The King Brothers [BoyxBoy]

By ImYourFantasyy

98.9K 5K 2.3K

Twins, Ced and Zeph King, are seniors at North Atlanta High School. Some would say they have everything. Mone... More

1. Cedric
2. Zephyrus
3. Cedric
4. Zephyrus
5. Cedric
6. Zephyrus
7. Cedric
8. Zephryus
9. Cedric
10. TJ
12. Cedric
13. Donyelle
14. Cedric
15. TJ
16. Cedric
17. TJ
18. Zephyrus
19. Cedric
20. Zephyrus
21. Cedric
22. Zephyrus
23. Cedric
24. Zephyrus
25. TJ
26. Cedric
27. Zephyrus
28. Cedric
29. Zephyrus
30. Cedric
31. Zephyrus
32. Cedric
33. Zephyrus
34. Cedric
The King Brothers

11. Zephyrus

3K 151 171
By ImYourFantasyy

Zephyrus - MM

"So where we going Donyelle??" I ask. She turns onto the highway headed towards midtown.

"Just ride my little God, you'll see." She says, in a beautiful, raspy voice. Donyelle had a sense of elligence, and pride. Something you really don't see in the average girl.

"Please tell me." I say, giving her the puppy dog eyes and poking my lip out.

She huffs and puffs out of irritation. "I'm taking you to lunch."

"Oh cool. Where?" I ask.

"Zephyrus, I said you'll see. Damn, boy!" She growled. I bit my cheeks in surprise at her outburst.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little excited." I say.

"Mmhmm." She drives into the parking lot into a small restaurant called Dawn's soul food.

Donyelle parks the car, and we get out. I take her hand as we walk inside, she smiles at my courtesy. I open the door for her, and when we get to our table, I pull out a chair for her to sit.

"Such a little gentleman." She says, laughing.

"Well, you know, I know how to treat a lady." I say, chuckling at her comment.

"I guess." She says with a deep breath at the end of her laugh. The waitress comes up and asks us for our orders. I ordered fried chicken, mashed potatoes and coleslaw, Donyelle ordered catfish and greens with corn bread and hush puppies.
"Damn you eat like a man!" I laughed.

Donyelle freezes, and wipes her mouth after taking a bite of fish. Her facial expression changed, and she pushed her plate away.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask.

She shakes her head, no.

"What? Was it something I said??" I take a drink of my lemonade.

"I'm fine... Excuse me." She says, getting up and walking toward the bathroom. I shook my head cause I feel stupid about what I said. Somehow it offended her.

I finished my food, and after about ten minutes, Donyelle walked back in and sat down.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine." She seems more excited, and perky. Her voice changed too.

"Good. You taking that with you?" I say, pointing to her half eaten plate.

"Yeah. Waitress!" She calls and the waitress comes over.

"Ma'am?" She asks.

"Can I get a to go box?" Donyelle asks and the waitress leaves and comes back with a to go plate. Donyelle shoves her food in it and we both stand to leave.

"Excuse me, ma'am?? You haven't paid the bill." The waitress calls.

"I got it babe." I say pulling, out my wallet.

"Naw! Don't do me boo! I got cash." Donyelle pulls a wad of dubs out of her bra and pays the lady without getting change.

"Dayumm!" I said, as she strutted back to me, flipping her long braids.

"Come on Zephyrus." She says, holding the door for me. I walk through licking my lips and we go back to her car.

"Let's go to Piedmont park." She says.

"Sure." I say. I was looking forward to my future with Donyelle. She seemed so perfect. Almost too good to be true.


We arrive at the park, and proceed to walk through, on the wide path surrounding the facility. There are people walking dogs, men on bikes, people at picnics, all kinds of stuff going on. Its a real nice little outdoor place.

"So tell me about yourself Zephyrus." Donyelle speaks, out of silence. I take her hand.

"You know you can call me Zeph." I say.

"I like your full name. Zephyrus King. My little king." She pinches my nose. Donyelle was my height. I've never really been with no tall girl. But Donyelle made it look good. Long beautiful legs and all.

"Oh really? Well, my step dad owns King's motors, he has a bunch of garages, shops, dealerships, anything to do with cars. My mom, well.. She's an accountant, and an interior decorator." I tell her.

"I think I said tell me about yourself. Not your parents." She cuts in.

"Well excuse me..." I say, and she giggles. "Well, I love basketball. I like to dance, and do a lot of athletic stuff. I wanted to be a model once upon a time, but..." I began.

"But what?" She cuts in again.

"I wasn't feeling it." I continue. "When I was five, me my brother and my mom was homeless for a while. Our real dad used to beat on our mom, and so she ran away from him. Then after that, she lost her job. Then, finally, Isadore found my mom working as a custodian in one of his main dealerships, and he fell in love with her." I say.

"Awh! How sweet." She says.

"I know right. But anyway. Umm, me and Ced got our first tattoos when we were in ninth grade. My home Hykeem hooked us up. Ced didn't want to do it at first but Keem... Convinced... Him..." I said, stopping and remembering what Ced told me just this morning about him and Hykeem being together.

"Whats wrong?" Donyelle asks. I shake my head.

"Nun.. So enough about me. What's your background?" I say.

"Well, in college I was an actor... Excuse me!" She coughs. "Actress."

"Uhh.. Okay how'd that work out?" I ask.

"I didn't feel the edge to be on stage anymore, so I started singing." She says.

"Cool. Were you good?" I ask her, rubbing her back while we now walked along the lake in the center of the park.

"Eh so so. But after that, I went to beauty school to study cosmetology, and now I can do hair, and make up. One day I'll have my own salon."

"Cool... If you dont mind me asking, how old are you?" I say.

"I'm twenty six." She tells me.

"Whoa.." I didn't wanna tell her I was still seventeen, because I didn't want what we had to go away. "Well its a good thing km legal." I lie.

"Yeah." She laughs.

"So how was high school for you?" I ask.

"Umm.. I got bullied a lot. I was judged. By a lot of things I did and wanted to do." She says.

"Oh? Like what?" I say, smiling. We make it to a bench and we both sit down. Perfect view of downtown.

"Well I wanted to do all the things that boys did. You know, play football.. Soccer, and even wanted to dress like a boy at one point." She says.

"What? So you was a dike?" I say.

"NO! She snaps. I was trapped-well... I thought I was. But I came to my senses and um now I know what it is I want to do in life and I'm fine now. All the judgment stopped when I realized I was perfect just the way I was." She leans on my shoulder and k put my arms around her neck.

"Yeah that's good." I say, ignoring her little outburst cause I wanted to savor this moment.

"Zephyrus. The god of the west winds. King, the king that rules my kingdom. Aka my heart." She whispers. I hug her tighter.

"Wanna be poet." I say.

"Shut up." She laughs and punches my leg. "Look." She points to the sky, and we both watch as the sun goes down.

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