A New Beginning || An Adesa f...

By Dolphingirl16

487 22 8

Adam and Alesa are a happy couple expecting a baby boy. They have a nice house in Minecraftia. Nothing could... More

Chapter 1: It Starts
Chapter 2- We stay here for now
Chapter 3- It was just a bad dream
Chapter 5: How many of these thing are there?
Chapter 6- We Need To Get Out of Here
Chapter 7- I'm coming for you Alesa you too Mason
Chapter 8: On the Road
Chapter 9: I found you
(End) Chapter 10: A New Start? (READ A/N)

Chapter 4: Reunions

49 1 0
By Dolphingirl16

Chapter 4

The three days were long and treacherous but I managed to get through it. I luckily didn't see one walker which is a good sign. It was just mountainous and rough, dangerous terrain, bandits hide out in those areas. 

Jin's village came in view. I kicked up the speed to the gate.

"FREEZE!" I heard someone scream. I stopped the horse and looked up, my cloak still on. A guy was pointing a gun at my head. I smirked, fool.

"ARE YOU SICK?" He demanded.

"No need to yell. I'm right here." I chuckled.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled again.

"FINE! NO I'M NOT SICK! See how obnoxious that is? Like come on, that hurt my throat, why yell when you can talk normally and I'll hear you just fine?"

"SILENCE!" He demanded.

"Well then. Much friendly, such compassion." I smirked.

"ARE YOU BIT?" He asked.








"Wait what?"

"So now you stop yelling." I chuckled.

"You can't be him. Why would the Squid Slayer be here instead of protecting his wife and child."

"Well, actually the wedding has been cancelled from this whole virus outbreak and Mason isn't born yet." I pulled the hood of my cloak down and smiled.

"I'm here to see a friend." I explained. He almost immediately switched off the safety and dropped the gun yelling "OPEN THE GATE". I chuckled a bit. The gate opened.

"Let's go." I kicked the horse a bit and he started forward into the village. The people closed the gate behind me. The guard jumped down and went over to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I wouldn't have-"

"Hey, chill. I get it, you were just doing your job. So you'd better get back to doing that." I smiled and trot off in the direction of Jin's place. Many people were looking out their windows at the stranger in the street. I pulled my hood back up.

Finally, I reached Jin's house. I dismounted the horse and tied the reins to the fence. I walked up to the door, then knocked. I heard a crash then rustling it went quiet. 

"Adam?" I heard. The there was a rip and a bunch of unlocking and the door opened a crack. Jin poked his head out. 

"It really is you!" He laughed and opened it all the way. I grinned. 

"Hey, Jin." I finally greeted. He grabbed my arm and yanked me inside then started locking his door again. 

"Can't stay outside long. We've already seen a couple infected. Where's Alesa?" He asked as he bolted the door shut.

"She's back at home. I don't plan to stay long. I plan to stay tonight and leave tomorrow to see Jess, then Barney and finally Ross. After I visit I'm going back." I explained. 

"There something you wanted to discuss?" He asked.

"Yeah, actually. If my village get's overrun Alesa and I are going to escape and go somewhere safe. If we do need to leave would you join us?" I asked.

"Yeah of course, it depends on when your village get's overrun Adam. We've already seen infected here, our village is bound to get overrun any day now. I'm actually getting ready to leave in the next day or two." He gestured to the island in his kitchen, he had supplies all laid out. He walked over and kept packing and organizing.

"It really hurts to leave here but I don't have a choice. I would stay back but I'm no help to the village so I'm better off leaving before I get someone killed. If I can I'll be leaving tomorrow once I'm packed." He sighed. 

"Well if you can get packed tonight you can come with me to see the others and stay with Alesa and I for the time being." I offered.

"You'd d that?" He asked.

"Dude we go back to elementary school, of course I would." I laughed. He grinned.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer. Thanks."

"Cool. Now you got any food around here?"


I was sound asleep until Jin started shaking my shoulder.

"Adam...Adam! Wake up!" He said harshly.

"Hmm?" I mumbled and sat up. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"You should see this. Get dressed we may be leaving earlier than expected." He whispered and walked out of the guest room. I got dressed quickly, pulled on my armor and grabbed my supplies and went downstairs. Jin led me outside quietly. We climbed up on the wall. Jin pointed. 

He didn't need to. How could someone miss that? A hoard of walkers were on their way here now.

"Wake the village." I whispered after a moment. The guard looked at me.

"We can hold them off."

"Wake the village, that way if they need to escape they can!" I said more firmly. I loaded my pistol since it had the suppressor and got ready to fire if needed. The guard obeyed my order and rung the bell. People slowly one by one started walking out of the house. I saw wives with babies and children clinging to their parents. 

"Listen everyone!" I announced. "I am Adam Dalhberg you may know me as Sky the Squid Slayer. As a soon-to-be husband and soon-to-be father I ask all of you, get supplies ready for escape. There is a hoard of walk-I mean, infected on their way here now. We will try to hold them off. But if they break the gate down I want you guys to go out the back gate and get out of here. Able-bodied men I want to protect the women and children in their escape, hold off the infected and if your family makes it out leave with them! We're going to this quickly and quietly. Aim for the heads when firing. Do not make panic it will cause chaos and more lives then needed will be killed. It isn't safe here anymore you must be ready for escape!" I ordered. Everyone whispered among themselves. I pulled my cloak hood down.

"Go!" I ordered. They all went back to their houses and about 15 minutes later everyone was out of their houses women and children were by the back gate men up front armed and ready. I smiled. As long as no panic strikes them this should go smoothly. I grabbed Jin's arm.

"Listen, if it gets out of control we're out of here got it? I have to see the others and get back to Alesa alive okay?" I told him. He nodded. The infected reached us and one by one started piling along the gate. We started firing at them. Many of them fell but still some stayed up. I stopped to reload then began firing again. The gates started breaking.

"Move get by the villagers! Quickly! The gate is coming down!" I ordered. They obeyed we all jumped down and started running to the southern end. I grabbed my horse and hopped on. Jin came up with his horse as well we all went down by the villagers. We waited silently and then the gate broke and they came swarming in. I drew a knife and got my pistol ready. 

"Okay I need the guards behind the women and children to open the gate and kill any infected back there and give them a chance of escape now!" I ordered. People started firing at the walkers as they came in. I did too. I heard a few gunshots behind me then silence. Finally the villagers started piling out and started running.


It became too much. No one had been bit yet but I wasn't about to risk that, they had thinned out quite a bit if they run now the guards can escape as well. And I need to get back to Alesa alive. I turned to the guards.

"Get out of here while you still can live to fight another day! Good luck to all of you!" I announced. They all took off some on horses some not. Jin and I took off in the direction of Jess's village. Our horses carried us as fast as they could carry us. I looked behind us and didn't see any walkers or people following us. Good. Hopefully everyone got away safely. I turned back around.

"You did good!" Jin called to me. "My town managed to escape!" 

"It was nothing! Let's just go find Jess!" 


Hope you enjoyed!





Luv ya peeps!


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