EXO OTP's One Shots Collectio...

By ParkBaekkie

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|ONGOING| A One Shot Collection ONLY FOR EXO's Precious OTP's (MOSTLY CHANBAEK) #41 in Fanfiction - 180225 #4... More

1 - CHANBAEK: The Pink Car
2 - HUNHAN: Like the Old Times
3 - KAISOO: When Kyungsoo is Sick
4 - BAEKHYUN: BaekstagramUpdate!
5 - KAISOO: Are You Jealous or Something?
6 - CHANBAEK: Chanyeol and His Spacing Out Problem
7 - CHANBAEK: Innocent Baekhyun
8 - CHANBAEK: Of Lollipops and Trafficlights
9 - CHANBAEK: Sweet Lies
10 - CHANBAEK: Thinking Out Loud
11 - BAEKSOO: Let's Play Basketball
12 - KAISOO: Ideal Type
13 - SEKAI: That's Why I Like You
14 - CHANBAEK: True Love Weights (Waits)
15 - KYUNGSOO: Welcome to IG
16 - KAISOO: More Than Pororo
17 - CHANBAEK: The Things I Do For You
18 - CHANBAEK: I Hate Romance
19 - CHANBAEK: You and Me Wearing Blue Sneakers
20 - CHANBAEK: Love Me Harder
21 - CHANBAEK: On Top and Underneath
22 - CHANBAEK: Inside and Outside
23 - KAISOO: Sweet as Green Mangoes
24 - CHANBAEK: Call Me Daddy
25 - CHANBAEK: So Close Yet So Far
26 - CHANBAEK: It's Okay, We're Bestfriends, Right?
27 - CHANBAEK: You and Me Against the World
28 - KAISOO, CHANBAEK, BAEKSOO: Tick Tick, Boom Boom, 'Bout to Blow
29 - CHANBAEK, SEBAEK: The Unfaithful One
30 - CHANBAEK: Of Eyes and Ears
31 - KAISOO: Question of the Day
32 - CHANBAEK: The Truth Behind My OTP
33 - CHANBAEK, BAEKSOO: You Slow Down, Then You Speed Up
34 - HUNHAN: One Night's Dream
35 - EXO-K: When Boredom Strikes
37 - KAISOO: I Got A Girl, Kyungsoo
38 - CHANBAEK, HUNHAN: Pink and Blue
39 - CHANBAEK: Of Dentists and Chocolates
40 - HUNHAN: The Broken Crayon
41 - KAISOO: Behind Her Back
42 - CHANBAEK: By The Oak Tree
43 - CHANBAEK: I Got A Girl, Baekhyun
44 - HUNHAN: Notice Me, Senpai
45 - KAISOO: When You Turn Off the Lights
46 - CHANBAEK: Answer Me 2005
47 - KAISOO: I Promise You
48 - SEKAIBAEK : A Part of You, Too
49 - CHANBAEK : All I Want for Christmas
50 - CHANBAEK: To Finish You Off
51 - HUNHAN: I Have Died Everyday Waiting For You
52 - KAISOO, BAEKHAN: The Amorous Brethren
53 - XIUCHEN: A Cup of Your Smile
54 - SEBAEK : I Loathe You
55 - CHANBAEK: The 27th of November
56 - BAEKSOO : Nope, Not Me
57 - CHANBAEK: The Honeymoon
58 - KAIBAEK: Hand Me Your Heart
59 - KAISOO : He Who Never Comes Home
60 - SEBAEK : Baby, Baby, Baby Oh
61 - CHANBAEK : Fail, Fuck and Fall
62 - SEBAEK : Take My Nightmares Away
63 - CHANBAEK : An Analysis of the ChanBaek Moment on EXOluxion in Manila D-1
64 - CHANBAEK : The Hug Syndrome
65 - HUNHAN : Inside This Place Like Hell
66 - KAISOO : Literally Puppy Love
67 - CHANBAEK - Secret Love Song
68 - CHANBAEK : Dating The Baekhyun
69 - CHANBAEK: The Frat Baby
70 - CHANBAEK, KAISOO : One Happy Family
71 - SESOO: Forelsket
72 - CHANBAEK: Right Here Waiting (Part 1)
73 - CHANBAEK: Right Here Waiting (Part 2)
74 - CHANBAEK : Right Here Waiting (Part 3 FINAL)
75 - CHANBAEK : Browser History
76 - CHANBAEK: Fifty Shades of Loey (Part 1)
77 - CHANBAEK: Fifty Shades of Loey (Part 2 FINAL)
78 - CHANBAEK : Take You Home (Part 1)
79 - CHANBAEK : Take You Home (Part 2 FINAL)
80 - CHANBAEK : Avec Toi
81 - HUNHAN : The Gods' Gift
82 - SEKAI : Your Room or Mine?
83 - CHANBAEK : Eleven Fifty-Nine
84 - CHANBAEK : What I Like About You
85 - CHANBAEK : Project EXODEUX (Part 1)
86 - CHANBAEK : Project EXODEUX (Part 2)
87 - CHANBAEK : Project EXODEUX (Part 3 FINAL)
88 - SEKAIYEOL : The Revenge of the Holy Trinity (Part 1)
89 - SEKAIYEOL : The Revenge of the Holy Trinity (Part 2 FINAL)
90 - CHANBAEK : Welcome to OMEGAVERSE!
91 - CHANBAEK : The Butterfly Effect
92 - CHANBAEK : A Beautiful Serendipity
93 - KAISOO : Made in You
94 - CHANBAEK : CB Drabbles #1
95 - CHANBAEK : CB Drabbles #2
96 - CHANBAEK: The Important Stuff
97 - CHANBAEK : Baekhyun's Endgame (Part 1)
98 - CHANBAEK : Baekhyun's Endgame (Part 2 FINAL)
99 - CHANBAEK : Fucking Stalking
100 - CHANBAEK : Love is Not Blind
101 - CHANBAEK : The Universe of Us (Part 1)
102 - CHANBAEK : The Universe of Us (Part 2 FINAL)
103 - CHANBAEK : Till Death Don't Us Part
104 - CHANBAEK : Here Without You
105 - CHANBAEK : Mr. Park and Baekhyun's Love Story
106 - CHANBAEK : A Blessing in Disguise
107 - CHANBAEK : What Happened to Baekhyun
108 - CHANBAEK: Better Late than Never

36 - CHANBAEK: Four Years and Still Counting

23.7K 561 403
By ParkBaekkie

Title: Four Years and Still Counting
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance

Warning: Some cursing, some mentions of sex

Summary: Four months is a long time for Chanyeol and Baekhyun.



There's a wide motherly smile across Baekhyun's face when he throws himself to Kyungsoo who catches him with his gloved hands. Kyungsoo laughs, patting Baekhyun's back who's hugging him and praising him how handsome he is in his white tuxedo.

"I'm very happy for you," Baekhyun says as he releases himself from the embrace. "You're now married to the man you love."

"Yeah, he's the one I've been wanting to spend the rest of my life with."

There's a loud yell coming from Jongin who's now dancing into Touch My Body in front of the Principal Sponsors. They are cheering on him while his whole body is shaking especially his wiggling ass. Kyungsoo slaps his forehead.

"Forget what I said earlier," Kyungsoo groans. "I'm an hour late regretting marrying that idiot."

"Too bad, you already did," Baekhyun jokes, shrugging his shoulders.

"Have you seen him yet?"

Baekhyun quirks an eyebrow. "Who's him?"

"You know who's I'm talking about."

Baekhyun feigns innocence. "I don't know who's that him you're talking about."

A deep-voiced cough startles both males in their conversation. Kyungsoo is the first to lift his eyes up while Baekhyun just watches the newlywed.

"Hey, glad you made it," Kyungsoo says, acknowledging the presence of the tall guy behind Baekhyun who's giving him a cheeky smile.

"Of course, it's your and Jongin's wedding. Why won't I make it?"

Baekhyun chokes in his own saliva, his throat getting dry suddenly hearing that voice. Kyungsoo smiles at Chanyeol, asking him how his life was going on these past months. Baekhyun pretends not to exist.

"It's hard for the most part, really" Chanyeol says chuckling, still talking behind Baekhyun that Baekhyun can feel goosebumps at the back of his neck. "Since I was forced by someone to find a new place to stay miles away from the company--"

"I did not force you," Baekhyun interferes, finally facing Chanyeol with an emotionless face. "You deserve it."

Chanyeol feigns surprise as he looks down at Baekhyun. "Oh, I didn't know you're here. I didn't recognize you."

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow. "It's either you had anterograde amnesia, or you hit your head before you come here."

"It's just you're short, that's why my line of sight couldn't reach you."

Baekhyun scoffs dramatically as he massages his temples. "You know, don't talk to me, okay? You're a bad vibe."

"Excuse you, I was talking to Kyungsoo, then suddenly you just joined in to our happy conversation. Who's the bad vibe here?"

"Oh my god, can you just," Kyungsoo butts in, pressing his both hands against the bickering males' chest. "stop arguing like at quarrelling couple? It's my wedding!"

"We're not a couple--"


There's an uncomfortable silence between the three which is finally broken by a whining Jongin who drags his husband into the dance floor. Laughing, Kyungsoo awkwardly clears his throat and bids his farewell as he slings his arm around Jongin's waist.

Chanyeol fishes out his phone and pretends to play with it, and Baekhyun pretends he doesn't know that he knows Chanyeol is pretending to play with his phone.

It has been four months since Baekhyun slammed the door in front of Chanyeol's face in the middle of the night, before opening it again making Chanyeol to spread a wide grin across his face. The short-lived happiness was erased because of the guitar case, two black luggage and a small cage Baekhyun threw at his ex-boyfriend's feet together with a medium-sized rilakkuma plushie Chanyeol bought for his twenty first birthday.


"Good night," Baekhyun had said that time within gritted teeth, as he painstakingly slammed the door for the second time to a wide-eyed Chanyeol who's pitifully scooping his rilakkuma in his arms. He also picked up his precious baby as he checked for it's potential damage. He saw a tiny crack at the base of his guitar. He glared at the door.


Chanyeol was answered by three tiny whines oh his dog-- puppy on the cage, whom he guessed was not yet fed by his boyfriend-- ex boyfriend, when he was gone for his gig. Chanyeol cursed under his breath.

Chanyeol sighs at the memory. Four years with Baekhyun, four months without him and still counting.

"You didn't have to involve Gayoung in our break up," Chanyeol says, frowning, after a minute of silence with just the two of them standing beside the punch table. "She has nothing to do with it."

"At least you're now with her. I bet you're now happier than before."

"I bet I am," Chanyeol says, grinning as he sees images of Gayoung in his mind. "She's still so lovely and cute."

Baekhyun wants to strangle this man if not for his short height, and bring him to hell where he belongs. How dare this bastard replace him with Gayoung. That. Gayoung? The fuck, Baekhyun's highrise ego couldn't accept that, but well, he's the one who practically dumped Chanyeol, so he's not the one who lost here.

"So how is she?" Chanyeol asks for the sake of their short dying conversation. Baekhyun turns to his ex with an irritated look.

"Taeyeon, I mean."

"Oh, her." Baekhyun's face lights up as if his eyes were sprinkled with pixie dust that Chanyeol wants to take off his eyeball and feed it to his dog. "She's more than okay. She's getting prettier every day I look at her."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "Oh really."

"Yeah. I took her to the mall, and we had these matching red shoes, and we went to the sauna together, and we went to the movies, and we went to eat ice cream, and did all those ROMANTIC STUFF YOU WOULDN'T DO WITH ME BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING BUSY WITH YOUR FUCKING GAYOUNG AND YOUR FUCKING WORK."

"Did you fucking curse Gayoung!?" Chanyeol defends, looking angrily at his ex-lover with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, it's either you're deaf not to hear me with your gigantic ears or you're just fucking dumb."

"You know, Byun. I'm starting to realize why things didn't work between the two of us," Chanyeol fights back that Baekhyun is quite taken aback.

"You're too late to realize that just now, Park," Baekhyun retorts, his hand clenched by his sides. "I already did since the moment I broke up with you. I shouldn't have loved you."

Chanyeol stays silent, drinking in the sting of Baekhyun's words. It does hurt, not only because of the choice of words, but also because Baekhyun's the one who said those. He can see the anger in his ex-lover's eyes, making him to reminisce that those eyes used to look at him with admiration and love.

"It seems like you haven't moved on a bit since I left," Chanyeol says, smirking. "You're still affected by the past."

Baekhyun tenses, averting his eyes off the taller man. "All I have left for you is hate."

Chanyeol knows he's lying. "The same thing goes for me."

Baekhyun knows he is, too.


"Who needs boyfriends in their lives," Chanyeol mumbles exasperatedly as he toes off his shoes, making a beeline to his living room. He plops his tired body on the messy couch, groaning, when he feels a tongue licking at his oily face.

"Yes, baby. You're the only one I need," Chanyeol says while grinning, scooping his puppy-- which is now a dog, against his chest. The fluffy thing wiggles her tail as her owner pats her back soothingly.

"It's you and me again, Gayoung. Just the two of us."

"Woof! Woof!"

"Oh, you're hungry, aren't you?"

"Woof! Woof!"

"Okay, come on, let's eat."

Chanyeol walks to his kitchen with his dog following behind his steps. The animal barks excitedly as she hears Chanyeol preparing her bowl of dog food. Chanyeol smiles, watching how Gayoung turns around energetically as she waits for her food to finish heating up inside the microwave.

"You're so cute," Chanyeol coos, tickling Gayoung's chin with his fingers. The dog leans in to the touch, her eyes are closed while her ears are flopped down cutely. Chanyeol really reminds her of Baek-- ting!

Sighing, Chanyeol gets the food from the microwave and places it on the floor for Gayoung to dig in. The poodle immediately eats her meal in delight, her tail wagging fast in the air. Chanyeol laughs.

"At least he's happy with her, and I'm happy with you," Chanyeol tells his pet who's ignoring him as she eats. "I should move on, right?"

"Woof! Woof!"

Chanyeol wishes that that is a no. He leaves his dog for a while and goes back to the couch, getting his acoustic guitar as he plucks a few chords.


"He's such a jerk," Baekhyun says, typing incoherently on his laptop, his mind blank. The deadline is on Tuesday, and he needs to write another chapter for his editor, but here he is, working on a vacuum document while thinking of a person he no longer shouldn't be thinking of.

"I can't fucking write," Baekhyun says as he massages his forehead, and it's odd that he suddenly misses the instrumental noise upstairs that he used to hate. He closes his laptop and stretches his arms up in the air like a feline from its nap. He rubs the sleep in his eyes, calling Taeyeon to join him on the couch.

"Taeyeonnie!!!" Baekhyun hollers, his eyes scanning the room which still has traces of his ex-lover all over the place. He makes a mental note to throw that blue towel hanging on the chair, and to burn those polaroids pasted on his cream walls.

"Taeyeon! Come here!"

Taeyeon hears Baekhyun's voice so she makes her way to Baekhyun's lap, hopping on the couch with grace. Her red ribbon wrapped around her neck and her red shoes stand out against white fur. She folds her body lazily against Baekhyun's stomach as she stretches her paws elegantly.

"Aw. I really trained you so well," Baekhyun praises his cat, smiling as he pets her fluffy head. "You're really pretty just like me."

"Meow," the cat answers in a flat tone.

"That's right, you should agree with me."

Baekhyun gets the remote and turns on the TV because he's just bored. He flips on the channels and pauses on Channel 67, watching the drama about a child who lost his mother. It's Chanyeol's favorite drama that Baekhyun really finds so exaggerating. Baekhyun wonders at the back of his mind if Chanyeol's aware that the boy has already reunited with his mother.

"Meow," Taeyeon says after the commercial, rubbing her face against Baekhyun's lap. Baekhyun sniffs.

"I'm not crying, okay! I'm just! It's so sad!"


They first met in the spring of April, just like a cliche in a romantic movie where the girl is in a rush then the guy would bump into her in the hallways. The guy would help her to pick up her things, then their hands would accidentally brush against each other over a book.

As overly common as it could be, the same was applied to what happened when they first met. Baekhyun was late for his lit class, running through the hallways until he bumped into a certain giant who's not looking at where he's going. The tall male crouched on the floor, helping the short guy to hastily get his things. Awkward apologies and introductions were exchanged, and Baekhyun bowing goodbye to his new acquaintance with a smile on his face, has Chanyeol standing awestruck between the hallways.

The second time they see each other again was after the school's festival where Chanyeol and his band had played a few songs for the introduction of the program. The guitarist spotted Baekhyun amidst the audience, smiling in recognition when Baekhyun waved his hand shyly. Chanyeol greeted him after the performance, asking if the band looked cool or if the songs were great, and Baekhyun, oblivious and actually not a fan of a music band or music itself, just nodded enthusiastically. The taller got some guts to ask Baekhyun out for lunch with a blush on his face, and Baekhyun is more than happy to agree, so he said yes.

They started dating during the second year of college, frequent study dates and all-nighters before exams were their bonding time. They would go to the movies or dinners after university classes, or parties at night which ended up on making out and a throbbing headache tomorrow mornings. Chanyeol would take Baekhyun to his gig to meet his members and watch him perform, which Baekhyun found uncomfortable and loud. Baekhyun would take Chanyeol to meet his sunbaes, introducing his boyfriend over cups of tea in a peaceful restaurant, which Chanyeol found awkward and boring. Baekhyun was a literature major and Chanyeol was a music major, both have least things in common. But they were in love, and adjustments were made for the sake of each other.

Two years of dating, they started to live together after graduation. Baekhyun picked an apartment near to both of their workplace and Chanyeol bought a car for them to share. He would drop Baekhyun off every morning to his publishing company, before heading to his entertainment agency where he works as a composer. After their tiring works all day, they would share stories at night and lazy kisses until the both of them doze off. They split bills and chores, and established rules around the house. Chanyeol was in-charge of the rent and Baekhyun was on food. Chanyeol does the cleaning and the laundry, and Baekhyun was on cooking and groceries. Chanyeol got a cat for Baekhyun in his twenty first birthday, and Baekhyun got a puppy for Chanyeol in their third year anniversary. They named their pets after their favorite artists, which they disagreed both, but couldn't do anything about it, so they let it be.

Four years of dating and two years of living together, their friends started to settle down and get married. Baekhyun waited, but Chanyeol never acted upon it so Baekhyun stopped. Busy, they'd think. Little by little they would fail to comply their obligations because of work schedules and shortcomings, which resulted into small to bigger fights. Their difference became a problem as well. When Baekhyun preferred silence to write, and Chanyeol has to play his instruments to do music. When Baekhyun wanted to just sleep, but Chanyeol wanted to have sex. When Baekhyun wanted to go to the mall, and Chanyeol was busy with work. When Chanyeol wanted to eat real food, but Baekhyun only prepared ramen. When their pets would fight, they'd also fight. They would end up on shouting at each other and blaming all the consequences they both held responsible of. In the morning they would make up, apologizing half-heartedly with promises of 'I won't do it again' before making love on the bedroom like nothing happened.

But promises are meant to be broken, and misunderstandings and arguments came into cycles that Baekhyun was exhausted. For him, this should stop. Chanyeol had his fair share of tiredness, but he's not giving this up. But what could he do if he was already kicked out of the house and he's too worn out to try to fix things up? He let it be. It's for the both of them, living in separate ways to work on their individual lives after those precious four years of dating which half of it spent on putting up with each other.

Four months neither called, but still checking the phone twenty times a day. Still sleeping on the side of the bed, leaving a space beside them that was left cold. Eating with two plates on the table, one left unused and reasoning it's for the pet who's happily eating on the floor. Claiming 'I'm okay' but pillows are wet from silent tears. Lazing on the bed alone when day-offs, and silently wishing the days would pass by quickly. Four months without kisses and love making, four months without warm hugs and fuzzy cuddles.

Four months without him, and still counting.


"Why don't you just get back together and stop being a bitch," Kyungsoo whines to Baekhyun over a clothing brochure he is reading, flipping on the formal wear page. "Oh! This looks good on Jongin!"

"You already said that for like, twenty times," Baekhyun says, rolling his eyes irritatedly. "All clothes look good on Jongin for you because he's your husband. Even the ugliest ones."

"You're so bitter, Baekhyun. Just like I said, get back togeth--"

"For the umpteenth time, Kyungsoo. My answer will always be a no."

"But why?" Kyungsoo looks up to his friend. "When it's clearly obvious you still both love each other, why not give it another try?"

"It's so complicated. We'll fight and break up again. It's not going to work the second time around. And besides, he looked so happy the last time we saw each other. So I should be, too."

Kyungsoo sighs, turning the page of the brochure again. "Okay, I'm not forcing you. I just want you to be happy."

"But I'm happy with Taeyeon!"

Kyungsoo looks at him weirdly. "You're happy. You're happy with a cat."

"At least she's not a loud, annoying, dumb bastard like someone I knew from the past."

Kyungsoo scoffs. "But that loud, annoying, dumb bastard gave you the cat."

"Don't call Taeyeon 'the cat'! She's not just anybody's cat. She's my beautiful and gorgeous cat! She's a Persian elegant feline, thank you very much."

"You're fanboying over your cat," Kyungsoo sighs, shaking his head. "Just like how Chanyeol worships his poodle."

"Don't speak bad words," Baekhyun says while crossing his arms.

"At least you have that one thing in common." Kyungsoo shrugs, eyeing the buy one, take one pink and blue boxer briefs on the brochure. "Couple underwear! This looks good on me and my husband!"

"Why bother wear couple underwear if you're going to take that off when you have sex," Baekhyun says as he makes a mental note to throw away Chanyeol's underwears his ex left in his cabinet. Those consume space.

"You have a point." Kyungsoo chuckles. "How long it has been since you got laid?"

"You really got the nerve to ask, how dare you." Baekhyun throws Kyungsoo a pillow which Kyungsoo catches while laughing. "I don't need to get laid. I can manage on my own."

"Wow. You survived for four months. It's a miracle."

Baekhyun shrugs nonchalantly. "All you need is a laptop and your own hand."

"Well, that's lonely," Kyungsoo says, patting Baekhyun's kneecaps. "Why don't you go on a club and hook up with someone. Maybe you can, you know, release some tension and get wasted. Have some fun, meet other people and date again?"

"But I'm not yet ready."

"You won't know you're ready if you won't try," Kyungsoo says in concern. "Maybe Chanyeol is doing the same thing, too. Maybe he's now going on with his life and he's no longer like you who's still stuck in the past."

The thought of Chanyeol on a club grinding against a stranger makes Baekhyun want to throw up. Never in his life he had ever imagined Chanyeol with someone, because it's always been him. It has always been Baekhyun, and to Baekhyun it has always been Chanyeol. They are each other's firsts, first love, first kiss, first night, and many other firsts that Baekhyun lose track of counting.

"You're thinking of him again."

Baekhyun purses his lips and covers his face, restraining himself to cry. "Fuck this eyes."

"You can cry, you know."

"It's been four fucking months, I shouldn't cry over this shit," Baekhyun mumbles in a shaky voice. "I should fucking move on. What the hell."

Kyungsoo looks sadly at his friend. "You still love him."

"I didn't stop."

Kyungsoo hugs Baekhyun right then and there as Baekhyun sobs on his friend's shoulder, willing the pain to go away. He's not an affectionate kind of person, he doesn't cry in front of friends or even in front of Chanyeol. But his heart becomes really heavy when he thinks that it's over.

It's finally over.

The moment he closed the door that night, he waited for Chanyeol to knock. He waited behind the door for Chanyeol to call his name, but Chanyeol didn't try. Maybe Chanyeol is also tired of what they repeatedly had for four years.


It's raining.

Why is Baekhyun so stubborn not to bring an umbrella when he clearly heard the weather forecast this morning? Sighing in defeat, Baekhyun tries to block the raindrops on completely soaking his head as he waits for the bus to arrive. He declined Kyungsoo's offer to stay the night, only because he knows the married couple are spending their 'night time' every night and he has no plans on cockblocking them.

"Why is the bus taking so long!?" Baekhyun asks himself, annoyed, as he taps his right foot impatiently. He's aware he's now getting wet but the heck he cares? He just wants to go home and feed Taeyeon and have his slumber.

He can see the droplets of rain getting louder and heavier falling against the concrete, but it's strange he can't feel the effect on his head as if something is shading over him to keep him from getting immersed by the rain--

Baekhyun looks up, blinking, and he is met by a navy blue umbrella that hovers over him that's why he's dry, and a hand holding the handle--

A familiar hand holding the handle.

And the umbrella too, is familiar.

It's his umbrella.

"You forgot to bring an umbrella again."

Baekhyun's breath catches in his throat, looking down on the pavement instead. If it's not for the rain, he already ran away. Having him this close makes him suffocated and oddly warm, that his heart starts to pound in his chest in anger and a little bit of missing.

"How are you?"

It's been four months and four weeks since the last time they saw each other on their friends' wedding, and Baekhyun blames fate why they have to cross each other's way when it's finally over between the two of them.

"I'm okay." I'm not.

Chanyeol chuckles, and Baekhyun hates it.

"Glad to hear that, I guess, I am too."

"That's great." It's not.

The bus arrives, that Baekhyun hasn't even noticed it. Chanyeol has to awkwardly tap his shoulder to let him know the bus is in front of him. Baekhyun pretends he's not affected by touch, boarding the bus with Chanyeol trailing behind him, just like before.

The ride is too long to endure for Baekhyun, especially if his past lover is standing inches beside him. It makes him sick, thinking that there's only a tiny space separating them, but in reality, their hearts are now miles away.

It's Baekhyun's stop and it's time for him to leave. But the problem is, it's still raining, heavier than earlier. He doesn't have any choice but to run under the rain to get into his apartment.

Baekhyun is about to go when a body brushes past him, making his way outside the door of the bus with his opened umbrella to wait for Baekhyun. Baekhyun stares like a deer caught in a headlights as he looks at Chanyeol outside.

"What are you doing still standing there!?" Chanyeol shouts between the loud rain. "Get down!"

Baekhyun comes back to his senses that the driver is waiting for him impatiently. He unboards the bus quickly and shares the umbrella with Chanyeol.

Silence is in the air as they walk to their once shared apartment. Chanyeol is quiet by his side and Baekhyun is thankful for that. He really has nothing much to say if ever Chanyeol asks questions again.

They both stop in front of a door which was the witness of their break up. The door stood in between them that night, Chanyeol was holding the knob but never had the urge to turn. Baekhyun was on the other side of the door, waiting for him to knock.

"I guess I should.. get going."

"Y-yeah." Stay.

"Change your clothes right away. You'll get sick if you wear them when you go to bed."

Baekhyun's heart clenches tight, his eyes sting.

"And don't forget to close the windows. Don't let the rain soak the curtains."

Baekhyun wants to cry, his hands are fisted by his sides.

"Good bye."

Chanyeol steps back and turns his heel around, but two arms wrapped around his torso stop him from leaving. His mouth opens once, twice, but he couldn't find his voice to speak. He feels fingers digging into his shirt, clutching it tight as he feels a head pressed against his back. Chanyeol's heart stops beating.

"S-stay..." Baekhyun buries his nose into the fabric of Chanyeol's shirt. "Don't leave."

Chanyeol closes his eyes, as he releases himself from Baekhyun's hug reluctantly. He faces the shorter male and embraces him, feeling the warmth the other person gives off. Baekhyun breaks into a sob as Chanyeol caresses his back, and Chanyeol swears Baekhyun can hear how loud his heartbeat is inside his chest.


The apartment didn't change to say the least. There's still the blue towel, the polaroids, the mugs, the picture frames and some of Chanyeol's things all over the apartment. Chanyeol takes off his shoes quietly, his eyes tracing for some signs of changes but finds none, and he's somewhat happy about it deep inside.

"Uhm, I'll change my clothes first, just sit on the couch," Baekhyun says without looking directly at Chanyeol's eyes. Chanyeol mutters an awkward 'okay' as he makes himself at home.

"Hi there," Chanyeol greets Baekhyun's cat which gotten fatter than before. She's still fluffy and clean, Chanyeol notices, and it's very Baekhyun at all.

"Meow," Taeyeon answers, aqua blue eyes staring back at Chanyeol emotionless. Chanyeol smiles at her, receiving an angry hiss from the cat.

"You still hate me, don't you?"


"Okay, you really hate me," Chanyeol says as he attempts to pat the cat's head, but Taeyeon shakes her head away.

"Meow," she mewls, her long tail wiggling slow in the air to block Chanyeol's face in her view.

Chanyeol sighs, dropping his hand on his lap instead. Being Baekhyun is not yet done, he looks around for something to dry his hair. He spots the clean laundry inside the basket. Feeling a little familiar, he rummages through it and gets his blue towel. He wipes off his hair with it, smiling when he realizes Baekhyun hasn't thrown away almost all of his stuff.

A cough startles him, so he pauses, turning around to see Baekhyun in hoodies and shorts. Chanyeol drops the towel quickly and averts his eyes off the smaller male.

"I-I didn't mean to uhm, look into your stuff I was just--"

"It's okay, you can use it. It's clean anyway." Baekhyun sits on the couch and scoops Taeyeon in his arms. "You can change your clothes if you like... Your clothes are... still there."

Chanyeol nods. "Okay."

After Chanyeol changes into his comfortable clothes, he goes to the living room and sits on the couch, a distance away from his ex-lover. He clears has throat, uncomfortably dragging his palms across his sweatpants.

"Baekhyun, I-I think we need to talk."

Baekhyun turns off the TV and places Taeyeon on her little bed just beside the couch. When it's all done, Baekhyun goes back to sitting, still not looking at Chanyeol. He swallows the lump in his throat as his heart thumps fast just like the first time he and Chanyeol first met.


Chanyeol coughs, scratching his nape. "O-okay, you go first."

"No, you go first."

"No, you go first."

Baekhyu sighs, biting the inside of his cheek. "I'm--"

"--sorry," Chanyeol finishes.


"--miss you," they both say.

Baekhyun laughs, and Chanyeol finds himself chuckling, too. He inches closer to Baekhyun shyly, and Baekhyun doesn't move a single bit.

"Can we.. try again?" Chanyeol asks, hopefully looking into Baekhyun's eyes. There's a fear in his gaze but Baekhyun's smile makes it disappear.

"Yes," Baekhyun answers, nodding. "I think we should keep trying... because, maybe.. this is not the solution for the both of us. It's.. it's really hard without you."

"It's hard without you, too. Everyday I woke up, I wish you were here with me," Chanyeol says, he holds Baekhyun's hand unsurely, and when Baekhyun doesn't swat him away, he feels more confident. "It proves me right, that the problem is not with you. It is without you."

"Chanyeol, that's... really cheesy."

"But that's what my heart said."

Chanyeol holds Baekhyun's chin and captures his lips in a chaste kiss. "And that's what my heart tells me what to do." He presses a sweet kiss on the side of Baekhyun's mouth. "And that's what my mind has been meaning to say." He kisses Baekhyun's lips again. "That I still love you."

"I love you, too."

"We don't have to count the months passing by since we broke up," Chanyeol says as he strokes Baekhyun's cheek with his thumb. "Because now we're going to count the years we spent and we will be spending more with each other."

Baekhyun smiles, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, but Chanyeol's thumb is quick to wipe off the warm liquid before it falls down to Baekhyun's cheek. Baekhyun cups Chanyeol's face and kisses him again full on the lips that lasted for a couple of seconds.

"Do you want to.. move in again with me?" Baekhyun quietly asks, his forehead pressed against Chanyeol's chin as he plays with the hem of the taller's shirt.

"Only if you let my Gayoung to stay with us," Chanyeol replies with a light chuckle. "She really misses her mom you know that?"

"She's not my child, I'm nobody's mom. And I don't even have a husband."

"Do you want to have one?"

Baekhyun looks up to him, an eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?"

"Marry me."

Baekhyun scrunches his face, lips turning into a frown as he lets out a cry. His balled fists hit Chanyeol's chest as he curses under his breath. Chanyeol panics.

"I-- W-what, why, why why, are you crying!?"

"Fuck you, Chanyeol, I fucking hate you so much!!!" Baekhyun shouts, kicking his boyfriend's leg. "What kind of a fucking proposal is that, not even slightly romantic! I really hate you, you fucking dumb fuck!"

"You should clean your mouth. You curse too much."

Chanyeol cleans Baekhyun's mouth with his lips, pressing a two-second juicy kiss against the soft plump. "Now, that's better."

Baekhyun glares at him and stretches his fingers in the air. "So, where's my ring!?"

"I don't have any," Chanyeol says, shrugging. "I didn't even know we are making up tonight, and I didn't also planned about proposing to you."

"So when are you going to buy me one?" Baekhyun asks, slightly disappointed. "I need a ring."

"Okay, let's make you a ring." Chanyeol forms a tiny circle with his thumb and index finger so that there's a hole inside. He tugs Baekhyun's hand and inserts Baekhyun's finger inside the makeshift ring.

Baekhyun has now his one finger inside Chanyeol's hole.

Both pause at the action.

Their fingers look like--



"This is not--"


Chanyeol coughs awkwardly. "It doesn't look like a dick inside an ass right?"

Baekhyun flushes in embarrassment. "Not at all."

Chanyeol chuckles, removing his hand from Baekhyun's finger. He looks at the clock which is now struck at twelve.



"Happy Anniversary. It is now, isn't it?"

Baekhyun smiles, then he nods. "I thought you'd forget."



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