Fine Ass Girl

By CashDoll

2.3M 73.8K 14.1K

Fine Ass Girl Cairo McCarthy has bunch of enemies on his case in trying pursuit his basketball career, troub... More

Copyright & A/N
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
No. 23: Part 1
No. 23: Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
This story isnt finnished!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

146K 3.4K 330
By CashDoll

Location: Miami,FloridaTime:2am,

"Hazel?" Andre whispered in his sleepy voice whilst he rubbed his tired eyes. I sat on his batman quilted bed then hushed him so he wouldn't make any noise.

"keep quiet otherwise dad will come." after a moment of silence, I spoke up but in a small voice.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I asked feeling Andre's forehead, he had a high temperature earlier today.

"I'm feeling much better."

"Thank God, I got a present for you." Andre looked at me suspiciously as I brought out a black suede squared box, inside that box contained a Rolex with tiny pieces of silver diamonds scattered around the inside of the watch. I was going to sell the watch, just to get some money but I figured my baby brother should have it, as he doesn't have nothing designer that he could claim. Besides his birthday was coming up, he deserves the best fine jewellery.

I heard a faint gasp escape from Andre's lips, "Happy birthday lil'gee." I smiled as he hugged me and stared at me, still in shock "H-how did you afford to get this?" Andre stuttered.

"I'm a boss." I giggled with Andre. "Hazel, we should sell this wtch, and use the money for better things, I'm stil a id I don't need this-" I hushed Andre again because this time footsteps were coming from the hallway, the wooden floor would creak underneath anyone's feet. The footsteps were definitely dads, no doubt about that. "Hide the Rolex under your pillow and go to sleep." I hissed. "What about you?" Andre asks worried.

"Don't worry." I said as I quickly threw my pyjamas on.

I was about to hop into my bed but the bedroom door swung open, revealing my pissed off father. "Where the hell were you at Hazel?!" My dad yelled. "I was round my friends, I lost track of time." I simply said. "What friend?" he asked.

"Deja." I sighed walking over to my bed but he grabbed my arm and he tightened his grip, pulling me back to face him. His eyes were blood shot red and his breath smelt of alcohol it was revolting.

"That's funny because I called Deja's parents and they said they hadn't seen you."

He then repeated his question "Where the fuck were you?!" I refused to answer him and that only made him tighten his grip even more. "You're hurting me!" I winced in pain.

"You little slut, you've been sleeping around with these stupid niggas? yo nasty ass is exactly like your mom's." He screamed.

"What?" I replied in disbelief, where the hell did he get that idea from? Then came the expected slap to my face, he'd hit really hard making fall straight on to my bed. This is the second time I've been slapped today.

Do I look like a punching bag to people or something? my vision got so blurry as the hot tears filled up my eyes. I was beyond angry. "You fucking bastard, you have a decent job yet you cant be the man of the ouse, thats why momma took off you dead ass nigga!" I shouted.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" he said, I got a blow to my stomach and to my face. My dad made sure he left his mark, he pulled out his brown leather belt from his waist, luckily before he could whip me. Andre shouted at him pleading for him not to hit me. "Stop, don't hit her..please!" he sounded as if he has been crying.

Andre ran into my arms hugging me tightly, I gently rubbed his back hoping it will calm him down.

Marquis, was breathing heavily obviously trying to control his temper. "You better be careful Hazel." He warned me. "Andre go to bed, OK son." He added. You see that, my dad loves Andre so much he has no love for me or my mom. He hates us with passion, I have no damn clue as to why he hates us.

I gave him a dirty look as he walked out the room. Andre started to release the water works. "I want Mom back."

I whispered quietly in his ear "Don't worry she'll come back to us and we'll be a family again... I hope."

3 hours earlier...

"Any last words?" Jack smirked as he held me at gun point. I ignored his ridiculous comment then said a prayer in my mind asking the omniscient one and only God, to have mercy upon me and family and to forgive me for my sins.

...I don't want to die; I can see it right now written in the headlines 'Another African-American has been shot to death. '

Jack slapped my face before repeating his dumb ass question "Any fucking last words bitch!?" what the fuck does this look like? A movie? , I stood back up regaining my balance from the smack he just gave me.

"Damn shawty all you have to do is be mines!" he smiled. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I said, making sure my warm moist saliva in hit his face. Jack started laughing like a mad freak; he used his hands and wiped his dirty face. "That can be arranged!" he barked.

"Motherfucker after all the shit I've done for your ass, I went through risky conditions that threatened my own life! And now you wanna kill me all because I don't wanna be yo' shit! Fuck that!" I screamed.

"Naw listen, you stole my money and my rolex! I don't give a fuck who you are! nobody crosses me and gets away with it." Jack chuckled slyly. "Bitch you're gonna give it back."

I swung my hardest punch at his right eye causing the gun to drop out of his hands. I kicked him hard on his chest and sprinted as fast as I could, the sudden rush of the cold misty air brushed past my face. Jack fired his gun twice but considering that I didn't feel any bullets pierce through my body I continued running for my life. I turned back to see Jack and two other black men chasing after me.

"C'mere!" Jack's deep voice echoed through the derserted park, I honestly felt like surrendering to him but that's my last opition. The sky started grumbling like a troll within seconds little droplets of water fell from the sky . "Shit!" I whispered to myself as I came face to face with a brick wall.

It finally started pouring down with rain followed by flashes of lighting, I was cold tired and weak. I looked around my surroundings to see if I could hide anywhere or even find something to help me get over the wall but there was nothing here, other than a green dumpster.

"AY SHE WENT THIS WAY!" I climbed on top of the rusty old bin and climbed over the wall.

I jumped down landing on to the wet pavement, I stood back up onto my feet and tried to sprint away however my ankle was telling me a diffrent story I think I sprained it. "Ow ow." I winced in pain

I fell down to the ground crying, is this how I am really gonna die? I lifted my head up as my eyes met with a pair of crystal white air forces. "Hurry up an' climb ova!" Jack's voice barked from behind the wall, I felt my body being lifted up from the cold hard ground by this random guy.

I couldn't make out his face but he definitely wasn't one of Jack's boys. "C'mon ma' get up!" A husky voice whispered in my ear. I tried to make an effort but my ankle wouldn't allow me to walk. "I can't, my ankle hurts." I cried. This stranger picked me up bridal style, and took me to what I believe is his car.

"Nigga put her fuck down!" Jack forewarned. The random guy brought out his pistol and aimmed for Jack's chest...Bang!

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