The Artist (Frerard)

By MrsAnnieBiersack

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Vegas, great place, nice weekend in the world famous Las Vegas, what more could you want? Frank plans to spen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 9

1.3K 103 226
By MrsAnnieBiersack

Throwing the front door open, after having been struggling for several minutes, understably in my opinion, I was drunk and I had a women latching herself to my face, like she was trying to suck the life out of me through my mouth. Virtually falling into the appartment, I managed to kick the door closed gently once she was in, she began pushing my jacket off my shoulders before we were even fully in the lounge. My assumption was that she must have been very wanting of sex, because she was considerably more sober than me, I was very drunk, she was just a little tipsy, a lot more aware than me, that was for sure. Never the less, my jacket was off in the doorway and she was pushing me into the lounge and onto the couch, asking me if we were alone, to which I mumbled roomate just as Gerard walked in.

"H-hi, Frank." He laughed awkwardly stopping where he was, I was just about to go into my bedroom, but she wasn't waiting, she was all over me. I just giggled waving at him with my left hand, his waving back timidly, smiling awkwardly as thw girl looked between the two of us, her eyes widened and she stared intently at my hand then at Gerard's.

"Wait you guys are married?" She asked leaping backwards off me, I was processing things very well, I wasn't really thinking straight, I just stared into space, rolling my head around, sort of nodding, sort of just fucking about with my head. "Okay um, so.."

"We-we're divor-" Gerard mumbled quietly, trailing off when she just shook her head, her eyes widening in shock.

"So, I'm gonna go." She pointed awkwardly to the door, slowly backing away from me with a pissed off expression, "Frank you're a real big asshole." She exclaimed, before smiling apologetically at Gerard, "I'm so so sorry, I really had no idea." She said to him, looking really embarrased and apologetic, before she stuck her middle finger up at me, throwing the front door open and walking out, pulling it closed behind, leaving Gerard stood awkwardly in his doorway and me confused and trying to catch up with what had happened on the couch.

"What did I-I doo?" I slurred, flopping backwards onto the couch and staring wide eyed and expectant at Gerard, I was confused and disorientated, she had just left for no reason and I was suddenly an ass, and I didn't under stand why, I didn't get what I had done. Of course had I not been very drunk and definitely needing of some sleep, I possibly would have known what I had done wrong, that maybe I should have warned her I was in the middle of a divorce and I had a roommate/husband, but that's what happens when you spend three hours drinking vodka. "I didn't do no-thing!" I laughed standing up and widening my eyes when I realized all the alcohol had gone straight to my head. "Woah."

"You didn't do anything, y-you were great." He smiled, clearly a little unsure of how to answer me or what to say, in a situation with a drunk person, it was like talking to a baby, only you have to be more careful, because they often get pissed off if you patronize them.

Me on the other hand, well I couldn't even tell you what annoyed me when I was drunk, but I could tell you what Jen had told me about when I was drunk, that was funny and confusing stuff, although it was very believable, I could easily imagine it. She said I was a strangely fun drunk, she said that she would have thought I would be an angry drunk, but apparently I'm not, which would make sense, I'm not usually an angry person at all, only when I am extremely pissed off. Not surprising me at all, Jen claimed that I was a hilarious and friendly drunk, which I liked to believe I was most of the time anyway, but not surprisingly as a drunk. Slightly alarmingly however, she said that when it passed a few hours, I became an emotional person, that I started speaking my heart deeply and depressingly, which sounded nothing like me, yet it still made sense.

It sort of didn't surprise me that that happened, I was a positive person, I liked to think, I was nice and never a negative influence or negative part of a friendship, I would hate to bring people down or make them happy. But everyone gets depressed, it's natural, it's an emotion, feeling depressed is totally normal and of course sometimes I was unhappy, sometimes I was depressed, every now and again, I felt really shit, but I preferred not to tell people, nothing ever bothered me enough to be obvious. Hence why I understood me having an emotional point when I was drunk, because there was something underneath that maybe I wanted to get out and when I was drunk, I was unaware that it was coming out. Because I was alone, I was always alone, I had two friends and was just a common bisexual whore, of course there were probably things that subconciously I wanted to talk to someone about and maybe my drunk mind took advantage of that, that made perfect sense really.

But over all that, before I was a soppy depressed emotional drunk, I was a happy, friendly idiot, because I did very stupid things, an amazing example being what had happened only a week earlier in Vegas. When I was drunk I didn't really pay much attention to what went on around me, hence why I forgot it so easily, why I woke up to people in my bed who got pissed off when I asked what their names were, or what had happened. Although that could be taken advantage of by other people, because honestly they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to me and I probably wouldn't even notice let alone give a monkeys ass.

Standing up, I stared at my jacket on the floor, confusing myself with why it was there as I hadn't remembered leaving it on the floor, I just left it there, looking at Gerard rather confused. "You okay?" Gerard asking clearly struggling not to laugh, clearly asking genuinely, but finding the extent of my drunkness rather amusing.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed nodding and stumbling over to him, holding my hand up in the air in truimph and smiling at him, he smiled back, a cheeky smirk proving that he was trying not to laugh. Just as I reached him, I tripped over my foot, falling straight into him, glad that it was him and not the wall, as that probably would have meant a broken nose. Much to my relief and surprise, he wrapped his arm around me, catching me before I could knock him over or fall to the floor and pulling me back onto my feet. "There's a Gerard there." I slurred poking his chest and chuckling to myself.

"Yes honey, there is." He laughed, keeping me still by holding my shoulders firmly.

"Good guy Gerard." I nodded, trying to stay steady on my feet, but failling, virtually falling into Gerard again, "I like him," I whispered into his ear, a little too drunk to realize I was actually talking to Gerard, "Friends." I said throwing my arms around his neck, using him to keep me up on my feet so I didn't fall over, he just smiled awkwardly, supporting me with his hands on my waist so I didn't fall over. "You know G-Gerard?" I asked, not paying enough attention, or thinking at all, it by-passing my brain that he was in fact Gerard, of course he knew himself.

"Yes sweetheart, I do." He laughed trying to get me into a steady position on my feet.

"Me and him should hook up." I grinned, if I had been any more drunk, I think I would have passed out, I was definitely way past realizing that that was something I didn't even want to admit to myself let alone out loud. "He's fucking g-good-loo-looking." I laughed resting my forehead on his shoulder, managing to stay on my feet and keep my eyes open, but only just.

"Y-you think?" I nodded and he blushed a bright shade of red, as red as his hair, before sitting me down on the couch and letting his hair fall over his face as he walked to his bedroom door, "I-I uh, F-Frankie, I'm going t-to bed and...yeah." He mumbled awkwardly pushing his door open and disappearing awkwardly, looking back once wakwardly, and for a second, before disappearing into the room, leaving me confused.

Staring blankly at the door he had disappeared through, I just sat, thinking about moving and then being drawn of by silly little things, stupid things wich side-tracked my mind. Like how many mugs he had, because in the kitchen he had this like hook thing, almost like a coat hook which the mugs hung on, he had like fifty mugs, it was crazy the hook thing went across the entire back wall, how could one man need so many mugs. He also had an incredibly tidy living room, but then that was probably because he was never in it, he was always in his office or room. I had seen his room too, that was good too, well better than mine, it was messier than the living room, it wasn't the tidiest thing in the world, but it wasn't too messy, that impressed me. But he had time, like he could afford to spend time keeping things perfect, I spent most of my time at work, I would love to work less, I would work less, but in order to go away all the time I couldn't.

That was just another thing which drove me fucking insane about this idiotic marriage bullshit I had gotten myself into in Vegas, I had to be here, which was absolute crap, it meant I couldn't go away until this divorce was over. Due to the stupid couples counseling, I had to be here, I had to stay, because for every session I missed they added another, so I had to turn up, I could be late, but I had to go. It did at least mean I had a little more money, which I could svae up to go further, or somewhere better, but it annoyed me, because I really didn't want to be stuck in Belleville for a couple of months doing Jack shit.

Deciding coffee and bed, sounded good, although really I wanted to piss about - because I was drunk as fuck - I stood up and went towards the kitchen starting up the coffee machine, cleverly making myself a coffee in a soup bowl. After making myself a coffee in a soup bowl, I picked it up, but somehow managed to pour it all over my chest, really stinging as it was very hot. However I was far too lazy, and drunk, to do anything about it, so I just put the bowl in the sink and stumbled into my bedroom, remembering my jacket was on the floor in the living room. Staggering from my doorway back to where my jacket was, I bent down to pick it up, falling backwards, knocking my keys and my book off the coffee table and whacking my head on the couch, whining quietly, just going dizzy.

Before his bedroom door swung open, I heard Gerard sighing and muttering 'fuck sake' under his breath, before he saw me on the floor and ran over to me, sitting on the couch by my side trying not to laugh. "Frankie you okay?" He asked, slipping off the couch and kneeling next to me, making me sit up away from the couch.

"I-I," I started looking around rather confused and disorientated, I was not only drunk, but also had just hit my head and so had a headache, which confused me more. "I f-fell." I sighed flopping backwards and blinking, before letting my eyes drift shut, rolling over and resting my head on Gerard's lap, I was tired and comfortable.

"Frank, can yo-"

"My h-head hurts." I mumbled lifting my hand up and clamping it over his mouth to shut him up, I couldn't very easily sleep with him gibbering in my ear to me, that was like singing a song whilst someone was playing a completely different at top volume. Sighing to himself, he said my name again, getting the same answer of me whining at him and trying to shut him up, so he gave up, scooping his arms under my back and knees, standing up with me in his arms and carrying me into my room, while I was paying no attention, just trying to sleep on his chest.

Putting me down on the bed, he pulled the covers back for me, sitting next to me, before speaking again, "Do y-you have pyjamas to put on?" I nodded slowly, I wasn't really listening or paying much attention, but I decided that if I nodded, it would shut him up and then he would stop talking and let me sleep, after all I just slept in pyjama pants and on hot days just my boxers. "Can I get you anything sweetie?" He asked as he held my hands pulling me to my feet so I could put my pyjama pants on.

"I'm fe-fa-fine, fine." I stuttered, finally stumbling on the right word, smiling and blinking when I did, opening my top drawer and getting some pants, before closing the drawer and then falling into it, almost collapsing, before managing to get my footing as I felt Gerard stood behind me, clearly worried, I would fall again, which honestly wouldn't be good.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some water, you going to be okay?" He asked, sounding very doubtful and definitely not believing me when I said I would be fine, I just nodded, I could put pants on, brush my teeth and get into bed, anyone could do that, I just had to hope, I would be in bed before I passed out. Looking awfully worried and doubtful, he nodded, biting his lip and walking out of the room, leaving me to change my jeans to sweat pants, before I made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth, which I seemed to struggle with, constantly stabbing myself in the face with the brush.

When I walked back into the room again, Gerard was sat on the bed, yawning, having brought me a glass of water and put it on the night stand, he looked awfully cute and innocent sat in his pyjamas on my bed, clearly past ready for bed and seeming to care a little too much about whether I was okay or not. He too was struggling to keep his eyes open, in fact they were closed the whole time while I walked in, drank most of the glass of water and stood in front of him staring at him expectantly, my drunken mind not realizing, he couldn't see me. After becoming a little bored of staring at him and him completely ignoring me, I pushed his shoulders back so he opened his eyes and was lying down, I then pushed him more, so he was lying in the bed, which seemed to baffle him. He tried to push against me but I just whined loudly, climbing into bed next to him and flopping down my head on his chest and arms around his waist, I was tired and he had already told me I needed sleep, I was drunk and really out of it, I didn't understand the problem.

"Frankie sweetie," He whispered, sitting up and trying to push me off of him, but I was protesting, just trying to push him back, letting my head rest of him, "Frankie, this is your bed." He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his red head, trying to lay me on the pillow rather than him, but I didn't like that, I liked his chest.

"Y-you d-don't want me." I mumbled, seeing him sigh and groan a little as he realised I had taken that the complete wrong way and that I was going to take it personally, which in a usual situation, I obviously wouldn't but clearly my emotional drunk side was coming out and I was taking it to heart.

"No, no honey I-I just-" He bit his lip taking a deep breath and sitting up against the head board and running a hand through his hair, he seemed seriously good at coping with my childish emotional drunkenness though, that impressed me somewhat, in fact he seemed to cope well with me drunk full stop, I must be a real pain in the ass, yet he handled it so well.

"N-Nobody likes me." I mumbled tears in my eyes, in all fairness that seemed to be the case my entire life, I wasn't lying or anything, I was just saying a load of things I wouldn't if I was sober, telling him things I normally wouldn't, or actually wouldn't. It wasn't anything personal, not because of him, or because I didn't trust him, or even because I didn't want to tell him, just because he wouldn't really care, or I thought he wouldn't and it didn't really do any benefit, not to mention I also didn't really do the whole, telling people things, not really, only with Jen.

Even with Jen I didn't exactly, tell her secrets like school friends do, well I did, I very much did, but it wasn't a case of me walking into work like 'Holy shit Jen I gotta tell you something!'. It was usually more a case of me walking into work, sitting for five minutes, then her walking in, staring at me for ten minutes, then laughing and say 'Okay what do you need to tell me.' Or 'What's happened now?' Or even, 'Jesus you look like shit, talk to me.' It was never me voluntarily telling her something because I wanted to tell someone, it was always her, making me get it off my chest because she knew it would make me feel better, even that was nothing personal. If I was like any other human, who had a go to person, someone they ran to, to talk to, it would for sure be Jen, I would tell her everything, but that just wasn't me, I just didn't do the whole, telling people everything. That was what made it all strange when Jen told me that I was an emotional drunk after a few hours, because it just wasn't me, but just maybe telling Gerard this – although I would never remember doing so – was possibly even a good thing, because it got it out and it meant Gerard knew these things, things which might even be good for him to know about me.

"Of course people like you Frank." He sighed biting his lip awkwardly as I sat with tears in my eyes, I didn't blame him for having no answer, there wasn't an easy answer, being a socially awkward person sat next to someone crying probably wasn't easy, although he was doing a good job.

"No, y-you want t-to leave me." I pouted, crying a little more, had I been slightly less drunk, I would have composed myself for sure, I never ever cried, I hadn't cried in years – unless I had before when I was drunk, but I didn't remember that – and for Gerard to see me cry well that was embarrassing, I was so hoping I wouldn't remember this the next morning. "The girl left a-and Gerard do-"

"Oh sweetie, don't cry." He smiled wiping my tears away, a little taken back when I leaned against him, but after a moment he relaxed, hugging me gently into him as I cried.

"I-I'm not, l-like you, I'm not nice a-and caring, nobody l-likes me." I cried into his chest, rather embarrassingly I may say, was I to look back on that moment, I would slap some sense into myself, because I was an emotional wreck, it was so embarrassing.

"No Hermosa, you are a great person; I can name two people off the top of my head who like you." He smiled kindly, brushing my hair out of my face and my tears off my cheeks, just hugging me fondly as I leaned against him, he was a very good person for comforting, he was much better with people than you'd think.

"R-really?" I asked surprised, but lightening a little when he nodded, "Who."

"Well, me." He smiled genuinely, making me smile too, "And you, know that Gerard you were talking about?" I nodded, staring at him patiently and expectantly, waiting for him to continue, interested in what he had to say. "Well, he really likes you."

"Y-you know him?" I asked surprised.

"Yep," He smiled, "He uh, he thinks, th-that you're very nice a-and genuine a-a good person, he, he thinks you're good looking a-and that h-he really wants t-to be close to you." He bit his lip smiling awkwardly and worriedly.

"H-he does?" He nodded when I asked, my head trying to get around the words he was saying as well as understand how that could be true.

"Y-yeah, he-he told me." He nodded, smiling hopefully at me, looking proud of himself as he spoke, stroking the back of his hand across my cheek to wipe away my tears, before blushing and looking away, letting his hand fall to his lap.

"I'm just a whore, I don't m-mean shit to-to anyone." I mumbled, burying my face into his chest again, tears again coming to my eyes as I thought of every person who meant something to me and how I wouldn't mean shit to them.

"Hey stop, you're not a whore, you like sex, that doesn't m-mean you're a whore, I like you, you have friends honey, don't be silly." He sighed looking somewhat upset as soon as he heard the word whore, like it upset him or offended him to think about sex or whores, which would explain why he was hesitant towards me I guess.

"C-can I tell you something." I grinned, biting my bottom lip as I smiled widely, he nodded, smiling again and letting me cup my hand around his ear, "Y-you can't, t-tell Gerard." I warned, looking at him making it clear I was serious, he just nodded, looking very awkward but trustworthy. "I like you more, than him." I laughed resting my head on his chest again and poking his shoulder as he just chuckled again awkwardly.

"Yeah?" He asked, laughing a little with me.

"Yeah! Y-you ta-talk to me, he never ever t-talks to me." I sighed, letting my arms hang loosely around his neck, as I leaned against him, feeling my head begin to hand heavy and tell me I needed to sleep, "Are you going t-to leave me?" I asked pouting sadly, not wanting everyone to just leave me, as I lay down properly, pulling him down to do so too, before resting my head on him again.

"Uh, n-no." He shook his head, smiling a little lop-sided, a nice, gentle smile.

"My head hurts." I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes open but mostly failing, so just letting them close as I began to fall asleep on him, as he just lay awkwardly, his arms half around me and half awkwardly laying by his sides.

"Yeah, sleep Hermosa, sleep." He whispered, letting me interlock out hands as I began to fall asleep properly, probably to wake up confused and with a nasty head ache, or hopefully even just a dream.

~ A/N That was long, wow, sorry, I hope that makes up for the long time I left again, I'm so so sorry, I told myself I was going to update and write more and I just didn't, I was lazy and watched netflix instead. I am pissed off with myself for it really, because I love writing, but I just didn't, I'm so sorry guys, anyway here it is another chapter, I promise to try harder. I really really will try so so hard to write more, to force myself to write more and to get these out more often for you, because I feel like this will be good and I really hope to get it done asap for you.

Anywhore, I really hope you enjoyed it and the video, well that's just a piss take, it's a joke and I found it, I have no idea how, just don't ask, but I found it so so funny I was laughing a lot, so I was like, y'know what I will give it to you beauties to watch. So watch it, it's funny, nothing serious just a joke, but still, funny. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and stuff, I'm sorry if it wasn't any good, it will get better I swear. I will update soon, I hope you enjoyed, I love you all, be happy and kick ass :] ~

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