands around my waist. He then pulled me closer. The smell of coco butter filled my nose and reminded me of the hot chocolate you get from Marks and Spencer's at Christmas time. The warm liquid that travels down your throat lighting up little candles on its way down and that after taste of cinnamon. Yeah. That's what he smelt like.

His hands were soft and loose around me and it made me feel safe, loved. Then the music came blasting in from all four corners of the room. Oh my gosh it was my favourite song. Without my control my hips suddenly started to sway and I could feel his face light up from behind me. I started grinding up and down, enjoying myself. It was then he started gripping my waist and pulling me closer to him with more force. I tried to push away from him but he held me firm. Why was he being so aggressive? I was starting to get angry. Yes he was my boyfriend but I was done with him acting up in public so I ripped myself from his embrace and walked away. I could feel him shooting daggers at me but I couldn't care less. Yes I had just left him standing there, alone, in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone had stopped and was staring. Ever girl wanted him and I had him. Some would say I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world but nobody knows what a dick he really is. Even though I could hear a faint mutter going around about me, I held my head high. I walked over to Tyson and of course like everyone else he had witnessed everything that had happened and had that 'told you so' look on his face.

After Tyson bought me a drink I looked back to the dance floor to where I had left my darling boyfriend just to find another girl already on him. Yes he saw me looking and smiled at me.


I got a text from a unknown number saying 'Guess who I caught shagging Rio in the girls toilet, your faithful boyfriend'


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