Huntress or Wolf

By ashh__bashh

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"I'm going to teach you to obey your Alpha you little mutt." This made my blood boil and I could feel my wolf... More

Chapter 1: Mama Bear's Mission
Chapter 2: Mission in Action
Chapter 3: Panic
Chapter 4: Camping
Chapter 5: Greetings
Chapter 6: Into the Pack
Chapter 7: Chemistry
Chapter 8: Poisonous
Chapter 9: Only Dreaming
Chapter 10: There's a War Outside
Chapter 11: The War Keeps Raging On
Chapter 12: Captured
Chapter 14: Hello?
Chapter 15: Dancing in the Moonlight
Chapter 16: Mission for Two
Chapter 17: Disaster leads to Fear
Chapter 18: Running the Pack
Chapter 19: Back with a Proposal
Chapter 20: Wedding Bells
Chapter 21: Being Luna
Chapter 22: Fully Mated?
Chapter 23: Liam
Chapter 24: Date and Mate
Chapter 25: I Love You
Chapter 26: He's Back
Chapter 27. Trickery
Chapter 28: Guilt

Chapter 13: So What Happens Next?

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By ashh__bashh

Katie's POV
I stood outside Mason's study eavesdropping. I couldn't help but listen in on what was happening. The next part put me in shock.

"Mason, do you think it's possible that I could be able to shift. Like shift shift, into a wolf?"

Wait, what!?! I know what fire she's talking about but I always thought it was just some made up fire. After all, it was in a historical fiction book. But now that I think about it, I never took note of it possibly being a famous pack fire. Shoot, how did I not see this! But then her mother is a... Huntress... But it doesn't add up. Evly loves being a huntress, she loves the action. But then again it does add up because her mom would never let her go on a mission. Oh my gods this is big news. I leaned into the door again, waiting for Mason's response. He better say something reasonable. That brother doesn't always say the right thing.

"I... I-I think it could be possible."

Seriously! I can now relate to Tinker Bell wanting to go after Peter sometimes. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I did have snacks to deliver after all.

"I brought you guys some snacks!"

As soon as I stepped in the room the atmosphere felt pretty tense.

"So, what's up?"

"The ceiling."

Way to point out the obvious Mason...

"And next it's going to be the ceiling in the hallway."

"No, you should let her stay. We should probably let her in about the situation."

Thank you Evly! I set down the snacks and made a face at Mason before landing my gaze on Evly. She had a distant look on her face and was looking out the window. She turned her head to look at me and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. Her eyes looked different and she looked like she was in either pain or shock. I can always read her expression but this one is new. I'm actually not sure what she's feeling or thinking. Wait, on second thought. Her aura feels different. And it's like I can see her emotions easier. But that usually only happens with wolves because of the pack bond.

"Erm. You alright Evly?"

Evly was about to say something before Mason interrupted her.

"Evly is a werewolf. Somehow her parents. Real parents found a way to conceal her wolf for good. But, that madman did something that triggered her wolf so now, she's close to shifting."

He said it so flatly I wasn't sure how to react. I couldn't decide between pretending to be surprised because I was eavesdropping or just keep a blank stare. So instead made it look like I was lost in thought. Oh wait a minute, I was lost in thought.

"Does that mean you shifted for your first time?!"

I wasn't sure why but the words came out sounding like I was as happy as Tinker Bell after we defeated Captain Hook for the hundredth time.

"No. I was close to but I have not."


They both looked at me confused.

"I mean all the books say the whole entire pack vanished. Died in that fire. But it was a rogue attack and if someone wandered away it would've been completely obvious and in like every history book. On second thought, your whole situation should've been in a history book. So anyways, how did you end up with a huntress? The facts just don't match up. Hey Mason do you know if there's any source at all that happens to have a fact about hunters being involved?"

They both blinked twice. Either they were shocked I was caught up on history or they were shocked about the facts.

"Mason! Books, history, fire, hunters, involvement?"

I waved my hand in his face and then he stepped out of his trance to look for whatever books he had about the fire. He brought down a book that's actually a historical fiction book that I've read before. "Okay when I say books involving the fire I mean history books, something practical."

He ignores me and starts flipping through it. He points to a picture in the book.


I lean in and look at the photo. It's a hunter with a she-wolf and a baby. Definitely a wolf baby.

"I remember this story! The Luna takes away her baby's wolf abilities so it appears as a normal girl! And then she trusted a huntress to look after her! The building is burning and everything! And after that, it ends when it says that the huntress takes in the baby as her own child! It reminds me so much of Ice Age."

After I finished rambling, I took it all in.


I look from the photo in the book and then at Evly then back to the photo.

"Is it even possible? I mean surely my mom would tell me if I was adopted or not."

"I'm not so sure about that... Like she kind of didn't tell you and then you found out on your own." "Their test was trying to get me to shift."

"Wait hold up. They tested on you. What..."

"It wasn't those kind of tests, Katie."


"The whole coma was part of a test. I still can't believe it though. It does make sense though."

Evly looked so pale I thought she might faint. I voluntarily closed the book and me and Mason sent each other messages through our eyes.

"What was that for?"

That's what his message through his eyes told me. Seriously... I made eye contact and then looked at Evly a bit then back to Mason. Mason slowly turned his head to look at Evly who was staring down at the book. She was about to faint for sure. She almost fell to the floor but Mason caught her. He is such a lost boy.

"Maybe we should get you to bed so you can rest. It's a lot to take in."

Evly only nodded slightly. Mason decided to be a real gentlemen I guess because he picked her up bridal style and carried her to his room. Poor Evly was so stunned and in shock all she did was stare off into the distance.

1 hour later...
Evly woke up after an hour. She looked well-rested but she was still so wary. I would hate to be in her position.

"Hey! How you feeling? I brought you some water."

She is so pale...

"I'm ok. The nightmares stopped."

I was handing Evly her cup of water when I heard screaming and something crashing. And then came Mason's voice. Obviously yelling at someone. I looked to the doorway to see Mason pushing in Evly's mother against her will. I smiled and gave Evly her water before whipping my head to glare at Mason. He only glared back and gave one final push.

"Sit down."

I scooted over to make room for Evly's mother. Goodness gracious. No wonder Charlotte calls Evly's mom Mama Bear. She sat obediently and gave Mason a fake smile. Wouldn't she be happy to have a talk with Evly? We all sat in complete silence before Evly cleared her throat, breaking the deadly silence.

"So. Um. There's a photo I want to ask you about."

So worried...


Why am I more worried than her mom? Mason showed her the picture.


"Erm. Mrs. uh, Mrs. Mama Bear. I'm not sure if you're aware but Evly is now a werewolf."

"She always has been."

"So you did know. But you kept it from me..."

"Evly. It's not like that. I-I didn't... I couldn't. Your mother was a very nice woman. Very sincere and just looking at you now is looking into those pleading eyes again. She asked me to look after you. She had wiped away your ability to shift and it cost her. I'm sorry and that's all I can tell you."

"That's why you wouldn't let me go on missions. You never gave me a real reason but I guess now you are."

Evly kept a straight face that looked so emotionless but I could see behind that mask. Her emotions were building up inside. She looked to me to help her out.

"Thank you Mrs. Mama Bear. It was nice meeting you."

"What? That's it? I don't get to take my daughter home?"

I was about to reassure her when Mr. High and Mighty stepped in. He's so blunt sometimes.

"She's not your daughter like you just told us. She's a werewolf so she has to stay here. She has new responsibilities now."

I couldn't help but facepalm myself. How do I deal with him... Oh wait. I have to because he's my brother. So glad he's only facepalm worthy sometimes. So glad he's actually a cool brother.

"I think I could use some more rest."

She said it so quietly that we barely caught it. Mason and Mama Bear quietly exited. I got up to leave but Evly grabbed my wrist as soon as I stood up. I sat back down slowly.

"Are you alright?"

She gave me a soft smile.

"I'm fine. I just... Needed to just be with a friend instead."

"So, what's on your mind?"

"What's it like. To shift into a wolf."

"Well you do have another voice in your head that's actually a part of you."

"Yes, I've experienced that."

"Umm. There's nothing to it really. The main thing is that you have to learn to be in control."

"I've experienced that too...."

"Well then that's great! I promise you that when you shift it won't seem so scary. It's actually pretty fun!"

She seemed to be calm now. After a little bit of small talk Mason came running. He barged in, throwing open the doors.

"Um. Hi? Uh..."

He was panting and looked really nervous. I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Spit it out Mason."

He choked on his words after my remark.

"Okay. Evly about that rain check. Is tomorrow night good? Because if it's not I can totally reschedule. On second thought that seems too soon I'll make sure to change the date right now and..."

"How about three days from today? Does that sound good?"

Thank you Evly for saving my brother from a heart attack. His lips curved into a giant smile. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He came around me and gave Evly a quick peck on the lips. They're cute together but just sometimes he's a little overly obsessive. After he left, Evly sat there until she knew for sure he couldn't hear what she was going to say next. She looked at me as her smile fades a bit. "So. What happens next?"

"Welcome to the pack, Evly."

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