I Need You

By Lin-Lin232

139 8 3

Can Fate bring two broken hearts together? More

Surprise? No.
It's called Tater Tots, not miniature Hash Browns

A Place Call Home?

28 1 0
By Lin-Lin232


Hi guys!!! This is just quick author note, I wanted to let you know that I'm casting Emily Rudd as Emma Blake Jones. I thought she would be the perfect girl to describe Emma lol anyways..

Enjoy Reading my piglets.


Emma's P.O.V

"Emma." I heard a male voice say. "Emma." Now the person was shaking me. "Wake up Emma." It sounded irritated. I mumbled.
"Five more minutes, mom." I hear the door open and then close. Yayy I can sleep in peace. But I said that too soon. I instantly wake up, because the car door was being open. I gasped.

  "See this is what happens when you don't wake up." Dayton told me. "Well you could've carried me." I scowled at him. "But you will be missing out." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He doesn't say anything a lot but instead takes a step back. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Is this even real. I was looking at the hugest mansion in the world. And yes I said hugest, and I don't even care if it's not a real word, cause I'm using it anyways.

"I-I-I live here??" I looked up at Dayton. He looks down at me and smiles. "Yeah you do, and my family also lives here too." He said.

  I looked him with no expression on my face. I can not believe my dad owns a huge mansion. But now that I think about it, if he had all this money, why couldn't he help me out when I need him. My facial expression changed automatically. I was angry, my hands were balled into a fist. I wanted to scream and cry, but I know that wouldn't help.

  I calmed myself down and smiled at Dayton. "Well it's nice to know that you live here."

  "Ha-ha yeah... Oh I almost forgot to tell you since you're going to be living with us, your father enrolled you to my high school." He told me, as we began to walk towards the house.

"Really? What school am I going to? Also is it a private or public school?" I asked him. "The school is called 'St. David Academy' and it's a private school, meaning you are going to wear uniforms." Dayton said giving me a small smile.

  "Ok great, thanks for letting me know." I smiled. "You're welcome." He smiled. "Alright well let's go, cause we are late by 10 mins." He grabbed my stuff from the back.

  "I'm sorry, but exactly are we late for?"

  "Your dad didn't tell you?" I shook my head. "Well we are late for your welcoming party!" He said with excitement.

  "Oh." How come dad never told me, or should I say text about. I could've worn something nice, instead of looking like this!

"Well then lets go."

  We walked to the front door and automatically the door open. "Welcome Ms. Jones." A lady said. I'm guessing she is a maid from what she is wearing.

  "Emma, this Rosa, she is our maid." Dayton smiled. "Hi." I awkwardly waved. "Oh, come in dear. I've been waiting to meet you." The ma- I mean Rosa said. She had a really thick hispanic accent.

  She grabbed my hand and took me inside. Rosa lets go of my hand. "Come on dear, I want to show you your room." I examined the house. It was big and fancy. Way to fancy. I don't like it. I see Rosa going up the stairs and I ran to catch up to her. I didn't want to get lost.

  We stopped right in front of the door. "Okay dear this is your room." She smiled and opened the door. My eyes widden. My room was really big. I mean it is probably a size from the kitchen to the living room. That big.

  "We left it plain because we didn't know how you wanted your room. Now that you're here you can let us know about it, ok?" I nodded. "Well I'm gonna leave you here alone, so you can settle in." She smiled and left.

  I walk towards the bed and sat down. This bed is so comfortable, but I prefer my old bed. I know I sound a bit rude about it, but moving from a small house to a big one is a lot to take in, I'm just not ready for the big changes.

  I sighed. I got up from the bed and started to explore the room. There is a mirror right in front of the bed. Above the mirror were some cute lights hanging. There's also a window with that little sitting area where you can think. You know what I mean, right? I walked a bit more and saw a door which leads to the closet. A walk-in closet. It's really big. I mean it's bigger than mine ever was. I then found another door, but that leads to the bathroom. One word. Fancy.  I walked out the bathroom and heard a knock. I open the door and saw Dayton.

  "Hey, I came to bring your box." He smiled. "Oh thank you." I grabbed the box and set it down next to the bed. "Oh and your dad sent me here to go down to the living room. You know for the party." I nodded.

  Right when I was about to close the door, Dayton came back. "Wait I almost forgot." He stopped. "It was suppose to be actually a surprise party, but I didn't know. So can you please act 'surprise'." He asked. "Sure thing." I told him. "Ok great. I'll see you downstairs." He walks away, and I closed the door to get ready.

  All I did was fix my hair and did a French braid. Then Changed my shirt into a cute one. I left the room and try tried to find the living room. "Dayton?" I yelled out. I was calling him cause I needed to know where room was. That is until I heard this.



Hi! I'm back lol sorry the chapter was short but at least I wrote something. Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Oh and I forgot to tell you to check out my friends new book called "The Princesses' Marks"

anyways see you next time byeee.

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