My Saviour, Harry Styles

By meganrubin19

6.5K 156 40

When an abused 18 year old runs away from home and meets a boy, she feels love like never before. Together th... More

My Savior Harry Styles
Is this a dream?
Meeting Niall
Meeting Brianna
The Truth Comes Out
The Amusement Park
Carnival Games and Hand Holding
A Little Bit of Drama
Job Searching and Heart Fixing
A Lovely Picnic
First Day on the Job
A Late Night Snuggle
Movies and Meeting Liam
A Dinner Date
The Perfect Boyfriend
A Girls Night. Or So They Thought...
A Girls Day
Romance Is In The Air
The Party
Picking Up The Pieces
Putting Them Back Together
A Promise...
Plot Twist...
Sneak Peek:)
The End:'(


256 3 1
By meganrubin19


Jennifer's POV

As we approached the mall, I noticed a girl standing outside. She was extremely gorgeous. Tall, long flowing blonde hair, skinny (but not anorexic looking), and her smile was contagious. I knew that was Brianna from the moment I saw her. But what I didn't know is that we were about to become the best of friends.

When we parked, Niall ran to her embracing her and kissing her. *sigh* I wish someone would love me like that but I knew it would never happen. I'm just an ugly, worthless piece of crap that nobody wants. I bet you that the only reason Harry and Niall are letting me stay with them is out of pity.

"Shall we go in?" Harry asked from behind me and Niall and Brianna nodded so I followed them into the mall watching as they held hands. They were so cute together.

As we walked, she unlocked her and Niall's hands and approached me.

"Hi, I'm Brianna!" She said very enthusiastically.

"I'm Jennifer," I replied, "but you can call me Jen if you want."

"We'll it's very nice to meet you Jen!" She said back to me, shaking my hand.

"Same to you I said with a nod." I am usually very shy around new people because my dads abuse has made me very cautious about trusting people but Harry, Niall, and Brianna were different. I felt as if I could trust them with my life, or tell them anything, even though I just met them.

Brianna and I chatted for a while, getting to know each other a little better until I spoke to Harry.

"So, what are we looking for?" I asked Harry and he looked down at me.

"Everything." He said with a grin.

We walked into the first store, a clothing store. I walked around looking at all the designer clothes. There were so many choices, I couldn't pick what to get. Just then, Harry, Niall and Brianna ran up to me, a pile of clothes in each of their arms. They ushered me towards a dressing room and shoved the clothes at me.

"Try these on, love and come out so we can see how gorgeous you look in them!" Brianna said to me excitedly. She was so nice.

I quickly tried on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and I walked out of the dressing room.

"OH MY GOSH!" Brianna exclaimed, super loudly. "You look gorgeous.

"Uh thanks?" I said, I'm not used to getting compliments so I had no idea how to respond to her.

"Oh no problem, now go try some more!" She exclaimed. "FYI you are soooo getting that outfit!" She said and I couldn't help but laugh at her goofiness. I knew I wasn't beautiful and she just said that to make me feel better, but I went and tried on more anyway.

I tried on many outfits, with Brianna commenting on how pretty I looked in each one, and ended up getting 4 pairs of jeans, 6 tops, 2 skirts, 8 pairs of shoes, a jacket, a purse, and some jewelry.

When I saw the bill my jaw dropped. How could Harry afford all of this! He's just a teenager!

"Harry, you really don't have to so this for me." I said seriously. "You barely even know me!"

He chuckled in response. "But you see Jen, I'm doing this because I want to." I mentally thanked Harry. I am so grateful for him because if it weren't for him, I'd be dead right now.

We continued our shopping and we bought more clothes, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, some makeup, and other necessities.

Our last stop of the day was at a super fancy store. There were many beautiful dresses in it and Harry told me I needed a fancy dress just in case something came up, which I highly doubt will happen but whatever. Niall also told Brianna to pick one out and he would buy it for her.

Me and Brianna had a runway show, showing off every dress we tried on, with the boys pretending to be judges and giving us scores out of ten on each one.

Brianna's next dress was gorgeous on her and we all knew that was the one for her. It was a turquoise colour, with a sweetheart neckline and it went to just above her knee. It had ruffles going down all the way and it was cinched at the waist with a blinged out broach, showcasing her tiny waist. When she came out in it, I saw Niall's jaw drop.

"Babe." He whispered, speechless. "you look absolutely beautiful!"

"Aw thanks Ni!" She gushed. "Now we need to find one for Jen and we are done for the day!"

"Ok, I think you should try this one on." Harry said, handing me a dress. It looked amazing. I hurried into the change room and slipped it on.

The dress was a light pink, with a sweetheart neckline just like Brianna's and it went down to my knees. The fabric was shimmery making my skin glow. It was cinched at the waist, showing off what little curves I actually have. When I walked it floated beautifully, and I felt like I was walking on air.

"Wow." I heard someone say, although I couldn't tell who it was.

"You look absolutely stunning Jen!" Brianna yelled out.

"Agreed." Both boys said.

"Ok, let's get it." I said as I walked back into the dressing room to put my normal clothes back on. A few minutes later, I walked back out and gave the dress to Harry so he could pay for it.

"Thank you so much for doing this." I said, looking up at Harry.

"For doing what?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Buying me all these beautiful clothes, taking me in, treating me nicely, and for everything." I said and he smiled at me.

As we walked out of the mall Niall piped up.

"So ladies, me and Harry were wondering if you two would like to go out for dinner with us this afternoon?" He said looking from me to Brianna, his eyes stopping on his girlfriend.

"I'm in if you are." Brianna said, looking at me questioningly.

"Well, I don't think I have anything to wear." I said sarcastically. My three companions laughed.

"Oh come on, you know you want to!" Harry teasingly said to me.

"Alright, I guess so." I said in defeat.

"Yay!" They all cheered.

"Wear your new dresses too!" Niall said.

"Of course!" Brianna answered, staring at him lovingly.

We got to Brianna's car and made plans to meet her at the Olive Garden for dinner in half an hour. After giving Niall a kiss, she waved goodbye to us and drove off.

I couldn't wait for tonight, I was so excited!

Hi guys! Sorry I promised a long one and this one is really short but I'm really stressed because I have tons of homework. This story can't take over my life, so if I stop posting as frequently, don't freak out on me please.

QOTD: Who's POV is your favourite?

Keep reading, voting and commenting! Thanks! I love you all!


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