Does It Ever Really Completel...

By MeromeIsFriend

10.1K 382 277

Read to find out. (Trigger warning: If you get triggered by suicide, death, and self harm, then I would go to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

598 27 30
By MeromeIsFriend

(Lachlan's POV) I bet you didn't expect that. Did you?

"Mitch has been acting strange lately, is there something wrong? He hasn't made a new video on his channel." I tell Jerome over skype.

"Yeah, but I can't say why. I'm sorry it's personal." Jerome replies, in a sad tone.

"Like Merome personal, or personal personal?" I ask him another question.

"Sadly yes, and I don't think I can make it over there." Jerome says a little more confidently.

The room fell silent. That is until I spoke up again. "How about all of us come down there?" I ask as soon as I thought of it.

"That could work, we can surprise Mitch! Is should make him more happy!" Jerome says all excitedly.

I mean it is a good plan, and hopefully it will make Mitch's personal thing better! I wonder what it could be?

(Mitch's POV)

*5 days till suicide*

I woke up and rolled over. "Owww." I yelled, but immediately bite my lip. I hope that Jerome didn't hear me. I listen closely to hear if there is anyone moving. To my surprise there was nothing, Jerome was still asleep. He didn't wake up!

I got up out of bed, still not fully awake. I walked over to the bathroom, opened the door and walked in. I stumbled a little. "Man I have to take a shower." I mumbled as I got a whiff of my armpit.

I turned on the shower cautiously, because I really didn't want to wake the sleeping bear. aka Jerome. If he is sleeping, let him sleep. If he is awake, let him roam. I touched the water that was coming from the shower head to test it. A little too cold, so I turned it up a little more. Too hot. "Seriously, I hate it when this happens." I say frustrated with the water, knowing that Jerome can't hear me over the sound of the rushing water.

I felt the water again. "Perfect!" I say in a relieved low tone. I went pee, and was about to get into the shower. That is until my mind started to play its famous mind tricks on me.

(Italics=mind Regular=Mitch)

"You forgot something."

"No i didn't."

"Yes you did... You know you want to." My mind started to taunt me.

"Oh that." I say a little sad. Why am I sad? I want to do it. No. I have to do it.

"Good boy Mitch, now grab it and get in there."

Once I grabbed my still trusty razor it stopped. The voice in my head just went silent. I was still a little surprised, even though it always does once it gets its way. If it doesn't get its way, well it will keep on bugging me for as long as it takes.

I was in the shower, and almost ready to begin. Then thought back to Jerome, and when I showed him my cuts and scars. I can still see his tear stained cheeks, and puffy eyes. It hurt me to think back to it, but it gives me something to get my mind off of what I was physically doing.

I placed it against my wrists. I pulled it sideways, going slowly at first. The little surge of pain isn't enough. I made another slash. It was longer, and it got a little deeper. I made about three more, and just stopped. I was just admiring the flowing blood.

Everybody has there own way to cope with emotional pain. Everyone deals with it differently. Some talk with people that they know for sure live them. Others take it out own themselves with knives, razors, cigarettes, ect.

"I think the blood is cool. The way it moves. The way it flows. It's just miraculous." I whispered to myself. I dig the blade into my skin a few more times. I continue watching as the blood dripped and drizzled down my wrists, and hitting the white tiled floor. "Shit" I mumbled, running my wrists under the cold water. I then grabbed a already red towel, and continued to clean the blood from the tiles.

After I was done cleaning up I decided to for back to bed. I looked at the clock, 8:09 AM. That didn't last for long. After about 10 minutes of sleeping Jerome came into my room, without me knowing.

"Miiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, biiiiiiiiiggums, time to wake up." I looked at the clock. It read, 8:19 AM. Seriously only 10 minutes.

"No... I want to go back to bed." I told him, still tired.

I eventually go up after about another 10 minutes of arguing. Jerome made a salad for bbreakfast. He told me I had to eat some of it. At least I can tolerate the lettuce. So I ate a little bit of it. It wasn't all that bad.

*Time skip to the next day*
(Still Mitch's POV)

*4 days till suicide*

I woke up again to Jerome yelling the same thing into my ear. I ate the same thing as yesterday. Salad, but I took out the lettuce. I didn't puke it up, and that was the part I didn't get. How was I eating it and not having to puke right after I consumed it.

I started heading towards the bathroom. (They have 3 bathrooms in this. Jerome's in his room. Mitch's in his room. And one more between the kitchen and living room. Mitch is talking about the one near the kitchen and living room.)

"Hey Mitch, where are you heading?" Jerome asked obviously noticing that I was heading in the direction of the bathroom.

"I'm not going to puke, if that's what you want to know. I don't need you to worry about me every single second, of every single day." I tell him a bit to defensive.

"Okay, okay. Just don't do anything that you will regret later." I mumble back an 'okay' and continue in the direction of my bathroom. I wasn't going to cut either. I just really had to go pee.

1013 words for the actual chapter, not including this author's note.

Okay so there will be a couple more time skips. Sorry, but when The Park comes over to Jerome and Mitch's house, that is when the fun begins.

Will Jerome give Mitch a heads up, that The Pack is coming to there house?

Will Mitch go through with his plan?

Will Mitch's plan be delayed?

Will the rest of The Pack find out about Mitch?

Will Mitch actually die, if so what will Jerome think?

Stay tuned for what will happen. I already know. *Evilly smiles, and devilishly laughs*

Sorry for the long authors note. Remember tell me when you want the update, and why. I always love what you all say, I just wish more people would. If you few are all that will step up and say something, be that as it may. I applaud you few for how nice you are.

I will update soon, most likely. But that is up to you.

P.S This authors note was almost 200 words. Oops.

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