Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (...

By 6sempiternallove9

269K 9.6K 1.6K

Noalani is trying to become a successful lawyer and she's determined to let nothing get in the way. She meets... More

Chocolate (1)
Vanilla (2)
Swirl (3)
Chocolate (4)
Vanilla (5)
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Chocolate (7)
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Swirl (9)
Chocolate (10)
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Swirl (12)
Chocolate (13)
Vanilla (14)
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Chocolate (16)
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Chocolate (19)
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Chocolate (22)
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Swirl (24)
Chocolate (25)
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Chocolate (31)
Vanilla (32)
Swirl (Epilogue)

Vanilla (29)

4.1K 178 20
By 6sempiternallove9


It's been a whole year now since everything went down and everything's been great for the most part. There's been a couple of issues because of my family, my mom. She's stopped talking to me completely, which breaks my heart, but I still talk to my father.

Noalani and I have been in a relationship for 3 and a half years now and it's been my longest relationship with anyone. We've decided to take a trip to Belize to celebrate. I really love her and I want to be with her forever, so while we are there, I'm going to propose. I'm honestly quite nervous. I haven't thought about the fact that she might say no, and that scares me. I've already bought a beautiful engagement ring and I've got everything planned out. It's going to be a simple proposal with a photographer because I'm a simple person.


Ever since we got to Belize I've been getting extremely nervous. I've contemplated whether or not I should ask her. If she says no, what will I do? What if I'm rushing things? I don't think I'm rushing things I mean we've known each other for years now and she trusts me and I trust her. We've been through a lot together. I just need to stop over thinking everything and just ask her.

Today is the big day and I'm just nervous and she can definitely tell.


Dillon has been acting weird all morning long for some odd reason. He just either has the straightest face as if he's worried about something or he's smiling wide and happy as could be, there's no in between.

Tonight we are going to this little park in the mountains just to relax. It's very beautiful outside and it ought to be peaceful. I've really needed this vacation to just relax because things this past year haven't been all to great. I've been very stressed out and very insecure about myself after everything with Nate happened.

But I'm not here to stress about the past. Tonight is our last night here so I want to soak everything in. We took a short quiet walk to the park and it felt so weird because Dillon is always talking, like, he never shuts up, but he was so quiet just then. We found somewhere comfortable to sit and just coozied up on each other and sat in silence.

"Do you want to get some ice cream? I really want some ice cream." He randomly blurts out.

"Yeah, I guess." I tell him standing up.

"Wait! Before we go, I've got something to ask you." He tells me smiling wide.


"I was just wondering, do you like me?"

"I used to, but I wouldn't say I "like" you. More like love you. Now can we get some ice cream?" I tell him rolling my eyes.

He just smiled at me. "Not yet. You know, I used to like you too, a lot. Then we sorta just ya know, grew to love each other, right?" He asks me very awkwardly.


"Yeah. I love you a lot. Like a lot a lot. I just really do. You really make me happy and I've never been so happy in my life then the 3 and a half years of my life I've spent with you. I'm glad we met. Now, I've decided that I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you, would you like to do the same?"

"Yeah, definitely!"

"Okay, so..."

"So?" I ask him impatiently.

"So will you marry me?" He asks me kneeling holding out a beautiful ring almost giggling.

I'm just speechless now. This is so unreal. All I can say is yes.

"Awe, yes!! Of course I will." I jump on him letting a single tear roll down my face.

"Thank goodness." He mutters under his breath. When he slid the ring on my finger, his hands were shaking so badly It was so cute. "I guess we can go get that ice cream now." He tells me pulling me along.

"I guess so. I love you."

"I love you too! Obviously."


"We're gonna get married right away mom! Like next month!" I shout into the phone talking to my mom when we finally got back home.

"That's great for you two, we'll definitely be there, all of us. We're all so proud and happy for you two, talk soon. Bye, love you."

"Love you too, bye."

I've basically told everyone that we're getting married. I'm just so excited!

I'm excited to get married to a guy like Dillon. He can't stop talking about how he wants our future to be, especially how he really wants 7 kids. I still haven't told him that as of right now, I can't have kids. I've tried different diets and medications and nothing has worked so my next choice is to just have surgery.

This whole week Dillon has been acting weird and I just can't figure out what's wrong. He told me that it's because he's just been really stressed out about work, but I don't believe him, I'll figure it out soon.

Since Dillon has been stressed out at work lately, I've decided to use my break time to visit him at work and just bring him some lunch and talk to him, hopefully brighten up his day.

When I got to his office I felt really bad for him, he looked really miserable and just depressed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really tired." He tells me with a frown.

"Well I brought you some lunch. Are you sure that's it? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I want to talk about it, just not right least not here. When I get home we'll talk. Okay?"

"Okay, see you later then." I tell him quickly walking towards the door.

"Wait! You're not gonna eat with me?" He jumps up grabbing my arm. "I don't want to eat lunch alone again." He tells me cracking a smile.

"I'm not very hungry."

"Then we don't have to eat...I just want you to keep me company." He tells me smirking.

"Okay." I tell him smirking back.

"You know, we've never had any fun in my office.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Let's have fun." He tells me slowly unbuttoning my dress

I let him kiss and caress me until I realized that we were about to have actual sex for the first time since we everything happened.

"Dillon?" I ask him short of breath.

"Hmm?" He responds kissing my neck.

"Can we not?"

He stopped immediately. "Are you still uncomfortable?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be! We can wait as long as we need to." He tells me kissing my forehead.

"Thank you. I'm gonna get going now.

"Alright, well be before you go I might as well tell you why I was moody, my mom was just being rude, that's all. I'm okay though and I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh okay. Well then, bye." I tell him with a forced smile.


Before I walk out of his office I decided to tell him what's been bugging me as well.

"Can I tell you something real quick?"

"Yeah, of course."

"So I'm infertile."

When I saw his expression my heart broke.

"Well that's unfortunate. I guess we won't be having 7 kids but that's alright. I still love you regardless." He tells me hugging me tightly.

"I love you too."

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