My Hazzy 2

By nannea

50.4K 2.6K 944

Sequel for My Hazzy. More

My Hazzy 2
To you, who may comment
Part 1: Tears of joy
Part 2: Hear the wedding bells
Part 4: We just stay the same
Part 5: Are you Horan, too
Part 6: Presents and old memories
Part 7: Shut up, Greg
Part 8: Harry's mine this year

Part 3: Good parent, bad parent

3.9K 273 134
By nannea

"Bye!" Harry happily shouts from the door before stepping outside the bakery.

He is carrying a white cupcake box, thinking Aisling will love the surprise he has. Niall probably won't be too impressed but then again, he has a soft spot for cupcakes too.

Harry has been working at the bakery for a while now and he absolutely loves his job. Although it doesn't pay that well and it's not his dream job, he still thinks it's one of the best ones he could have got without proper education. Besides, the hours are great, he reasons. It allows him to pick Aisling up which makes Niall's life much easier.

Harry whistles happily as he hops inside his car, putting the radio on. He is early, Aisling doesn't get off in another twenty minutes but he thinks it doesn't matter. He is often too early, sometimes a bit late too.

He decides to wait inside the school building, first standing in the lobby but when the bell rings, going towards Aisling's classroom. He sees her inside the room, deciding to wait in the hallway, watching her packing her bag.

He laughs when she finally notices him, shrieking and rushing towards him. She always gets happy to see him even though he picks her up every single day but still, she never fails to surprise him with her reaction.

"Hi Hazzy," she is clinging to his leg, giggling.

"Hi monkey. Did you have a good day?" Harry asks, stroking her curls.

"Yes! Can we go home now? I'm hungry," she whines.

"You're hungry? It's not dinnertime yet," Harry says and takes her hand in his, beginning to lead her outside the school building.

"I want snack," she informs.

"Okay," Harry says as he helps her inside the car. He remembers to put Backstreet Boys on, thinking they'll get to listen one song before they are home.

"Did you have fun in school?" Harry asks, beginning to listen Aisling explaining what they did. He listens carefully, thinking the little girl always seems happy about school, talking about it with her strong, Irish accent.

"Tomorrow we'll do pottery," Aisling sounds excited.

"Oh that'll be fun."

"I'll do something for you Hazzy!"

"You don't need to," Harry chuckles.

"I will you naughty boy."

"Okay then. Look, we're home," he is still chuckling, parking the car. He lifts Aisling outside, locking the car doors before leading her inside the house.

He thinks it's funny how casually he says they're home. Even though it's not his home, it certainly feels like one, he thinks. Lately, he's been spending most of his time around Niall's house, he even stays the night majority of time and half of his things are laying around the house. It's nice, he thinks, how slowly, but surely it has started to feel like the house is his home, too.

He gets lost in his thoughts, wondering how it would feel if he officially lived with Niall and Aisling. He blushes at the thought, deciding to push it away, thinking the thought isn't current. Him and Niall have never really discussed the topic and he thinks it might be too soon, anyway.

"Did you get any homework?" Harry asks as he is chopping some banana, making Aisling a bowl of yogurt with some fruits for snack.

"Yes, I have this," Aisling pulls out a maths book from her bag.

"Do you need help with that?" Harry hands over the bowl to her, asking if she wants anything to drink. She asks for juice and after giving it to her, he begins to make coffee.

"Hazzy, help," Aisling is soon whining, pointing at an exercise she can't solve.

He tries to help without giving out the actual answer, pressing a kiss on her temple when she solves it. She seems happy and momentarily, Harry feels like a proud parent whose child has just learned something new. He shakes the thought away, thinking he's being a bit silly.

Once she has finished with homework, she asks if they can go to the backyard. Harry nods his head, telling her to change to her proper outerwear so her good clothes won't get dirty.

A few weeks ago, right after Bobby and Maura's wedding, Bobby was feeling very generous and bought a children's sandbox for Niall's backyard. The large yard has been somewhat empty so far but now there is a sandbox in the middle.

Aisling is obsessed with it and wants to do sand cakes almost every single day. Harry thinks it's nice, she gets to be outside and they don't have to go anywhere. He can also leave her alone in the yard for a while since she always behaves well.

"Are you going to build a castle?" Harry asks, sitting on the edge of the sandbox, sipping his second cup of coffee.


"Do you need help?"

"Not yet!" She sounds energetic, causing Harry to chuckle.

"You're my favourite person Aisling, did you know that?" Harry asks, feeling a sudden rush of sappiness going through him. He looks at the little girl, feeling so much love for her, wondering how empty his life would be without Aisling and Niall in it.

"You always say I'm your best friend," Aisling thoughtfully says, focusing back on the sandcastle.

"That's very true and that makes you my favourite person in the world."

"Better than daddy?" She asks, giggling a little.

"Yes but don't tell him," Harry playfully comments, causing her to giggle more.

"I won't," she says, which means it'll be the first thing she does when Niall gets home. Harry knows Aisling can't keep secrets, chuckling to himself.

"Daddy!" Aisling is shrieking when she hears Niall's familiar shout, informing he's home.

"Daddy, guess what?" Aisling asks after clinging to Niall's leg.

"What my darling?" Niall chuckles.

"Hazzy said I'm better than you."

"Oh, why did he say that?"

"Said I'm his favourite, not you," Aisling giggles.

"Well, that's very understandable my darling, you're my favourite too," Niall happily says, picking her up to hug her.

"I am?"

"Of course you are," Niall presses a kiss on her temple before going to the living room, looking for his boyfriend who is laying on the couch, watching telly.

"Hi babe," Niall sits down on the end of the couch, holding Aisling on his lap.

"Hi, did you have a good day?"

"Yeah it was okay. What did you do today darling?" Niall's then talking to Aisling.

She begins to explain what they did in school, then telling about the pottery class she'll have tomorrow. She remembers to mention making something for Harry, Niall smiling shortly at that.

"Are you staying for dinner babe?" Niall realises to ask.

"Yeah sure, I have to go after that though, me and Liam are low on food again," Harry tells.

"No. Why are you going again? Don't go," Aisling starts protesting, hopping off of Niall's lap and going to Harry instead.

"You can't go," she sounds upset, wrapping her fingers around his wrist, holding onto it with both hands.

"You can't leave me," she continues.

"Aisling," Harry sighs, looking at her pouting her lower lip.

"No. You're always leaving, I don't like it," she informs.

"I always come back though, don't I?"

"Yes and then leave again."

"I'm still here every day," Harry tries, lifting her to sit next to him on the couch.

"But not tomorrow to make me breakfast."

"What's wrong with daddy's breakfast?"

"Everything," Aisling whines, clinging to Harry's arm.

"Let's make a deal. I can stay the night tomorrow, is that okay?"

"And today too."

"No, tomorrow."

"Okay," Aisling finally gives in.

It isn't until then when Harry realises to glance at Niall who doesn't look impressed at all. Harry can't decide if Niall looks upset, angry or simply disappointed. It kills Harry to see that sort of look on his boyfriend's face, wondering if there's something he could do, or if this is his fault.

"Need to pee," Aisling is then informing, hopping off of the couch and rushing to upstairs.

"Niall," Harry immediately goes to his boyfriend, sitting next to him, cupping his cheek.

"I hate when she does this," Niall breaths out without Harry having to ask.

"I hate it."

"I know," Harry mumbles, pressing a kiss on Niall's cheek.

"Maybe you should just move in."

"Are you serious?" Harry raises his eyebrows, feeling a little shocked.

"I don't know, maybe we should think about it," Niall's tone has gone gentle and he leans in, pecking Harry's lips.

"Okay, let's – let's think about it," Harry still feels taken aback, wondering if Niall is actually being serious.

"We should start cooking dinner," Niall then says, standing up already.

"Come on," he holds his hands out for Harry, pulling him up.

"I love you," he presses a kiss on Harry's cheek.

"Even though I said Aisling is my favourite?" Harry teases, wanting to lighten the mood.

"Even though you said that," Niall chuckles, patting Harry's bum.


The next day, Harry is waiting for Aisling outside the classroom, just like always.

Today isn't a typical day. Sofia, mother of Aisling's best friend Sammy, called Niall yesterday evening and asked if Sammy could spend the afternoon with Aisling and Harry.

Harry and Niall are friends with Sofia and know her quite well already. She is a single mother, only two years older than Niall, and Harry thinks she's really nice, as is her daughter. Sammy has spent time with Aisling and Harry before and Aisling has been around Sammy's house quite a few times already.

So instead of picking up just Aisling, Harry is going to leave with two children. He thinks they'll have a fun afternoon together, knowing Aisling probably wants to show Sammy her new sandbox.

"Hazzy!" Aisling is finally coming outside the classroom.

"Come, look," she is grabbing his hand, trying to drag him with her. He laughs at that, stepping inside the classroom, waving at Aisling's teacher.

"Hi Harry," the teacher recognises him already.

"Hello," Harry politely answers.

"Look! This is mine," Aisling is showing him a pottery piece she has done. Harry has no idea what it is, wanting to chuckle a little but holding it down.

"Oh wow, that's beautiful Aisling," he praises her.

"It's for you! Can't have it now, it's wet," she explains.

"Those need to dry until tomorrow and then they go to the oven, and then the children will paint them," the teacher is joining in the conversation.

"This is mine," Sammy's now talking, pointing at another pottery piece.

"Wow, that's really pretty too," Harry smiles at her, thinking it's nice how she isn't shy of him.

"Shall we get going then?" Harry asks from Aisling, saying goodbye to the teacher, leading the two little girls outside the classroom.

He didn't take the car with him, left it at Niall's house when he got off work, so they are walking. Aisling and Sammy are jumping along the street, Harry carrying both of their backpacks, trying to keep up with them. In no time they make it to Niall's, Harry letting the girls inside, asking if they want to have a snack.

Harry manages to talk the girls into doing their homework. At first they whine about it but finally give in when Harry asks for the third time. He mentally congratulates himself for succeeding, ruffling both of their hair and promising to help if they need it.

After finishing with the homework and eating some snack, Harry lets the girls outside to go to the sandbox. They're both excited for it, Aisling informing they'll build a massive castle together. Harry has made a cup of coffee for himself, drinking it outside while the girls are playing.

Niall sends him a reminder text about Sammy's mum picking her up at four thirty, Harry texting back to him and saying he remembers.

"Hazzy? Can you put a cake here?" Sammy is calling for him, pointing at a point where she wants a sandcake.

"Of course. What kind of cake do you want there?"

"This," she hands over a mold.

"Thanks Hazzy," she says after he has finished.

"Do you need another one somewhere?"

"Not now," she informs and goes back to putting more sand to a huge pile which is supposed to be a castle.

"Hazzy, I'm thirsty," Aisling is then whining, giving Harry a begging face. Her eyes look huge like this, spread wide open, lower lip pouting.

"Aisling," Harry laughs, reaching to pinch her cheek.

"Where are your manners today young lady? Ask nicely," he then teases, causing Aisling to giggle.

"Sorry. Can I please have juice?"

"Yes, you can," Harry smiles, asking if Sammy wants juice too, getting up and going inside.

Four thirty sharp, the doorbell rings.

Harry laughs when both Sammy and Aisling shriek and run to the door before him. They have to wait for him there since Aisling doesn't know how to open the door yet. Harry opens it, revealing Sammy's mother Sofia standing on the doorstep.

"Hi," he greets her.

"Hi Harry. Did you have a fun afternoon?" Sofia asks, laughing when her daughter clings to her leg.

"Mummy we had so much fun," Sammy informs her mother.

"That's lovely darling. Did you do your homework?"

"Hazzy made us," Sammy complains and Aisling joins her, Harry chuckling at them. Sofia mouths a thank you to him, Harry nodding his head as to say it's not a problem.

"Oh, I wanted to ask you something," Sofia suddenly says, Harry knitting his brows and wondering what it could possibly be.

"I was thinking of putting Sammy into a gymnastics class and I was wondering if Aisling would want to join her. I think the girls would like it," Sofia explains.

"That sounds good," Harry finds himself answering after thinking about it for a while.

"I need to ask Niall though. I'll tell him to call you?" He offers, Sofia nodding and smiling at him.

"Shall we get going then? Darling say bye to Aisling," Sofia tells her daughter.

Harry wants to coo when he watches the two girls hugging each other. He remembers to go and get Sammy's things from the living room, saying to Sofia it was nice to see her. They make plans that Sammy's going to Niall's again on Friday after school so the girls can spend time together.

Once the door closes, Aisling clings to Harry's leg and asks when Niall's coming home. Harry tells her it won't be too long and suggests they could start preparing dinner together. Aisling doesn't seem too fond of the idea so Harry makes a new suggestion, this time telling her she can play while he cooks dinner.

"Okay," Aisling likes the idea, a smile forming on her face.

"Great, go play in the living room," Harry tells her, watching her rushing off and chuckling quietly.

"Hazzy," Aisling comes to the kitchen while Harry's cooking dinner, clinging to his leg tightly.

"Hazzy, can I start gymnastics with Sammy?"

"You have to ask daddy about it," Harry answers, ruffling her curls and focusing back on his cooking.

"I asked you," Aisling uses a whining tone, pressing her face on Harry's hip.

"You need to ask daddy's permission," Harry continues, hoping she'll understand.

"But Hazzy, I'm asking you."

"I know love but you need to ask daddy, not me," Harry says one more time, wondering why it seems so hard. Normally Aisling agrees on things easily and doesn't put up any sorts of fights but this time, she isn't letting go that easily.

"Why? You can say yes too."

Harry sighs, deciding to keep quiet to see if it helps. Aisling keeps clinging to his leg, whining his name once but finally letting the topic go. She goes back to the living room while Harry finishes dinner, wondering what exactly happened and why she refused to understand him.

"Daddy!" Aisling shrieks immediately after Niall has shouted his usual 'I'm home'.

Harry steps to the hallway, seeing Aisling clinging to Niall's leg. Niall is chuckling and reaching to pick her up, pressing a kiss on her cheek.

"Daddy, me and Sammy start gymnastics soon. Hazzy said yes."

Niall looks surprised, eyes finding Harry's, raising his eyebrows in a questioning way. Harry knits his brows, wondering why Aisling had the idea he had given her permission. He sighs quietly, brows still knitted to a thin line.

"Aisling, I asked you to ask daddy about it, didn't I?" He finally comes up with.

"Daddy, can I start gymnastics? Please?" Aisling immediately asks, sounding like she's begging. She pokes Niall's nose, causing him to chuckle.

"Was it Sofia's idea?" Niall's obviously talking to Harry who nods, quickly explaining what Sofia said about it earlier.

"I guess it's alright," Niall is talking to Aisling then.

"I can go?" Aisling's eyes have widened and she pokes Niall's nose again.

"Yes you can go," Niall smiles shortly, pressing a kiss on her hair before putting her down on the ground.

"Thanks daddy darling," Aisling shrieks, clinging to his leg momentarily before rushing to Harry.

"Hazzy you take me and Sammy to gymnastics," she informs, clinging to his leg now. Harry chuckles a little, telling her Sofia might be the one taking them.

"You'll come to watch," Aisling decides, letting go of his leg and rushing to the kitchen, shrieking something about being hungry as she goes.

Harry looks at Niall who is chuckling, shaking his head. It causes Harry to chuckle a little too before he steps closer to Niall, pulling him in for a hug.

"Did you have a good day?" Harry murmurs while squeezing Niall.

"Yeah, did you?"

"Yeah. The girls had fun together, I promised Sofia Sammy could come here again on Friday."

"That's nice," Harry hears Niall commenting.

"I should probably call her about the gymnastics thing. Did you really say yes to Aisling?" Niall sounds curious, pulling away from the hug.

"No," Harry sighs, explaining the whole situation.

"Maybe she thought I'd say no and figured she'd have a better shot with you," Niall sounds playful, grinning happily.

"Seriously?" Harry raises his brows, wondering if it could be.

"You're the good parent," Niall comments, eyes widening then, slamming his palm against his mouth. Harry feels taken aback, thinking he must have heard wrong.

"I meant," Niall tries to say then.

"Fuck, you know what I meant. You're nicer than me, you know I'm the dad and you're, well you're the boyfriend but like, you might say yes easier than me. I'm just going to stop now," Niall realises he's rambling, closing his mouth.

"You mean like good cop bad cop?" Harry makes a comment.

"Something like that," Niall nods his head, starting to grin a little.

"I can be bad too," Harry suddenly says, Niall chuckling at that.

"No, you can't."

"Yes I can."

"Harry, you can't say no to Aisling. You never have."

"Yes I can."

"No, you can't."

"Fine, fine. I give up," Harry raises his hands and laughs a little.

"See. Good one, bad one," Niall does a pointing gesture between them, laughing himself.

"Is dinner ready?" He then remembers to ask.

"Yeah," Harry happily says, leaning in to kiss Niall.

"You really think that's why Aisling was trying to ask me?" Harry questions out loud.

"I really do," Niall grins before going to the kitchen, Harry following him.

"For the record, I could say no. I mean, I can learn."

"You can't," Niall laughs, helping to take the dinner out of the oven. Aisling is already sitting in her seat, seeming eager to get food already.

"Aisling, ask me something," Harry gets an idea, talking to the little girl while filling her plate.

"Ask you what?" Aisling sounds confused.

"Ask me to buy something for you. Anything."

"Buy me -" Aisling starts, stopping there and looking like she's doing some deep thinking.

"A horse," she decides, grinning afterwards.

"No Aisling, I won't buy you a horse," Harry happily announces, handing over her plate. She giggles, obviously finding it funny and Harry smiles shortly before turning to Niall.

"See, I can say no," he proudly says, Niall shaking his head.

"You're impossible," he looks at Harry fondly before tapping his nose.

"Let's eat dinner," Niall then tells him, a smile glued to his face.

That night, Harry is laying in bed, reading a book.

It's ten thirty already but he doesn't feel sleepy, caught with an interesting book and wanting to carry on reading it. Eventually, he decides to put the book away and get some sleep.

He looks at his left, smiling at the sight. In the middle of Niall's large bed is Aisling, sleeping peacefully. She came to the bedroom earlier, whining about not being sleepy. Niall made an exception and let her stay and now she's sleeping between them, holding her teddy against her chest.

Niall is asleep too and Harry reaches to caress his forehead before finally turning off the light and getting a comfortable position. Once he's found one, he gets lost in his thoughts.

He thinks about Aisling's new possible hobby, remembering the girls are going to the gym next Wednesday. Sammy's mum Sofia promised she would take the girls, Niall called her earlier and arranged it all. Harry promised he would go with them, only because Aisling kept begging him and he really couldn't say no. He huffs to himself, thinking maybe Niall had a point.

He really can't say no to Aisling, mostly because he wants to make the little girl happy. He sighs, a small smile growing on his face when he thinks about what Niall says.

Good parent, he silently thinks, smiling shortly before drifting off to sleep.


Let me know your thoughts on this. What do you think, is Harry the good parent and Niall the bad one?  Do any of you like gymnastics? I picked it as Aisling's hobby because besides ice-hockey and Finnish baseball, I know most about gymnastics. Finnish baseball and ice-hockey sadly weren't very realistic choices so I went with gymnastics! 

Also I'm not sure if you remember but in My Hazzy 1 I used to dedicate chapter to everyone who left nice comments or asked for the dedication. I kind of want to do it again because why not, so please if you want a dedication don't hesitate to ask. And if you want to ask something else and you really want my answer, I'd prefer you private messaging me here (or write on my profile) or on Twitter. I don't check the comments that often and I don't go back to older chapters to check them, either. Just so you know if you need to reach me, the comment box isn't the best choice. I don't have my Wattpad notifications on either unless someone messages me or writes on my profile so that's why I'm more likely to see those.x

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