Mr. Sandman

By aesthetichowlter

3.4K 278 191

It's the same situation every time; a young woman's body is found in a remote location, along with a note. A... More



197 19 10
By aesthetichowlter

I let out a sigh as I looked at the time on my laptop. 9:46 p.m. Due to my tardiness, my supervisor asked me to stay a little later and sort through a few manuscripts. After really getting into my work and powering through the packets, I had clearly made the executive decision to stay a bit later than originally anticipated. I closed the lid of my laptop and slipped it into my bag and cleaned up the rest of my work area. I threw my phone in my bag in the process, knowing it had died only a little over an hour ago. After locking up the front of the building, I began my travail home.

I pulled the zipper of my jacket up, shielding my body from the crisp night air. I watched my feet as I walked, making sure there was no unsuspected ice waiting for me to slip on. The streets were practically empty, making me feel at peace. I always enjoyed solitude. Silence was truly a beautiful thing that our world almost ceased to experience. I looked up as a middle aged man in a thick coat walked by. He smiled at me kindly and nodded his head. I smiled back and looked back down to my feet, thinking about the warmth and comfort of the bed that awaited me.

The pleasant thoughts ended abruptly as I felt the hairs on the back of my neck practically stand on end; and it wasn't the cold air that gave me these chills. I turned my head over my shoulder to see no one was behind me. Not even the man I had just seen. I looked forward as my stomach dropped. I couldn't quite put the feeling I was having into one word; it was a range of words. Fear, anxiety, hindrance. I picked up my pace a bit, not being able to shake the feeling that I was being followed. The beautiful silence I once reveled in, was now a chilling void; leaving me abandoned in the dark.

I looked back over my shoulder, and still saw no one, but something told me to keep watching. As if on cue, I watched as a hooded figure walked out from one of the alleyways I had passed. The second I saw the dark mass exit from the passage, something screamed in my head; an alarm telling me to leave. As if my body was ahead of my brain, my legs carried me at a fast pace on the sidewalk. The possible ice sheets on the concrete suddenly became the least of my concerns. I saw my building in the near distance, looming like a safe haven. I didn't bother looking back, knowing I couldn't waste any time on knowing how close the person was. The second I reached the steps of my building, I couldn't help the feeling of relief that washed over me like a crashing ocean wave.

I didn't stop until I reached the elevator, repeatedly pressing the door close button. As the doors shut, I let out the longest, most exasperated sigh I had ever had. I slouched against the wall of the elevator and shut my eyes, letting my heart beat reach it's normal pace once again. As the doors let out a quick ding, I stepped out into the hallway casually, reaching for my bag so I could retrieve my keys. As I stared into the depths of my bag, searching for my flat keys, I collided with another figure.

"Oh God, I am so sorry." I said as I backed up and looked to see my neighbor, Oliver. He chuckled and swung his car keys on his finger. 

"Long day at work?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Something like that," I said and proceeded to look further for my keys. Oliver was one of the first friends I had met in London, and he really was a genuine guy...who also happened to have a major partying and night life addiction.

"How's the internship?" I asked as I pulled the keys from the bag on my shoulder. 

"Well, definitely an internship. But it has it's perks. Watching others save lives can be quite rewarding. I just cannot wait until I can finally be doing the same." He said and I smiled. Oliver was in his last year of medical school and had taken up an internship at the local hospital, assisting some of the most prestigious doctors of London in their every day work.

"That's really awesome. Hopefully you can get a great job after making all these connections." I said, hoping to end the conversation. After the scare, I just wanted to be in the safety of my locked flat.

"Not to brag, but I don't think I'll have that hard of a time finding a job." He shrugged and leaned against the wall, signaling he was ready for a lengthy conversation in the middle of the hallway. I internally screamed and pulled at my hair.

"I'm really happy for you, Oliver, but I should really-"

"Hey the lads and I are going out tonight for a round of drinking. I bet you could use a pint after such a hard day." He suggested, smirking confidently as he brushed his fingers through his wavy hair.

"That sounds really fun, but I am so tired and have to get up early tomorrow for work, so I think I should probably get to sleep soon, but thanks anyway." I shut his offer down quickly and began to walk around him to my door.

"Well, we could hang out soon?" He questioned in an unsure tone. I couldn't help but smile. Oliver really was a sweet guy, and not giving him a chance would be idiotic. I turned on my heel and looked at him.

"With the lads?" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"You're going to have to get used to Brit lingo at some point." He joked, making me laugh.

"This is true." I said and began to unlock the door to my flat.

"But no, I was going to suggest the two of us. Maybe a bit like a date?" He questioned. I pushed the door to my flat open and looked to him, his eyes hopeful.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."


i apologize that this chapter is such shit, but i can promise you the story will be picking up soon. this is alllllll exposition. but i want to thank all of you for your votes and comments. i absolutely love getting feedback from you guys. it really makes my day. much love for all of you.

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