Short Stories!

By malin87

4.7K 38 10

I will add all my short storys into this storygroup!! Enjoy reading =) I will always bump up the newest story... More

The Man and the Cookie Jar
Where Silver and Gold Meets
The Saga About The Bedtime Story

Saving a Life

2.6K 10 6
By malin87

- for making me this awesome cover on the side!





“You are going to hurt yourself again.”

“Stop following me!” I hissed.

I was almost there but this winged creature thing kept showing up whenever I tried to finish my useless life. Her white dress kept flowing around her when she gracefully followed me.

“I can’t do that,” the angel responded.

“It is not that hard. Just turn around and walk the other direction.”

She had no problem keeping up with me as I almost jogged through the damp forest. Today was sunny but this place was too thick and dark to allow much light and heat to get through. I actually liked how chilly it was in here. It made me look forward to a cold nice death.

“I can’t let you die. Life is precious.”

“Save someone who wants to live instead, like my grandma.” I told her and jumped over the huge roots that stuck up from the dirty ground. My heart felt light at the thought of what I was about to do and I almost felt happy. I had never been happy though so I couldn’t really recognise the feeling. The only person who ever cared for me was this angel and I refuse to keep struggling through torture because she asked me to. Life is too painful, it is torture. I just want to rip out the dagger that is stuck into my heart and let the blood flow and release me from the pain.

“It will get better.” the angel said and for a minute I had forgotten she was following me.

“I am not interested enough to find out.”

“Please?” she pleaded with the most irresistible voice.

“So it will get better, but I will always be living with my memories of how it was and I will always be emotionally broken.”

A silver coloured tear fell from her cheeks and made me feel guilty. I was selfish today though. The help came too late for me. It hurts to live, it hurts to breathe, how is this angel ever going to understand? Every time my heart beats I feel the need to lie down and the ground and scream till I pass out. The pain inside me is unbearable, there is no way out of it. It feels like being trapped inside a maze.

I heard a splash like something large fell into the water. I looked around and didn’t see anything. Where did the angel go? I turned around suddenly worried. Then in one of the deep pool’s of water surrounding the area, I saw white fabric floating and suddenly disappearing under the surface.


I ran back and dove into the cold water. It was icy but the adrenaline kept me swimming down there to pick the panicking body out of the deep. It was a struggle, I never had to save a drowning person before and definetly not an angel! Her wings made her heavy but I finally got a grip around her body and pushed us above surface. I gasped after air and hurried to grab a root before we sank back down again. Breathing again the angel calmed down but held me really tight as I tried to push her out of the water and onto dry land. A few minutes later we were both laying dirty and wet on the ground panting.

“Thank you, thank you!” the angel cried.

“Learn to swim.” I muttered back.

“I’m sorry, I tripped on the roots.”

“I told you to leave me alone!” I jumped up from the ground and furiously left the area. I heard a small thank you in the distance but the angel didn’t follow me this time I noticed with relief. I’d hate to have her death on my conscience even if it was her own fault for following me. I didn’t plan to drown either. My game, my rules.

I finally reached the clearing I was looking for. It had an amazing view over the valley below. The ground stopped suddenly and I walked to the edge and looked down on the ground far below me. A fall from here would not only kill me, it would break every bone in my body on the sharp rocks at the bottom. With a smile and feeling of peace I let myself fall down and as I fell I didn’t regret it. I didn’t feel the crash as I died instantly.

No pain, no demons haunting my brain. I almost forgot how it felt to breathe without effort. I felt so light, so happy. I opened my eyes and found myself standing on white fluffy clouds. I wore a silky white dress and I had wings! I spread them and spun around laughing. I never thought this would happen to me. I suddenly stopped when the angel from before appeared in front of me.

“For saving a life.” she said with a smile.

I was the one who got saved though.


Yay another short story is up! I hope you like it =D

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