Write my life! - Middle school

By Bananarine

52 3 0

Hey, what's poppin, it's Banarine and I wanted to introduce you to my middle school life, all the struggle an... More

Write my life! - Middle school

Chapter 1 - 1,2,3

22 2 0
By Bananarine

             1st day of school, not the best day at all. I'm tired and not ready, my mom had to go to work so she can't show up for the 1st day so my grandma has to. I like her and all that but she is just so repetitive, she will tell you to do things and repeating it until you do it, if you say to wait 1 minute, to her that is 5 seconds. Anyways, my home room is 115 and as stupid as I was, we were going to look for it, in the morning. I didn't know what was going on so I was pretty much clueless. While I was trying to look for the room, surprisingly I met my first friend! His name is Jack, he was with his parents too, so we shook hands and introduce each other, he had the same home room too. After we found the room, we were to told to wait outside for the flags with the number then line up there. We lined up after 20 minutes or so, we met the teacher and his name was Mr.Martin, he wore a collared shirt and some leggings. He looked like a gentlemen and he was very nice. After a few minutes, the mayor of our city came out! I was surprised, he made a great speech, I've met him in my elementary school before, he was amazing and a great leader. 

              We finally went upstairs and into room 115, it was a large room and empty, the walls are white and the tables and chairs are very organized, it was all symmetrical. Me and my friend sat together, he told us some information about the school and how we will come to your homeroom every Wednesday then gave me the schedule. Sadly me and my friend didn't have the same classes, not one together! I was worried again, after our homeroom class ended, I tried finding my first period. Of course, I was stupid and I got lost! I was trying to find the room, feeling very awkward. I tried looking everywhere but I couldn't find it but then I found a women that could possibly help me. She told me it was upstairs, the only place I never thought of going to. I finally found my room but I was totally late, I sat down anywhere that was empty and the teacher introduced herself, she was about 50 or 60 years old and she said her name was Ms.Parker . She taught history and English, she was my first and 2nd period teacher. She had a New York accent and seemed nice and the type of person to yell. The day goes on as I go into the Gym in 3rd period. The gym was big, it has a full basketball court and 2 other basketball nets and ropes hanging from the ceiling. There was a huge amount of people, it was a mess trying to find their PE teacher, after a few minutes the room settled down and the PE teachers introduced themselves. My PE teacher's name was Ms.Adella, she was kind of middle aged and skinny, she has frizzy hair and a mean look on her face. The students each got an assigned number and the teacher told us to get on rollcall. Little did I know, that she was going to be the nightmare of my 6th grade year.

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