
By KeithChristian

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Average, undistinguished, and just downright ordinary. This is you. And you are drooling over of the hottest... More

1: Reflection
2: Amerikamura
3: Gyakusetsu
4: Fifteen Minutes. Fitting Room. Free.
5: Spill Over
6: The Ticket
7: The Theater
8: Details
9: Plans and Regrets
10: Free Ride
11: Concert
12: A Little Space
13: Disguises
14: Unfolded
15: Spiderweb Cracks
16: Hidden Agendas
17: White Day
18: Expectations
19: Babysitter
20: Soseki Hisa
21: A Convoluted Mess

22: Subterfuge

135 1 2
By KeithChristian

| | Yay, yay, yay! To say this chapter is way overdue is an understatement... So to those who are following this story, I'm so, so, so sorry and thanks for reading this!

| | Sorry if there are mistakes I may have missed. I reread my chapters every now and then, so I might do edits after that. I might also have to go back to several chapters and change up a few things. Been reading on Japanese culture and it seems I've got some things wrong. Will update regarding that.

| | Dedicating this to ckelvin87 for always supporting my writing and encouraging whenever I have my writer's block <3

| | All right, enough talk! Enjoy <3

22: Subterfuge

March 20, Saturday. 7:15 PM

She shot for the door.

“S-Sonya! Wait! Wait!

Etsuo miscalculated his step, hitting his shin on the low table. He shut his eyes and cried out both in anger and pain. Hearing the door slam made him realize that Sonya was already out of the house. He fought the pain and tried his best to ignore it. He ran out, not bothering to put on shoes.

All that he saw was the arm where she wore their friendship bracelets before she disappeared. He ran to the corner where he saw Sonya, snapping his head from left to right in hopes of finding her. But she wasn’t anywhere. He ran farther.

“Sonya!” he called.

He ran a bit farther, dodging a kid and his puppy in a bicycle, but ramming himself against a woman carrying a watermelon in each hand.

S-sumimasen,” he apologized with a shallow bow just as the woman bit angry words at him, but he kept running. He couldn’t lose Sonya. What just happened?

He reached a busy intersection and his heart dropped into his stomach at the sight of a crowd.

Sonya was gone.

*          *          *          *          *

March 19. Friday. 2:21 PM

“Here, Etsuo-sama.”

Etsuo bowed in thanks and took the guitar from Masafumi. “Izo?”

“He’s out of the house, Etsuo-sama.”

“Any chance you know where he went?”

Masafumi gave him an apologetic smile accompanied by a bow and said, “I’m afraid not, Etsuo-sama.”

“Looks like he’s been busy.”

Masafumi nodded. “Yes. Yasu-sama has recently just returned from her trip. And they also have a friend over.”

“I see.”

Etsuo didn’t really care much for Izo’s sister. They didn’t see her often and had her own set of friends to bother.

Now why couldn’t Sasako be like that? Like hang out with kids her age?

Ja,” Etsuo nodded and saw Masafumi give another bow just as he turned on his heels. He hoisted the heavy guitar case with his left hand and headed on his way.

A smile broke on his lips when he saw the Mulsanne pull over beside him. He set the guitar case and propped his arms over it and waited for the window to roll down.

“Were you planning to walk with that thing?”

Etsuo grinned. “I was going to take the subway, actually. But now that you’re here, you can drive me over to my apartment.”

“All right, get in,” Izo smirked.

Etsuo let out a smug cheer. He opened the door to the back seat to stuff the guitar in before easing himself into the passenger seat.

“Heard Yasu got back. I didn’t even realize she left,” Etsuo said sarcastically.

Most people would find Etsuo’s tone offensive, but Izo knew he was just being his normal himself.

“Yes. She really loves to travel. She’s at home now bonding with her best friend.”

“Now who is this best friend?” Etsuo asked, his interest piqued.

Izo arched an eyebrow, keeping his eyes on the road. “Since when did you learn how to tease about girls?”

Etsuo grinned. “Since now. Is she your sister’s age?”


“And is she pretty?”

“Are you seriously asking that question?” Izo’s tone in complete disbelief. Wanting to change the topic, “What took you so long to get the guitar?” Izo wondered out loud.

“So why haven’t you told us anything about your business with Sasako?” Etsuo began his interrogation. “We haven’t heard from you since you last went to my place. Sonya’s curious. But she didn’t want to ask.”

“I told her I wouldn’t interfere.”

“And are you not interfering?”

“Of course.”

Izo stepped on the gas when the road cleared.

“Well, good—”

“But I’m keeping a close eye,” Izo interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

“What for? You don’t trust the Jiro guy?”

“I don’t.”

Izo shifted gears and overtook a white Kia Pride trundling at the speed of a bicycle.

“People shouldn’t drive if they’re not going to follow the minimum speed limit,” Etsuo snorted, as he looked back and watch the Kia turn into a dot. “So,” he began again, facing the open road, and then looking back at Izo. “Plans?”

“Just keeping an eye on him.”

Etsuo drew a breath.

“Sasako? Really? Why?”

Etsuo obviously had no intentions of letting the Sasako issue rest and he also didn’t bother to mask the dissatisfied and dumbstruck tone of his voice. Sasako was all right. But… Enormously annoying. Izo gave him a quick glance and smiled a defeated, crooked smile.

A few minutes of casual silence passed.

“And you? How is your new roommate?” Izo asked, his attempt successful at distracting Etsuo from answering the question. Izo decided the topic was futile. And Etsuo wouldn’t understand anyhow.

 “What do you mean how’s my new roommate?” Etsuo knew he didn’t have to be stunned by this question, but he was.

Izo frowned at Etsuo, then looked back at the road. “I mean what’s going on? Did she tell you why she was staying at your apartment?”

“Didn’t she say so already?” It was Etsuo’s turn to frown.

“You really believe that she just wants to be independent?”

“I—“ Etsuo started. “What are you trying to imply? I don’t understand. Should there be any other reason?”

Izo exhaled a long, tired sigh. He chose not to explain and allow Etsuo to learn it himself.

“Why is this suddenly all about me?” Etsuo demanded, suddenly remembering the very recently averted question. “What was your reason for liking Sasako, again?”

Izo gave him a side glance. “I never told you. Look,” Izo removed one hand from the steering wheel and gestured. “I just don’t buy it, all right. Sonya could’ve taken any other vacant apartment.”

Etsuo snickered. “You’re so suspicious about everything.”

“I prefer observant.”


“You should ask her. She’s good at hiding her intentions and what’s in that pretty head of hers, but it only takes an observant eye to piece her together. Like me.”

“Suspicious smart ass.”

Etsuo let out a breath from his nostrils, facing the window so that he was counting every blue vehicle moving past them from the other lane.

March 20, Satuday. 9:55 AM

Guitar resting on the floor. Two Xbox controllers beside it. Several beer cans and a bag of chips littered the floor as well. And there was a small tumbler of…

Kona coffee, Etsuo thought.

The blinds were closed but judging by the light seeping through, it was already daytime.

What time was it? Etsuo squinted and rubbed his eyes. His blurry vision wouldn’t permit him to see the digits displayed on the clock. Where was he? What day was it?

Somewhere near his hips was a dull pain. He felt under him and the gears of his brain slowly turn. He was in his room. He shifted on the futon and found Sonya’s sleeping form beside him, the covers up to her chest. Etsuo’s eyes shot open, all sleepiness lost at the sight of Sonya’s shoulders. And he was only inches from her…

He made a quick inspection of the room.

Beer cans… And his bed was a mess… But he wasn’t in his bed… He was lying down beside Sonya…

Etsuo drew in a sharp breath. What happened? His mind jogged and he urged it to remember.

What the hell happened?

Sonya began to stir at that moment and he stared at her in horror.

Sonya turned on her back and yawned, her arms stretching out of the blanket. She opened her eyes and faced Etsuo. Then she frowned.

“I-I-I—uh… W-well…” he stammered.

“What?” Sonya arched an eyebrow.


“What’s wrong with you?” Sonya looked at her shoulders and found the thin straps Etsuo was staring at. She then frowned at him. “You don’t remember what we did last night?”

“What do you mean, what we did?”

Sonya pulled the covers dramatically against her chest. “How could you not remember?”

Etsuo bolted up and climbed his bed and tried to stay as far from Sonya as possible. He glanced at the beer cans and back at Sonya.

“We were drinking… Talking…”


“I’m sorry… This… I-I was… We were… Probably j-just drunk… And I…”

Sonya sat up, grabbing fistfuls of the blanket against her chest. “But you weren’t drunk.”

Lines deepened on Etsuo’s forehead. He couldn’t remember anything. But why? Did they really…?

“Hahaha!” Sonya pealed, falling flat on her back, the blanket cascading to her stomach.

“What…” Etsuo glared at her.

“Oh my gosh! You really fell for it!” Sonya’s eyes teared up. “Oh my god!”

It was only then that Etsuo realized that Sonya was actually wearing a tank top. He had mistaken the straps for bra straps.

Sonya kept on laughing. “You fell off your bed just before you woke up! I just had to… Hahaha!”

Etsuo glared at her, not really from anger, but more from being fooled. He yelled and jumped at her. She continued to laugh even though he was on all fours, pinning her arms down.

“Ow!” she yelled.

Etsuo lifted his head with a mischievous grin and put her tongue out at her.

Sonya stared in disbelief at the marks on her shoulder then at Etsuo.

“You bit me! You really bit me!”

“Yes, I did,” Etsuo grinned. “You’re cruel, you know.”

“Yes, I am, now get off,” she scowled. Sonya stopped when she was aware that Etsuo was staring down at her.

Sonya suddenly grew nervous, but she didn’t back down from Etsuo’s stare. His head slowly dipped lower.

Slowly, slowly, Etsuo closed their distance.

This was it.

A chance to prove Sasako wrong.

A chance to prove herself that she made a right decision.

 Sonya closed her eyes and waited for his lips to touch hers, but instead, she felt his weight roll off her.


She opened her eyes to the ceiling, a glassy look taking over. She didn’t turn her head. She could see Etsuo perfectly with her peripheral vision. She was surprised that she actually felt frustrated.

But why?

Maybe because she wanted to find out how it’d actually feel… She was, after all, trying. But this was… Sonya breathed out to foil the frustration building in the pit of her stomach.

Sluggishly, she pushed herself up into sitting position with her back to Etsuo, and then sprang up to her feet. She needed a cold shower.

Yes. Maybe that will help.

Etsuo’s hand closed on hers before she got out of the door. She kept her back to him. She wanted to slap his hand away, but decided against it because she was curious what was going on in his chaotic head of his.

Gomen, Sonya. Does it still hurt?”

Before Sonya could answer, Etsuo brushed his lips on her shoulder where he had bitten her. She gasped. Then suddenly his lips were on hers before anything could register in her head. And by the time her brain had kept up, she was still in shock.

It was a strange kiss, yet in a good way. It was… Innocent.

Etsuo’s lips were unmoving and simply locked with hers. Sonya couldn’t help but smile mentally that he didn’t really know what to do. She was no expert either but she knew how to follow her instincts. So she did just that and shyly licked his lips.

And that was all it took.

Sonya’s feet were off the floor in a heartbeat and they were moving. Etsuo never broke the kiss; he was hungry, needy, desperate.

But there was something Sonya felt from his kiss. It was something that awoke from a deep, distant slumber. He held her tighter, never wanting to let go.

For a very quick moment she wondered how long Etsuo had been holding his feelings in, but she forgot all about it the moment she felt the futon under her.

Sonya grabbed locks of Etsuo’s hair as their kiss became more heated, more passionate.

She hung her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Somehow, she felt this way too. Hungry and needy and desperate.

Sonya was kissing him. Etsuo was kissing her.

He’d wanted her for so long and now she was in his arms. His heart was doing flips inside his ribcage. His stomach could have also been doing gymnastic routines for all he cared. How long had he waited for this? Etsuo held Sonya as close as he could hold her and crushed her lips greedily with his. Sonya did the same, caressing the back of his neck; it sent shivers down Etsuo’s spine. He felt his hands travel from her waist to her hips.

Sonya sucked at his lower lip, Etsuo unable to suppress a low growl from coming out of his mouth. Sonya giggled and pulled away slightly. A pained look crossed Etsuo’s face at the sudden loss of contact.

“Did I something wrong?”

Sonya couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, you didn’t, baka,” Sonya pecked his lips and he unconsciously leaned forward for more when she pulled away. “I just never thought you’d be such a good kisser.”

“I am?” Etsuo couldn’t believe his ears, a cocky grin twitching the corners or his mouth.

She nodded. “I don’t know what you were so worried about.”

Smiling, Etsuo explored her mouth and she let him, tangling hers with his in response. He placed her hands over her head and twined his fingers with hers.

Sonya took in all the sensations her body was feeling. She didn’t think. She didn’t rationalize. He just let things happen. And it was a wonder how her tongue and lips were responding to Etsuo’s. She didn’t understand. But this was no time to understand anything.

When Etsuo pulled away from the kiss, he was breathless.

Sonya breathed in. She was surprised that she felt breathless as well. Etsuo was still looking straight at her, taking her in. He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers.

And for the moment Etsuo locked her gaze. Somewhere in Etsuo’s head a past fear resurfaced but he pushed it down because felt something else far stronger. Something more primal. He wondered why he waited so long for this. He was exactly right where he wanted to be.

“Be mine?” he whispered.

Sonya heard a tiny plea in his voice, and it broke her heart. But she didn’t know what to say yet. She didn’t know at all.


Etsuo pecked her lips and pulled away. And again, Sonya was taken aback that she was actually wanting more. So much that she wanted to pull him in and lock his tongue with his. But somehow, her pride got the better of her.

“I’m hungry,” she blurted lamely. It was the best she could come up with because her trusty brain wouldn’t provide anything smart to say.

She braced herself for an argument or a disappointed face at the least, but instead Etsuo sprung back and smiled at her.

“Sure. I’m cooking.”

Etsuo zoomed out the door and Sonya’s head had to keep up with what had just taken place.

Flash of memory. No images. Only emotions.

A tear fell out of Sonya’s eye.

She didn’t know what it was for.

March 20, Saturday 6:30 PM

It was almost dinnertime and Etsuo couldn’t understand Sonya’s logic why she didn’t want him to because he wanted to make dinner for her.

“You don’t have to—”

“Shut up,” Etsuo warned, pointing a pair of chopsticks at Sonya. “I want to.”

Sonya placed a hand on her hips, giving Etsuo a venomous look. “You never say ‘shut up’ to a woman. You’re so downright rude.”

Etsuo set the chopsticks on the counter. Confused at the scolding. “You never complained before…”

“Argh, how am I supposed to explain everything to you, Etsuo?” Sonya asked, her irritation diminishing but her frustration rising.

“No, Sonya. It’s all right,” he sighed. Then he beamed at her. “I just have to learn everyday.”

Sonya opened her mouth to give her opinion but there was nothing. She slumped her shoulders, and allowed herself to sink into the zabuton on the floor. “I expect my dinner to be delicious.”

Sonya watched him.

Etsuo had prepared their breakfast. He also made their late lunch. He wasn’t exactly a good cook, given that most of his “dishes” were ready in three minutes. But Sonya smiled at the thought. He was a good boyfriend when he wanted to be. And he wanted to be one.

Sonya bit her lip.

Had that thought really crossed her mind? Was she now seeing Etsuo in a… romantic way?

She gazed at him and he returned it unabashed. So she also favored him with a smile when he gave her one.

March 19, Friday 10:52 AM

Hideki slammed his head repeated against his pillow, wanting to deal some damage, but of course not really. What he really wanted to do was pull his hair out. It was so much trouble trying to work out his options. He knew what to expect whatever the case. But which one was right? That was the very problem.

Kenoyo seemed somewhat sincere. Was that the fruit of his seasoned acting skills?

If it were some sick popularity scheme… Scratch that. It seemed nothing like that. But he tried to connect the dots. What was Ukita trying to do?

Hideki rolled to over to his belly and dropped his face into the pillow.

Then why go through all the hassle just for one ordinary girl? He shouldn’t have to. Someone of Ukita Kenoyo’s caliber definitely had no problem with women… So why bother with Sonya? What was he trying to prove?

Light bulb.

Hideki turned over and lied flat on his back, feeling the drafty air from the window sweep over his face.

Maybe it was exactly just that!

Maybe with all that fame and money and those good looks… It was not usual for a girl to say no to him… It probably never even happened!


Hideki scrambled up to his feet to get his glasses.

Maybe he was doing this because Sonya rejected him. But then…

There were the photographs. And Umari Nao! The Umari Nao was after Sonya’s neck? When did all of this happen? Was Kenoyo genuinely concerned for Sonya’s reputation?

Stuff like these only happened in the movies.

“That’s it!” Hideki leapt on his bed. “Of course, of course!” He laughed at himself. “My dream was so vivid it felt real! Psh… Kenoyo didn’t come here. I just thought he did.”

Hideki got up to his feet. All this thinking has gotten him hungry.

Then a happy tone played.

“What?” Hideki searched for his cellphone and saw that he had an email.

So, have you thought about it yet?


“Aagh!” Hideki squeaked. “It’s real. Baka baka baka baka baka. What are you gonna do? Baka baka baka baka! It really happened. Why am I convincing myself that it didn’t?”

Hideki paced around his room with his teeth chewing on his lower lip. He stopped when he tasted blood.

“Oh now, what I supposed to do? Help him or not?”

With the cellphone in both hands, he fell back on his bottom with his feet tucked under his thighs.

“Argh,” Hideki grunted.

He drafted out a quick plan in his head and his fingers started typing furiously.

He hit the send icon.

And hoped for the best.

March 20, Saturday. 6:47 PM 

Sonya slurped her noodles, enjoying the warmth flowing down her stomach and a light conversation with Etsuo about modern artists he had seen over the Internet. She picked up a shrimp with her chopsticks and stole a glance at Etsuo.

Sonya couldn’t help her the thoughts running through her mind.

This is going to fast…

Etsuo’s look was incredulous.

“You sound like you want to blame for what’s happening. I’m only following your pace. In fact, I don’t even know what to do next.”

Sonya’s eyes widened. “I said that out loud? I’m sorry,” Sonya sighed. “But that came out wrong.”

“Then what did you mean?” Etsuo propped his elbow on his knee, cocking his head to the side and waited for an explanation.

What he gained was merely a dissatisfying frown.

“I just know that I want you,” Etsuo mumbled.

Sonya felt a sharp sting somewhere in her chest, and her expression showed the strange nonphysical pain. Although to Etsuo, it only seemed like she was surprised.

It was only when Etsuo was reaching out to touch her face that she realized he had taken the bowl and chopsticks from her hands and set it on the table. She flinched by only fraction of a second but Etsuo caught it, so he pulled his hand back slowly.

“Why are you here, Sonya?”

The question was like a blow Sonya never expected. It troubled her that she didn’t know how to answer it.

She spoke, unable to stop herself. “I’m here for myself. And for you.”

She decided not regret being a little too honest that she had intended.

A moment of silence passed.

“Can I kiss you again?” he asked, growing bolder.

Etsuo did not for an answer. He pulled her close and relished the tightness of his arms around hers as he began to explore her mouth once again, just as he did earlier in the morning. But knew his way around this time, still in wonder yet familiar at the same time. His tongue twirled with hers in a way that was both raw and knowing. His forefinger traced the outline of her jaw and he felt Sonya quiver with his touch. Afraid he did something wrong again, he dropped his arms and focused his eyes on Sonya.

“That tickled,” she smirked.

Etsuo grinned evilly at her. “Did it, now?”

He grabbed her and crushed his weight over her and she fell back on the zabuton beside her. Sonya let out a yelp, a smile on her lips. He was about to lean in for another kiss when Sonya’s cellphone rang. Sonya tried to push her way from under him but he didn’t budge.

“You’re not seriously going to answer that, are you?”

Sonya raised an eyebrow at him. “Of course I am,” she frowned. “Now, let me up.”

He gave out a dismayed sigh, but rolled over to his side. Sonya got up from the floor and seized her cellphone on the table. She frowned when she saw what was on the display.

“Who is it? Etsuo propped himself up with his elbows.

“Hideki,” she shrugged.

Etsuo groaned in irritation. He reached out and pulled at Sonya’s free hand. “It’s just Hideki. Ignore him.”

“It could be important,” Sonya said with a stern voice, obviously disapproving of Etsuo’s suggestion. She pushed a button and placed the phone on her ear. “Hideki, what’s up?”

Sonya froze on her spot. She felt that same piercing sting… The doors of her mind opened, slowly allowing her to understand why her heart was beating in a way it shouldn’t now. Not now. But before she could completely comprehend what was unraveling inside her mind. There was nothing but the adrenaline rushing and a wildly pumping in her chest. So wildly that her hands shook. The blabber on the other line continued, but nothing was sinking in, except the fact that he was involved.

“Why?” Etsuo asked. “What’s wrong?”

Sonya didn’t mean to ignore him. She didn’t realize that she had. Etsuo pushed himself off the floor stood up. She hadn’t even realized that she was already on her feet.


She suddenly jerked her head towards him, surprised that someone else was in the room. She pushed a button on her phone and looked at Etsuo, seeing him. Something in her face made Etsuo very anxious. Something was completely off.

“I need to…” She stuttered. “So fast…”

“What’s wrong, Sonya? Did something happen to Hideki?” Etsuo asked as calmly as he could, his heart caught in his throat, his muscles tense.

He didn’t even see her move. One second she was three feet away from him, the next minute she had his face cradled in her palms with her lips pressed against his. Just when he was about to pull her against him, she broke away from the kiss, leaving Etsuo with a terrible sensation of at the pit of his stomach. Sonya eyes screamed an emotion he couldn’t quite get a handle on. It terrified him.

“I have to go.”

“What? Why?” A tiny streak of anger tinted Etsuo’s voice. His heart fell in his stomach.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, watery beads appearing in her eyes. “I’m really sorry.”

Sonya shot for the door.

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