Mr. Dominant (18+ Mature)

By Smile_B_Happy

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Chapter 1: Stranger Danger
Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbors
Chapter 3: The Struggle
Chapter 4: Mistakes and Misfortunes
Chapter 5: In Which She Cannot Reciprocate
Chapter 6: In Which She Gives In
Chapter 7: In Which He Plays Doctor
Chapter 9: In Which They Find Comfort
Chapter 10: Broken Glass. Broken Hearts

Chapter 8: Complications

616 19 2
By Smile_B_Happy

Reddic's P.O.V

As soon as the kiss started, she quickly ended it. An apologetic expression crossing her beautiful features as she placed shaky palms on my chest and slowly pushed me backwards. Reluctant to leave her warm body pressed against mine I forced myself to comply, my bare feet touching the cold tile beneath my soles as I climbed off the side of the counter and stood between her legs. 

"I can't do this. And I know that this isn't fair to you as I went further with Dom. But I'm just not ready for the next step that this would lead to" Maelyne said after a moment of silence, eyes looking everywhere on the counter in search for her bra.

"Give me one good reason why and maybe I'll agree. As far as I see it, we're a better match then that sadistic bastard showering in the next room" I scowled at her, eyes glancing down to see the bra laying at my feet. Alongside that, her shirt.

With a grimace I reached down and picked it up, averting my gaze as I hesitantly held it out to her to take. She ripped it out of my grasp, scoffing while she pressed the undergarment to her chest and snapped the clip in front in place.

"That's only because your opinion is tainted by the fact you want me all to yourself" Maelyne stated, noticing the shirt that I was now trying to hide under my feet.

"Please hand me my shirt." Maelyne ordered, holding out her hands for the garment that I hoped would just randomly disappear beneath me.

"Maybe it's true that I want you all to myself. Or perhaps I am a womanizer who uses women like you for some sick, perverted entertainment, but whatever the case you think I am...something tells me that the reason you're afraid to get close to me is because deep down you know I'm right." I said, my stern tone wavering a bit.

"And what is that may I ask?" Maelyne huffed, her eyes meeting mine to find me staring affectionately at her with her shirt in my arms.

"That we're a match." I whispered, pressing the garment into her palms. In that moment I felt like a defeated man, not anymore like the cocky, arrogant man I had been at the door earlier that day. 

"That's the same mantra I have heard from every rich, abusive, cheating bastard out there. Nothing ever changes and I doubt it ever will" Maelyne said, wiping away a stray tear that sneaked out of the corner of her eye as she put on the shirt.

"I'm different. You'd see that if you allowed me into your world for a-" I began, my words being cut off as Maelyne slapped me across the face. God that stings.

"Bullshit. You have no respect for women and you'd proved that pretty damn well this morning in the parking lot. So don't you lie to my face." Maelyne hissed, her tears running freely down her red cheeks as she sat silently in her spot.

"I admit I have my short comings, but that doesn't mean I am the cold, heartless man you pin me to be. The man you saw earlier is merely a disguise. A coping mechanism I use to keep people at a distance because of my troubled past. But I am willing to close some of that distance if you are willing to do the same and let me in. Even if it's just to see a glimpse of you" I sighed, turning serious. 

"I can't. Letting you in means I'm opening myself up to being broken again. I don't think I can do that." Maelyne sniffed, dropping her gaze to her lap to see me interlacing my fingers with hers.

I bent down, our eyes meeting once more when I looked up into her pupils that were bloodshot from all the pressure of releasing the salty liquid that trickled down her cheeks like waterfalls.

"Who broke you? Please tell me" I begged, standing back up and wrapping my arms around her shoulders as she suddenly caved and fell forward into my chest.

"I met him when I was 16 and working as a paid intern for a million dollar magazine company in New Jersey.  A job that couldn't come at a better time since my family had just went bankrupt and needed the money to stay afloat financially. However what I didn't know was that there were risks for working for the business. Risks that were never outlined in the paperwork by my boss that cared more about earning that extra buck, rather than the welfare of his employees. So one shouldn't have been so surprised when he came to my cubicle one day and asked me for a favor." Maelyne said, sobbing softly as she grasped a handful of my shirt in her right hand that was on my chest.

"A favor? Wait he didn't ask you to..." I said, my words fading as I fought to swallow the lump in my throat.

"As much as I wish it would have been that simple, the truth is far more ugly than a office affair." Maelyne sighed, slowly relinquishing her death grip on my shirt only to have me pin her hand to my chest by covering it with mine.

"Please go on" I pleaded, a dull ache pulsing in my chest as I watched her gradually shut down before me.

"I can't go on. Opening up to you is reopening the pain I have held inside when I thought about all I did for that man. All I became for him because of the money. It's disgusting and I don't want to relive that admonishing look on your face that my step brother gave when he found out." Maelyne whispered, her hands shaking in my grip as she held back the sobs that were fighting to be released.

A long silence passed between us, the sound of the shower going in the next room reminding me that it wouldn't be long before our "company" would be back for another verbal thrashing.

"But I must say him spitting on me was warranted considering I disgraced my family." Maelyne said, causing my gaze to whip from the closed bedroom door to hers in confusion and shock.

"He spat on you?" I questioned, eyes narrowing to a dark expression as she nodded slowly.

"It was a reasonable punishment since he lost everything he cared about because of me." Maelyne defended, wincing when I tightened my hold on her fingers. 

"A man who cares more about material things that he spits on his own sister is not a respectable man. That being said I am glad he fell down a story here and died for what he did to you." I said, smirking deviously.

"You can't make that decision not knowing the things I did that made him so angry Reddic!" Maelyne huffed, managing to wiggle her fingers free to cross her arms across her breasts.

"Well then humor me. What did miss prim and proper do that made her so toxic in her family?" I asked, crossing my arms and raising a curious eyebrow.

"Fine. You really want to know the truth? The truth is that I signed a contract with the boss that agreed for me to date the potential partner's son and in exchange the son's father would invest another million into the magazine. Yes it was illegal and yes I didn't want to do it, but the boss promised to wire $60,000 dollars into my bank account which I just couldn't turn down. I mean that much money would fix my parents bankruptcy problem and leave enough to put me through college where I could get a higher paying job. Maybe a career. So I did what I had to and followed through with the contract, not realizing the man I fantasized as the perfect gentleman was your modern day Jekyll and Hyde." Maeylne mumbled, going quiet.

"What did he do?" I prodded, the muscles in my jaw going crazy as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

"He took me on dates, buying a diamond necklace here, a satin negligee there in an attempt to capture my heart. But I wouldn't let him in, knowing what a man with that kind of power could do to a woman like me if I allowed him to take control. So I distanced myself, and after getting nothing out of me after a few months he decided it was time to collect something in return for his generosity." Maelyne said, biting her lip while I gently used the pad of my thumb to wipe away her tears.

"He raped you. I can see it in those sad eyes of yours" I said, sounding broken by the truth. Maelyne nodded.

"Yes. But that's not the worst part. I told my boss and he laughed. He fucking laughed at me for being raped, threatening to leak my father's past to the papers if I went to the authorities. So I couldn't leave knowing what he was capable of. In the end I surrendered, years of being abused by a man I didn't love all so I could keep my father's secret buried. Aside from that I thought I had the money to depend on. But no. I was completely duped. Just a pawn in the scheme of two men who had no intention of wiring the money even though I held up my part of the bargain." Maelyne sighed, regaining her composure enough to look away and stare at the wall behind me. 

"I lost everything. My home, my friends, and even my mom." Maelyne continued, watching me as I reached up towards the cabinet above her and opened it to pull out a first aid kit.

She gave me a quizzical expression, seeming unsure of what I was going to do with the small kit in my hands. 

"No" she said, her eyes widening in terror when I unzipped the bag and pulled out a sewing needle with clear thread, the spot continuing to bleed uncontrollably. I must remember not to bite so hard. 

"Relax, I'm just going to stitch you up" I assured her softly, lifting the needle up and threading the string through the tiny metal hole.

"And exactly what makes you qualified to do surgery on me?" Maelyne sneered, pushing my hands away when I tried to place it on her shoulder to tilt it to the side.

"My father was a doctor, my mother a nurse, and as luck had it my brother's a paramedic so relax. It will be a smooth and less painful process if you just go limp." I explained, trying to move her once more only to have her scoot further back on the counter when she caught sight of the needle at the corner of her eye.

"And you?" she asked with a high squeak, body cowering away from me as I stood in my spot with a pissed off sneer.

"Bar tender. Now get over here before you bleed to death and I have to cart your ass to the morgue." I ordered, brows furrowing in annoyance.

"I have a phobia of needles" Maelyne stated, reluctantly complying by crawling over to me with slow strides.

"Would it help if I got you drunk first?" I suggested, sighing as she froze 3 feet away from me, just out of arms reach.

"No. I abhor hangovers" she scowled, whimpering in defeat when I pointed to the floor in front of him.

"Then get your curvy ass over here now or I will do just that" I threatened, smirking when she crawled quickly over to me.

"Now hold still" I announced, pulling her off the counter and flipping her around roughly the second her feet touched the tile floor.

Taken by surprise she tried to squirm away, her chest being pushed forward to the counter and preventing any movement as I pinned her body with mine against the cupboard. 

"That's my girl" I said in a hushed voice, causing her to freeze and wince in pain while I pushed away her hair and dug the needle gently in.

Seconds passed like minutes, her body shaking in complete terror as I finished patching the wound with expert hands before getting an alcohol swab to clean the dried and freshly made blood from collar bone.

"There. I am finished. That wasn't so bad was it?" I said in a sexy monotone voice, the weight of my body disappearing after a minute and giving her breathing room to turn around and give me a harsh glare.

I shrugged, my fingers gathering the swab and tossing it in the garbage with the sewing needle before picking up the bag and sticking it back into the cupboard.

"Easy for you to say, you weren't the one with the needle in her skin." Maelyne huffed, crossing her arms while I closed the cupboard door and made my way towards her, something hidden behind my back.

"You survived, and now the best thing for you now is to take a pain killer for that headache that will appear soon and then get a hot bath before laying down for some much needed bed rest." I stated with a cocky smirk, stopping before her and pulling out a water bottle, 2 pills and a cherry lollipop.

"What is all this for?" Maelyne asked, raising an eyebrow and taking the water bottle and the pill. Without hesitation she uncapped it and tossed the small red circle back into her throat, chugging the water shortly after before tossing it into the trash beside her.

"It's what the doctor prescribed." I grinned, nodding and holding out the lollipop in front of her face so she could see it.

"What's the lollipop for?" She asked, taking it and staring at it in confusion.

"Well whenever I went to the doctors they always gave me a lollipop so I make it a rule to have some around in case of emergencies such as this" I replied, reaching up and unwrapping it for her while she rolled her eyes at me. 

"How did you know cherry is my favorite flavor? Have you been stalking me Red?" She asked, sighing and popping it in her mouth with uneasiness.

"I like to call it intuition." I grinned, bumping her shoulder and moving passed her.

"Where are you going now?" Maelyne scowled, spinning around to watch my form starting to retreat down the hall to the second room on the right.

"Drawing you a hot bath. After all, what kind of doctor would I be if I didn't take care of my own patient?" I chuckled over my shoulder before opening the door and disappearing into the brightly lit room.


Dominic's P.O.V

"Can't take no for an answer. I figured" Maelyne chuckled, not bothering to look up from the crossword puzzle she was working on to greet the man who just entered the room. Which was me of course.

"No. Not when a yes is far more satisfying" I said with a smirk, leaning against the door frame and crossing my arms across my bare chest.

At that she dropped her pen on the table, mouth gaping open when her eyes lifted and landed on my half naked body in the doorway. 

"Close that mouth or I will consider it an invitation" I warned, sending her lips immediately together.

"You are a vile man who lacks manners." Maelyne replied after a minute of silence, causing me to laugh when she abandoned her crossword to slowly stir her steamy cup of coffee instead.

"And you are a stubborn woman who should've been in my bed by now." I countered, unfolding my arms to hook my thumbs in the rim of my black satin boxers.

"You couldn't pay me enough to sleep with you." Maelyne huffed in retort, glaring into her coffee in avoidance of looking at me.

"Interesting. Then if this is true you won't have a problem repeating that to my face." I snapped back, the carpet floor creaking under my weight as I walked towards the table and placed my palms down on the wooden surface.

Thinking better of staying she stood quickly, plopping back down into her seat obediently when I slammed my hands down and shouted "Sit down now Miss Lane!".

The apartment went still, my command striking enough fear in her to keep her shaking figure planted in her spot.

"H-how did you know m-my name?" Maelyne stuttered through quivering lips, her fingers tightening on the neck of the spoon when I leaned forward menacingly.

"Confidential information miss Lane. Now look at me and tell me that the thought of us sharing a bed completely repulses you and maybe. Maybe I will go easy on punishing you." I hissed, taken back a bit when she let go of the spoon and stared with afraid eyes over the table at me.

"Mr. Frey I-" she began, the sound of another door opening in the hall causing her to stop short of answering my question.

"Your bubble bath awaits my darling" the voice of Reddic announced while stepping into the room, his smile fading to a frown when I lifted my gaze and glared over my shoulder at him. The kind of glare one sees in a man before he commits murder.

"What is going on here?" Reddic asked, putting his fisted hands on his jean clad hips and giving me an equally devious glare.

"Nothing. Mr. Frey here was just leaving." Maelyne chimed in, forcing a tense smile while we continued our stare down.

"I swear woman I will toss you over my shoulder and carry you to my room myself if you don't take that curvy ass of yours to my room this instance." I hissed through gritted teeth, letting out a startled grunt when Reddic grabbed me by the collar and shoved me backwards.


Not expecting the attack Dominic lost his footing, his body tumbling to the carpet while Reddic hovered over him like a hunter would when cornering his prey.

"You touch her and I will not hesitate to bash your thick skull in " Reddic threatened, lifting the lamp from the side table and poising the weapon in anticipation of a fight.

"Try it and I will kick your ass" Dominic retorted, propping himself on his elbows and grinning wickedly up at his companion.

"Show me what you got you dumbass bastard" Reddic taunted, stepping back and allowing Dominic room to stand without having an advantage.

Dominic narrowed his eyebrows.

"Your burial boy" he said lowly, kicking the lamp out his opponents hand before swinging his arm and giving a hefty right hook punch to Reddic's jaw.

The jaw immediately swelled from the hit, Reddic hardly seeming phased as he returned the punch with a roundhouse kick to Dominic's cheek. His foot connecting effortlessly before Dominic grabbed onto his friends ankle and twisted it, causing Reddic to scream out in agony as the bone cracked.

The same sound that was heard when the lamp fell from his hands and collided with the floor.

"That's it. Scream like the little girl you are" Dominic spat with a evil chuckle, cursing in pain when Reddic's free leg jerked up and hit him between the thighs.

"Karma's a bitch" Reddic smirked triumphantly, before Dominic regained control. His eyes widening in surprise when Dominic reached down, dragged him up by the collar and began his assault without a second thought. The two wrestling against each other as they moved about the room, knocking everything off shelves they bumped into along the way from not watching where they were going. Heck, even Maelyne's coffee had been lost to the carpet among the tussle.

"She is my woman. I saw her first, I get claim." Reddic coughed, earning another punch to his face. This time in the mouth.

"Over my dead body" Dominic growled, taking a hit in the eyes as he started to strangle his friend against a stand up book cabinet.

"Actually maybe over yours" he added, grinning once more while pressing his fingers further into Reddic's neck.

"Let him go. You are going to kill him!" Maelyne shouted, screaming when Reddic managed to tackle Dominic when he let his guard down to scowl over his shoulder to at her.

And then that's when all hell broke loose, the two tumbling to the floor in a maddening fist fight as she screamed for them to stop.

But it was useless. They were far too consumed in their rage to even hear reason.

With that she turned, running out of the apartment and screaming out "help" to see a man swing his door open from the corner wall and rush out in panic.

"Ma'am what's wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" He asked out of breath, his green eyes scanning the premises for the threat as she stood panting heavily before him.

"No I'm not hurt. But someone will be soon if we don't stop them." Maelyne coughed, blinking tears as she choked on the lump in the back of her throat.

"Them? Who's them?" He asked, green eyes snapping to the open apartment behind her when the sound of shattering glass filled the doorway.

He sneered at the noise, his calloused hands pushing her behind him in protection as he stood in the doorway.

"Let me take care of this" he said, her eyes staring in awe of the man's muscular physique as he creeped into her landlords apartment in nothing but pajama pants. She wasn't complaining though. Not when she was standing in the presence of a man who could be a god with his blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, tattoo sleeves and rock hard body that promised to keep a woman warm for hours. Perhaps days for her since he was a full head and a half taller than her.

She smiled at that thought, following in after him to see the man grab a large glass of ice water from the counter and casually toss its contents ontop of the forms thrashing about on the floor.

With that they broke apart, the two sneering at the intruder as they wiped the water from their faces and slowly stood. Sizing him up with their steely gazes.

"I hope you idiots are pleased with yourselves. You have upset a lady with your childish fighting and have in the process solved nothing." he scolded, motioning a hand in her direction as she stayed silently observing in the doorway.

"Not to mention you trashed the place" he added, sighing in frustration when he took a quick sweep of the apartment. An apartment that looked more like a crime scene with the broken glass, scattered items and blood splatter stains on the creme carpet rather than a home.

"He tried to sleep with my woman. He was asking for a beating" Dominic retorted, shoving the neighbor who shook it off and cleared his throat.

"She isn't yours. She doesn't even like you!" Reddic tossed back, stepping forward to pounce on his friend again but was stopped by a hand on his chest.

"Stop it! Just stop it you two! I don't want either of you. What don't you understand about that?" Maelyne shouted, slapping her hand against the door and stalking away. The room going deadly quiet as the three stood there in shock from the outburst.

"Well the lady has spoken. Now can you two call a truce?" the man asked, Dominic and Reddic shaking their heads no before they turned and walked off to their rooms, slamming their doors behind them as they went.

"Guess not." the man sighed, leaving the apartment without a second glance.


Tears cascading down her cheeks, Maelyne stood by the railing and waited for the raging wave of emotions to subside. The lights from buildings in the distance providing a calming effect as she contemplated her next move.

"I hope you are not planning on jumping." A familiar voice said softly, catching her by surprise as he took the spot beside her.

"I'd be lying if I didn't say that the thought had crossed my mind" Maelyne said, turning her head and watching him with an amused smile while he just stared out into the city.

"You are watching me" he chuckled after a few seconds of her oggling him from her spot.

"Sorry. I was just enjoying the view" she teased, giggling when he turned and flashed her his perfectly straight purly whites.

"So was I" he winked, green eyes twinkling as he shrugged off his black leather coat he put on and draped it over her shoulders.

She blushed in response to his gesture, a small smile forming on her lips as she turned her gaze downwards and hid her face in his coat.

"Shy and breathtakingly gorgeous. That's a combination you don't see everyday." he laughed, turning around and leaning back against the railing to watch her.

"Names Carter. Carter Clemons.." he said after a good while of neither saying a word.

"Maelyne Ruze. But people call me Mae for short." she replied, fixing her ruffled curls.

"Well Mae. Tell me about yourself" Carter grinned, eyes glowing once she let her fears go and dropped the coat from her face.

"There's not much to know about me other than I lived in New Jersey for a time then moved here" Maelyne said, shrugging as if she really didn't have much to give him.

"How old are you?" Carter asked, crossing his arms and looking her up and down.

"23. What about you?" Maelyne questioned back.

"28 and an architect. I build houses for a living around here. Not the best salary, but hey I love it. Spent four years and got a bachelors at Harvard in architecture for it if you can believe that." Carter said, scooting closer and wiping a stray tear from her cheek that managed to leak out.

"Did I upset you? My apologies sweetheart" Carter whispered, frowning when Maelyne turned her face away and quickly wiped the rest that were now cascading down her red cheeks.

"Don't apologize. It's just my messed up life screwing with my emotions again" Maelyne sniffed, forcing a laugh before drying her wet eyes with the sleeve of his coat.

"We can go into my apartment and talk about it over a cup of coffee if you like? Or tea. If that's what you prefer. I have both. Even milk if I come to think of it. I heard some people drink that shit warm to help them sleep." Carter suggested, causing Maelyne to laugh at his nervous rambling.

"A cup of tea sounds great Carter. Just a warning though, I come with a caution sign" Maelyne chuckled, stepping back from the railing.

"After what I saw tonight. I can handle anything." Carter smirked as he put an arm around her waist and guided her to his place. And possibly. She hoped. A new start for her."So what brought you here?" Carter asked, placing the cup of tea in front of her and easing down into the seat beside him.

"My best friend dragged me here due to some ex boyfriend complications." Maelyne answered, lifting the oval shaped glass cup and sipping her drink.

"What kind of complications?" Carter pried, raising a curious eyebrow.

"The kind of complications that puts a man in jail for not keeping it in his pants." Maelyne finished, wiping the red lipstick stain off of the cup nervously while he continued to stare at her.

"Where is she now?" he questioned before lifting his coffee and tossing it back harshly.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't seen her since our little altercation took place." Maelyne said with a shrug, seeming distant by the even tone in her voice.

"Altercation? Between you and her? Or between those two animals in the apartment next to us?" He asked, slamming his cup down in frustration as he leaned forward on the table.

"Neither and I'd prefer it if you'd leave it at that." She sigh, looking over the rim of the cup at him with narrowed eyes while she sipped her tea once more.

"I will respect your wishes for tonight, but just know if there is a development between us I expect nothing less then the truth. I am a man who values honesty and loyalty above all else in my relationships and you will be no exception if we so happen to connect during your stay here" Carter said firmly, standing and crossing his arms.

"You think rather highly of yourself Mr. Carter to assume I'd share my life, let alone my bed with you." Maelyne huffed, standing as well and glaring at him.

"I have no assumptions Miss Mae. I'm simply presenting my house as an alternative to your uncomfortable situation. However if you prefer to spit at my gracious offer, I will not hold you back from feeding yourself to the wolves." Carter sneered, his nose touching hers as the two leaned across the table in heat of their argument.

"You call offering me your bed a gracious offer? How disgusting!" Maelyne snapped in irritation, picking up his empty cup and chucking it to the side. It flew through the air, the cup shattering against the creme plaster on impact.

"I offered my house, not my bed. If you want in my bed you are going to have to earn it first" Carter retorted, smirking as his green eyes twinkled with mischief.

With that he cleared the surface before them, his arm knocking her cup to the floor before he climbed onto all fours on the table and kissed her.

Maelyne gasped in surprise, her mouth responding on it's own accord with untamed desire as he hungrily kissed her breathless.

"Can't...breathe...Carter" Maelyne whimpered against his scorching hot lips, eliciting a moaned when he grunted in reply and cupped one of her breasts from the outside of her long shirt.

That's when she caved, allowing his other hand to roam down south where he cupped her between the legs and stroked her cotton clad sex.

"Carter" she growled breathily, eyes closing, head titling back in ecstacy as he continued to tease her there while simultaneously messaging her left breast.

"Shhh, let your body do all the talking beautiful" he whispered huskily in her ear, smirking victoriously when she jolted from him pinching her perky nipple that pressed hard against her bra.

"Seems someone's into pain and pleasure" he added cockily, sounding amused by this revelation.

"" Maelyne denied in a gasp, her body betraying her when Carter took off his hand on her breast and slapped her ass, causing her to moan and immediately moisten between her thighs.

"Your body thinks otherwise" he chuckled, growing hard while he watched her writhe in pleasure from his hands on her almost bare ass.

Without a warning he landed another punishing blow, making her scream his name when he ducked his head under her shirt and pressed his mouth to her thong covered sex.

"Scream my name again. I want those bastards out there to hear you scream my name as I taste you." he ordered, licking and biting furiously at the wet fabric touching his lips.

Panting she bit her lip, her brown curls pasting to her skin from perspiration as she forced her scream back down her throat. Part of her wanted them to hear her, the other part wanted them to never find out that she was being given the best orgasm by their neighbor. Mostly because each came with a set of consequences if they ever found out. Which could happen if Carter couldn't keep a tight lip.

At that he ducked out, his eyes filled with annoyance as he glared at her.

"Bath now. You smell like them and that is unacceptable." He growled lowly, crawling off the table and grabbing her wrist tightly, her feet stumbling as he stomped towards a door. Dragging her along as he went.


She stared in silence as he kneeled on the tile floor, his eyes transfixed on her body while she watched the hot water fill the black marble tub behind him.

It was then she came to a realization that this was perhaps the only time a man ever had taken such good care of her. Other than Reddic of course, but his intentions were more out of need to posses rather then to worship, and by the way this man was looking at her body right now...he was definitely worshipping. She just couldn't figure out why.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked softly, breaking her from her thoughts that had caused her to drift a bit from reality.

"Just wondering why you are looking at my body so intensely" she replied, blushing when he leaned forward and nuzzled the palm of her hand.

"Can a man not admire the object of his desire?" he asked, green eyes twinkling as he took her middle finger in his warm mouth and sucked it fervently.

"Do you use that line with every woman you had sex with?" Maelyne groaned, tingles running up her arm from his position.

"No. You'd be the first sweetheart" he said around her finger, giving it one last suck before pulling it out with a soft pop and smirking up at her.

"Why is that?" Maelyne asked, mouth gaping open as he slowly stood and pulled her shirt off, tossing it to the ground without a care.

"Because you are the first woman I've touched roughly who doesn't recoil at the feeling of pain." He whispered, leaning forward and unclipping the front of her bra.

She blushed further as her breasts spilled out, his blue eyes dancing in awe while he stared and slowly pulled the straps off her shoulder so the garment fell to the floor.

"Perfect" he grinned, hooking a finger into her panties and ripping it down her long legs before she could retreat.

"Step into the tub. I will not ask again." He ordered, smiling when she did not resist by stepping towards the tub and carefully climbing in.

With that he walked over and sat on the edge of the tub, his hands reaching in the depths of the bubbly water and rubbing her body underneath it.

She tensed, wincing when he touched his finger against her clit, the pain causing her to cry in agony as he gently pressed into it.

Stunned his hand moved away from her womanhood, a worried expression crossing his features while he studied her face that had a tear falling down it.

"That's not a good sign. We're you always that sensitive with pain there?" He questioned, taking his hand out of the water and drying it on his pants.

"No." Maelyne said, looking away from his penetrating gaze.

"Did your altercation perhaps involve forced, rough sex?" he prodded, causing her to snap her eyes to him in anger. Anger she was doing well to hide until now.

"I'm not going to answer that question as that is none of your business" she said through gritted teeth, starting to wash up by rubbing her hands over her body.

"You don't need to. I already have my answer." He sighed, reaching in and draining the tub before carefully taking the towel on the counter and getting this feet.

"Please stand" he begged, opening the towel and wrapping it around her body as she reluctantly obeyed.

She forced a smile, stepping out and following him as he gently pulled her out of the room once more.

They entered what she believed was his bedroom, the tension in the air so thick that neither desired to speak out of fear one of them may say something they would regret later.

He was her chance. She had no other choices so they left it at that.

"Wear this" he grunted as he walked over to his dresser, pulled out a long black cotton T-shirt and tossed it towards her towel covered body.

She caught it, giving him a slow nod before dropping the towel and slipping on the shirt. He watched the whole time, the moonlight shining through the window casting his large shadow on the floor while she fixed her hair into a bun and forced herself to forget the knot in her stomach.

Much to her dismay she was split on a decision. Part of her wanted to sleep in his bed where she would be !most comfortable, but the other part, the sensible one knew if she does she may never want to leave it after that.

"Sleep in my bed tonight. I will take the couch as you are injured and need a place that will help you heal quicker. That is my priority. So if you want to stay, just know you are safe here and he, whoever he is, will not hurt you again Mae" he announced in a gruff voice, seeming pissed with him sneering down at the spot between her legs.

"I will stay tonight. Whether I will be here the following night is something time will only tell" she said, quickly turning and walking to the king size bed with black and red bedding.

"Very well. But I hope you do stay. It would give me a betters night sleep knowing you are somewhere I can protect you if something were to happen" he said, clearing his throat and walking to the door while she pulled the covers back and climbed in before recovering. His body still only in his pajama pants with no shirt.

"Goodnight Carter" she said, ignoring his comment, causing him to sigh in exhaustion as she turned her back to him and stared out the window.

"Goodnight Mae." He mumbled back, stepping out of the room and slowly closing the door as her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into a deep sleep.

Her reslove to never love slipping as she started to dream of the man who she hated and feared for his ability to make her feel things she never thought possible. Dominic Frey.

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