Red Pointe Shoes

By CallaoftheLilies

140K 6.2K 385

"I dance with red shoes because red is for passion, for anger, and love." -Avery. Richardson's School for Spo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Now taking prompts/requests!

Chapter 2

7.8K 302 16
By CallaoftheLilies

Yayers! Chapter 2! I don't even know how I managed to complete it in such a short amount of time, but oh well.

Chapter 2

I wipe at the sweat that's forming above my brows with a towel. Dance practice is over for the day, and I'm spent. Today is a Saturday, which means a long eight to five practice. I know it sounds tough, but we get an hour for lunch as well as a thirty minute rest at three. Besides, when you enjoy dancing, eight hours of dancing isn't that bad. Nat wanders over to my side, her jet black hair falling out of its messy bun in thin gleaming strings.

"Dinner at Abby's?" She asks, raising one eyebrow at me. Her older sister is a fine chef, an owns a small restaurant just a few minutes away from the school. We eat at that place almost every weekend.

"Do you even have to ask?" I reply, grinning as I hoist my dance bag over my shoulder, ready to leave. She rolls her eyes at me before shoving me aside, making a break for the door. "I shower first!" She calls over her shoulder, laughing at me.

"Oh hell no!" Screaming, I chase after the retreating back of my friend. "I am NOT having another cold shower!"


About an hour later, Nat and I are sitting at a booth in her sister's restaurant- Serendipity. The diner is painted in ripples of turquoise and emerald, the colors emphasized by strategically placed soft glowing lights. The place lives up to its name. A young waitress ushers us to a table by a window and gives us a few moments to decide on our drinks. She must be new, I think, for Nat and I are familiar with the staff.

"No need, Lisa, we'll order right now." Nat says, giving the girl a small smile after checking her nametag. The waitresses seems puzzled, but shrugs her second after a moment's hesitation.

"I'll have the lamb stew and a cup of caramel latte, thanks." I order without even having to think. Having came so many times with Nat, I know the contents of the menu like the back of my hand. Nat quickly places her order and the waitress leaves.

"So, the theme for the year end productions were announced this morning." A grin quirks the corners of my lips. Nat mirrors my smile, tilting her head slightly.

"I think we can score the lead roles." She answers, not having to wait for my questioning prompt. This is how close we have become. I nod thoughtfully. Last year, our only real challenge for the roles were the seniors, and they have graduated by now. The younger batch this year are still green, and none of them seem ready enough to take on the lead role. We can do it.

Our conversation is interrupted when Lisa brings our food, and there is a brief silence as we consume our meals. My lamb stew is delicious, as always, and I hear no complaint about the spaghetti from Nat.

"That was a good meal," Nat murmurs as we stand to leave, placing a tip on the table. As I'm close to Nat and her family, I eat free as well, so Nat and I always tip the servers good. I feel bad for not paying, but both Nat and Abby constantly assure me it is alright. The air outside is cool and refreshing, and the walk back to campus takes barely five minutes. As we near the entrance, my eyes flicker over to the group of boys huddled near the entrance, smoking. They are loud and rambunctious, it is not hard to guess who they are.

"Oi, barbies!" One of them hollers at us, his words slurring. "How much for an hour?" Even in the face of this insult, I smile slightly. Nat and I look nothing alike. She has jet black hair and stunning emerald eyes, whereas I have slightly more Chinese features- courtesy of my father. I have a dark brown hair that falls in slight waves- my mother's, and dark black to brown eyes- my father's. That guy must be really drunk. Nat rolls her eyes and tugs at my elbow impatiently, no patience for trainees.

I freeze slightly, my eyes falling on one of the boys in the group. He is James Loyer, one of the school's top Trainee. Also, he happens to be the Underground's undefeated Champion. Ever since he's enrolled in Richardson's, he's won it every single year. As a rule, Underground fighters are required to use a stage name to keep our identities a secret, in case someone tries to take revenge, but James doesn't care.

And why should he? He has never lost a fight. His stage name is Dante. I should know- I fight in the Underground as well. My stage name is Sentenial, but no one knows that and I plan to keep it that way. James and I have never met, but Dante and Sentenial have. We've had our share of ties, wins and losses in the past and are pretty evenly matched. This Championship, I am determined to beat him.

"Hello? Earth to Ave!" Nat calls, chasing away visions of the gleaming Championship title, "You zoned out big time." I blink and notice that she is right- we are standing in the middle of our room.

"Sorry, just tired." Cue a fake yawn, and my friend turns away, placated.

"You still up for the movie?" She quizzes, holding up a disc. We have this tradition where we watch a movie on Saturday nights. After another yawn, real this time, I realize I actually am tired. Tradition is tradition though, so I agree.

Halfway through The Help, I'm out like a light.

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