By Sinaidkincaid16

2.7M 44.6K 2.3K

Her attraction for him was so strong, she gifted him her innocence. She loved him enough and hoped after 14... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Final Chapter

Chapter 11

126K 2.5K 126
By Sinaidkincaid16

Oh, it felt so good being in your arms my love. How I missed the strength of your comforting arms.

Chase, I love you so much. Damn you!

Five days and counting, one hundred and twenty hours and counting,

How many minutes would that be?

Oh Shut up Sidney!

Damn Sidney! You sure know how to set a man up for a heart attack.

He could have loaded that software any of the days prior in the week, why the hell did he choose to visit her early in the bloody morning? The reason was, he had been wrestling with whether he wanted to have visual contact with her or not. In the end he decided he could not leave without seeing her first.

This time he had no choice, he had to go to Argentina. The project manager was involved in an underground accident. Luckily he escaped with very minor injuries. But there was no way he could leave the project in anybody else's hands. He had to go and do damage control what with the project manager booked off for a week. Chase had to assess the situation there.

Chase called her that night. He informed her of the accident and the situation there. He also approved her budget overrun for the week and authorized her to go ahead. Occasionally in some project phases, incidental expenditure necessitated budget overruns.

Sidney felt lonely without Chase around. She wondered how she would have survived if he was not part of the project and had stayed permanently back home. Would she have forgotten him? Could she have been cured of the love she felt for him. Every morning she was first, bright and early on site. She was the last to leave. She did not go to the palace. She did not go out on the boat.

She spent every night close to her laptop and phone incase Chase called. But every night she went to bed sad, lonely, and miserable. She thought about the night he had made their dinner. He looked so adorable, so out of depth in a kitchen. He was quite the antithesis this man of hers. He was the eternal bully and rode rough shod over her in just about every area of their lives, and yet amazingly in this one area, he felt vulnerable at having the weakness at been inept in the kitchen. She took out the huge panda he had won at the fair, and placed it in the bed next to her. She wrapped her arms around it snuggling up close to the comforting bear.

Chase, my darling, I love you so much.

Sidney awoke the next morning with mixed emotions. Chase said five days, so technically that was today. But she dare not get too excited, the last time he left her, he had extended his stay in Australia, so she dare not hope, she may see his gorgeous, adorable, handsome face at any time today.

Besides, hello! You are not together anymore!

Sidney heard giggling outside and knew the two young helpers had come to spring clean her apartment. She kept it pretty tidy, always cleaning up after herself, but the young ladies still came in every morning to scrub and dust the place for her. The one thing she appreciated was the laundry service. She could kiss them for that, instead she always left them generous tips for the dreaded laundry task. She picked up her lap top, travel mug filled with coffee in the other hand and she quickly made to leave, before they could detain her to chat endlessly.

'Sidney, good morning,' she gripped the mug tightly before it could slip from her hand, she swallowed.

'Chase, you're back!'

'Don't be so enthusiastic now,' he teased.

'I__ sorry, I was not sure, when exactly today were you expected back,' she just stared at him.

'I__ how was __ everything?' she asked stupidly.

You babbling idiot.

He smiled, 'everything's under control, construction still on schedule. Jim, my site manager is doing great.'

She smiled, pleased for him.

'I'm happy to be back,' he murmured, his eyes trained on her.

She went for caution, 'we're happy to have you back, though we were good stewards in your absence,' she teased lightly.

She saw the look of dejection in his eyes, she looked at her watch.

'I'm not going to the site this morning, I have a meeting on the mainland,' she informed him.

He had already drawn that conclusion, judging from the designer suit draping her stunning, slender frame. She normally wore jeans and her hiking boots when she went straight to the site. She looked gorgeous this morning. Absolutely adorable in fact.

He clenched his fists tightly behind him, so tempted to drag her and hold her against him. Every night was hell in Argentina, thinking about her, dreaming about her, wanting her. He could have any woman in the world. Attractive society and career women threw themselves at him. What was it about Sidney Barrington that ate at him like a cancer worm?

'Could we meet at some stage today?' he asked soberly. He did not have any business reasons to see her. There was nothing, absolutely nothing he could think of as an excuse. He hoped she did not ask for a reason. All he wanted was some time, just to be with her, whether she wanted him or not. He just needed to be with her, needed her very badly.

'Well I should be done by twelve, I could treat you to lunch, Mr. Rennard,' she invited.

He almost fell over. 'Wonderful, where shall we meet?' he enquired.

'I can ask the chauffeur to drop me off at that Japanese restaurant we visited previously,' she offered.

'Tell me where you'll be and I'll pick you up,' he pleaded and hoped he did not sound like he was begging.

She gave him the business address of the meeting she was attending.

'See you at twelve,' she smiled, 'And Chase?'

'Yes?' he held his breath.

'It's good to have you back,' she smiled and headed to the waiting helicopter.

Yes. Yes, lunch with my beautiful Sidney. Yes. Okay Rennard keep your pants on now. It's just lunch. Not like she just proposed to you. That wouldn't be so bad now would it?

What the hell?

Is he thinking about marriage? Is he actually contemplating commitment? It is definitely jet lag, the heat wave in Argentina and a lack of sleep the last five days, definitely has to be all of the above.

Sidney walked into the so called socio economic impact group meeting which began since the inception of the huge Falcon Mega structure Project, and was held once a month.
The committee was a mixture of greenie beanies, civil society members, and land owners, financial and governmental officials.
She was five minutes late, thanks to the untimely but who said not welcome diversion of one Chase Rennard? She was getting some strange and cold glances from the greenie beanies and financial group. She was a strong advocate for the greenie beanie cause, why were they looking at her like so? And what was the problem with the financial sector? The GDP of Qumshan had increased considerably. More disposable income was evident. There was a significant increase in the economically active population of Qumshan. Tourism interest was hiked since the commencement of the project. Even international film production companies have requested permits to film in the area. All this was positive, so why the long faces?

She greeted everyone, took her seat, feigning indifference to their cold reception. The meeting became tedious. She discovered the cold reception was the heightened concern of land being sold to foreigners at discounted prices. Land that the locals could not afford to purchase on meager salaries they earned. Like she was the policy maker.  Like she had the power to amend legislation.  Like she had influence with His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince__.

Was this a subtle hint that she should unofficially drop a hint to Tariq of their concerns? Why the cold, calculating__.

If they did not respect her contribution, nor have the courtesy to politely ask for her intervention, she would do not a thing.   The scumbags! How dare they put on this façade, when she sincerely had the interests of the local community so close to her heart? Her wristwatch told her it was ten minutes past midday. She texted Chase quickly, asking him to come upstairs, explaining that she was running late.

'Hopefully will be done in ten,' she texted. It was a painstaking thirty five minutes later that the meeting had officially adjourned.

'I'm sorry to keep you waiting,' she apologized to Chase as he marched into the meeting room. He smiled, kissing her on her cheek.

What was that for?

She felt herself blush. A few people came and hijacked Chase.
The two faced scums!
She was bombarded with accusatory stares and anger during their meeting, now they were sweet talking Chase, when he was the culprit they should be angry with. He was the principle project owner.

Chase caught the mild irritation in her eyes and wrongly assumed that she was impatient to go. He deftly concluded his conversations. Taking her by the elbow he let her out.

'How was the meeting?' he grinned.

'The hypocrites!' she hissed.

'What?' he laughed, guiding her into the passenger seat? He turned to look at her as he clicked his seat belt on.

She shook her head, 'you know the reason the meeting dragged on beyond schedule, was the concerns they aggressively raised about us foreigners having access to their arable land at unfairly discounted prices!'

'What!' It was Chase's turn to look surprised.

'They intimated that their prime land, that was their right to own, was been sold off to foreigners, who had no right to be offered their land at less than market related prices.'

'But land and property here is very expensive, not competitive at all,' Chase commented.

'I know, but amazingly they gave me the cold shoulder the entire duration of the meeting, yet when you walked in, it was humility personified,'

He laughed.

'Oh, I know you're charming and adorable, Mr. Rennard, but those double standards!'

'Am I?' he teased.

She looked across at him, her cheeks warming. The electricity between them sizzled.

As charming as my panda bear.

'As charming as a rattle snake, and as adorable as my beloved scorpions,' she threw at him snidely.

'Ouch!' he winced, 'so you didn't miss me Sidney?' His voice was soft, low, and seductive.

She didn't want to look in his eyes. She knew those mesmerizing eyes would demand the truth, the truth she was not prepared to voice honestly right now, when all she wanted was to reach across and kiss him, until the need for oxygen commanded her to stop.

'Let's just say your absence was noticeable,' she conceded.

He reached out and his fingers trailed on the back of her wrist, 'so economical with your words, Sidney.'

His touch was causing havoc with her senses. She longed to turn her fingers around, clasp her palm tightly into his. Infact she wanted to rip his shirt off, rake her fingers over that beautiful chest that had been hers for almost fourteen months. She wanted to glide her fingers through his hair. Slide her tongue into his mouth and claim his__.

'So tell me about Argentina,' she pulled her hand away. Chase placed his hand back on the steering wheel. He was quiet. Not responding to her request.
She knew, he knew, she wanted him. She knew, she just had to say the word, and they would be making love right here in his vehicle. The silence was piercing. She wanted to scream at him to say something, anything. What could she talk about? It was extremely nerve wrecking being alone with Chase. How could they deny the potent force between them? How could she deny them the pleasure they so rightfully deserved? He was not to blame, when she was the one that ended their relationship. He had been loving all the sex they had been having.

That's right it was all about sex. Sex! Sex! Sex! What do you want right now Sidney?

Sex please.

She groaned softly, trying to squeeze her thighs together. Chase looked across sharply at her, his eyes narrowed. She heard him breathe heavily.


'Just drive,' she instructed, looking out the window.

'Where is that sister of yours Tariq? she asked me to meet her here at three.' Sidney looked at her wristwatch. 'That was twenty minutes ago, 'it's not like her to be late, but then again she's in love.' Sidney grinned.

'Habibti, good afternoon, I don't know if there's a different time zone, for those walking in the clouds,' he laughed.

'Oh, she looks so happy these days, I can't wait for her wedding day,' Sidney smiled.

'If you can't wait, I shudder to contemplate Shari's tolerance,' he grinned. 'Tariq, you are a wonderful brother to Shari. I am proud of you,' she offered.

'Don't stop there. I could do with a few more chips up here,' he tapped his shoulder.

'Your ego is big enough Your Highness. Get off that camel of yours.'

He laughed loudly,

'What is that you're so engrossed in?' she asked him.

'Photographs of Amir's nephew, he's the apple of Amir's eye. Though not for long I would imagine,' Tariq smiled.

Sidney peeped over Tariq's shoulder, 'Oh he is truly gorgeous. Going to be a heart breaker just like you,' Sidney teased, picking up another photo.

Tariq pulled a chair so she could see more of the photographs. 'I'm not the only heart breaker around Miss Barrington,' he accused.

Mmm, you sound just like somebody else now.

'You can't be talking about me. I'm such an angel,' Sidney replied innocently.

'Oh man, the little guy's adorable.' Sidney murmured, smiling at another photo.

'So you like children Habibti?'

Little boys with curly hair and eyes, blue like the sky on a sunny day.

'What's not to like, they are delightful.'

'So you're not the career women, who shies away from having children?'

'What! No!  I love children,' she smiled.

'I thought you were the career woman, who may take a husband, but I didn't imagine you with babies,' he smiled thoughtfully.

'I'm going to have four boys and two girls,' she informed in conspirationally.

'You've placed the order already?' he threw at her teasingly.

'Oh yeah,' then she laughed loudly.

Tariq gazed at her, and then she saw his eyes darkened. He became quiet. The silence between them became awkward.

I should get the hell out of here.

'Marry me Habibti.'

'What!' She stood up.

Oh boy, I need to get out of here.

Tariq stood up, circled his fingers around her wrist.

'Could you sit for a minute, Habibti?'

'I think I should go,' she murmured.

'May I ask you a question?' Tariq posed.

'W-What?' Sidney stammered

'Are you and Chase getting back together?'

'No,' she spoke quickly, without thinking.

'Then marry me Habibti. I will take care of you, and I love children as well. I want many of them,' he pleaded. His thumb stroked on her wrist.


'I will make you happy Habibti. You will continue to work and travel. I will treasure you as my wife,' he leaned towards her, his fingers now resting caressingly at the nape of her neck.

No fireworks. No electricity at his touch. But he's prepared to marry me. And give me the child I so desperately want. And he's a wonderful caring man.

But you don't love him.
Can you live in a relationship with another man?
After making love with Chase can you go to bed with another man?
Can you lie naked in the arms of another man?

Sidney closed her eyes. An image of her lying in the strong  comforting,  protective arms of Chase emblazoned her heart.

'Am I disturbing something?'

She didn't need to look, to know from the harsh tone, the eyes would have a murderous look.

'Excuse me,' Sidney murmured to Tariq as she stood there, ignoring Chase.

Oh he was not going to just let her walk away. Not after the so intimate scene he walked in on.

'What the hell is going on?' Chase gripped her wrist fiercely.

'Chase, I've asked Sidney to marry me.' Tariq answered evenly.

Chase stilled. His hands left her wrist, like he was seared by a hot iron. He looked like he was going to get stuck into Tariq. Sidney guardedly stepped in front of Tariq.

'Sidney tells me, you and she will not be rekindling the relationship you had,' Tariq spoke quietly.

Sidney closed her eyes again.

Oh God, have I lost him completely now?

'So what was your answer Sidney?' Chase demanded, ever so calmly. She was not fooled by that calm façade. Underneath that veneer, he would be spitting mad.

'She has __.' Tariq did not get to finish his sentence.

'Could you bloody let her speak for herself?' Chase growled, harshly.

Sidney pushed past the two men and hurriedly escaped. They were staring at each other, exercising restraint with much difficulty.

Dog in the manger. That's what you are Chase Rennard. Bloody dog in the manger.

She was seething with anger. He has no intention to marry her, and now he risks being deported from the Kingdom of Qumshan, standing there challenging The Sovereign Prince of Qumshan right in his own palace!

If Sidney had harboured any illusions about whether she had completely lost Chase or not, the evidence displayed itself in the weeks that followed by the long, lonely, empty days and weeks she had endured alone. He was around, but they never crossed paths. He did not attend any of the weekly meetings. No emails. No messages via Trent. No unannounced visits to her apartment. In fact his silence reverberated around her like the shrill of an incessant bell.

Why did Tariq have to tell Chase about his proposal? Sidney had no intention of settling for second best. She wanted only Chase and she would stay single instead of marrying anybody else living a self inflicted life of hell.

And the final nail in the coffin of the prospect of any future with Chase presented itself when Sidney went to give Tariq her answer to his proposal. She had not had the opportunity to answer Tariq, when Chase had barged in, so Sidney had thought it unfair to create any hope on Tariq's part. Sidney had walked into the palace two evenings after his proposal and confrontation with Chase?

'Tariq may I have a word with you?' Sidney had interrupted Tariq's dinner, not expecting him to have any guests. She was shocked to find him having dinner with Chase, and more flabbergasted to find Zia Bates there.
Sidney found her eyes trained on Chase, and she was unable to look away. She tried to drag her eyes away, but they refused to cooperate. She swallowed and eventually looked at Zia, only to find the redhead rather pleased as punch and a victorious glint in her eyes. Chase did not acknowledge her or greet her. His manner was calm as he focused on his plate indifferently. There was a smirk on Zia's face, as if she had won the national lottery.

'Habibti would you like to join__?'

'Can I see you now please Tariq?' Sidney cut him off angrily.

Zia Bates was not quick enough to mask her surprise at seeing Sidney yell at the Crown Prince.

'Excuse me,' Tariq spoke to his guests as he dropped his napkin on the table.

'Boy, he couldn't wait could he?' Sidney accused, as Tariq ushered her into his library. And just as Tariq wanted to speak, she rallied on, pacing around the library.

'And you!  Have you kissed and made up with Chase already?' she glared angrily at Tariq.

'Did anybody tell you how gorgeous you look when you are angry Habibti?'

'Tariq!' she barked exasperatedly.

He raised his hands in surrender, 'You and Chase are the only two people in the world who would challenge me and get away with it,' he murmured, his tone reminding her of his position.

She looked away embarrassed. Previously, before Chase she never dared speak to Tariq in any other way but in a respectful manner. But recently both these men were driving her crazy.

'I'm sorry,' she spoke softly, lowering her head.

Tariq placed a knuckle under her chin, raising her eyes to his.

'To answer both your accusations, Chase did not invite Ms Bates.  She rocked up here an hour ago. Chase was just as surprised as you are, but gentleman that he is, he is being courteous,' Tariq's eyes held amusement. 
'And to answer your second accusation, 'yes we have made up.  Chase has asked me to give him some time before I pursue you any further, so I've relented. Only because I know that fool, like I know my own heart,' Tariq spoke quietly.

Why that manipulating bully. I have a good mind to accept Tariq's proposal.

'And I believe you have come to give me a response,' Tariq interrupted her thoughts.

Sidney stared at Tariq, not knowing how to speak her mind.

'You are still in love with Chase, are you not Habibti?' he murmured softly.

She swallowed with difficulty, lowering her head.

'Is it not so?'

She closed her eyes and nodded slowly.
'Please don't reveal that to Chase,' she pleaded.

He put his arms around her. 'Do not worry about Ms Bates. She is no competition. Chase has not said two sentences to her since her arrival.'

Sidney looked up at Tariq in surprise.

'Why am I telling you all this? I should be telling you they are very cozy eh?' he laughed.

She smiled warily, 'You are like my big brother,' she spoke emotionally, hugging him.

'Ah, my poor heart is devastated Habibti.'

'I am so very sorry,' she spoke contritely.

If I had never met Chase...

'Let me walk you out eh? Before Chase challenges me to a dual,' Tariq grinned, placing his arm around her waist as he escorted her out.

Neither Tariq nor Sidney noticed Chase had glimpsed Tariq's arm around Sidney as Chase guided Zia to the drawing room for drinks after their meal.

And so after that telling evening, Chase dedicated a lot of his time to Zia Bates. He took her riding on the camels, during the hot desert nights. They were out and about frequently to trendy night spots on the mainland.

The one Friday evening when her colleagues persuaded her to join them for drinks at a fancy new restaurant on the mainland, she spotted Chase there, dressed up rather handsomely with Ms Bates possessively on his arm. Perhaps if he's spending this much time with her, she's sleeping in his bed now?
Sidney's heart hammered painfully.
Did Chase assume that she had accepted Tariq's proposal?

Why was he doing this to her? When he was courting her, she was the one that had confessed her love for him. He had not. She was the one that always changed her plans, always, to suit him. He had not wanted a committed relationship. Why was he hurting her this way? Why didn't he take the pugnacious Rottweiler and go back to London?

Whenever the Rottweiler saw Sidney, she delighted in wrapping herself more closely to Chase, and offering Sidney one of her saccharine sweet toothpaste advert smiles.
This island was too small for Sidney and Chase. She wished she could escape. But unfortunately she had contractual obligations and could not run away. She wished Chase would go back to London. He did not need to be here, he could get weekly reports like he did from his other projects around the world.

A blessing in disguise came to her in the form of an email from her secretary Sam, summoning her back to London to answer to Homeland Revenue and Customs to respond to queries arising from offshore funds transferred for work on the international contract.

Sidney was not too concerned with the summons. Her legal team as well as Chase's had sat with the internal and external revenue departments, ensuring they complied with all legal requirements in shifting the large sums of capital required for this project. It was just a formality in answering their concerns. Sidney was only too pleased for any excuse to escape. She had informed Trent, she would be away for at least a week, requesting him to hold the fort. He had happily consented. As a matter of courtesy, she had copied Chase in, when she had replied to Sam, just so he would be aware that she was away for a week, and it was an unspoken request from her to him, to cover her in her absence.

Chase had not responded by the end of the day as she was making her way to the airport to board a commercial flight. She knew he would not be going to London, for he would have offered for her to ride in his own private jet, his common courtesy always prevailed even when he was not talking to her, so she was pleased that he would look after things in her absence.

Sidney traveled light when she went home, so she did not have to delay in making any declarations at customs. She just carried an overnight bag with ladies' bare essentials in the overhead carriage. She had texted Paul Abbot, her diplomatic contact to inform him she was leaving and gave him her expected time of arrival.

'Will send out an SOS when I don't hear from you,' he jokingly responded.

Sidney made herself comfortable in her first class seat and checked her emails, still no response from Chase. She emailed Sam, to let her know she would be back for the week. Sidney had also texted her family to let them know she would be spending some time with them. She had bought some duty free goodies for everybody which was tucked in the overhead luggage. She switched off her business phone but kept the satellite on, on silent, just in case.

She laughed inwardly at her own paranoia. Well there was hardly anyway the plane could get lost could it, with all the modern remote off site technology available? Nevertheless she kept it on, just for the fun of it. The aircraft was still loading all the luggage in its belly, so she completed the weekly report that Chase required and forwarded it to him, even though it was only due the next afternoon.

An on board announcement came on from the captain, informing them that all was good to go and they would be taking off in less than five minutes. Sidney settled back in her window seat. Even though it was an evening flight, and nothing was visible in the dark she preferred the window seat.

Shutting off her laptop and storing it in the holding compartment of her spacious and luxurious seat, she prepared for the takeoff. Safety belt on, seat upright, she waited for them to clear the required altitude, so the indicator panels could inform the passengers it was safe to relax without seatbelts. A cabin attendant came around offering drinks. Sidney accepted a glass of champagne.

What's to celebrate?

Why not? She had fresh air, well almost pressurized fresh air, no Chase and no Zia Bates to choke her or give her acid indigestion. She had one week of freedom that was reason to celebrate.

          -End Chapter Eleven­-

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