The Heartless Women

By mcamp5229

79 15 8

Adrian, Etta, Peyton, and Lola all have had some hard times in their lives and have a difficult time dealing... More

Adrian Uncovered
Etta Unveiled
Whatever Lola Wants

Peyton Untainted

13 3 5
By mcamp5229

One of the most people in life is a Minister, my father was a Pastor when I was younger and to this day u don't trust him at all. As a young Woman I sang in the choir and I believed that true love was the cure of all evil and my future husband would be a Deacon or someone in the church and he'd be just like my daddy but the day I found that guy my life was cursed forever.
His name was Percy and he was the junior pastor at our church and he led bible study all the time. He was always polite and respectful. One day in bible study I decided that I would finally talk to him
"Hey Percy"
"Yes Sister Peyton"
"What are you doing after Bible Study?"
My statement flashed a pearly white smile and replied with his deep and dreamy voice
"Nothing at all and I'd love to take you somewhere if you don't mind"
"Yeah I mean it's okay to be friends"
We laughed for a while and after Bible study he took me for lunch and during lunch I found myself wondering how to tell Percy how much I really liked him
"So Percy what do you think of my outfit?"
"It looks beautiful"
"You don't look too bad yourself brotha"
We flashed me that great smile again
"Well Percy I'm going to be completely honest with you I mean I see you all the time in church and I really like you as more than a friend"
All of a sudden Percy's smile seemed to disappear fairly quickly
"Look Peyton I'm delighted that you are being completely honest with me however I respect your father all to well and although I think you are beautiful I want to be respectful to you father"
His response took me by utter suprise And so I went home and asked my father how he felt about Percy and I dating
"Peyton I don't want you worried about dating yet if you were to date the junior deacon it would give me nothing but pleasure that you chose a young man who has a good and devout brain in his head"
That in my mind meant my father approved so the next day at church I told Percy the news and we began our relationship began.After a year of dating Percy took me out for dinner and kissed me, which I hoped my father would never find out about however he did and my punishment was undeniably harsh, when I walked in the house my father slapped me across my face And whipped my behind until I had open wounds on my behind and then I was forced to sit in salt. He then uttered these words
"Listen Peyton you are a church girl, you will not embarrass me because you want to be fast, fornication is a sin and I refuse for you to fornicate for as long as you live under my roof"
My abuse was relentless however it didn't stop me from being in love nor with child, yes I'd gotten pregnant with Percy's child and I didn't know how to tell my father so for the next nine months I ate a lot of food pretending to be getting bigger because of my diet but nothing could mask my pregnancy when my water broke. At the hospital, as I was in Labor there was only Percy, my mother and I there. When we arrived home, I told my father and just like I thought it was the worst day of my life
"You were pregnant and you didn't tell me for one, for two you committed a sin while you lived under my roof, you are a disgrace to this family and I never want to see you again"
"James calm down"
My mother said trying to get my father to relax and be joyous for having a grandchild but as he continued in his unhappy state I left that house immediately and I in fact never went back

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