The End of the Line

By MarvelArt

63 5 2

An imagine of James 'Bucky' Barnes and Steve Rogers' first meeting. More

To the End of the Line

63 5 2
By MarvelArt

[A/N]Hi!!! This is my first Wattpad story so I'm still kind of figuring out how to do everything.
This is what I imagine James 'Bucky' Barnes and Steve Rogers' first meeting to be like. The picture is not my own but this story was partially inspired by it. (It was also inspired by my obsession of Marvel and Captain America) 
You may have to click the picture to see it fully. (I think it cuts out a bit of Steve's head) I love this picture!!!! Bucky is adorable!! ❤️
Disclaimer~ I do not own these Marvel characters. They are the sole property of, well, Marvel. Like I just said. 😉


Steve tiptoed down the dark alleyway, his heart still pounding wildly. His large blue eyes flashed frantically from side to side as they scanned the darkness.
Please let them be gone
He wiped his tear stained face, smearing the dirt that was caked on it.
Please don't let them find me
The alleyway remained quiet and Steve's heart began to slowly unclench. His gulping breaths started to slow.
Then he heard the voices.
They were coming for him.
He retreated backwards until his back suddenly hit stone. He could feel hysteria rising in his chest, a tight feeling that he knew was the first sign of an asthma attack.
The bullies were now close enough for him to see them clearly. Even though they were only a few years older than him their hulking shapes seemed giant like compared with his tiny, fragile form.
One of them was holding a cigarette while the other two were fingering whiplike sticks. They all wore ugly scowls.
Steve's eyes widened in terror. The bullies had already harassed him on the school playground that day, giving him a black eye, tons of bruises, and a boatload of insults. They had only stopped because the teacher had come out.
There was no teacher to save him now.
He started to wheeze. His blond hair was slick with sweat.
They're going to kill me
The ringleader swaggered up to him, puffing his cigar with gusto. "All alone Rogers?" His bloated face split in a cheshire smile,"How unfortunate- for you,"
Steve felt faint but he lifted his small fists in a weak show of defense. "Leave me alone," he squeaked.
To his surprise the bullies stepped to the side,"Ok, you can leave,"
Without a second thought Steve bolted, but he didn't get far. One of the other boys stuck out his foot and Steve tripped over it, scraping his knees badly on the rocky asphalt.
The bullies laughed like hyenas,"Did you really think we would let you go that easily,?" sneered the ringleader, slapping Steve's cheek. Hard.
Tears spilled from his eyes, creating thin tracks down his dirty face.
The head bully stepped back and jerked his head in Steve's direction. The other two bullies, who had up to this time been standing behind their leader, now came forward brandishing their sticks.
Steve took a deep shaky breath and with all the small strength he could muster, yelled,"Help me!"
Then the bullies came, and set on him with their sticks. He feebly raised his hands in an attempt to deflect the blows, but this only made them hit him with increasing cruelty. One blow slashed across his nose, leaving a long red welt.
Steve fell to his knees, crying out in pain as the scraped and bloody skin met the cold, sharp stone.
All the bullies laughed again. The ringleader advanced, his hand raised to strike Steve to the ground. Suddenly the head bully gave a shout of surprise and two thin but strong arms seemed to sprout from his shoulders, wrapping themselves tightly around his pudgy neck. The bully whipped around trying to see what and where this unexpected attack had come from. As the ringleader turned, Steve saw a young boy clinging to his back like a monkey. He had flashing blue eyes and dark brown hair that a large brown cap was attempting to keep in place.
At first the other two bullies looked ready to run away when they saw their leader under attack. When they saw that it was only a boy like themselves, they advanced upon the strange boy, and began trying to extricate him from the first bully's neck. He clung tightly however, and the ringleader's face began to go blue. He let out a strangled gasp and jerked violently backwards towards the alley wall in an attempt to crush the strange boy. The boy sensed his intentions and quickly released his hold, jumping out of the way. The bully continued on, his head meeting the concrete wall with a sharp crack. He immediately slumped to the ground, his eyes closed.
At the sight of their defeated leader the other two bullies gave a shout and ran out of that alley as fast as their cowardly legs could carry them.
The strange boy turned to Steve and saw with dismay that the frail boy had fainted. The boy kneeled next to him and produced a small canteen and handkerchief from his pocket. He wet the handkerchief slightly and pressed it against the unconscious Steve's forehead. After a few seconds Steve's eyelids twitched and then fluttered open. He stared up at the strange boy,"Where am I?"
The boy's eyes twinkled, "Well, right now you're lying on the pavement looking like a ghost that just got mugged-" He gave a warm buck-toothed smile, "Need a hand?"
Steve nodded slowly and the stranger pulled him easily to his feet. Steve winced as pain lanced up from his scraped knees. The boy noticed and led Steve over to the curb where he wet the handkerchief and began to carefully wash the blood off Steve's knees.
"My name is James by the way, James Buchanan Barnes. But everyone calls me Bucky. What's your name?"
Steve gave a shy smile, "My name is Steve Rogers. It's nice to meet you Bucky," then he added quietly, "Thank you for saving me from those awful bullies,"
Bucky gave a shrug, "It wasn't much of a problem, they are a bunch of sissies and cowards," Bucky wiped his his dirty hands on his pants and a sunny smile suddenly broke across his tanned face, "So, I guess we're friends now, "
"Friends?" Steve's face fairly glowed with happiness.
Bucky sat down next to him, "To the end of the line,"

[A/N] I hope you liked it! Just comment and tell me what you think! Ummmm.....Yeah, can't think of anything else to say.
I bid you all a very fond farewell!! 👋

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