We can fix it [Larry Stylinso...

By niallsnotonfire

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Harry is just another normal teenager, but the fact that he's gay caused him a lot of trouble. Nobody knows a... More

Chapter One - Read all about it
Chapter Two - Dealing with pain
Chapter Three - The talent show
Chapter Five - Bloody feeling
Chapter Six- Not what I expected
Chapter Seven - The other side of me
Chapter Eight - Special bond
Chapter Nine - Just a mistake..

Chapter Four - The stranger

277 12 18
By niallsnotonfire

What? What does she mean by 'X Factor'? I'm not going to audition anywhere, I hope she know's that. Hahaha. Me? No, no, no. This is so wrong. I don't understand how she decided that we should go to London so.. out of the blue.

"Mum, I'm not going anywhere! What's wrong with you?" I regret it the second i say it. I shouldn't have shouted like this. 

"Ohh, Harry.. It's just that.. I talked to Aaron and he said it would be a great opportunity. I have some business problems to solve there, too. But if you don't want too audition.. I'll understand."

"Fine." I was really angry, but I don't know why. They deciding on a road trip or maybe I was just .. too scared to try. What if this is my only shot and I miss it? Should I do it? I'm too angry to think right now. I get my phone and text Aaron.

"Hey, what were you and my mum talking about???"

It doesn't take him more that 30 seconds to reply. "Yeah, sorry about it mate. But, before denying, can you at least consider trying?"

NO! I mean.. I know it will turn out bad. I don't wanna be embarrassed in front of so many people. But, what if they'll like me? Maybe I can even.. get a bit popular. Maybe I'll have a chance to do what I like. I have to stop living with all these questions! I have to go there and do what I know best! I start typing a reply to Aaron: "You know what? Let's do this!"


"Mum, turn off the radio!" I don't really enjoy radio music. They just repeat the same tracks over and over again. It's getting a bit annoying.

"Yeah, sure Harry."  she sounds like she is about to say something else. She clears her throat and the asks me if I'm nervous. Really, mum? 

"Urm.. yes, a bit." A bit? I can literally feel my heart exploding inside my chest and we're not even there! 

"You though about what you want to sing?" 

"Yes, actually. I think I'll do 'Isn't she lovely'.."

"Oh.. Stevie Wonder, then. I think you'll be great!"

I smirk a bit and then continue to stare at the window. Trees appear and disappear so fast, that I feel my eyes getting so heavy. I fall asleep immediately.


"Harry.." I hear a soft voice calling my name. "Harry, wake up." I open my eyes and see my mum getting our bags out of the car. I open the door of the car and get out. There is something different.. the air, i suppose. It's not my first time to London, but I was younger then and I don't remember too much about it. I take my bag and start going to a big building in front of me. My gran' is closing a door and running  towards me. I am so happy to see her, that I just leave my bag on the ground and give her a huge hug.

"Oh Harry.. Look at you!" Oh, I've missed gran'. I've always appreciated her, maybe because she lives here, alone, but she's always able to make you feel so loved and comfortable around her. Everybody respects her here. And I love her for that.

My mum says we are going to X Factor tomorrow, and I just give her a nod. Tomorrow is the big day. I decide I should get myself ready, so I take my laptop and headphones off my bag and start singing my audition song. I know I should try without my headphones, so I sing it again. Does it sound right? I guess it does, otherwise people wouldn't have applauded. 

I go to dinner and listen to everybody's stories about everything. My mum tells gran's about me and my school, and then she tells her about one time when we were having guests and I accidentally spilled hot chocolate all over me when I tried to avoid a kid running. Hahaha, so funny, mum. Don't stop joking. After eating dinner, I decide to go to sleep early, so that I won't be tired tomorrow.


It's 5 AM. I can't sleep anymore. I go straight to the bathroom and take a quick shower. When I get out, I hear voices in the other room, meaning that I'm not the only one up. And I was right. My mum and my gran' were both up. My sister was still sleeping, though, but not for long. 

"Oh, Harry, you beautiful boy" ohh, gran'.. "are you excited for today?"

"Yes," I answer. "I guess I am."

A bowl of cereals, two eggs and a big sandwich are the perfect breakfast. I eat really fast and then go to get dressed. Nothing special, just a white T-shirt, a grey sweater, a green scarf and some brown pants. My mum comes in my room and tells me not to be nervous and that I'll be great. I try to look confident and I guess I succeed. 

"Come on, Harry. We need to be there in time."


Oh. no. It's happening. This is really happening! I go to a desk where the woman who is supposed to give me a number or something is sitting. She hands me a "165998" plate followed by a shy smile. I soon arrive in a room full of so many people and that causes me a mental breakdown. My hands are all sweaty and my hole body is shacking.

"Harry.. you OK?" my sister, Gemma, asks me.

"Urm.. yeah.. I'll just go to the bathroom. Excuse me.." I am in front of the bathroom door in less than five seconds and then enter. I go straight to the sink, wet my hands and my face, while staring at my reflection in the mirror. I stay like this for a while and then decide to return to my family. I am about to get out, when I bump into someone. I reflexively say "sorry" and then look up to see the guys face. I freeze. I've never met this guy before, but I feel like I already know him. He has some beautiful big eyes and I almost got lost in them.

"Hey, its not your fault" he answers to my innocent 'sorry'. "You nervous?" he asks me before I can say anything.

"Urm.. yeah, a bit." My heart is beating so fast but I can't do anything about it.

"Well, don't be. I'm sure you'll do great." I don't even know him, but he is so cute and his voice so soft, that I decide to simply nod and smile. I am about to get out of the bathroom when I hear him again.

"I'm Louis, by the way." He looks so confident, which is exactly what I'm not. 

"I'm Harry.. Harry Styles."


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