Storm and Silence

By RobThier

115M 5.1M 6M

"It is your choice," he said, stepping so close to me that our lips were almost touching. "Either do what I s... More

01. Arrested for Good Manners
02. Ape Bobby
03. Who He Really Is
04. Sweet and Solid
05. Driving Me Wild(ly)
06. Empire House
07. His Indecent Demands
08. Inventing a Sibling and Getting Poked in the Eye
09. File Fight
10. The Worst Fate Imaginable
11. The Dragon's Den
12. Practicing Impertinence
13. Ballroom Battle
14. The Sins of Mr Rikkard Ambrose
15. It gets mushy-gushy
16. Unsuitable Suitors
17. Return to the Game
18. The Peril of Flowers
19. The Discovery
20. Threats and Secrets
21. I Defend my Honour, More's the Pity
22. My All-Important Task
23. Little Ifrit
24. The Beauty and the Vegetables
25. I Go Dress-Shopping
26. My Little Secret
27. The Thief
28. Improving my Skirt
29. The Key to Him
30. I Make Lieutenant-Pancake
31. Prospects of Matrimonial Misery
32. More Misery Behind the Bush
33. What To Do with Pink?
34. Going to the Room that Doesn't Exist
35. Problems? What Problems?
36. Sisters' Battles
37. Ambrosian Waste Disposal Squad
38. The Adversary
39. Pink Espionage
40. Dysfunctional Dismissal
41. To Meet without Trousers
42. In Tow
43. Twice Surprise
44. A Duel of Eyes
45. To Dance with him
46. Secret Plans and Politics
47. The Message Lock
48. Woes of Love
49. And a few more woes of love
50. Threats and Decisions
51. The Great Hunt of Green Park
52. Pinching and Planning
53. On Dates
54. Bloody Work
55. My lies run away with me
56. The Importance of Being Nice
57. Am I a Chimpanzee?
58. The Speech
59. The other speech
60. I realize I danced with a Criminal Mastermind
61. Cosy Little Coach Ride
62. I Mash and Bend Myself
63. I Bend Myself a Little Further
64. Napoleon and all the Little Piggies
65. Fighting Spirit
66. Hallucination Manicure
67. Unluckily Unlocked
68. Looking for Truffles and Butterflies
69. Seeing Stars
70. A Trace of Fire brings the Winter
71. I Polish my Housebreaking-Skills
72. Unreal Dream of a Really Wonderful Nightmare
74. Sisterly Love
75. Biting Metaphorical Heads
76. Secrets of the Toilet
77. Different Sorts of Silence
78. Competition
79. A Waist of Tigers
80. Behind the Mask
81. Trapped
82. Pneumatic Freedom
83. A Man's Work
84. Bifurcated
85. Lion's Den
86. Lion's Jaws
87. Nemesis
88. Danger! Explosive Cargo!
89. Lessons in Power
90. A Special Person
91. Isle Marbeau
92. Mine and Yours
93. The Tortoise and the other Tortoise and no Hare
94. Shots in the Dark
95. Urania
96. Rising Waves
97. Man and Woman
Goodreads Choice Award Finalist

73. Victory Party

891K 47.4K 26K
By RobThier

With a cry like a hunting-hawk, Eve burst into the room and jumped onto my bed with a force that jarred my teeth and made little fireworks of agony explode in my aching skull.

"Lilly, where have you been? We waited for you, hours after the event yesterday, and searched all over the place for you, and asked people, but they told us you left in a coach and we didn't know where you were so we came back here but then you didn't come home and so we didn't know where you were again and waited some more but you still didn't come so we decided to go home when it got dark but we were so worried and you must never do anything like that to us ever again, understand? We're all so terribly angry with you!"

She hugged me as if I were her favourite kitten and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes," I told her. "I can see how terribly angry you are."

"Shut up! You're a genius! A bloody genius! Did you know that? Well, you probably did, but just in case you didn't, I'm going to tell you: you're a genius!"

She hugged me again. Over her shoulder, I could see the figure of our ancient Butler, Leadfield, as he hobbled down the landing and respectfully stopped at the open door, not daring to enter a lady's room.

"Forgive me, Miss, but these... females simply forced their way into the house and insisted on seeing you. Should I..."

"It's no problem, Leadfield," I assured him, while attempting to duck out of the way of another of Eve's hugs. They were more than my head could take right now. "They're my friends. You remember Patsy, don't you? She came by last month to tea."

The old butler opened his mouth to give a reply, but you had to be quicker than that to be part of the conversation while Eve was in the room.

"You're a genius!" She burst out again. "An absolute genius. You know, at first we were so angry with you after you left us standing in Green Park – Patsy was foaming at the mouth!"

"She was?"

"Yes, and I didn't know what to do, take her to be checked for rabies or go after you and try to bring you to your senses or something else; there were a million ideas flying around in my head at the same time, you know how it is."

"I can guess."

"But we had already made the signs, and we couldn't just not go through with it because you had the jitters."

"Very admirable. But Eve..."

I should have known any attempt to stop her was in vain.

"And then we showed up there, and you appeared up on the stage, all dressed in men's clothes, and gave a speech! A speech! And everybody listened! And cheered! Long live suffragism! Oh Lilly!"

She hugged me again, but this time, I wasn't trying to fight her off. My attention was focused on Leadfield, who was still standing at the door. There were two red patches on his normally pallid face, and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Dressed in men's clothes?" He gasped. "Miss Lilly! What in the Lord's name...!"

"Not in public," I groaned, hurriedly planting a hand over Eve's over-eager mouth to shut her up. "It was charades! We were playing charades."

"Oh! I see, Miss." The old chap's eyes retreated into their sockets, his frame visibly relaxing. He shook his head with all the bewilderment a sensible servant could muster at the upper classes' strange habit of dressing up in all sorts of insane clothing for fun. "Well, far be it from me, Miss, to begrudge you and your young friends your amusement."

"Thank you, Leadfield."

"Do you require anything? Master's old hats and coats? His Indian turban? The old cook's apron?"

"No, thank you, we're not planning on playing charades right now, Leadfield."

"I see, Miss. Well, I'll leave you to it, then."

"That would be nice."

The old servant turned with geological velocity. When he was almost facing the door, he tried to look back over his shoulder and almost toppled over in the process.

"By the way, Miss, breakfast is almost ready. I shall begin serving in a few minutes, so you won't have long."

"I'll be down directly," I assured him.

When Leadfield was outside and the door was closed, Eve couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Vlt? Rrrrmt? Yrntnng dwnn tbrkfst tst dt ths gstl tmts..."

I removed my hand from her mouth, and she grabbed me by the collar of my nightshirt.

"Lilly! Are you mad? You're not going down to breakfast to sit and eat those ghastly tomatoes your uncle puts on the table! You're staying here with us to celebrate, do you hear me? If you try to leave, I'll personally tie you up and gag you!"

"Which would rather get in the way of my celebrating," I pointed out, squeezing my eyes shut and massaging my skull for a second. Ah! That felt good. My headache was much better already. Apparently, I had the right stomach for this sort of thing. I felt a tinge of pride. "You needn't worry, by the way. When Leadfield says he'll serve immediately, that means he needs ten minutes down the stairs, another fifteen to reach the kitchen, and another twenty to get to the dining room table with all the plates, bowls and platters. We have plenty of time."

"So... we can celebrate now?"

"Yes." Sighing, I let myself fall back into bed. "We can celebrate."

"Topping!" Two hands took mine in an iron grip and more or less wrenched me out of bed. Three seconds later I was dancing around the room in my nightgown, a trilling Eve as an over-energetic dance partner.

"We showed them! We showed them! We showed them! Well, technically it was you, but who cares! We showed them! We showed those chauvinist son's of bitch... sons of bachelors! Huzzah! Huzzah!"

All I saw of the room were a few whirly impressions as Eve spun me around like a top. Occasionally, I would catch of Flora's anxious, but happy, face, and Patsy's smile from where she stood in the background, leaning against the window, watching my impromptu dancing lesson. All this twirling around wasn't doing much good for my woozy head, though. I saw lights beginning to flicker at the edges of my vision.

"Eve? Eve, stop!"

"We showed them! We showed them! We showed them!"

"Eve? Hello, Eve!"

"We showed them! We showed them! We showed them!"

"Eve! I said stop!"

With all the force I could muster, I dug my heels into the ground. Unfortunately, the force I could muster after a night out on a bender wasn't all that great. Eve rammed into me and we landed on the floor in a confused heap of cotton gowns, shawls, hats and shouts of "We showed them!" You had to give Eve credit for being determined.

Spitting out the end of a silk shawl with purple peonies printed on it, I sat up.

"What the dickens did you that for?" I challenged Eve. Sitting on her derrière, her crinoline flattened underneath her, she grinned up at me broadly.

"We showed them! We showed them! We showed them!"

Apparently, she wasn't quite ready for sensible conversation yet.

Scrambling to my feet, I turned to the other two. Flora gave me a shy smile, and Patsy... Patsy just stood there, leaning against the wall beside the window, in the background, where she was normally least likely to be found. The smile on her face was small, but unmistakably there.

Our eyes met.

She came forward. I came forward. The rest of the room didn't exist anymore. We met in the middle, and she caught me up in hug so fierce it could have squashed an elephant into mincemeat.

"Lilly!" She said.

"Pfft!" I said.

"I never should have doubted you.

"Plss let ggg!"

"Oh. Sorry." Relaxing her grip, she stepped back, but I held on to her arms.

"Don't be," I gasped. "I needed that."

"Oh Lilly, Lilly." If I hadn't known better, I would have said there were tears twinkling in the corners of Patsy's eyes. But I did know better. She was much too tough to cry, right? "Lilly! You mad, ingenious, wonderful girl! Why didn't you tell us what you were planning to do?"

Planned it? Planned what? Why were they all so pleased with me? And then it struck me. She was convinced I had called off my participation in the demonstration to go up on that stage and hold that speech for women's suffrage deliberately.

Actually, I hadn't planned a single little thing in the last week the way it had turned out, but I couldn't tell her that. I could see in her fiery eyes that she had gotten it into her head that all had been part of my master plan. And to be honest, it would have been an ingenious plan – definitely worthy of me!

"It was risky," I said, with an apologetic shrug. "I... well, if I'd told you, you all would have felt obliged to take part, and there was a much greater chance of success if only one of us tried to get up there on the podium. In any case, as soon as one of us started her speech, all would be discovered and the others forced to leave along with her. So, a solo-operation just made more sense."

"Eve's right." Patsy hugged me again, softer this time, but with undeniable warmth. "You are a genius."

I looked up into her broad face with wide, searching eyes. "So I'm forgiven?" I asked, and wasn't able to keep the quiver totally out of my voice. This very question had been torturing my mind ever since my quarrel with my biggest, bestest friend. Not to have Patsy having my back would be like not having a hat on my head – a cold and unprotected life.

"There's nothing to forgive," she told me. "You're my best friend, and always will be. Nothing will ever change that."

"Hey! And what about me?" Eve protested from floor level.

"You," Patsy told her, "are my most annoying friend, and will always be. Nothing will ever change that, not even an excellent governess hired to educate and restrain you."

Eve beamed at the compliment, and clambered to her feet. Then she suddenly slapped her hand with her forehead. "Oh, where did I leave my head this morning? We brought you something!"

"A present?" My face lit up, and it only hurt a little bit. The day was getting better already. "I love presents! What is it?"

Maybe a piece of solid chocolate...

"No, not a present as such..." Patsy waved at Flora, who retrieved something from behind her back, where she had stashed it along with her hands for the last few minutes. "More a memento of sorts. A trophy of a victorious battle."

Taking the object from Flora, she handed it to me. I stared down at the blank piece of cardboard in my hand, and confusion must have been evident on my face. Patsy smirked.

"Turn it over."

I did. And there, in large, bold letters were the words:


I didn't know what to say.

But I didn't need to, really, because Eve did all the talking that was humanly possible.

"You didn't answer me before," she accused me, tapping on my cardboard. "Where were you? We waited ages and ages and ages for you to return, and you never did? Where did you go? What did you do? We wanted to celebrate with you so badly, and to knock you on the head for doing something like that without telling us, but we couldn't! Where did you go? Were you abducted? Held prisoner?"

My mind flashed back to the events to the previous night. A shiver shot down my spine, and I had to restrain myself from touching my lips again.

"Um... no. Neither of those."

"Well, what happened, then?"

Rikkard Ambrose. That's what happened.

"Nothing, really. It just took me a frightfully long time to get away from these men. They had a lot of questions, none of which I answered. Then I went away."

I shrugged.

Eve gave me a disapproving look. "Is that all? I expected at least that you were held captive in some dark dungeon miles under the city where a group of conspirators determined to prevent the suffragist movement from rising up against the corrupt world of men tortured you into swearing off all unladylike behaviour forevermore."

"Err... no. Sorry to disappoint."

Not that I thought she would be disappointed if she knew the truth. I had something a lot better in store than an anti-suffragist conspiracy: a mystery surrounding stolen documents, drunken revels, a street fight in the East End and a mind-blowing, toe-curling encounter with Rikk—

No! Don't think about it! That part was a hallucination. It was all completely imaginary. And even if it wasn't, under no circumstances are you ever going to reveal that to Eve!

"Thank you. Thank you so very much for this." Holding up the sign, I gave them all my most sincere smile, already edging towards the door. It was time to get away. "Now, if that's all... I think it's about time for me to go down to breakfast." I started towards the stairs in earnest, but Eve was quicker. She blocked my way before I could make my escape.

"Oh no, it most certainly isn't all. You aren't getting away as easily as that. Do you know how many unanswered questions we still have?"

She indicated the other two, who surrounded me like a pack of jackals.

"One? Or maybe two?" I suggested, hopefully. Crap! I had to get out of here before I started stumbling over my own lies.

"At least a thousand! For starters, who was that man?"

"What man?" I asked, hoping to hell they wouldn't notice my guilty ears burning.

"That man." Using both her hands, Eve grabbed her face and pulled a threateningly stony grimace. If there had been any doubt in my mind as to whom she meant before, it was gone now. "The one everybody treated as if he were the emperor of China, France and India put together. The one that gave that monstrous speech. He had a face like this!" With her fingers, she pulled her mouth even farther, until it was almost nothing but a straight line. "And he stared at you like he had icebergs for eyes, and would headbutt you if you didn't agree to every single little thing he said!"

"Oh. Him." I coughed. "Um... yes, now that you mention it, I seem to remember a man like that."

"I don't think he looked like that, though," Flora dared to point out, doubtfully regarding Eve's facial contortions. "I think he looked much more handsome. In fact," she added with a slight blush, "I found him quite ravishing."

A second later, she quailed under the punishing glare Patsy gave her.

"Shame on you, Flora Milton," she proclaimed, sternly. "That man is an enemy of the cause! No true suffragist would think him anything but an ugly monster!"

Flora's cheeks reddened – though not half as much as mine did. Blast! Why was I blushing? I had nothing to be guilty about, did I? Well, did I? He is misogynistic, and arrogant, and that cold...

...except when he's kissing you.

Luckily, Eve was still too firmly on the trail to notice anything wrong with my face.

"You still haven't told us who he is," she said, narrowing her eyes at me. "And up on the platform, he introduced you as his secretary. How on earth did you pull that off?"

I opened my mouth – and no convenient lie came to mind.

Of all the times my creative talents of creative truthbending could have forsaken me, they chose now? When I most needed them? Bugger! Nothing was reliable anymore nowadays.

"Well?" Patsy eyed me curiously. "How did you manage it?"

I was standing with my back against the door, the three of them surrounding me, with no escape in sight. Not just Eve and Patsy were burning with curiosity, too. Even Flora had stopped blushing and was staring at me. She never stared at anyone. She thought it was rude, and that this was enough reason not to do it. But now she was staring at me.

I wet my lips.

"I... um..."


My Dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The time has finally arrived! The moment has come to CAST YOUR VOTE for your favorite artwork in the great "Storm & Silence" fan-art competition! All drawings, paintings and other assorted artworks have by now arrived at my end and I have posted them on my Twitter account for all of you to see. In order to vote for your favorites among all the fabulous portraits  of our favorite Victorian couple &  thus help choose the winner, please go straight to my Twitter profile, located at (just click on the external link, or google "TheSirRob", which happens to be my Twitter username) and retweet the picture(s)  which you think should win!

The voting period will last until next Wednesday. The Ambrose & Lilly portrait with the most votes shall win!

Yours Truly

Sir Rob

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