Xiaolin showdown collab with...

By karikitdemon

578 11 3

Long ago before Wuya was a threat, Grand Master Dashi found two people to become the first ever Xiaolin drago... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

31 0 0
By karikitdemon

---- Chase's Palace ----

Once again it was almost twelve as everyone was doing their own thing in the palace, however one of them was still sleeping. That was until Kaiser jumped sitting herself up in bed sweating and eyes wide with horror. "I-it was o-only another nightmare..." Kaiser thought slowing down her fast paced breathing. Last night Kaiser was having a rough time being able to stay asleep as she kept waking up from having countless nightmares. Kaiser picked up her cell phone to check what time it was as it lit up showing the picture of Kari and herself when they were younger as it read twelve o'clock. She sent it back down as she got up to look at herself in the mirror.

Slight dark marks under her eyes and dried up tears from crying in her sleep. Letting out a sad sigh she turned her music on to get ready for the rest of the day and trying to cover up the dark spots with little make-up. A knock on the door and then Jacks voice soon followed.

"H-Hey Kaiser. C-can I come in? I tried baking and wanted to see how these pancakes are. I think I messed them up... I was also gonna give you a pudding cup in case they were bad but uh... We were all out." Jack gulped as he said this. Kaiser finished putting on a black tank top with the words "Light em' up" in red when she heard Jack talk to her from the other side. Walking over and opening the door rubbing her right eye very sleepy to see Jack with a plate of pancakes.

"I guess I can try one...Didn't you try one yourself, normally that's how you can tell if you've messed up or not." Kaiser said with a hint of tiredness in her voice. Kaiser ripped a piece off of the top pancake and looked at it carefully before taking a bite. As Kaiser swallowed the unpleasant tasting pancake.

"Y-yeah w-well I'm not that big of a pancake pan, I'm more of a waffle guy myself. S-so how does tast? Here's juice if it's bad." Jack smiled and held out a cup of apple juice. Kaiser took the juice and took a sip, it didn't taste that bad, but it wasn't great either. "Bad huh?" Jack gave a nervous smile.

"Well for one thing I don't think you let them fully cook, and a few things missing in flavor." Kaiser said poking the pancake with her index finger.

"Ok, noted." Jack smiled kindly. "Anything else I should change?" He asked feeling a strange thump. Kaiser thought about something as she rolled her eyes at her own thinking.

"If you really want to improve, I guess I can show you some time." Kaiser said rubbing the back of her neck looking away a bit. Before Jack could say something they could hear Wuya yelling.

"KAISER!" Kaiser gave an annoyed look, she did not want to deal with Wuya's loudness today.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU HAG!?" Kaiser snapped back to thewitch in the distance.

"Chase is requesting your presence in the meditation room now!" Wuya said before walking away and Kaiser gave a funny look and shrugged. She then started to walk to said room.

"Better go see what he wants." She walked away away to see Chase and once in the room she stands before him.

"I believe you have something I should hold onto, Kaiser?" Chase said holding his hand out looking her in the eyes. Kaiser went into her pocket and pulled out a black flute with a purple skull and cross knives in the center with the notes numbered 1-4 and dropped it in his hand and left the room without another word. Jack looked toWuya and tilted his head.

"What did Chase want?" He asked.Wuya waved her hand at him.

"What Chase wanted is none of your concern Jack." She said to Jack.

"Awww, fine." Jack grumbled and went back to the kitchen to throw away his failed pancakes as he felt a twisting in his chest.

----- Xiaolin Temple -----

Omi rushed out of the temple and raced through the garden while Kari chased him with an angry growl.

"OOOOMMIII!!!!!!" She called. "GIVE HIM BACK!!!!" Kari growled. Omishrieked and ran faster.


"KITEARO IS NOT AN "IT" OMI!!" Kari growled and tackled the other monk and snatched her plush from him. "Never take him from me again!" Kari growled and went to put Kitearo back in her room.Kimiko sighed as Omi stood back up, holding his head. Raimundo gave a look at Omi veryunamused.

"You know Omi, it's not cool taking others people stuff like that." Raimundo said crossing his arms.

"But I didn't mean to! I was just hugging her toy when she saw me!!" Omi got defencive. "Kitearo is a very soft wolf plush... Even though he doesn't look it." Omismiled.

"Omi's just lucky that he didn't have to face Kari's wrath, I bet it'd be mighty painful." Clay said shaking his head. Kari came back with and walked to Omi and made it so they were eye to eye.

"Next time you touch Kite without permission... I wont be so nice." Kari's voice soft and emotionless as her eyes glinted with a suppressed anger. Omi nodded.

"Y-yes ma'am." He replied and Kari smiled.

"Good!"She called out and then went to hang out with Kimiko.

Raimundo picked up his ball and walked off to play with his soccer ball some place. Kari looked over her shoulder and giggled. "Typical Rai..." She thought and talked withKimiko.

"Come on Omi we can do some training if you'd like partner." Clay said looking to Omi.

"I would like that very much." Omismiled and went with Clay. Off they went to the training fields to train for a while. Kari eventually waved at Kimiko and went up to Raimundo and tugged on his robe's sleeve.

"Wanna play one on one?" She asked with a smirk. "First to three wins. Loser does winner's chores for two days." Kari giggled and Raimundo gave a big smile setting the ball down.

"Alright Kari, but I won't go easy--!!" He started to say looking at her but Kari kicked the ball and it whizzed past his head and messed with his hair before he could finish his sentence.

"I won't either." She got her first point and smirked. Raimundo held his hair as the ball almost hit him as he looked at her.

"I wasn't ready." Raimundo said pouting a bit.

"Well, then get ready, its 1 zip!" Kari giggled as she went in front of her goal. Raimundo ran to get the ball. "I'm not gonna lose to you Rai, you'll be stuck with my chores for two whole days." Raimundo started to run and kick the ball to Kari's goal.

"Even if I lose two days ain't nothing, I got sticking doing everyone's chores for a whole three months because of a stupid bet." He said getting mad a bit from all the dishes he had to wash.

"Wanna raise the stakes? Four months for ten points!" Kari giggled and blocked the ball from going in. Raimundo fell over from the soccer ball hitting his face and because the new wager.

"Ow." Raimundo muffled into the ball. Kari blinked and jolted.

"Y-you ok?" She gulped, not wanting to leave her goal incase it was a trick. Raimundo sat up a bit as a little blood trickled down from under his nose as he shook his head.

"Nice block Kari." Raimundo said as he held his nose a bit before getting back up. Kari smiled and kicked ball into Raimundo's goal again.

"Deal or no deal?" She smiled. "It's two nah-duh." Raimundo looked at her bewildered.

"Hey come on, I'm injured! that was a cheap shot!" Raimundo complained

"With a small nose bleed. Ever play with a knife in your back, or bullets in your shoulder or wounded legs from a fight from minutes before? No? And to top it all off My team still won? So don't talk to me about "Injured" when all you have if a nosebleed---" Raimundo stopped her from continuing.

"Alright alright I get it geez. Even though I'm already close to losing I'd rather keep it at two days thanks." Kari smiled and giggled.

"Kay." Kari called as Raimundo got the ball. Raimundo got close to her goal as he was going to kick it in, but then faked it and went to the opening and kicked it in. Kari blinked in shock as she saw the ball go in.

"Not bad. Won't fall for that again. Besides--" Kari ran past Raimundo and kicked the ball at about half field, getting her third point. "I win!" Kari called with a giggle. "I've learned my lesson, don't play soccer against Kari again."Raimundo thought kinda sad he lost.

"Two days of my chores Raimundo!" Kari giggled happily as she held up a peace sign and winked. Raimundo wanted to bemad for losing, but looking at her face it wasn't going to happen.

"I can't get mad at her, she looks too cute. Wait I'm doing that thing again, guhh! Man maybe I do like her." Raimundo thought to himself not really caring about having to do a little bit extra chores for two day.

"Raimundo?" Kari asked, now really close and looking up at him as he looked down in thought. "You ok?"She asked while tilting her head and blinking. After snapping out of his thoughts he jumped back surprised about how close Kari was to him. Kari raised an eyebrow at his actions.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Kari... I was just thinking for a second there." Raimundo said picking up his ball.

"Thinkin 'bout what?" Kari asked with a smile. Raimundo rubbed the back of his neck turning his head feeling his cheeks start to get warm.

"N-nothing important." Raimundo says not wanting her to worry.

"... Well, ok" Kari then went to stage one and began sneezing like a kitten. "Myah!!" Kari sneezed and sniffled. "Sh-shen gong wu alert!" She stated and rubbed her nose and then she began to scratch her left arm. Dojo was slithering over with red rashes over his body as he was scratching up a storm.

"Shen gong wu!!! Another one just revealed itself!" Dojo shouted loudly for everyone to hear him. Raimundo let out a sigh, this will be the third day in a row that they went searching for a wu and having to fight Kaiser and the rest.

Clay came rushing over with Omias they heard Kari and Dojo shouting about yet another shengong wu. Raimundo kept an eye on Kari to make sure she didn't hurt herself while scratching.Kimiko came up with the three scrolls as Dojo grew. She hopped on the dragon followed by Omiand Clay. Kari used Raimundo as a platform again and sat on Dojo's head in her favorite position and then Raimundo hopped on. Kimikoopened one of the scrolls to see what wu they were looking for this time.

"The star blade with every slash it shoots a star attack either from the blade or the sky." She called out, then Dojo pipped in.

"Hey we can make our own shooting star show if we wanted."  Kari blinked and giggled. Raimundo also let out a small laugh, a shooting star show sounded really cool. She looked down to see where they were and widened her eyes with a small gasp.

"...G-guys..." Kari gulped. "W-we're o-over Iga... The place I was born..." Kari shivered slightly as her hair pointed towards the wu, still in her stage one form but soon going back to normal, her hair now back to its normal placement as well. Raimundo, Clay, Kimoko's, Omi's  and Dojo's eyes widened after Kari told them this was where she was born. Dojo kept on flying being quiet as he went in the direction of the wu.

When they landed Kari was the first off. Raimundo was the second on off of Dojo as he got to Kari's side. She looked around and stopped in front of an ice cream shop. Kari blinked and went inside, taking her hood off as she did so. She noticed that nothing had changed and smiled.

"Kari? Is that you?" Called an old man behind the counter. "My, my you have gotten much bigger. How have you been since your move?"

"I've been well Mister Murasachi. Have you---"

"Thread!! Come here! ... You have a visitor." Kari blinked. Her brother was working at their favorite ice cream store? Soon a teen walked out and sighed. He wore a black t shirt with blue sleeves, light blue jeans, a dog tag and chain and his left ear was pierced. He sighed.

"Who could be..." He stopped as he laid his eyes on Kari and widened them. "K-kari?" Kari gulped and nodded.

"Y-yeh..." Thread jumped over the counter and grabbed her in a hug, holding her tight.

"Oh my baby sister!! Ah how have you been! I'm sorry I was never able to visit you I never had the money."

"That's actually why he started working here about a year ago." Mr. Murasaki stated with a chuckle. Kari sniffled and gulped.

"Big brother... " She hicced, holding back tears as she hugged him. "I've missed you sooo much! I-I was so scared that I'd never see you again!" The two stayed that way for a while. Raimundo stood outside the ice cream shop as he was going to go in until he saw an older guy jump over the counter and hug her. Raimundo felt his heart ache some more as he felt mad as well, but more sad than anything. Clay watched confusedas to who Kari was hugging in the shop. Kimiko squealed happily while Omi blinked, Dojo sitting on Omi's head once again tapping his wrist as if there was a watch there.

"We gotta go or Chase and his gang are gonna get it!" Dojo shouts itching himself crazily. Raimundo then started to walk into the ice cream shop.

"Kari, come on why do you always run away from the group?" Raimundo asked once he got in standing a good distance watching.

"J-just a sec..." Kari gulped and Thread gave a glare to Raimundo as he put Kari down.

"Kari, who's he?" Thread pointed to Raimundo and Kari smiled.

"He's a friend of mine. His name's Raimundo Pedrosa." Kari smiled and everyone else came in.

"That's Kimiko Tohomiko, Clay Bailey, Dojo Kanojo cho and Omi." Kari smiled and then cleared her throat. "E-everyone, This is Thread. My big brother." Kari giggled and Thread smiled and rubbed Kari's army green cap. Raimundo's eyes widened, THIS was Kari's older brother, a part of him felt relieved as he didn't feel the anger and sadness he was having just a little while ago.

"You haven't changed much Tiny." Thread smirked, using Kari's childhood nickname. Dojo thenclearing his throat to get everyone's attention.

"I'm really happy you're able to bereunited with your older brother Kari, but we gotta go or Kaiser and the rest will get the shen gong wu. Plus my rashes are getting worse." Dojo finished as he itched his body more frantic. Kari blinked then jumped up and kissed Thread's cheek before trotting back to the group.

"I'll be back later! I'll come visit more often, I promise." Kari called out as she waved at him.

"Where you going?" Thread asked and Kari giggled.

"Mission. Bye." Kari blinked and then left the shop with everyone else. Clay, Raimundo, Kimiko, andOmi followed Kari as Dojo was also giving directions to the star blade. They all soon find the wu snagged in a rock. Kari then began to go for it. A black mist starts to cover the area around them.

"They're here!" Dojo said seeing the black mist popping up as the group could see Kaiser in normal clothes walking out of the mist and Kari skid to a stop as her stage one form activated.

"Hello Xiaolin warriors, it's about time you all showed up. We've been waiting for you." Kaiser said with a smirk and eyes thin out with a light glow in her eyes. ThenWuya standing on one side, Chase on the other of Kaiser with them both smirking. Raimundo let out a growl as the other group stood in front of them.

"Get out of our way, the star blade is ours!" Raimundo shouted. Kari gulped and then began to go for the wu again, using echolocation like bats use to find their food, clicking her teeth fast and keeping her eyes closed. Chase noticed Kari going for the wu as he headed for the wu knowing where to go as he pulled out the flute in the process since no one could see him.

"You'll have to go through us."Wuya said looking to where Jackshould be. Jack brought out some of his Jack-bots and then told them to attack. Clay, Omi, Kimikoand Raimundo started to fight off the Jack-bots. Dojo was hiding behind a rock with Kimiko's bag.

Kari blasted some of the Jack-bots into oblivion with her right arm in the form of a blaster. She made her arm go back to normal and then raced to the Wu quickly and was getting close. Chase was getting closer to the wu as he placed a finger over the third note as he played it. Kaiser was going to attack, but stop as she heard the flute being played as her eyes changed two Black and blood red. Jack looked at Kaiser and gulped as she began to change. Purple markings started to take form on her cheeks, her arms, and legs which could be seen since she was wearing shorts that went to her knees. Kaiser took a step back placing her hands on her head screaming in pain as black mist emitted from her body.

Kari skid to a stop and widened her eyes as she saw Kaiser go into stage three. Clay, Raimundo,Kimiko, Omi, and Dojo along withWuya and Jack all stared with wide eyes. Kari frowned and then gulped, getting back to going to the wu. Kaiser's eyes were closedtrying to make the pain go away as her eyes snapped opened looking at the monks with a demonic almost insane glimmer in them as she smirked.

Dojo opened the Mercilus dragon's scroll as it glowed strongly and started to freak out. "Be careful everyone, Kaiser's in stage three!" Dojo shouted to the monks. Clay saw the look in her eyes as he shook in his cowboy boots.

"H-hehe I'll make sure to rip you all apart." Kaiser said running at the monks going for Omi first. Wuyalooked over to Jack, Wuya was a bit stunned to say anything. Omiyelped and jumped up, having Kaiser run under him.

"K-Kari!! Please g-get the wu before we are no longer among the bone and flesh!!" Omi whinedand Kari grabbed the wu only to see Chase holding it as well. Behind Omi he was blasted in the back with a force of black mist and kicked in the head flying into Kimiko's direction.

"Chase Young, I challenge you to axiaolin showdown! I wager the starhanabi." Kari began with narrowed eyes. Chase Young gave a smirk as he nodded.

"I accept your challenge, I shall wager my Ruby of Ramses." He said holding it out.

"The name of the game is last one on the rock wins. You hit the ground you're out." Kari called out with confidence and took out the star hanabi. The field changed and a pillar rose up around them as if an arena but with no walls. Everyone was on their own pillars at the same height so they could watch.

"Gong yi tempai!!" They called and Kari stared at Chase, waiting to see what he would do as she took a stance. Chase held the ruby towards Kari as he began to pick her up and tossed her to the side. Clay and the other were cheering for Kari while Wuya and Jack were the only ones cheering for Chase Young.

Kari yelped and growled. "FIRE BODY!!!" She called and her body became pure flame. She chuckled and her body shot fireballs at Chase causing him to drop his wu. Kari then growled. "EARTH BODY!!" She then stomped on the ground causing the pillar to shake rapidly. Kari gulped and went back to normal without meaning to. "Wh-what? I-I didn't s-say I was --- Oh crap..." Kari gulped and went to stage two without warning. "WHAT THE HELL?!" She called and looked at Chase and growled, slightly confused but still ready to go. Chase smirked as he changed into his giant lizard form as he let out a loud roaring sound. Kaiserwas surprised to slightly be able to see Chase in his other form, but she was more focused on the illusions that were playing around her with her as the pain was still there. Kari blinked and rushed at Chase getting close to him then vanishing appearing to his left and kicking his jaw. She then hopped back and blinked changing into her stage three form.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! I'M GOING THROUGH THESE TOO FAST!!!" She called and the Copying dragon of the moon scroll began to glow. Dojo started to shiver more as now the Copying dragon's scroll was glowing too. As he fearfully opened to scroll.

"Oh great, just lovely Kari's falling into stage four!!" Dojo started to freak out and panic that theMercilus dragon was at stage three and Kari was going into the fourth and final stage and it's not gonna be pretty. Raimundo's eyes widened as he was having shivers, but he was worried about Kari's safety. Clay was cowering in his boots at the sight of Kari changing. Omi hid behind Kimikoand Kimiko was shivering behind Clay.

Kari growled and then called out. "LIGHTNING BODY!!!" She zoomed around Chase and attacked him in the sided and gut as fast as she could but she couldn't get him to budge. Chase used his tail at the right moment to smack Kari away from him in into one of the slightly longer pillars with a smirk. Kari just stayed still. Her body pulsing as an aura flicked on and off from her symbols and her eyes, which were hidden by the shadows of her bangs. A smirk appeared on her face, all of her teeth now fangs. She stood up and looked at Chase. Both of her pupils were now slits. "Thank you sir may I have another?" She asked smugly and walked to Chase and then stopped a few feet in front of him. She snapped her fingers and all the elements swirled around her.

Her right arm became earth, her left arm metal, her torso water, her left leg fire, right leg lightning and a pair of wings made of pure wind sprouted from her back. "Heh, ready to fight the elements?" She asked and kicked Chase with her left leg then her right, and alternating quickly. She then punched him with her right arm to his face then her left in his gut. Chase uses his arms to block a few of Kari's kicks as he swats her away with his tail once again" METAL BODY!!!" Kari called and saved herself from falling off the edge, just barely and rushed back at Chase. Raimundo kept on watching Kari on edge just wanting it to be over, he didn't want Kari to getting hurt or he'd have to beat up Chase Young himself. Kari went for a punch to Chase's back with a growl, her fingers growing claws as she swiped at him with her other hand.

Chase moved his face back a bit as only one of Kari's claws hit him and then was able to grab the other and toss her over him. Kari gulped and rolled towards the edge limply, falling off of it with her eyes closed and going back to stage one with a normal body. She did not move as she neared the ground closer and closer. Everyone watched and gasped. Was she going to lose? Raimundo started to panic more as he watched Kari fall.

"KARI!!!" Raimundo shouted loudly afraid.

Kari blinked and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times thengasped. "T-TYPHON BOOM!!" Kari called and clapped her hands together to get her higher but it wasn't enough. Kari gulped and wind began to surround her. She smirked and brought down her goggles. "WIND BODY!!!" She called and Kari's body was hidden by a sphere of wind as she went back up. The wind around vanished as she hovered in place. Raimundo started to cheer with excitement and relief knowing Kari was safe. Her whole body made out of tornadoes as her scarf swayed wildly. "I'm not losing... TYPHOON BOOM!!! AMP!!!" Kari called and a stronger Typhoon Boom rushed at Chase, scooting him back slightly. Kari growled. "HURRICANE KICK!!! AMP!!!" She then flipped downward and drop kicked the ground while Chase was recovering from her previousattack. Wind rushed through the ground wildly and then sprouted up from under him, tossing him back over the edge. Chase was trying to hold onto the rock and climb up as the rock breaking under him. Kari smirked and then jumped up.

"Ty-phoon!! BOOM!!! AMP-TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kari called andaimed at the rock as two ampedtyphoon boom's rushed towards Chase, breaking the rock he was holding onto. Kari giggled and went to the center of the pillar, waving at everyone as she had won the showdown still in her wind body form. She felt strange since her fourth stage was activated so soon and in such a strange way. It bothered her deep down but she decided to keep it to herself. She remembered that she felt as if she was incomplete when in her fourth stage as well as her third and second, which was very odd. Wuya waited for it to end so she could help Chase. The field went back to normal as Dojo and the group rushed over to Kari to congratulate her. Kari looked at the group as she blinked, even though her mouth was hidden she had that look that made it seem she was smiling. She giggled and held the wu out. "I did it." She called out. "All on my own!" She then jumped up and did a backflip and hovered in place. "Man, my wind form feels so cool!! Immastay in it a little more." She giggled childishly.

"You know, we are close to Tokyo,maaaayyybeee we could go visit my papa real quick." Kimiko called out and Kari blinked.

"Who's your father?" She asked and Clay explained.

"Oh Kimiko's father runs Tohomikoelectronics" Clay said fixing his hat paying no mind to the heylin group Kari blinked in shock.

"WHAT?!" She called, her wind body coming apart as she fell on her butt in shock, no longer in stage one. "THE ToshiroTohomiko?! LUCKY!!" Kari stood up and dusted off her rear with a huff. "I vote we go!" Kari raised her right hand.

"Jack get Kaiser and lets go!" Wuya shouted pointing to Kaiser who was kneeling on the ground hold her head being awfully quiet stuck in her illusions. Jack nodded and walked to Kaiser while thexiaolin warriors were talking, Kari looked happy.

"Kaiser, let's get home ok?" He said in a sweet soothing voice. Kaiser wasn't fully back to normal as her hand grabbed a knife about to stab something she saw in her illusion, but eyes snapped back before stopping herself inches from Jack.

"Wh-what that hell is wrong with you Jack!? Do you have a death wish, you of all people you moron not to get this close! I could havejust stabbed you!" Kaiser yelled pissed off, but at whom; herself or Jack. Raimundo turned his head to the yelling.

Jack froze and blinked. "I-I k-know... Y-you a-all good?" He stammered, sweating slightly. Kaiser's body shook a bit as the purple marks went away and put the knife away getting herself up.

"Don't do that again... Who know's if I'd be able to stop myself from almost killing you." With that Kaiser said rushing off as her bangs covered her face leaving Chase, Wuya, and Jack behind. Kari was hounding the other warriors, begging them if they could go see Kimiko's dad, even though they had all been there once before, except Kari.

"Please, please. please.PLEEEEASEE!!!" Kari called out like a child. Kimiko looked at the other four in the group.

"I would not mind. I rather like your father's building." Omi smiled kindly and Kari yipped then hugged Omi. Clay nodded his head.

"It's always nice to be able to see a friend's family so why not." Kari squeaked and tackled Clay happily while Raimundo smiled.

"Hellz yeah, we can play video games and what not." Dojo then looked to everyone as he grew.

"So Tokyo it is then, all aboard!" Dojo said to the group.

Kari jumped for joy. "YES!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!" She raced up into a tree being the first one on Dojo's back. "LETS GO LETS GO!!" She called out. Kimiko giggled and got on Dojo and high-fived Kari while Omi sat down with a big smile. Raimundo got on and then Clay climbed onto Dojo's back. As soon as everyone was on him he took to the skies going to Tokyo. Kari looked around while Kimikopointed out the building. Kari stared at it, nearly falling off ofDojo in awe, but Kimiko grabbed her before that happened.

"You ok?" Kimiko asked and waved her hand in front of Kari's face. "Guy's... I think she's in a coma..." Kimiko gulped and Kari jumped up and went to get a better view.

"Awesome!! Oh man this is sooocool!!!!!!!!!!" Kari squeaked in glee. Eventually Dojo landed and Kari raced to the front gate and skid to a stop. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!" Kari giggled and waited for everyone. "HURRY UP!!!" She huffed and Kimiko chuckled.

"She's like a kid at an amusement park." She rolled her eyes and went up to Kari. Clay and Raimundo followed over as the gates opened to reveal Kimiko's father Toshiro Tohomiko with a big smile and arms open to Kimiko.

"It's so great to see you Kimiko, I didn't know you were coming to visit." Mr. Tohomiko said.

"I was near by, Papa and thought you'd like to meet Kari-- huh?" Kari was on the ground, she had fainted only moments after the gates had opened. "Oh boy... I think she's excited." An excited wheeze escaped Kari's mouth in the shape of a ghost. Raimundo let out a chuckle looking at how excited and happy Kari is to behere, it made Raimundo smile just seeing Kari act and look this happy.

"Hello Kari, it is a pleasure to meet another one of my daughter's friends. Please come in everyone." Mr. Tohomiko said as he guided them inside.

Kimiko helped Kari up and walked her inside. "You gonna be ok?" She asked with a giggle and Kari nodded.

"I'm good... I'm--" Kari went through the scanner and blinked as she saw the factory. "... So cool!" She gulped, her eyes going wide as she raced to a video game at top speed."ITS THE NEW FIRST PERSON SHOOTER!!! SHOT-TOON!!!! OH COOL!!!" Kari sped to a new toy about to be released to the public. Kari raced around happily, looking at everything with wide eyes, tripping on her scarf as she headed to another gaming console. "Oomph!" Kari puffed as her face hit the tile. Raimundo shook his head as he went over and helped Kari off the floor.

"You should really fix your scarf so you're not tripping on it so often Kari." Raimundo said looking to see if there were any little cuts or anything on Kari. Mr. Tohomiko let out a chuckle as he brought some of the latest toys that were yet to be released over to Kari.

Kari giggled. "Sorry, sorry. Kinda got a little carried away th-- LOOK AT THOSE ONES!!!" Kari gasped as her smile grew as she stood up and looked at all the toys that Mr.Tohomiko just brought out. "Oh wow! These are so cool!!! Wish I had all of these way back when!" Kari giggled, meaning toys in general. Mr. Tohomiko held them out to Kari.

"These are for you, you can say a welcoming gift for coming to visit with Kimiko." He said giving a smile.

Kari blinked and stood back. "I-I couldn't, th-there's so much..." Kari gave a nervous smile as she shuffled her feet timidly. Then Mr.Tohomiko insisted still holding the toys to her.

"No I insist, I give Kimiko and the rest all sorts of stuff wheneverthey come to visit." He said still with a smile on his face.

Kari blinked and took the toys and bowed. "Th-thank you Mr.Tohomiko." Kari smiled and hugged the toys close. "I have a question. I'm really good with electronics and wanted to see some of your advanced mechanics." She smiled happily, everyone stared as Kari said this, not really knowing that Kari was good with technology. Kari looked at them. "What? For my free time back when I was younger Thread and I would build robots. When I was four I made a mini toaster out of paper clips and pieces of a hair dryer, and some bubble gum that Thread chewed..." Kari smirked. "I-I also helped Kaiser out with her motorcycle every so often." She sighed.

"Wait, Kaiser has a motorcycle?" Raimundo and Clay asked surprised hearing this for the first time. Then Dojo pipped in.

"So Kaiser is a autobody techie." Dojo said looking at Kari. Kari shrugged.

"You could say that." She replied and looked up at Mr. Tohomiko for an answer to her earlier question. Mr. Tohomiko thought for a moment nodding his head motioning for them to follow him as he lead the way. Raimundo and Clay started to follow along with the others. Kari raced behind Mr.Tohomiko and gasped once they reached the room. Kari felt weak as she stepped in.

"Wow!" She gasped and looked at everyone working, she noticed someone had put the wires in wrong on one of the toys and went to fix it happily. "There, that should work." She smiled.

"How did you learned to do all ofthat Kari?" Mr Tohomiko asked.

"I dunno, I was just able to do it. My parents said that... hmm... I-I don't really remember exactly what they said since it was so long ago but it was along the lines of"when you got your first toy you broke it but fixed it yourself, you were two..." Or something. Guess I was just born knowing." Kari gave a smile, deep down it was slightly bitter.

"That's an incredible talent you have, maybe one year you'll come work here with Kimiko. That is if you want to." Mr. Tohomikochuckles a bit impressed.

Kari nodded with a big smile. "Maybe, I'll think about it. But I've kinda--" She looked at her group. "I've kinda got my hands full." Kari looked at Mr. Tohomiko. "Training and all." Kimiko smiled at Kari and walked up.

"You having fun?" She asked and Kari nodded her head rapidly.

"Totally!" Kari giggled and went to help out some of the people she saw were having trouble. Raimundo watched Kari as she went to go help out some people and he decided to go over to see if he could lend a hand some how. Clay and Omi went to try out one of the video games with Dojo,Kimiko going with them. Kri looked at Raimundo and smiled.

"Hey." She stated, plugging in a wire to one of the toys., trying to reach for one of the wire cutters but it was too far. She frowned."Curse my tiny arms and legs!" She thought with a huff. Raimundo smiled as he picked up Kari so she could reach up.

"There you go." Raimundo said with a smile still on his face.

"Th-thanks." Kari took the cutters and snipped two wires out of the robot and replaced them with new ones since those two did not work. Kari then stood up and turned on the toy robot. It began to walk and move on its own perfectly. Kari jumped up and punched the air in triumph.

"Yes!" She giggled happily. Dojo came slithering over to Raimundo and Kari.

"I know everyone is having a fun time, but it's getting late and everyone needs to go to bed on time or Master Fung will be very mad." Dojo says looking at the two. Kari frowned but turned the toy robot off and smiled, getting ready to go. She thanked Mr.Tohomiko with her symbols glowing, startling him slightly as she left. Kimiko then explained to her father about Kari, leaving out Kari's most personal secrets as best as possible. But she had no choice but to mention Kaiser as well. Once outside Dojo grew larger for everyone to get on. Clay was the first to get on after thanking Kimiko's dad.

"Thank you for coming by to visit! Please do come by anytime, it was nice to meet you Kari!" Mr.Tohomiko said as he bowed to them as everyone was getting on Dojo. Raimundo waited for Kari so he could help her up like usual before getting on himself. Kari bowed to Mr. Tohomiko

"Thank you, Mr. Tohomiko I'm glad that you let me work on some things and gave me some toys." Kari said then left smiling at Raimundo once she arrived. Raimundo returned the smile to Kari as he helped her onto her normal sitting spot on Dojo and then once she was on he got on Dojo's back.

"Alright up, up, up and away we go for home!" Dojo took off as Mr. Tohomiko waved to them watching them fly into the sky.

As Dojo flew, Kari looked down as she went into stage one. She saw her brother and blinked.

"Rai, hold these please." Kari said then handed Raimundo her new toys and stood up. "I'll be back in five minutes." Kari called and began to lean back. "Just need to talk with my brother." She began to free fall where her brother was with a giggle. Her scarf ends turning into wings as she tackled her brother.

"K-kari?!" Thread gasped. Kari giggled.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm going back to the temple. I'll call you if you have a phone." Thread nodded and gave Kari two pieces of paper, both folded. He sighed with a small smile.

"Don't look at them till you get home, ok?" He asked and Kari nodded then flew back up after kissing her brother's cheek and getting one last hug. She put the two papers in her pocket and landed on Dojo's back. Dojo then went back to flying home to the temple.

"Everything alright Kari?" Ramundo asked looking at her. As Dojo was flying, sun was ever so slowly setting. Kari nodded.

"Just getting Thread's cell phone number so I could call him." Kari smiled then remembered the other paper wondering about it. When they all arrived at the temple Kari immediately went to her room and took the two papers out and unfolded them. She blinked. The first had Thread's phone number on it while the other---

"M-mother? F-father?"She gasped. She did not have a picture of them so this really hit home. It was an old family picture with baby Kari and her parents and Thread. She gulped and smiled, tears forming in her eyes. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes then left her room and found everyone in the main room, still having tears in her eyes.

"H-hey Kari what's wrong?" Clay asked Kari concerned.

"Are you ok?" Omi asked and went up to her, noticing that she was hugging a piece of paper.

"Who wants to see me as a baby?" She asked happily, her voice soft and sweet.. "As well as my parents?" Kari walked over and sat down with everyone and showed them the picture.

"I wanna see what you looked like as a baby Kari." Raimundo said really curiously. Clay nodding his head in agreement with a smile.Omi waved his hand in the air.

"Me too!" He called out.

"Me three!"Kimiko smiled excitedly.

"There, in my mother's arms. I look like I'm trying to play with her hair." Kari giggled and rubbed her eyes. "I... Haven't seen what they looked like in nine years..." Kari gulped and smiled. "Hah, Father looks so proud and a little nervous." Kari giggled.

"Your family looks like a group of nice people Kari." Clay said looking at the picture.

"Wish.. I could tell you if they were or not Clay... I really do." Kari replied with a bitter smile then breaking down and even telling them what she told Raimundo, not feeling right if she didn't tell them since they just saw the photo. Raimundo gave Kari a hug trying to make Kari feel better as she told the story to the others. Clay frowned as he had to hear the story again. Dojo was crying from the story as he blew his nose.

"Well you know Kari, it may not bemuch... But we're your family now since we're all living together and such." Clay said giving a smile hoping to make her feel better. Kari blinked at Clay and nodded happily.

"M-maybe Thread could come and visit once in a while." Kari sighed, looking at Dojo, seeing if he wouldkindly make it possible. Dojo smiled as he nodded his head.

"Of course Kari, I'll talk to MasterFung about it so we can make arrangements for your brother to be able to visit now and again.

Kari hugged Dojo happily. "You are the BEST dragon out there Dojo! Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!" She squeaked happily and giggled. "Today was the best day I could ever ask for! I got new toys, a new Wu and I got to see my brother!" Kari set Dojo down and looked at everyone. "And I got to introduce the four best monks and best dragon to him. Thanks you guys!" Kari called, sounding a little sappy. Raimundo, Clay, Omi, Kimiko and Dojo blushed lightly from the high praise Kari gave them as they all smiled to her feeling happy.

"Group hug!" Clay shouted as everyone including Dojo huddled around and hugged Kari. Kari let out a cute shriek, not used to group hugs but then smiled and giggled, hugging back.

"Thank.. My family..." Kari sighed happily. Everyone in the group hug smiled big after hearing Kari call them family. Raimundo felt a light PING in his heart, he was happy to see her happy however being called family made him think that Kari only saw him as a brother as he mentally sighed.

"Today was great, I'm going to head to sleep goodnight!" Dojo said as he slithered off to his room for the night. Kari giggled and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm beat too... Night everyone." Kari yawned. She then saw Raimundo and giggled, hugging him quickly. "Thanks." She whispered and rushed to her room, Omi, Kimiko and Clay staring. Raimundo looked a bit flustered from the hug from Kari gave him as he looked at his friends.

"What are you all looking at?!" Raimundo questioned them all in adefensive tone.

"Nothin." Kimiko smirked. Omi smiled.

"Uh, I have a question Raimundo. Do you like Kari?" Omi asked innocently. Clay looked to his best friend Raimundo waiting for him to answer everyone wants to know. Raimundo was taken back by Omi's sudden and personal question.

"N-Noo..M-maybe a little... I'm still sorting out my feeling!" Raimundo said as his face turning red. Kimiko gasped.

"AAAHH YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER!!!" She squeaked. "Are you gonna tell her soon?! You better tell her soon!" Kimiko giggled happily, seeing it written all over Raimundo's face.

Kari stepped in, half-dazed. "Rai-who-what now?" She asked with a yawn, in her pajamas and her hair down. Raimundo was gonna answer Kimiko, but turned to the source of the voice and saw Kari and his face gets more flustered.

"It's nothing Kari." Clay said to Kari until Kimiko's loud mouth poked in.

"Kari! Oh boy do I have a story for you!" Kimiko walked over and was about to tell her about Raimundo's feelings. Raimundo started to panic as he rushed over to Kimiko and cover her BIG mouth as he let out a chuckle.

"Ye-yeah. Let me tell it Kimiko, it's funnier when I do it." Raimundo said trying to get Kimiko to shut up. Kimiko sighed and walked away while Kari blinked, half awake still. She sat down and looked at Raimundo like a child being told a story. Raimundo sat down with Kari, but keeping a little distance as he cleared his throat to tell the story seeing Clay from the corner of his eye.

"So while you went off to get to bed, Clay went to grab something he saw however he stepped into a bucket tripping over. And he almost fell on top of Omi, but Omiblasted him with water backing Clay fall backwards." Raimundo laughed a bit finishing the "story". Kari blinked and let out a small adorable yawn at the end of the story, she went to get up but fell over on Raimundo, now asleep completely. Kimiko snickered at this. Raimundo's eyes widened as Kari fell onto him and now asleep as his face turned red.

"S-someone he-help me." Raimundo asked his friends that were around him. Clay let out a soft chuckle very amused at his friend's panic.

"I think I'll let you handle this one partner. Goodnight." Clay said tipping his hat going off to his room for the night.

"Same here, night Raimundo." Kimiko giggled and Omi blinked.

"She is not the heavy Raimundo, I'm sure you can handle this. Have a good sleep." Omi smiled and walked to his room with a big smile. Raimundo looked at his friends leave him one by one as he looked down. He smiled at Kari's peaceful sleeping face that was before him, but then his face was getting more flustered as he carefully sat himself up and then getting up holding her close to him so he didn't drop her. Raimundo carried Kari bridal style as he headed to Kari's room so she could sleep. After three minutes of walking under the moonlight he opened the door and got inside and noticed Kari's family photo next to that stupidly cute wooden cat Clay made for her. Raimundo then knelt down to place Kari ontoher mat.

Kari let out a purr and smiled slightly. "... Thanks... Rai-mun-do...." She whispered happily and sighed in her sleep. Raimundo's heart swelled with joy hearing Kari say his name even though she was asleep. Raimundo put the wolf plush next to her and smiled.

"You don't have to thank me Kari, because no matter what... I will always care about you." Raimundo said with a gentle smile.

"... Kay..." Kari yawned with a sleepy purr. Raimundo looked to Kari, she heard him. His face grew redder by the minute so he quietly, but quickly left the room closing the door behind him and running to his room wanting to sleep.

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