Trap Bunny


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(Strong sexual content) Angelique is princess of the drug game. With the curves of a goddess, the ass to make... More

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"Angelique!" I shouted, now realizing that I was only talking to myself. I just wished that Angelique would understand where I am coming from. Unfortunately she's stubborn and not the type to forgive easily, just like me.

It wasn't all her fault of why she left. Angelique never really knew the toll I played in the drastic ending of our relationship:

"What am I supposed to do Emilio!? In the past four years I've been kidnapped, drugged, beaten, raped, and all for what huh!?" Elene screamed at me. I felt so bad for all that she'd been through, throughout all of these years with me.

"Ever since we started this doomed relationship you'd always tell me how you loved me and how you were gong to make things right! Years of listening to you telling me that you'd get out of this illegal business Emilio! I left my family, my friends, my life all because you tell me that you love me! I put my entire life in your hands and you've done nothing but hurt me! You've cheated on me, gave me multiple diseases, and you've made me give up four of my children!" She yelled referring to her previous abortions.

"But this time you won't be so lucky! I'm not giving up this one to you! You're not going to take away the little bit of happiness I still have Emilio!"

Even though I was in the wrong, at the time I felt in the right. She was supposed to be there with me through thick and thin, and at the age of twenty-three I was ignorant to the fact that this was all my fault. She took a deep breath rubbing her flat stomach.

"I'm keeping this baby Emilio,-"

"Like hell you are!" I barked rising up.

"You gonna take care of that, just like the last one! It probably is not even mine," I yelled.

"How dare you!? After seven years of being with you I've never cheated on you! After you fucked my sister, my best friend, and the other random whores, I've never stepped out in you!" She screamed as my fist met her face. She cried out in pain as she laid in fetal position, rubbing her face.

I felt my face flare red as I clicked out, the only thing I remember is standing over her bloodied body.


"I just wanted to apologize for all that I put you through, and I'm sorry for keeping you from Angelique for all of this time." I apologized to a Elene. We sat in silence as she made no eye contact with me.


"What do you want me to say Emilio?" A tear slid down her white skin.

"I don't know, I just..." I trailed off.

"You just what? After twenty-one years you've still had a hold on me! First you force me to leave my child and then you try and make me stay away from her!? And you think because you send me hundreds of thousand dollars a month that I'd forgive you!? Or, or I was gonna just stop caring? Or because now you in a hospital on your death bed!? I hope you go to hell you piece of shit because I hate you! The only thing that you've ever given me was Angelique and I'm grateful for that, even if I never got the chance to be in her life. And you parade around her like you love her! Do you remember when I was two months pregnant and you beat me to a pulp? I was pregnant and in a coma for six months! Six months Emilio! But thankfully she came out healthy, and now because of you she hates me and that may never change," she screamed. Her eyes fluttered as tears poured down from her face.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the nurse walked in.

"It's okay, I was just going," Elene glared at me one more time before turning to leave. I'd wish that I could take back all that I had done to her. She didn't deserve anything that I did to her, I just wished that I could go back in time.


"Wake the fuck up," I felt a hard slap hit my face.

"What the,-" I stopped, I was met by a familiar face, that wasn't Elene.

"You really thought that you could get away with all the shit you did huh? Well you thought wrong, I'm the piper and it's time for you to pay motherfucker."

I went to move my hands to see that they were handcuffed to the bed. "Fuck you," I spat.

They took out a needle from there side and injected it into my IV.

"What in the fuck are you doing," I demanded.

"What should have been done a long time ago. Now the world can say goodbye to Emilio The Great."

I began to shake as I felt my entire body shut down, my heart felt ab enormous pain as I closed my eyes. I struggled to get out my last words.



In hindsight, I deserved to die. I've killed so many people that I'd lost count. So it was about time that someone killed me.

I just hoped that Angelique would understand and forgive her mother, and me.


So who y'all think killed Emilio? ;)

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