In Your Eyes (Prince Zuko LS)

By AllNewProblem

46.4K 1.3K 130

Luna Suzaki She was just a normal girl 'till that one night that was forever burned into her memory. She dis... More

Chapter 2: New Beginning
Chapter 3: No Control
Chapter 4: This can't be real
Chapter 5: Northern Water Tribe
Chapter 6: The Avatar
Chapter 7: Siege Of The North 1
Chapter 8: Siege Of The North 2
Chapter 9: The Avatar State
Chapter 10: Old Memories
A/N: Q&A

Chapter 1: Power Revealed

8.1K 184 2
By AllNewProblem

The night was peaceful. A small wind blew through the air, rustling the leaves of the tall trees. The full moon hung high in the sky while the beautiful stars glisten around it's beauty. It was silent until the screams of a woman could be heard, breaking the peaceful air.

In the small house of the Suzaki family, the firenation soldiers raged on. A small girl hid behind a sofa with her mother, as she helplessly watched her childhood home being torn apart. Her father had been killed before the girls eyes, as he refused to tell the soldier where he had hid his daughter. "It's going to be okay Luna," a soft voice whispered into the girl's ear. Her mother softly stroked her wavy black hair, trying to calm the shaking girl. "Luna, you have to listen to me," the mother said. The girl looked up at her mother, her baby blue eyes stained with tears. "When I tell you to, you have to run as fast as you can. Don't look back, alright?" said the mother urgently. "But mommy-" the girl began but her mother stopped her, "I love you sweetie." The mother took of the necklace she wore {Picture} and clipped it around her daughter's neck. She kissed the girl's head and said, "Be safe," before getting up from their hiding place. She walked up to the soldiers bravely, determined to protect her little girl. The soldier at the front instantly grabbed the woman's neck and asked in a stern voice, "Where. Is. The. Girl." "You will have to kill me," her mother choked out. "That can be arranged," he said evilly and threw her against the wall. "Mommy!" All attention turned to the small girl that stared at the scene horrified. "Luna...Run," her mom said weakly. Instead, she stood her ground. "Leave my mommy alone!" All the soldiers started laughing at the little girl's attempt at bravery. She could feel her blood starting to boil. She clenched her tiny fists tight until her knuckles started to turn white. The girls blue eyes started to turn a forest green as the ground beneath their feet started to shake. The soldiers stopped laughing and stared at the shaking earth beneath them, bewildered. "It's the girl!" one of the soldiers yelled. The one at the front turned his attention to the girl who was shaking violently in anger. She stood firm, seeming to be in a trance as she started at them with her now green eyes. The soldier smirked and then stood in a fighting stance, arms raised in defense. The small girl tilted her head then gave him a creepy smile. Slowly, all the soldiers started to surround her, all in their fighting stances. The girl stiffly raised her right arm, her palm faced down. There was a pause before she flicked her wrist up, causing three of the soldiers to be thrown against a wall by three earth pillars coming out of the ground. Next, the girl's eyes turned silver. She turned towards a soldier close to her and blasted him with a gust of wind, also sending him against the wall. Her eyes then turned an ocean blue. She swirled her hands in the air, pulling water from it before sending it towards the remaining soldiers and freezing them in place, making them unable to move. Now it was just her and the leader left. Her eyes turned a blazing red. She created two fireballs in her hands and turned her attention to the leader. She froze in place when she saw her mother in his grasp, a sword being held against her throat. "Lower your guard or say goodbye to mommy," he said, pressing the sword harder against the woman's neck. The girl looked between the man and her mother, before putting out the fire and lowering her arms. Her eyes turned back to their original baby blue colour. "Now that's a good girl," the leader said and smiled evilly. "You know, it's such a shame really," he continued, "I wouldn't want to hurt such a precious gift but the Firelord didn't send us to capture you." With one quick movement, he slit her mother's throat and send a blast of fire towards the unsuspecting girl. She managed to raise her arms in front of her before the fire hit her skin. She screamed out in agony as she felt the flesh on her arms starting to burn. She fell to the ground, feeling her strength deplete. The last thing she saw, was a man dressed in Earthkingdom clothes looking down at her. Then, darkness over took her vision.

The earthbender looked at the scene around him. He had never seen such devastation under one roof. They had already found two dead citizens who he assumed were the young girl's parents. There were also nine Firenation soldiers found. Four of them were unconscious, while the other five were frozen in place. And that's what he couldn't figure out. Was there a waterbender among them? There were also signs of a earthbender, since there were three earth pillars sticking out of the ground. He wouldn't be shocked by that since they were close to the Earthkingdom but a waterbender he could not understand. He shook his head clear of all his thoughts and turned his attention to a nearby guard. "Did you find him?" he asked. "No sir, it looks like he escaped," the guard answered back. The earthbender sighed and then nodded. "What should we do about the girl sir?" He looked over to the unconscious girl that they had placed on a half wrecked couch. "We should get her to a healer, before her burns get infected." The guard nodded once then turned to the others to tell them his command. He looked around the room once more before turning and walking out the door. He was going to find out what had happened tonight, for this was no ordinary battle.

A/N: Hey!!!!
So I've wanted to make an ATLA Fanfic for a while now and here it is!!!
Please tell me what you think because I'm not sure about this story...and sorry if this was a crappy first chapter.
Well, I hope to hear from you
Love you all!!! {Even if I don't know why ;-) }

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