Never Forget [book one]

By HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... More

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Forty-Eight

17.4K 250 22
By HoraaanHuggs

Chapter Forty-Eight~

Rosaline's POV:


Well... I was not informed about this. As a matter of fact, it didn't quite matter whether I knew or not, I... I just felt that I should have been told earlier? I don't know.

Louis and Zayn sat there nonchalantly talking about girlfriends, and tours, knowing that Addison and I were now... Hurt?

Niall was tensed, and I think he'd sensed my uneasiness. I left; but unlike in the movies, I closed the front door behind me softly, rather than making a scene, and dramatically slamming the door until I wouldn't have even been surprised if it came off the hinges.

I had a cardigan on, but the fabric was so thin, it didn't resolve my freezing. My legs had goosebumps up and down then, But I wasn't going back inside. What for? For everyone to see my weakness of Niall leaving me... Again? No.

Not gonna happen.

"Everything alright, baby?"

No. No. No.

I was walking on the curb, but instantly spun around at the callousing voice that once told me it was okay, but ended up forcing into sex. The one who was my bestfriend's ex-boyfriend. My stalker. The one that scared me, but claimed he loved me. To sum it all up; My rapist.


Tears had fallen from my eyes from the tour situation, but now more glided down following in response of my new situation.

He only chuckled, "Stop what?"

With that, he took a step closer.

"What am I doing, Rose?"

Niall could probably wipe that smirk off his face. But he wasn't gonna. Because I wasn't going back... Maybe I am stubborn. But my decision was final. I wanted to go home. My real home that I'd been living in for a few months since moving to London.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I buried my face in my hands, crying.

Stupid thing to do rather than to run. But apparently I am just that stupid.

"What am I doing?" He asked again, but this time gripping my forearms.

"I wanna go home," I tried pulling away. "Let me go."

He didn't budge, so I tried using manners... "Please, James..."

There was no such hope. James started pulling me away into the empty street, and we walked down it. I prayed to god that he was only taking me home. But then again, Hope wasn't my best bet.

"Rosaline?!" I heard my name yelled from a distance. And my heart lurched with hope, just to run back into his arms again. I wonder how he felt seeing me with another guy... disgusted with me probably. But James had a tight grip on me.

The street lights flicked on in a domino effect from one end of the street to the other, and then I looked back in search to see the blonde. He probably saw me smirking as I strolled down the street with James, but in all honesty, I was pouring my eyes out.

His face was clouded because of the tears, and distance that I could only make out the half vibrant silhouette, and indeed that was definitely Niall. I wonder if his face held a horrid expression, or even a broken one.

I tried registering that but I was being dragged away. I about opened my mouth to scream a help or something to him, when James leant in to whisper in my ear, "Scream, and I'll kill you right on the spot babe. Your choice."

Might I mention that he had a knife, only this time it was pressed to my ribs? Well, yes... I did... And no.

I didn't wanna die and especially not with Niall looking over here.

I closed my mouth, wiped my cheeks of running makeup and tears, and just then we continued walking.

After this, if I make it out alive, I'll tell someone... Otherwise, all I could do is listen.


It broke my heart, and I just wanted to crumble after hearing a crack amongst his voice, but I suppose it might have been because of distance that he was yelling.

I didn't look back after we were about to round the corner on the street. "Please, take me home."

"You're gonna go home, babe."

"Now!" I screamed through tears.

I'd just lost my grandma, I was raped, and stalked... Nowadays all I did was cry... And I was starting to think that I would run out of tears soon, and my eyes would fall out of their sockets.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd never hurt you..."

Says the guy who was currently holding a knife up to me.

Says the guy who's fresh out of high school and a rapist. He hurt me physically and mentally... I'd wake up with horrible dreams because of him. I missed when Niall would wake up to comfort me.

James' smirk made me wince.

We'd stopped a few blocks more, a place I hadn't been, but nothing out of the ordinary... Just another street.

He put his knife away, pulling out a cigarette, and a lighter.

When a puff of smoke hit my face from his mouth, I stumbled back slightly and coughed dramatically, then as an attempt to pull me back towards me, James grabbed ahold of the necklace Niall had given me, and yanked it off.

I yelped in pain, causing his lips to curl inward to stifle a laugh. Tears gathered in my eyes as my hand immediately touched the back of my neck. A bright yet dull red liquid trickled down my neck, and onto my fingers.

"Back away if you want," he looked around everywhere but at me. "I'll find you, and get you where I want. You won't make it very far."

I was a chicken, and if I attempted to run, I'd no doubt end up tripping over air, and he'll rape me again, kill me, and leave me in an alley.

Maybe he'd even make my death look like an accident.

"I wanna go home." My crying had sobered about two blocks ago, but now my eyes held unshed tears. "Please."

I could say please a million and one times, and he wouldn't dare listen to a worthless peasant like me. Not in a million years.

He took a few more puffs, then threw the reefer on the ground with a sigh, and the roll of his eyes, ending it with a stomp of his foot. "Fine."

I did take notice in him throwing my necklace down on the pile of cig ashes and stomping on it several times. When I was going to pick it up the crushed metal flower and diamonds, his stern yet humored voice stopped me, "Pick that shit up, and you'll be joining it." The threat seemed legitimate enough.

That street that he was smoking on, was where his truck was parked on the corner.

In the car, he had a lock on my door, so that I couldn't escaped which scared me half way to death. But in the end, he had a choice whether to take me to some other place than requested, or to take me home.

I didn't think he'd actually take me home, but in the end, he did... And maybe he didn't hurt me this time, but he surely would, some other time. Eventually.

It confused me how James was. Sick, yes I know. But he was lost, mental, a psycho, and needs help; I think.

Once we were outside my house, we sat in the driveway for about ten minutes, until James finally decided that he wanted to let me out. He had nothing to say, yet he kept me captive. My back was tensed and fingers digging into my thighs. His hands loosely gripped the steering wheel, the car still on. But when I heard the latch of the car door, it was like music to my ears. I jumped out the car, and sped up the drive way.

Unfortunately, he went up after me. 

Fortunately, the front door was opened, because I don't think I would have made it inside.

But then I stood corrected. At the exact moment when my hand had managed to get the door cracked open, a bigger hand lapped over mine, and pulled the door closed again.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I was slammed against the cold, wooden door. 

"No." I groaned from the back pain now added to list of minor injuries. My cheek faced him as I tried to avoided his breath.

His breath trickled over my exposed neck. "I'm pretty sure you forgot something."

Both of my wrist were pinned to the side of my body. James then pulled both of my wrist into one of his big hands, the other big hand glided across my left thigh, and lightly grazing my crotch, over my covered stomach, to my breasts, all the way until he got to my jaw, redirecting it to face him harshly.

"Goodnight, babe. I'll see you real soon. Sooner than you think.'

I huffed in his face, holding my breath from the stench of his breath.


His lips grazed mines, then they were thirstily pressed to mine. The worst 30 seconds of my life.

Following the horrible experience, my wrist were leg go, and I was watching his back. When I found myself rather free, I stumbled backwards into the door.

Niall had taught me to lock the door, so I was gonna have to teach my parents to do the same.

"Rose, is that you?"

"Yes, Daddy." My voice cracked, and I mentally cursed myself. The TV in the living room was on, but I could also hear cupboards in the kitchen, so either he'd went to get a snack during the commercials, or he wasn't alone. "I'm gonna go sleep. Night."

"Alright, love. Sleep well."

I cursed under my breath, replaying today's scenarios over.

My mouth was dry with thirst, my stomach empty of hunger... But I couldn't bare facing my dad with puffy eyes. I'll eat in the morning, if my appetite was still up for it.

I felt too lazy to change out of my clothes, so I only kicked off my shoes.

When I hit the sheets, I felt like texting Niall, but then again I don't think I could face him, whether in person or not.

But instead my phone coincidently rung with a text. I'd forgotten I had my phone in my back pocket.

"Please, be Niall," I thought.

But instead, it was Addison. I can't say that I was as disappointed... I needed to talk to her anyway.

 'How are u?x'

'I'm home now. Tired. But I think good. U?'

She then explained how her and Harry worked things out, and now everything was perfectly fine.

Out of nowhere, I humored myself just thinking about Harry and Addi.

I realized that she was a whole year older than him. Like Niall was a whole year older than me. Not that it mattered. But then after I received another text, making my humor ended.

'Niall's sulking :('

"So what?" I thought... "So am I."

I have a very cold soul. All of a sudden too.

As long as I didn't say it aloud or to anyone; my statement wasn't harsh.

A tiny breeze hit my face making me shiver; I hadn't realized the window open.

Someone was definitely in here earlier. Probably Mum.

I shut it, and could help but look for James. It felt like he was standing outside my window though It was located on the second floor. I shook it off, then climbed back under the duvet, finally replying to Addi.

'Oh...' There really was nothing to say. 'Well... I think I'm ready to talk about the R-Thing. ):'

Then she shot me questions in several texts, practically spamming me.


'What? ;o Can't I be worried about ur ugly ass?'

'No.' I jokingly text back.

'Well answer this, and then I can go with u to do this tomorrow.'

I didn't reply as I waited for the question. Two minutes later, she text me again.

'Who did this to you?'

James. But I couldn't find it in me to type those 5 letters. Even though she was dating Harry, wouldn't that be a slap to the face? Her ex and her bestfriend?

I settled with: 'I'll tell ya tomorrow. x I'm drained. I love u. <3'

She was probably thinking something like: "This bitch can type a whole text explaining that she's going to sleep, but her ass can't just simply write one name? Wow."

But it didn't bother me on bit... I wasn't losing any sleep.

'Alrighty. Na'Night Rosiiie.<33'

My heartbeat stuttered when I saw the I's in my name, reminding me of Niall.

I wanted to text him still, but then I settled with doing a little... Erm... Stalking?

Yeah. Stalking. You can say that.

Instead of going to sleep like I lied to Addi, I scrolled through my apps until I found the twitter app.

Rosaline, you're a douche to your boyfriend.

No, that wasn't hate from a fan... It was hate from myself.

I searched Niall's name and went on his profile.


His last tweet was 27 minutes ago... It was a picture, but I didn't bother looking at it.

But I did see my Twitter username tagged in it; @RosiieKendall.

It made me upset. I'd treated him bad, and he didn't change how he felt towards me.

All I did was tweet him a dumbass heart, but for all I know, he could have tweeted a picture that said, "You're a bitch." Or it could've been a picture of us.

@RosiieKendall: @NiallOfficial <3

Then I decided to skip the reading the 'Mentions' bit, and go to sleep.


"Why aren't you gonna tell your parents?"

Why? Well they'll never look at me the same! They'll disown me, then put me out. And the thought of my dad knowing that I'd had sex was even weirder.

"Please. Just don't tell them."

"I won't." Addison promised, shaking her leg in a fidgety movement.

I was thankful for that, and that she didn't ask who again.

"What if I have Aids?" I frowned.

"Or STDs, or HIV." Addison gasped.

"Way to help," I thought.

Then she gave me a dry laugh as though she'd heard my last thought. "I'm kidding. How about we go to the doctor, and take some tests? You're old enough to go without parent's permission now. Then we'll take it from there."

That wasn't a bad idea.

My parents ended up going somewhere, so I had no choice but to include Sophia into coming with us to the doctor.

I just wondered if she'd recognize where we were when we got to the doctor, because sometimes she does tend talk a lot, and she would rat me out.

I could make the boys babysit her, but I didn't wanna stop by to face Niall. No sir'ee. They probably had rehearsals anyways.

My car was in the garage, and I hadn't actually seen it in person. Buuuut... My key to the car was packed up in my boxes, so I didn't even bother.

So we ended up using my mum's car behind her back, since they'd left in my dad's car. Technically she shouldn't be mad if she finds out, because after all, she did leave her keys just laying around on the counter, as if giving us permission.

Addison drove, because my body was too nervous to do much.

When we got there, My hands were completely trembling. Addison took Sophia out of her carseat, then shot me a sad smile.

The lady at the desk needed proof that I was of legal age, but I hadn't brought my ID.

"If I'd known, I would have brought it." I told Addison.

The lady just looked at us with pity.

Addison just stared at me for a second, then gasped in remembrance, as she set Sophia to her feet.

"One second." She pulled up Google, tapping on her phone for a few seconds before facing the screen to the lady behind the desk.

I peered over, trying to see the phone screen.

Addison had Googled, "Niall Horan's Girlfriend's biography."

And sure enough, my information was there, my age, and birthday, sibling(s), highschool, birthplace, all of it.

They even had my favorite color, which was wrong though. My favorite color isn't pink... It's green. Tsk.

At first the woman looked at us skeptically... Then she smiled, handing me a clipboard with papers that I was to fill out. "Fair enough."

"Thank you."

Sophia went off playing with the toys that they had in the far corner of the waiting room for kids.

Addison sensed my trauma, and took the clipboard to fill the things out for me, so that all I had to do was put my signature.

About 30minutes later, a nurse came in calling my name, saying that the doctor was ready to see me.

The whole testing thing consisted of weird and uncomfortable things, using that raped kit thingy, and looking in some cray cray places.

I give you my word, that was the worst 3hours of my life. And I bet it was the same for Addi in the waiting room, unless she'd left and came back.

They told me that they wouldd send the results from whichever I preferred; Mail or Call. I chose mail, because what if my phone was out of service, or better yet, if I could hear them correct? A hard copy was better. And luckily mail always came in the afternoon when my parents weren't home.


Addison's POV:

God, if you can hear me, please let Rose be clean of any diseases. I swear, I'll change if she is clean.

"I'm tired." Rosaline complained from the passenger's seat.

She must've really been stressed, she did need sleep.

When the blonde lady gave her the papers to sign, I saw in her glass green eyes that slowly turned gray, that she was nervous, scared, and hurt all in one. I had filled it out for her, and in place of her address, I put my address. I wanted to know before her, and I knew her parents would read her mail... My parents are never home, so it wouldn't matter for me. She'd thank me later.

I didn't want her to stress so I asked her if she wanted to do anything today.

Sleep was her only answer, so I dropped her off at home, leaving the car at her house, and took a cab to the guy's house.

Poor Rosaline.

And poor Niall... He needed to know. And they really needed to take advantage of the the next week or so, because they'd be going on tour and she wouldn't see him until about the the end of the year. A few months...

Niall sat in his room, sulking, and at one point I did go and check on him when Harry was in the shower, but he only shrugged me off. His door was closed, but I could still hear him sniffing. And through the walls you could hear his guitar strumming from Harry's room, but eventually it'd stopped when Sophia, Louis, and Zayn were loud downstairs.

I saw that they'd tweeted about each other, but I honestly don't think they were directed towards each other. They probably didn't even text each other, but who am I to judge? No one.

When I heard the shower stop, indicating that Harry was done freshening up, was when I stopped thinking about my bestfriend, and my boyfriend's 1 of 5 bestfriends.

Less than a few minutes later, Harry came out of his bathroom wearing everything but a shirt. I admired his many tattoos. We were going to get matching tattoos, but the day had been about Rosaline, not him and I, so we didn't.

He smiled brightly revealing his dimples when he saw me staring at him. God, this was one sexy boy...

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