A New Beginning || An Adesa f...

By Dolphingirl16

490 22 8

Adam and Alesa are a happy couple expecting a baby boy. They have a nice house in Minecraftia. Nothing could... More

Chapter 1: It Starts
Chapter 2- We stay here for now
Chapter 4: Reunions
Chapter 5: How many of these thing are there?
Chapter 6- We Need To Get Out of Here
Chapter 7- I'm coming for you Alesa you too Mason
Chapter 8: On the Road
Chapter 9: I found you
(End) Chapter 10: A New Start? (READ A/N)

Chapter 3- It was just a bad dream

45 2 2
By Dolphingirl16

Chapter 3


"Alesa!" I screamed. She was still asleep. This can't be happening, already the virus has spread to the village, 3 people have been bitten. Our house is under attack.

"ALESA!" I screamed again. I kept shooting at the zombies, or walkers as I prefer. There was a scream upstairs. Immediately I knew it was Alesa. I dropped everything and ran. I slammed open the door. There were walkers flooding our room. How did they get it? I don't know. I shot every last one of them, then slammed the door shut and locked it. Should buy me a bit of time if they break in. Alesa was laying on the ground, blood was pooling around her.

"No..." I whispered. "No, no, no, no!" I yelled this time and got next to her.

"Alesa?" I asked her softly. 

"Adam." She mumbled. 

"Hey, come on, let's go. Let's get out of here." I told her. 

"Adam..." She said.

"Alesa please, get up." I told her, this time with a shaky voice and tears threatening to fall. 

"Adam, just go." She ordered.

"No! Please you just need to stand up." I begged.

"I'm infected, I'll only get you killed, go." She said softer. Tears started falling and I held her close.

"I'm not leaving you!" 

I got silence.

"Alesa?" I asked softly.

Still nothing.

"Alesa!" I screamed. I felt something grab my arm. I looked down and saw her, her eyes were green, Alesa isn't there anymore. 

With a heavy heart I lifted the knife.

"I'm sorry." I cried. I brought the knife down. 


I screamed and sat up. I looked around nervously. It was daylight out. I looked next to me. Alesa isn't there. 

"Alesa?" I called out. I didn't get a response. I threw the covers off of me and stood up. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Alesa?" I called out again. Still no response. I started to panic. I ran downstairs.

"Alesa!" I yelled this time. 

"What? Huh?" She looked up from the furnace. "Something wrong? Did you see a walker?" I exhaled in relief. 

"No. Nothing." I answered quietly. Before thinking I walked over and just hugged her.

"I'm gonna ask again, something wrong?" She asked. 

"Nothing. It was just a bad dream." I answered and let go of her.

"The virus already getting to you Mr. Squid Slayer?" She smirked. I crossed my arms.


"Uh-huh. Right. M-kay." She smirked again and went back to cooking. I went upstairs to change out of my night clothes then went outside to check the mail. Sure enough it was empty. I'm not surprised. After all, there is a huge virus spreading around, the only people working are the army, scientists, and the market people. I walked back in empty handed and shut the door. 

Alesa was setting the table for breakfast. Smelled like bacon and eggs. I sat down and she followed. We began chowing down.

"So, Adam what was the dream?" She asked. I stopped mid-chew and stared at her. She blinked. I sighed, swallowed what I was chewing and put my fork down.

"Well..." I started and explained the dream to her. She listened closely, giving different facial expressions, but didn't speak until I was finished talking. She was quiet a moment then grabbed my hands.

"Hey, I had a similar dream last night. Then again you were already back from your shift so, I didn't have to run around the house screaming your name and waking the neighbors." She giggled. I chuckled slightly. 

"But, yeah it was horrifying, but it'll work out." She grinned. I smiled back. 

After eating, I helped Alesa with the dishes. Only dishes requires soap, water and sponges, so we all know where this leads. I threw a went sponge at Alesa who screamed and and threw bubbles from the soap at my face. I flick dishwater at her, and she grabs the sponge and squeezes it on my head.

Before we know it's a war zone of dish soap and water. I peeked over the counter laughing manically and threw a sponge, Alesa ducks and blows the bubbles in my direction. I accidentally inhale a few and after recovering I take a cupful of dish water and toss it in her direction. She get's drenched and does the same back at me. I get it right in the face making her laugh uncontrollably, so I ended up joining her.

And that everyone, is how you do the dishes. 

But in all seriousness we finished the dishes, cleaned up then went to change. I walk back downstairs after I finish, Alesa in the shower. I ended up deciding to fiddle with the radio see if I can get anything out of it. I kept flipping through channels until I come across hazy speaking. I tweak it a bit until I can hear it more clearly. 

The virus has spread to over 300 villages, the king and queen have escaped the castle. Civilians are going against each other for supplies, so far, over 794,000 casualties. Please stay in your homes for the sake of yourself and your family. Let the army take care of this, please stay calm and stay in your homes.  

It repeated the same thing over and over so I turned it off. 300 villages, 794,000 casualties, could this get any worse?

Yes, Adam, it can. Don't play the naive protagonist. 

A voice said. Who it was? I don't know. But I get the strange feeling something just broke. 

Besides that, Alesa appeared on the stairway. She walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"794 thousand casualties..." She whispered. I started to worry about my comrades. 

Barney, Jess, Jin and Ross. I hope they're okay. 

I sighed in frustration. I want to go check on them, but I doubt I should take Alesa with me, and I don't know about leaving her and the village. 

"You worried about everyone else?" She asked. I nodded a bit.


"Why don't you go check on them?" She asked.

"They are in 4 different villages. I'd be gone like a week and a half." I told her. 


"What if they village get's attacked while I'm gone?" I asked her.

"We've got plenty of people here who have armed themselves with weapons that will kill of the walkers. I won't leave the house unless it's absolutely necessary. It's important you know where they are and you have a plan with them of how and where to meet up if it comes to escaping." She told me then added a smile.

"So go." I stared at her a moment then smiled and pressed my forehead against her's.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome you big goof." She pecked my lips then let me stand. I got on my armor and packed the small backpack. 

"I'll take this one that way if you need to escape while I'm gone you can grab everything." I told her. I finished loading the shotgun and pistol then turned to Alesa.

"Alesa, if the virus spreads here and it begins to get out of control, get out of here and go as far as you can. I will find you. I promise." I told her. She nodded.

"I'll wait as long as I can and leave a note for you explaining where I'm going if I do need to leave." She told me. I nodded.

"Grab what you can and I'll grab what I need to." I told her. She smiled.

"Yes, sir." She saluted. I held her face and kissed her head then pulled away.

"I'll be back in a week and a half." I told her.

"I'll see you then." She smiled. She stood on the porch and watched me leave, when I was out of view she went back inside. I stopped at the stables and grabbed my horse. I mounted it then went to the gate. 

"Hey, Sky! Where ya headin'?" The guy on guard duty asked. 

"Out. I'll be back in about a week and a half. I need to check on some old friends of mine." I answered.

"A week and a half? Alright! See you then, sir!" He smiled. He jumped down and pushed the gate open then closed it when I was out.

"Oh and hey!" I called. He appeared on the wall.

"What's up?" He asked.

"That magazine is on wrong and the safety should be off so you don't accidentally shoot someone." I told him. I winked then trotted off with my horse. 

I have a 3 days journey to the first village. This is going to be interesting.


Hope you guys enjoyed! What do you think will happen next ;) 





Luv ya peeps!


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