By grounderprincess

933K 22.5K 17.5K

** EDITING SATURN [BOOK 1 OF THE IVY AINSWORTH SERIES] . . . "You ever wondered why I started calling you P... More

part 1... saturn
0... the story of us
1... the day the sky fell
2... next time, save the girl
3... brave princess
4... the hunter or the hunted
5... something to prove
6... an act of valor
7... i hold the knife
8... maybe there is a beast
9... be still my heart
10... paths of destruction
11... my responsibility
12... this home is cold
14... there was a line here once
15... day trip
16... where is my mind
17... a united front
18... who are you, really?
19... this will destroy you
20... friends or foes
21... what you deserve
22... six hands bloody
23... the things we can't admit
24... revenge of the scorned
25... the war we've waited for
26... how did we get here
27... trial and error
28... there's something off about this place
29... secrets never stay buried
30... run for the hills

13... who is in control?

24.1K 634 199
By grounderprincess

Chapter Thirteen

There's nothing but panic as they carry Finn's limp body back behind camp walls. It's the only feeling that Ivy can seem to have lately. She's tired of seeing people die. There's only so many of them down there, and they'd already lost more than they could bear to stand. Granted, none of them thought they'd survive this long on their own, but it didn't make the losses any less hard on them.

Ivy's still reeling from Roma's death. The girl had barely even lived and now she was gone. Ivy couldn't stand to see another one of them go. That was why it was so important that they save Finn.

"Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Jasper yelled upon entering the camp.

He and Bellamy carried Finn's weak body in just as Clarke rushed over. "Finn!" Her eyes went wide. He looked dead. Checking his pulse, her anxious expression softened but the nerves were definitely still there. "He's alive." There was still a chance that he could make it.

"Ivy wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper told her after handing Finn off to a couple of other guys who could hold the weight. His arms felt like jelly after carrying Finn for so long.

"Pulling it out would've made it worse. If we wanted him to bleed out the whole way here then yeah, we should've pulled the damn knife." Ivy exclaimed in her defense. She regretted snapping at Jasper immediately after she'd done it, her irritated expression dropping into the emotion that she was really feeling, which was worry for Finn's life. Emotions were running high and she just needed to get a handle on hers. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a bitch just then."

Jasper shrugs it off, understanding that Finn's life was more important than his hurt feelings.

Clarke nodded. "It was a good call, Ivy. Get him in the drop ship, now." Ivy watched nervously beside Bellamy as Finn disappeared into the drop ship.

As everyone began to part ways, Ivy was about to follow Clarke into the drop ship when she noticed Bellamy grabbing Octavia by her wrist as she was trying to leave the camp. "Why were you defending him?" He asked her, knowing she knew fairly well who he was talking about.

"Because he saved my life." She told him. "The spear that hit Roma was--"

"No, you're wrong. I saved your life." Bellamy corrected her. He was furious and Ivy didn't quite know why. She wasn't sure if it was really Octavia he was mad at or if she was just the closest person he could take his anger out on. "He kept you alive and for all we know he kept you to use you as bait for one of their traps."

Octavia shook her head in denial. She'd spent time with that man and he'd gone through so much effort to keep her safe that she couldn't imagine that killing her was his ulterior motive. Bellamy didn't understand because he hated them and he was too blind to see the full story. "No, I don't think so."

"You don't think, O! That's the problem!" Bellamy snapped, which he usually never did, not to Octavia and not like this.

"Bellamy, calm down." Ivy's attempt to get him to cool off was to no avail because he turned to her with the same amount of annoyance.

"They killed three of our people, Ivy. You saw them, you were there." Bellamy's anger seemed to be inextinguishable because Ivy wasn't really even the one he was upset with but he was still speaking to her like he was. Turning back to Octavia he continued, "And if you would've let me kill him when I had the chance, Finn wouldn't be in there right now."

Of course. He's not really mad at his sister, he's mad about Finn. Just like Ivy before, emotions were running high and no one knew how to deal with them when they didn't know what they could do to help. Bellamy was displaying the exact same reaction to the fear of losing one of their own, but he was losing control of himself.

"Stop blaming me for your mistakes!" Octavia bursted out, the transference of emotions shifting onto her. "What happened to Finn is not my fault, I wanted to leave, so if Finn dies in there, that's on you. Everything that's gone wrong is because of you. You got me locked up, you got Ivy locked up, you wanted me to go to that stupid dance, and you got Mom killed!"

"Okay, that's enough! Both of you." Ivy cut in sharply, putting herself between the two in hopes that she could block the anger radiating from the two siblings. "You both are acting like children."

Shaking her head, Octavia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. This wasn't them. Bellamy and Octavia didn't fight like this. Maybe they did over stupid stuff like when Bellamy would hog the bed in their little room, but they never seriously fought with each other. And never, did Octavia ever throw the blame in Bellamy's face for what had happened that night at the Unity Day masquerade ball. Even when she was young and she'd just lost her mother, she never pointed the finger at him and claimed he was at fault. If she did, then she was pointing that same hand at Ivy, because she had helped.

None of what Ivy's said seems to take it's effect because Bellamy just scoffed bitterly, raising his brows incredulously at his sister. "Me? Mom was floated for having you. She's dead, because you're alive. That was her choice. I didn't have a choice. My life ended, the day you were born."

Ivy clenched her jaw upon hearing the words leave Bellamy's mouth. He shouldn't have tried to one-up Octavia. It just made him look like the bad guy. Although they were both grown, Bellamy was still older, he was supposed to be the bigger person but instead, he was letting words fall from his lips without thinking them through first like an amateur. He couldn't take those words back now.

As Octavia's breathing grew shaky, she started to storm away, but Bellamy pulled her back again. "Where do you think you're going?"

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever." Ripping her arm out of his grip, Octavia pushed past him, her glare hitting Ivy on the way out.

Once she was gone, Ivy turned to Bellamy, trying to think of what to say. She was disappointed to say the least, not just in him, but Octavia, too. He just had the sore deal of being the closest one to her in that moment; he should be familiar with that. "When are gonna realize that when you take responsibility over someone, you take responsibility for their actions. Why do you keep doing this to her?"

Bellamy swallowed with a hard look still etched on his face. His frustration with Octavia still hadn't dissipated, and the way Ivy was looking at him like he was a failure certainly wasn't helping that by any means. "So you don't have to take responsibility over mine."

Ivy scoffed. "That's not good enough."

She turned and headed towards the drop ship, making her the second girl that had walked away from Bellamy in the span of two minutes. He walked away just as annoyed, leaving their conversation one where no one left satisfied with what was exchanged. He looked up at the sky and saw that there were storm cloud rolling in, darkening over them in a canopy of gray and gloom. Just what they needed: shitty weather for a shitty day.

The night drawled on as the storm struck. Their makeshift tents were no match for the heavy rain and wind, and was the reason why every person in camp had taken shelter in the dropship, moving their food supply and everything inside. Now was not the time for Ivy to develop claustrophobia, but as bodies shuffled to fit in past her, the air felt as if it had been sucked out making it harder to breathe. It was strange to think that they had all fit in there once, and even then, they'd had more people than they did now.

She managed to get by nonetheless, and attempted to keep everything in order. Clarke was at Finn's side, but Bellamy was no where to be found. Ivy assumed he was just giving himself some space after his fight with Octavia. It was strange; it wasn't normal for them to argue which you would expect from brother and sister, but Ivy couldn't remember a day in which Bellamy had ever said anything like what he had to Octavia earlier, and vice versa. Was it the gap year when she had been in jail when things had changed or was it being on the ground? Ivy wished she knew the answer.

The walls were closing in. "Hey, move back, give him some space!" Ivy ordered, ushering people away from Finn. They were carelessly bumping into him, as if he wasn't under critical condition. His skin had visibly paled, and he was sweat ridden, which wasn't a good sign. He was losing a lot of fluid, too much. It felt like there was a clock somewhere ticking down till Finn's death, then time was up. It was driving Ivy crazy.

His conditions were growing worse and worse by the minute and knowing that they couldn't remove the knife without risking his life, they were stuck watching as he slowly bled out. There was nothing they could do for him without help, help that they needed from the Ark. Raven was currently trying to get that by testing different channels on the radio she had built so they could contact Abby on the Ark. It was yet to be determined if the storm was interfering with the transmission signal or if it actually worked to begin with.

Getting to the point where Raven was begging for someone to hear her into the headpiece, a miracle happened. Everyone was equally surprised to hear the voice speaking through the static. "This is a restricted channel, identify yourself."

At the sound of a voice through the speaker, everyone, including Ivy, jumped from their seats and over to Raven. "This is Raven Reyes, I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive, please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin, one of our own is injured badly."

There was a moment or two of silence where they didn't get a response, but then a voice finally came in and Ivy felt a rush of relief wash over her. "Raven? Are you there?"

Hearing Clarke take a sharp intake of breath, she moved closer to the speaker to reply back. "Mom? Mom, it's me. I need your help, one of our people was stabbed by a Grounder." Her approach to her mother would've been different, maybe a bit more happy to hear her mom's voice after so long. But knowing that she was the one that had turned her father in to the council, knowing very well that he would get floated, formed a wound in their relationship that would take a long time to heal. And Finn was more important in that moment anyways, so she wasn't going to deny addressing his needs first.

There was a pause, which was probably a result of Abby Griffin's shock from hearing her daughter's voice after a long while. But there was no time for a family reunion, because who knew how the storm could affect their signal with the space station. "Clarke," Jaha's voice came through, "this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on earth?"

"Yes." She answered. "The Earth is survivable, we're not alone." There was a pause, most likely because of the confusion Abby and Jaha were in to find out that their home planet had not been a desolate hunk of irradiated rock like they thought it was. But Clarke found no time to explain and quickly spoke again. "Mom, he's dying. The knife's still in his chest."

"Clarke, is my son with you?" At Jaha's question, Ivy glanced over at Clarke with her lips pressed together tightly.

Swallowing thickly, Clarke slowly replied, "I'm so sorry. Wells is dead."

There's an eerie silence on the other end as the Chancellor didn't say anything back, and Ivy and Clarke had to assume he left, probably needing a moment to himself to process the news. But how was he meant to comprehend that he'd sent his own son to his death? Minutes later, Abby came back through the speaker. "I'm gonna talk you through it step by step. Clarke, just--"

There was static afterwards, masking over Abby's voice. From Finn's side, Clarke asked, "Raven, what's going on?"

"It's not the radio, it's the storm!" She exclaimed over the sound of the rushing wind and rain hitting against the drop ships outside walls making it hard to hear each other over all the noise. Raven quickly began trying to fix the radios frequency, just as Octavia came in with two tins of alcohol for Finn.

Handing them to Clarke and Ivy, Ivy opened the lid and took a whiff, then twisted her face at the sting in her nose. "Monty's moonshine?" It was a batch he'd been brewing up and he'd had no problem mastering its potency.

"I'm pretty sure no germ could survive it." Octavia replied, following them as Clarke began pouring it over Finn's wound; luckily he was unconscious because Ivy didn't know how he would've been able to survive the pain of that.

"The storm's getting worse." Clarke stated as the parachute door they had been using flapped wildly in the wind. The water was getting in, and they couldn't let anything contaminate Finn's wound when they were already limited in antiseptics. "Monroe, close the door."

"We still have people out there." The girl told them hesitantly. "Monty and Jasper aren't back yet."

"Neither is Bellamy." Octavia added, which Ivy furrowed her brows at. She hadn't even notice any of them were gone. She was too busy making sure Finn hadn't suddenly stopped breathing. Where would they go in a storm like that?

Shaking her head, Ivy said nonetheless, "It's alright. They'll find somewhere to ride it out for the night."

"Look, one suture needle." Raven smiled tightly and handed it to Clarke, who nodded thankfully.

She plucked the needle from Raven's hands. "Okay, I still need something to close his wound."

"There's some wire on the second level. " Ivy piped, looking over from Clarke to Octavia, "We use it for the tents. Will that work?"

Clarke nodded. Octavia set down the two cans of alcohol and looked over to Ivy as she wiped her hands on her pants. "I'll go get it."

"Stay away from the blue wires running across the ceiling;" Raven warned. "I rigged it to the solar panels on the roof. That means they're hot, got that?"

Octavia rolled her eyes and began climbing the ladder. "Yeah, I got that."

Suddenly, the curtain into the drop ship was pushed open before it could be closed as three soaking wet bodies entered.

It took Ivy a moment to register in her mind that it was Bellamy, Monty, and Jasper returning from wherever they had been. There was a heavy thump on the steel floor and as Ivy had made her way to them, she finally saw exactly what it was; the Grounder. The same Grounder that had taken Octavia, possibly saved them from his own people, and stabbed Finn leaving him on his near deathbed if they couldn't save him.

"You went back?" Ivy narrowed her eyes at them. She almost couldn't believe that Monty was there helping them. She never would've expected that kind of thing from him. Bellamy, she wasn't as surprised. It appeared that he'd corrupted Jasper and Monty into helping him pull off this little stunt.

"Bellamy? What the hell are you doing?" Octavia's voice came from behind Ivy as her eyes laid on Grounder in confusion, yet there was a sense of anger in her voice as well.

Bellamy's hard facade remained, his expression set in stone as he was unfazed. "It's time to get some answers."

Raising her brows doubtfully, his sister scoffed. "Oh, you mean revenge?" The man lying unconscious in front of them saved her life; she had to do the same for him, even if it meant fighting against her own brother. It wasn't like it was the first time.

"I mean intel." He retorted, before he looked over to two boys and ordered, "Get him up stairs."

"Bellamy, she's right." Ivy started. It all felt wrong to keep the Grounder hostage. Of course she knew what his people had done to theirs, but she couldn't help but get the sense that it would just become of a cycle of violence and death from both sides of the chaos. "Are you really doing this for the right reasons?"

Staring wordlessly down at her as he tried to come up with a reasonable reply, Abby's voice suddenly came up again through the radio, "Clarke, we're ready. Can you hear me?" Clarke glanced over at Bellamy with lips pressed together into a thin line, then she disappeared behind the crowd of people staring down at the Grounder in disgust.

No one seemed happy with their unwelcome guest, but no one spoke up about it, because they knew what the man's fate was. The only problem was they were scared what would happen when his people realized he was gone.

Bellamy's face fell at the sound of someone speaking to them from the radio, an unfamiliar voice that could lead to something bigger, like his execution that he was sure was to come. Bellamy glanced over from the device to Ivy and she avoided his gaze. It seemed like all eyes had fallen to them, like it always did when things like Bellamy defying the person Ivy knew he wasn't occurred. All she wanted was a moment where it was just them; talking together with no audience. Ivy finally looked up at him. "You don't have to do this, Bellamy. This is not who we are."

His eyes flickering over to the Grounder, Bellamy held the familiar unreadable expression on his face that Ivy still had yet to decipher. "It is now." He left Ivy standing there wordlessly, climbing up to the top floor where his guys had dragged the Grounder up to.

Turning back to Clarke, Ivy grabbed her by the arm and said, "Look, you've got your mom now, you can save Finn but one of us has to keep an eye on Bellamy. We can't worry about two things at the same time."

Clarke nodded in agreement. "Go. He'll more likely listen to you than me."

Ivy wasn't too sure about that. Lately, there were very few things that she and him saw eye to eye with. But perhaps if she was in the room, Bellamy might pull back on his punches.

Nonetheless, she began climbing up to the top of the ladder until her body was halfway in the room, but she stopped short when she saw the now conscious Grounder, fighting hard against the two guys as they tied his hands to opposite sides of the walls with rope. Bellamy just stood there in front of them and watched, sharpening knives. His jacket was gone, leaving him in his blue t-shirt that Ivy had a sickening feeling would soon be splattered with blood that wasn't his.

"Hold him. The last thing we need is this bastard getting free because you screwed up." Bellamy commanded. There was pure hatred in the Grounders eyes as he turned his head towards Bellamy. Ivy felt another sick feeling sink deep in her stomach at the daggers he shot with only his stare.

Once they had the outsider secured tightly, Ivy finally got the chance to take in the Grounder's injuries. With blood covering half his face, he looked up at her and for a moment they just stared at each other. She actually had sympathy for him. They were tying him up like an animal, and everyone downstairs had gawked at him like one. They were forgetting that this was another human being standing in front of them. They were still the same in that way.

The locked gaze between them broke apart when Ivy felt a light tug on her ankle, and she looked down to see Octavia waiting expectantly for her to move up the ladder. She hoisted herself up, and stood in the room with her arms crossed over her chest.

The Grounder seemed to stop struggling all together once Octavia entered, bringing Bellamy's attention to the two girls standing behind him. "Both of you, get out of here."

A flash of anger running across her face, Octavia grit her teeth. "I told you, he was protecting me. You didn't have to do this."

"This isn't about you." Bellamy responded, as he looked down at her. "I'm doing this for all of us."

Ivy scoffed bitterly from her spot against the wall. "You kidnapped and bloodied his face for all of us? We thank you for your service, Mr. Blake." She added sarcastically.

"I did that for Finn and Jasper, and John, and Diggs, and Roma." Bellamy snaps defensively, listing off all of the people that had been hurt or killed by the Grounders. The list was long enough; they didn't want it growing any longer.

Puffing out a mix between a huff and a groan, Octavia protested, "It wasn't even him."

Bellamy just shook his head. "You don't know that. We need to know what we're up against. How many there are, and what they want from us, and he's gonna tell us right now."

He stepped away from the conversation, starting towards the Grounder. Ivy predicted in her head what was coming next, and so had Octavia. "Bellamy- no!" Octavia exclaimed, grabbing him by the arm and holding him in place.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Ivy yells over Octavia's protests. "Bellamy--"

"Get them out of here." He tells his guys, shaking out of Octavia's grasp. One reaches for Octavia, and manages to pull her towards the hatch which she eventually complies with.

Meanwhile, the other doesn't even touch Ivy, because she's sending him looks that could kill. "Touch me and I swear you will leave here fingerless."

The boy looks over to Bellamy for some kind of help or guidance on what to do next. Bellamy rolls his eyes and said, "Ivy, just leave already."

She huffed, standing her ground with her arms crossed over her chest. "Why? So I don't see what horrible thing you're about to do to him next?" She asked, raising her brows.

He shakes his head. "Why are you even defending him? You saw what his people did." Bellamy snapped, then looked down at her incredulously. "This has to end somehow, I'm starting with him. It's us, or them, I'm choosing us."

"I'm defending everyone." She shot back. "All of the people down there that don't want to look at themselves and see a monster. Because right now, that's who we're turning out to be."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to be here. I know it's all just part of your, 'Make Bellamy a Better Person' foundation." He told her sourly, and Ivy felt a stab in her chest but she ignored it and kept a straight face.

"I don't think you're a bad person, Bellamy, so I'm gonna stay here and we'll see if that thought still stands." Walking past him, Ivy put her back against the wall and stood defiantly as she nodded for him to go on with what he planned to do. If he could continue on and show her that he was exactly who she was afraid he was, then they could finally get their answer on where they stood.

Turning back to face he Grounder, Bellamy stared hard at him. "What's your name?" There was no reply as the Grounder just stood there silently, though the expression on his face said a lot about how he felt about Bellamy: absolute loathing. "How many of you are there?" Bellamy then questioned.

Before the Grounder could answer-- though Ivy doubted he was going to, the lower level shook beneath them like they were launching down to Earth for a second time. Ivy backed away from the trembling steel wall and furrowed her brows in confusion. "What's happening?" She suddenly fell forward as the drop ship took a big hit, jolting the entire space craft and knocking Ivy off her feet.

Everyone looked around each at other in confusion, gathering themselves before pondering over what could've shaken their heavy metal shelter. When there was no call as an explanation from the floors below them, Bellamy yelled, "What the hell was that? We under attack or not?"

"Storm damage, we're okay." A boy answered, climbing up the ladder. But were they really? This storm was proving to be a lot more formidable than they seemed to be prepared for.

Bellamy sighed, then turned back to the Grounder, re-engaging into their interrogation before it had been interrupted. "We're gonna try this one more time. What's your name?" When the Grounder didn't reply, Bellamy huffed. "Where's your camp? How many of you are there?"

Yet again, there was no answer. Although she was beginning to get bored, Ivy was just glad that no punches had been thrown. "Bellamy, I doubt he even speaks English. It's pointless to even try."

"I'll get him to talk." He replied persistently. Ivy pursed her lips, but didn't respond. She decided maybe it was better to let him figure it all out himself because he was never going to take 'no' for an answer.

"Hey, check it out." Miller called over, taking Bellamy's attention off the Grounder, while digging through the Grounder's things. "What is this stuff?"

Ivy refrained from going over to check out what they were huddled around, being as they were invading someone's personal belongings, but when she finally noticed the eyes on her once again, she raised her brow. "What?"

The group of boys crouching around the Grounder's pack, held up a box with various vials containing things none of them could determine. They were obviously expecting her to tell them what it contained. Though she didn't understand why they thought she would know.

"You're the plant whisperer, tell us what this is." Handing her the small tin box, Bellamy nodded for her to take a look.

Ivy scowled at him. "First of all, that doesn't make any sense, and second of all, we shouldn't go through his stuff. It's not right."

Bellamy chuckled, the guys around him follow along, though they haven't even discovered what was so funny. "That's what you're worried about? Good hospitality for the Grounder who's probably killed Finn?"

With narrowed eyes, Ivy brushes off Bellamy's harsh remark. "Finn's not dead, Clarke will get him better. And it's called privacy; there could be things in there that could bite us back in the ass if we keep sticking our noses in things that don't belong to us."

"Yeah, well, that's why we're looking in it in the first place. So it doesn't come back to bite us in the ass." Bellamy replies logically, which tempts Ivy to do as he said and look in the pack.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she holds out her hand for the box. "Fine, let me see." A small smirk twitches at the corners of his mouth as Bellamy hands her the box. Ivy picked up each small bottle inside to examine them closely, she pulled off the cork on one and before Bellamy could protest, she smelled the contents. "Medicine." She answered, giving it back. "Grounder here, must be some sort of doctor."

Shuffling through his bag to check for more, Bellamy pulled out a worn out, leather-bound book. He turned the book in his hands and inspected it, prompting the Grounder to jerk against his restraints. Bellamy perked up in interest. "I think we found something he doesn't want us to see." Flipping through the pages, Ivy leaned to get a glimpse of the Grounder's drawings. "These aren't bad."

He flipped the page over to a drawing that gave Ivy chills just looking at it. The figure drawn in the middle of the paper wore animal furs similar to the Grounders they had seen before. But there was something more menacing in the drawings' eyes that was different than the Grounders.

Ivy felt a different kind of scared for the Grounder in the drawing, even though they were the same as the Grounder standing in front of her. "What the hell is that?"

Despite what Ivy felt towards the drawing, Bellamy just chuckled, and looked back at the Grounder to hold the drawing front of him. "Friend of yours?"

Snickering as he turned the page, Bellamy suddenly stopped and Ivy furrowed her brows in confusion at the instant recognition of the sketch. She looked up at the Grounder in speculation. He had drawn Octavia. She was the only one of them who earned a portrait from this strange man; that had to mean something.

Dismissing the drawing quickly, Bellamy continued on, then stopped again at a familiar illustration. "That's our camp." Ivy stated, recognizing the pointed sticks they set up and used as defense and the drop ship sketched behind it.

On the page next to it were tally marks. "I'm guessing if we added up all these tallies it would equal up to a hundred and two. Ten are crossed out." Throwing the book back, Bellamy stood up to move in front of the Grounder once again. "That's how many people we've lost. They've been watching us ever since we got here."

As he strode over to the Grounder with an intent to harm, Ivy curled her hand around Bellamy's bicep to stop him. "Don't. If he didn't hate us before, he definitely will if you take one more step and start letting your fists do the talking."

"They're killing us!" He exclaimed, pulling himself out of her grip. "Who cares about him anyway? Why do you care?"

Ivy held herself back from shouting, but it was so hard to get it through Bellamy's thick skull that a part of her brain told her she had to. "How many times do I have to tell you? I care because I'm a person, and I can't handle anymore of this! If it's not me who cares, it's his people; they will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do, I mean, when they come looking for him, we'll all be dead."

With a roll of his eyes, Bellamy scoffed. "Relax and have a little faith, Poison Ivy." He told her. "No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back."

"Don't use that name with me, it's patronizing." Ivy snapped. "How do you know that they won't figure it out? They have eyes everywhere, his book proves it, so why should a little rain make a difference? They could kill us anytime now."

There was a crash from above them, snapping their attention away from the conversation before Bellamy quickly snatched the Grounder's book from off the ground and held it up to prove his point. "His people are already killing us. How many of our people have to die until you realize that we're fighting a war?"

"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Stop acting like we are." Ivy argued. "While we have a hundred people, think of how many they have. We won't stand a chance."

These people had a dozen advantages hanging over their heads. The Grounders knew the territory better, they had death traps planted all around the woods, and years of combat training with weapons they had no experience with. Earth Skills hadn't prepared them for this.

"We won't if we don't fight back." Bellamy countered confidently. "Numbers don't matter."

"It does when it comes to death, Bellamy." Ivy responded, and they were already about a tenth of the way there. "How many dead bodies do you think we'll rack up after this? How many crosses do you think he'll check off in that little journal?"

At this point, the numbers of people who were still living that they had now were the only things keeping them alive. Ivy couldn't let Bellamy mess that up, even if it meant she had to lose whatever there was between them in order to do so.

∅ ∗ ∅ ∗ ∅ ∗ ∅ ∗ ∅

Edited: 09/18/2023

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